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Sheffield 2013

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Well I enjoy watching speedway at Owlerton. Enjoyed last year and will support the Tigers this year. We'll win most of our home meetings and should be entertaining. Don't get this negative stuff. Need to get behind the team and stop the sniping.

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I agree with Third man,ive been going 51 years seen all the good and bad sides.I think next season if we are not competetive and changes are needed then it has to happen .Its ok been loyal but the fans are not going to support a team of losers after last season.I hope as we all do that the team gell and prove us all wrong.The team is a big gamble with 4 assessed averages,a 2nd string who achieved his average at reserve,wells should improve and hally who could have greg hancocks bikes and get no better.Not my first choice team selection but i will be there like the rest of us.Good luck lads,

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I don't think that Dave Hoggart is blackmailing the fans either, the crowds having been going down slowly for quite few seasons now even in 2011 when we had a good competitive team, but last season it was so alarming that really did fear this coming season they would pull the plug.


Looking at this season Oilyrag, is right its not people like him or myself that the Promotion has to convince the likes of me, him, Squall or even Third Man who attended most or nearly all of the meetings last season it those who did not go or were very occasional followers.


They started pretty well with the team building this season bringing back.


The rider that most Sheffield fans wanted back from last season Joe Haines (The rider that Oilyrag said this time last year was on the slide).


Then there was Damien Koppe a decent signing, seen and read alot about him on the internet seems like a solid rider.


Then the Ace in the Pack Simon Stead, local lad and very popular with the Sheffield crowd and will prove an excellent Leader of the Team.


The problem then is what we have signed since;


Jake Knight, which okay we could have still covered his loss of points as we still had a fair few points to cover on other riders.


Then Facu Albin, seen a bit of him, has an exciting racing style and I think the crowd will take to him like they did with Kyle Legault, but very inexperienced.


The next two are hotly tipped to be Ricky Wells and Richard Hall, Ricky I think will be a good signing again I think that he has unfinished business, and he was a different rider at the end of the season. Richard Hall well he rides Sheffield well.


The big problem with this team is that the Promotion has taken what I think is a massive, massive gamble


They have or rumoured to be signing three of the poorest Sheffield team in recent year.


And three rider on assessed averages,


The big problem is that will fans be willing to pay to see a team that consists of three of the riders in what was the poorest team in the clubs recent history (Should have no more than two in my opinion).


And three riders on assessed average that fans have no or limited knowledge or form guide to go on.


Its a massive massive gamble that the Promotion are taking and I just pray that they pull it off.


I do think that the team is better than last seasons team, and I think it will be a team that will be entertaining, but will it be enough to satisfy the stay away fans. I hope it does, but at the moment I have my doubts. . ,

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I don't think that Dave Hoggart is blackmailing the fans either, the crowds having been going down slowly for quite few seasons now even in 2011 when we had a good competitive team, but last season it was so alarming that really did fear this coming season they would pull the plug.


Looking at this season Oilyrag, is right its not people like him or myself that the Promotion has to convince the likes of me, him, Squall or even Third Man who attended most or nearly all of the meetings last season it those who did not go or were very occasional followers.


They started pretty well with the team building this season bringing back.


The rider that most Sheffield fans wanted back from last season Joe Haines (The rider that Oilyrag said this time last year was on the slide).


Then there was Damien Koppe a decent signing, seen and read alot about him on the internet seems like a solid rider.


Then the Ace in the Pack Simon Stead, local lad and very popular with the Sheffield crowd and will prove an excellent Leader of the Team.


The problem then is what we have signed since;


Jake Knight, which okay we could have still covered his loss of points as we still had a fair few points to cover on other riders.


Then Facu Albin, seen a bit of him, has an exciting racing style and I think the crowd will take to him like they did with Kyle Legault, but very inexperienced.


The next two are hotly tipped to be Ricky Wells and Richard Hall, Ricky I think will be a good signing again I think that he has unfinished business, and he was a different rider at the end of the season. Richard Hall well he rides Sheffield well.


The big problem with this team is that the Promotion has taken what I think is a massive, massive gamble


They have or rumoured to be signing three of the poorest Sheffield team in recent year.


And three rider on assessed averages,


The big problem is that will fans be willing to pay to see a team that consists of three of the riders in what was the poorest team in the clubs recent history (Should have no more than two in my opinion).


And three riders on assessed average that fans have no or limited knowledge or form guide to go on.


Its a massive massive gamble that the Promotion are taking and I just pray that they pull it off.


I do think that the team is better than last seasons team, and I think it will be a team that will be entertaining, but will it be enough to satisfy the stay away fans. I hope it does, but at the moment I have my doubts. . ,


Not for the first time you have put it in a nutshell. Not biased, not slanted, not positive, not negative, just a completely realistic and honest opinion based upon the facts and evidence we have.


I think you are dead right and that the gamble is high stakes: the very existence of Sheffield Speedway.

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This thread is showing a couple of Sheffield fans to be as guilty of destructive criticism as the (very) odd offenders at Ipswich and Berwick in the past!


As has been repeatedly pointed out, the Tigers have serious financial constraints and are limited on what could have been achieved in happier times.


Accept what's on the table, even if it is bread and water, it is food. Take it to keep going with, until the good times roll around again.


As with Joe Haines, who was not a popular choice last season. each of the signings (old and new) could prove the pleasantest of surprises.


As has been pointed out, but always ignored, the gung-ho approach to "signing the best" didn't work out too well at Newport or Reading (Bulldogs), did it?


Even in his considered criticism, Spin King finds something good to say about each of the riders.


Don't panic, let's wait and see what happens -- but please, don't heap all the blame on the promotion. Its their money, they have to spend it as best they feel they can, introducing new faces as club assets for the future, and aiming to stabilise the ship.


If those who feel it is sinking want to be rats, then off you go..........

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Don't panic, let's wait and see what happens -- but please, don't heap all the blame on the promotion. Its their money, they have to spend it as best they feel they can, introducing new faces as club assets for the future, and aiming to stabilise the ship.


If those who feel it is sinking want to be rats, then off you go..........


No punches pulled there, then! Fair comment though.

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Come on you Tigers fans give young Jake a break . His father was an England international . had some great years at Kings Lynn and Berwick and was a thoroughly nice bloke as well . but you would deny the kid his chance to ride his fathers coat tails , surely you dont want Sheffield to sign riders whose only pedigree is proven ability and dedication no let them get dissilusioned and go back to MX. no wonder theres no British talent to look forward to when you won't give a lad a chance based on his fathers ability

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Come on you Tigers fans give young Jake a break . His father was an England international . had some great years at Kings Lynn and Berwick and was a thoroughly nice bloke as well . but you would deny the kid his chance to ride his fathers coat tails , surely you dont want Sheffield to sign riders whose only pedigree is proven ability and dedication no let them get dissilusioned and go back to MX. no wonder theres no British talent to look forward to when you won't give a lad a chance based on his fathers ability


just to play devils advocate can i just mention kym mauger and tony briggs and many other examples of sons not being able to follow in their fathers tyre prints.


like i have already said, Jake impresed me with his enthusiasm and the fact he wants to ride at sheffield at the STARRS meeting, i hope he and all the other newcomers do well, i hope my opinion is not proven to be fact, but we will have to wait and see

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just to play devils advocate can i just mention kym mauger and tony briggs and many other examples of sons not being able to follow in their fathers tyre prints.


like i have already said, Jake impresed me with his enthusiasm and the fact he wants to ride at sheffield at the STARRS meeting, i hope he and all the other newcomers do well, i hope my opinion is not proven to be fact, but we will have to wait and see


Good example with Kym but not Tony Briggs.

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Christmas Surprise For Tigers Fans


The Sheffield Window Centre Tigers have made a U-turn and signed Sean Wilson, Andre Compton, Doug Wyer, Reg Wilson, Bengt Larsson, Arnold Haley, and Bob Valentine. The move is to hope the 1000s of stay-away fans that continue to live in the past will flock to Owlerton and fill up the promotions pockets with wads of £50 notes.

Oilyrag was heard to say "Brilliant! The good old days are back. Now I can be a happy old fart, and enjoy my speedway once again."

But, it wasn't all good news. Spin King Junior was left looking like he'd just discovered there isn;t really a Father Christmas , and cried "Who is Bengt Larsson?" while wiping away a few tears.



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just to play devils advocate can i just mention kym mauger and tony briggs and many other examples of sons not being able to follow in their fathers tyre prints.


like i have already said, Jake impressed me with his enthusiasm and the fact he wants to ride at sheffield at the STARRS meeting, i hope he and all the other newcomers do well, i hope my opinion is not proven to be fact, but we will have to wait and see

And don't forget WE are in the second tier of Speedway! He doesn't need to be as good as his dad! 60% would be amazing. 40% would be acceptable. Surely the thing is that he has someone in his corner who has been there seen it done it AND got the T shirt.


Funny thing is Sheffield get criticised for recycling their asset base every year and then when they try something different guess what!

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And don't forget WE are in the second tier of Speedway! He doesn't need to be as good as his dad! 60% would be amazing. 40% would be acceptable. Surely the thing is that he has someone in his corner who has been there seen it done it AND got the T shirt.


Funny thing is Sheffield get criticised for recycling their asset base every year and then when they try something different guess what!

good job having your dad ride isn't the only way of getting a team place . Although If I were a kid trying to break into speedway today I would definitely take the easy option and claim Jason Crump was my Dad or we would never have seen the likes of Ash birks , richie and steve worrall , adam ellis even Mark Loram , theres only one thing that can open doors like an old school tie and that is class !! for those without any the former will have to suffice

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Anyone thought of Kevin Wolbert as i am sure he must be without a team


A number of riders are without a team, usually for good reasons. Sheffield have a budget, and a Germany-based rider with regular commitment to Poland and the expanding European Championships would hardly help keep costs down to the required level.

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And don't forget WE are in the second tier of Speedway! He doesn't need to be as good as his dad! 60% would be amazing. 40% would be acceptable. Surely the thing is that he has someone in his corner who has been there seen it done it AND got the T shirt.


Funny thing is Sheffield get criticised for recycling their asset base every year and then when they try something different guess what!

there you go again accepting second best :lol: :lol: :lol:


Perhaps I should have explained. If Richard was, say an 8 point rider at Elite level, then based on the current conversions 60% would make Jake an 8 pointer at PL level and 40% would be 5.33. I'd settle for that! In fact he only needs to be 22.5% as good as his dad for him to perform to his assessed average!

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