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Sheffield 2013

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God I hope this is resolved soon, its getting so tedious.


It becomes tedious as soon as one person starts to bully another over semantics. It's quite clear what the orginal poster was trying to say about the Wells situation, but another has taken it upon themselves to question every nuance in a typically repetitive and pointless BSF fashion.


All teams have got a budget, and they will try to persuade the riders they want usign the budget they've got, in the hope that the usual market rules of supply and demand will come into play. Wells may still decide to give it a go - it all depends on the standards he sets himself. If he can get away without a retune or three and/or he finds a new sponsor or two, he might decide to sign on the dotted line.


The same applies to any riders currently looking for a team place, and those promoters looking to fill the remaining few spots.

Edited by Roger Jacobs
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Wonder if Machin will have learnt another valuable lesson this year, don't naff off on holiday until he has done team himself instead of leaving the one man disaster Hoggy in charge.

To be fair to Hoggy he did put together the 2011 team and that was the best and most entertaining Sheffield teams since the League winning team..

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The thing is then though we had input from Machin, Hoggy and Boocock, this year it is just one huge mess. Team has been built in such a bad way that were going to fall way short of points limit whoever we sign.

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Yes i agree we are in a recession but is it right to offer some one less money for risking life and limb to entertain us ? Riders costs escalate every year.It gets beyond a joke.So to take a pay cut then have more potential earnings taken away from you due to not getting 3rd place bonus points is a farce.Because of this stupid rule we will now see team mates racing against each other for an extra few quid,that will do alot for team spirit.If you dont want wells because you obviously arent a fan of him then who do you suggest as a better option ?


Costs are rising; revenues aren't. So who takes the pain off the losses; the rider? the promotors? The spectators? Or do you share the pain around? If it is the latter then the riders should expect to take soem of the pain.


The riders are not risking life and limb to entertain us; they are competitive sports people who want to be the best at their chosen sport, the down side is they do risk life and limb becuase that is the nature of the sport they choose to do.

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Ah, bless... never actually had to negotiate for anything in the real world then.


Assuming the first sentence is meant to suggest that Wells would sign if he was offered the same as last year, here's a question:


If he made a loss last year, why would he agree to the same terms this year? "Simple economics says that the rider will turn that deal down, whether he('s) a foreigner or British"


Whatever the going rate was last year, it's different this year - for any number of riders - even run of the mill foreigners.




I don't know.


But then again you haven't furnished anyone with financial details of "the same sort of deal". Or the demands of any of the available riders.

Lets say a rider is on £40 a point ,

he needs £11,000 to purchase a van and 2 bikes ,

he has a 7 point average which means he should earn £280 a meeting ?

minus £5 pound a start ,£20 for oil, £10 for fuel,£43 for a tyre.

he is given 10p a mile travel money to pay for his van and fuel he does a 140 mile round trip costing £30 odd quid in fuel but is given £14 to cover that and pay for his van !

which leaves him with £171 left £70 of this needs to go toward his next engine service so he now has £101 to pay for a mechanic and the loan he took out to buy his 2 bikes and a van plus pay for road tax and insurance and van running costs tyres ect .

oh and on top of that he will needs to buy around £1500- £2000 worth of saftey gear kevlars helmet boots gloves goggles steel shoe body armour ect ..... maybe this is why some are greedy and ask for the club to pay for there tyre ? if a rider of this level is costing a club a fortune.... speedway is in very big problems maybe its time to let the mole in LOL ........

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The thing is then though we had input from Machin, Hoggy and Boocock, this year it is just one huge mess. Team has been built in such a bad way that were going to fall way short of points limit whoever we sign.


But is it really so necessary to built a team that goes right up to the points limit,maybe Sheffield are going down the route of signing riders who`s averages are going to improve,and dont forget Simon Stead has taken up a fair chunk.Id admit on the face of things the Sheffield team so far doesnt look the strongest but lets see what the team looks like when its complete and what happens when the racing gets started.

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The thing is then though we had input from Machin, Hoggy and Boocock, this year it is just one huge mess. Team has been built in such a bad way that were going to fall way short of points limit whoever we sign.


If you think Machin has had no input you are deluding yourself, without Hoggy there would be no team at all this year but let me assure you Hoggy is in full and regular contact, I've heard him moan about his phone bills to Oz. Your bold assumption that Machin is on holiday, like all your other assumptions is way off the mark now be a good boy and leave the forum alone you'll be late with your bus and then everyone will be moaning at you for a change. #IhateyouButler

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Costs are rising; revenues aren't. So who takes the pain off the losses; the rider? the promotors? The spectators? Or do you share the pain around? If it is the latter then the riders should expect to take soem of the pain.


The riders are not risking life and limb to entertain us; they are competitive sports people who want to be the best at their chosen sport, the down side is they do risk life and limb becuase that is the nature of the sport they choose to do.

Which ever way you want to dress it up entertainment or competetive sports person they are still risking their lives as we witnessed last season with lee richardson .I wonder how many more riders will have accepted less this year in either elite or premier league.Add to that the potential loss of bonus point earnings and i can see a few of the lesser riders packing up.Cant see steady wanting to team ride with our new lads and lose money.Look at chris schramm last season ,he couldnt make it pay.How many 3rd places did he get and how much effort did he put in for them ? Poor decision by the promoters.
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Sheffield are going down the route of signing riders who`s averages are going to improve,


Which ones? cant see any of the five we have signed who will improve, hopefully some will maintain their starting average


of the two others suggested, richard hall hasnt improved his average in years


If we sign wells he could improve his


so we might have gone down the route of signing one rider who could improve

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Which ever way you want to dress it up entertainment or competetive sports person they are still risking their lives as we witnessed last season with lee richardson .I wonder how many more riders will have accepted less this year in either elite or premier league.Add to that the potential loss of bonus point earnings and i can see a few of the lesser riders packing up.Cant see steady wanting to team ride with our new lads and lose money.Look at chris schramm last season ,he couldnt make it pay.How many 3rd places did he get and how much effort did he put in for them ? Poor decision by the promoters.


I understand what you are saying but i think you miss the point. Riders have a choice, nobody forces them to race speedway. If the money is too low, quit; if the risks of serious injury are too high, quit. I can't imagine too many kids are thinking to themselves, "how much am I going to earn if I take up speedway?", if they love the sport they just want to have a go. I don't think risk assessment rates as a major consideration when kids start racing; again they just want to have a go.


So to argue that they risk life and limb then link this to the rates they are paid is a false argument; the two should never be connected. As soon as a rider starts thinking that way it surely is time to quit.

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I understand what you are saying but i think you miss the point. Riders have a choice, nobody forces them to race speedway. If the money is too low, quit; if the risks of serious injury are too high, quit. I can't imagine too many kids are thinking to themselves, "how much am I going to earn if I take up speedway?", if they love the sport they just want to have a go. I don't think risk assessment rates as a major consideration when kids start racing; again they just want to have a go.


So to argue that they risk life and limb then link this to the rates they are paid is a false argument; the two should never be connected. As soon as a rider starts thinking that way it surely is time to quit.

Im not missing the point and agree with your comment but how can any rider be expected to ride for less than the prvious year ? If they earn less through injury or poor form then so be it,Thats life,I dont know what deal he was on but knowing sheffield promotion it wont have been top dollar.So if we dont get ricky who do you think will ride for us on the money thats on offer ? As it stands if we get ricky and hally we are 1 1/2 points under the limit.Alot of pressure on the new lads to sustain their averages.
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Im not missing the point and agree with your comment but how can any rider be expected to ride for less than the prvious year ? If they earn less through injury or poor form then so be it,Thats life,I dont know what deal he was on but knowing sheffield promotion it wont have been top dollar.So if we dont get ricky who do you think will ride for us on the money thats on offer ? As it stands if we get ricky and hally we are 1 1/2 points under the limit.Alot of pressure on the new lads to sustain their averages.


I and many others are working for less than last year. I don't condone this but it's either that or find another job. Why should any sports people be protected from the economic realties of life under the coalition government. It is the lower paid workers/manual workers that are suffering because of Cameron and his mate; many speedway followers fall in to this bracket. If they are suffering this has to have a knock on effect on the sport and if you are to balance the books that will affect riders.

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What I am saying is why do the club pursue a rider who stated last season that he lost money riding for Sheffield for one reason or another. Why do they offer him less money for this year. surely you know what the answer is going to be, why not look for alternative riders.


The club has budget fair enough but why go for a rider who yuo simply cannot afford.



Obviously, we only have Ricky's word that he actually lost money last season - no-one actually know the reality.


I do know that if I were trying to negotiate a better deal for this year, I would maybe consider making the claim that I lost money on the previous year's deal.


It's the oldest trick in the book - ask any used car salesman.

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