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Sheffield 2013

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It says in The Sheffield Star today that Richard Hall is likely to be back.


And for a brief moment I genuinely thought the promotion cared about getting the fans back. Hall is without a doubt not the answer to our problems. Imagine if we sign Albin as well! Wooden spoon here we come....

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Well with the addition of Richard Hall to what we already have. I can only guess the last two riders to finish the team. The best pair I could come up with is Wells and North, although I doubt very much this will be the two we get. The longer it drags on the less likely I feel we'll capture Wells again.

With the above in mind I think we are out and out favourites for the wooden spoon. I know some teams are not completed but several have a stronger look than us already. Even our usual safety net Plymouth look as though they can put out a better side than us just with the remaining unused riders from last season. I certainly can.


If my funds are short next season and it's a choice of one meeting a week, I think Scunny will be getting my hard earned cash. Stead may bring a few back for the first few meetings but after that I worry for the survival of the club.

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Imo sheffield need to be very careful. We need a exiting team to get the fans in from the start of the season. Because in April the austerety kick's in and i can see money being verty tight. If people don't come at the start of the season you might not get them at all. The last 3 signing's need to be good ones. The reserves look to be a big gamble. But we need to give them a chance. I no it's not my money but if possible Mr Machin any chance you can push the boat out for the last 3 rider's. If we have a team like last season it will be all over for the Tigers


I have just read what Mr Hoggart has said in the Sheffield star. Have heard it all before spent a lot of money on new machinery. Did that last season . Still no better away from home. Average still about the same for the last few years . Going no ware. What's next Sanchez

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You will find the Sheffield support is split down the middle regarding Richard, some want him back because he is entertaining, others don't simply because his away form is so poor.


Me I fall into the latter category, I just don't think he brings to the team what we need and generally he has at least one poor race in a home meeting that lets him down.



Yeah understand more now. I think that Simon Stead can have a similar effect to Sean Wilson, I am not saying the whole thing but stead is class. Maybe others will have to step up. Sheffield should be up there winning things the club is geared for success. I think away from home you need someone to back Simon up, especially on tracks like Edinburgh, Plymouth that are massively different from your own.

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Steady and haines - great signings

Koppe and knight - no idea how they will get on

Richard returning - might be a top lad but he promises every year to improve away from home and never does same as birko!


Sorry Sheffield you had me back every week at the signing of steady and haines but will pick and choose, every other club is way more ambitious than sheffield it seems and hoggy just do one and let machin run the club how he used too!

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Cannot believe such negative attitudes. A club needs to win at home and entertain spectators. What happens out on the road is neither here nor there. Tigers have in Stead, Hall and Haines a trio to help the first bit. In Koppe, Knight and the suggested Facundo Albin they have new names who will try their damndest to prove themselves and be entertaining in the process. Plus a handy number of points to fit in the final jigsaw piece. Within a sensible budget. So what's the problem? The people on here who are already posting they'll pick and choose meetings, etc, are clearly the kind of people who get all the rest of us tarred by the now-famous phrase "forum fannies". Which I don't like, but have to agree with when I read such posts.

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Well if I am been optimistic, then I would say it only says likely.


But I guess what that really means is he is back.


It says he has been told improve his away form.


That could mean he will be dropped if he does not.


But what it really means is Richard Hall will again ride at number 4, have three or four decent rides and 1 poor race.


Oh Well/ .

Edited by spin king
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I think a lot of fans are just fed up of us being left behind completely by other clubs even the newbie clubs! I only pick and choose because of a certain promoter, once he is gone I will be back week in week out again.

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Cannot believe such negative attitudes. A club needs to win at home and entertain spectators. What happens out on the road is neither here nor there. Tigers have in Stead, Hall and Haines a trio to help the first bit. In Koppe, Knight and the suggested Facundo Albin they have new names who will try their damndest to prove themselves and be entertaining in the process. Plus a handy number of points to fit in the final jigsaw piece. Within a sensible budget. So what's the problem? The people on here who are already posting they'll pick and choose meetings, etc, are clearly the kind of people who get all the rest of us tarred by the now-famous phrase "forum fannies". Which I don't like, but have to agree with when I read such posts.



Sorry but this is a sport, not just a business. No one sane would get involved with promoting speedway to make money out of it. Teams need to perform home and away. People go to watch their team in the hope they will win and that they will win trophies at the end of the season. If you take the attitude that you'll only bother at home then you're only ever going to be an also ran which begs the question, why bother running at all?


This post is not aimed at Sheffield btw but a general trend which seems to be taking over British Speedway.

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Funny, because I had thought the general trend that has taken over Speedway was its all about today, and not tomorrow.



While, no one sane would get involved to make money out of speedway, it would be insane to think anyone will run a speedway club at a loss, and to the point of extinction (which would be the end result if clubs track the BSF fantasy sides a lot of fans wish for).



Most clubs will be looking to break even across the year, that’s just common sense.



Of course every club wants to be competitive away, but the bread and butter, and thing that will ensure clubs longer term futures, is a entertaining home side, that’s where most clubs will focus, more so with things the way they currently are.



Every club has to get the basic right, which is an entertaining night of racing at home, what comes after that is an addition.



Given what happened to Sheffield last season, the best option to safeguard the future of the club would be looking after their home meetings first, everything after that is a bonus, a decent season at home, going unbeaten and picking up 3 points most weeks will see most sides in and around the Play Off hunt, its understandable clubs are making that their priority.


A lot of stick is aimed the way of Machin (and Silver), it isnt a coincidence that both have been involved for years and won multiple trophies, they aren’t the idiots a lot on here make them out to be, they are just a bit more pragmatic than fans want them to be.

Edited by wjm
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I'm sorry to the people who think its wrong to be negative. But I am not going to join in only when I feel I have something good to say. A forum is for fans different opinions, it's not about blowing smoke where the sun don't shine towards riders or the promotion. Credit where credits due!


In the real world I would like my team to hammer every team at home, pick up a few points away and be at least contenders for the play offs. But my personal opinion is the team, be it only on paper is very poor, and that's before all other teams are completed.


Many fans expressed their feelings about last seasons team before the season started, saying it was so poor that they had lost interest. Unfortunately fans backed this up when the season started and the club ended the year second from bottom with talk of packing up if the crowds didn't improve. I don't expect the promotion to go out and blow the bank on a set of riders. But it does seem their team building plans are non-existent when it comes to a competitive team. Makes me wonder why Boocock left. I still went every week last season and I'll try to go as often this season but as a fan of speedway I want to be entertained for my money. I want to go to a meeting with hope that we will win. But I'm afraid this team, however it's finished just doesn't fill me with excitement or hope. Like someone else has said if your not going to try and be competitive what's the point in me wasting my money.


And yes I'll give these lads a chance, in a different mix I'd be happy to have any of them but as a 1-7 I'm just not convinced. I'd be extremely happy for them all to prove me wrong and I'll quite rightly take any criticism for doing so.

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I was a critic of the team building last year and may be again this season as well. You can spend your money where you want Friddy75 but, for me, the thought of going to watch another team because they are better just doesn't come into it.


Would I have gone to watch Belle Vue because they had Collins and Morton rather than the Tigers - of course not.


It would be like going to watch Sheffield United when they were in the Premier League - perish the thought.


I would predict that Mr. Machin might well have lost money last year and he has pushed the boat out to give the fans what they want in a proper number one who will be in the top five riders in the league and fantastic to watch. I would prefer a new third heat leader but I suppose the budget has got to be set and balanced.

Edited by tigerowl
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One of the problems last season was that we didn't have a number one. That problem has been solved.


If the team turns out to be Stead, Wells, Hall, Albin, Koppe, Haines and Knight, so be it. But Stead is a massive improvement on Franc, Albin (if he comes) is exciting and could turn into a crowd favourite, Koppe is an unknown quantity and Knight can be replaced if he doesn't cut it in the first month. I would have preferred to see us go for Lambert and Stefan Nielsen at reserve but the number one is the main issue for me and that has been sorted.

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Most teams have ups and downs over the years. Most fans take the rough with the smooth.


If you don't turn out to support your team (whatever it's makeup) - then you'll ultimately get what you deserve - poorer and poorer teams and eventually no speedway at all.

Edited by Shale Shaker
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I don't mind Hally but they have to prepare the track to suit him with shale ankle deep on the outside which will also suit Stead , how many times last season did you see him go for the blast round the outside on bends 3 and 4 and it just didnt happen ... infact the best overtaking line on bend 4 was the inside last season !




WJM ... with how the team is shaping up they will not win all the home meetings !

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I'm a tigers fan and have been for 32 years. I'll always be a tigers fan. But my funds are very restricted. When I spend my money I want to watch some good speedway, I don't expect to win ever week. But I do want to be satisfied by my weekly fix of speedway. Do you watch Elite league on Sky and Gps? I do doesn't make me a supporter of Poole or Swindon. Just means I love speedway and want to see more of it. If I can only afford to watch one meeting a week I feel I'll get better value else where!

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Most teams have ups and downs over the years. Most fans take the rough with the smooth.


If you don't turn out to support your team (whatever it's makeup) - then you'll ultimately get what you deserve - poorer and poorer teams and eventually no speedway at all.



SS the entertainment value went at Sheffield when they took all the shale off from the Sean Wilson and Birko days , now it is just processional (sp?) boring races 90% of the time , add the poor team building and you can see why the crowd figures have dropped by more than half in the last ten years.



The fanbase is there ... its just something worth watching that needs providing !

Edited by OILYRAG
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