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Berwick V Ipswich Pl Saturday Sept 15th 7-00pm

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Can't argue with that, I have my gripes, but I put them directly to those in charge, not on here.

This Promotion, as much as many - but probably more - listen to what the fans want.


It is important that fans talk directly to their Promotion, and not come on here and bump their gums. It doesn't do anything other than harm. It is also cowardly, as the party being attacked have no means of defending themselves.


Also, I know that the Berwick Promotion want to hear what fans want. If you give the fans what they want, then they will keep coming.

The reasons I always try to be positive on here are:

  • I remember how hard-up Berwick Speedway was when Peter had decided it was time to call it a day.
  • The Waites and Andersons took over a tough sport in tough times. I doubt many have the financial, or business, wherewithal to do that. I know I don't.
  • The facilities have been vastly improved. Most notable toilets and catering.
  • The fans wanted a bar, it has been put in place.
  • Hospitality has been greatly improved.
  • Programme has been greatly improved.
  • The 3rd bend area is now always well-kept, and has a decent fence to lean on (important for the more ample chap, like myself).
  • I have brought several new faces this year, all have been personally welcomed by someone from the management team.
  • The track surface is miles better than the ploughed-field days (just look at some old DVDs!).
  • The once dangerous 2nd bend has been fixed.
  • The lighting has been improved.
  • New track shop.
  • Rejuvenated supporters club.
  • We are Fours Champions.
  • Stages an FIM event.
  • Did I mention we a Fours Champions?
  • One of the unsung heroes, Dennis McCleary has been recognised and make a co-promoter.
  • We've had some ambitious signings (not all have worked, and yes I know not all are assets): Alden, Ashworth, Kozza, Gjedde, Aspegren, Bellego).
  • We've brought a number of new assets in (Edberg, Alden, Barrett, Bellego, Albin), sure I've missed some out there.
  • We've had some really progressive ideas, especially the brave decision to drop admission to £10 for several meetings now. Very brave, and one that looks to have paid off handsomely. That alone, as a gesture, shows how much the Promotion value the supporters, and also realise that it is tough times for many.

OK, we have had some ropey results, but we have been through 16 changes to the team through injury this season, and ended up pretty clear from the bottom.


I support my team. That means not coming on here to air my gripes, because I can do that privately and with discretion.

I actually don't really have any gripes, in general, I think it is an exceptionally well run club.


Like I say, I support my team, and proud to say I am a Berwick supporter.


Since this is a forum for discussion, I would welcome an opposite post to this with a list of what some of the less positive posters think could be improved.


Can't argue with that, I have my gripes, but I put them directly to those in charge, not on here.

This Promotion, as much as many - but probably more - listen to what the fans want.


It is important that fans talk directly to their Promotion, and not come on here and bump their gums. It doesn't do anything other than harm. It is also cowardly, as the party being attacked have no means of defending themselves.


Also, I know that the Berwick Promotion want to hear what fans want. If you give the fans what they want, then they will keep coming.

The reasons I always try to be positive on here are:

  • I remember how hard-up Berwick Speedway was when Peter had decided it was time to call it a day.
  • The Waites and Andersons took over a tough sport in tough times. I doubt many have the financial, or business, wherewithal to do that. I know I don't.
  • The facilities have been vastly improved. Most notable toilets and catering.
  • The fans wanted a bar, it has been put in place.
  • Hospitality has been greatly improved.
  • Programme has been greatly improved.
  • The 3rd bend area is now always well-kept, and has a decent fence to lean on (important for the more ample chap, like myself).
  • I have brought several new faces this year, all have been personally welcomed by someone from the management team.
  • The track surface is miles better than the ploughed-field days (just look at some old DVDs!).
  • The once dangerous 2nd bend has been fixed.
  • The lighting has been improved.
  • New track shop.
  • Rejuvenated supporters club.
  • We are Fours Champions.
  • Stages an FIM event.
  • Did I mention we a Fours Champions?
  • One of the unsung heroes, Dennis McCleary has been recognised and make a co-promoter.
  • We've had some ambitious signings (not all have worked, and yes I know not all are assets): Alden, Ashworth, Kozza, Gjedde, Aspegren, Bellego).
  • We've brought a number of new assets in (Edberg, Alden, Barrett, Bellego, Albin), sure I've missed some out there.
  • We've had some really progressive ideas, especially the brave decision to drop admission to £10 for several meetings now. Very brave, and one that looks to have paid off handsomely. That alone, as a gesture, shows how much the Promotion value the supporters, and also realise that it is tough times for many.

OK, we have had some ropey results, but we have been through 16 changes to the team through injury this season, and ended up pretty clear from the bottom.


I support my team. That means not coming on here to air my gripes, because I can do that privately and with discretion.

I actually don't really have any gripes, in general, I think it is an exceptionally well run club.


Like I say, I support my team, and proud to say I am a Berwick supporter.


Since this is a forum for discussion, I would welcome an opposite post to this with a list of what some of the less positive posters think could be improved.

Good Post IMO

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But you're a fan, and like me will go come what may.


The casual fan, however, is far more discerning, demanding comfort and value for money. I'm afraid that regardless of whether the racing is superb or not, casuals will not put up with squalid poor conditions / facilities.

Casual fans go for good racing as well though?

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Can't really argue with that, other than some people are only interested in what happens on the track.... Obviously I support Newcastle but I couldn't give a rats arse about anything as long as I see value for my money and I'm entertained....as a supporter yes it's nice to see the club doing well off the track, but that's not why I go to speedway, I don't go for the facility's, food or stadia....I go to watch speedway, if it's crap, i will say so, if it's good the same....remember without the fans there is nothing and some promotions arnt as welcoming and approachable as yours, you only have to read other threads to know that.

I'm often at Berwick, personally I don't rate the pies but the burgers are ok....but that's not why I go....The track became one dimensional and entertainment was poor....that's what interests me and I suppose most....on the whole it's a good package, but the team and racing are far more important than promoters doing there job off track, to most paying punters. Obviously having speedway around is more important than any of the above and in Berwicks case on here it's normally only the on track stuff that takes a battering....no one in their right mind can deny what the Andersons have done for you's in a short space of time...

Can't really argue with that, other than some people are only interested in what happens on the track.... Obviously I support Newcastle but I couldn't give a rats arse about anything as long as I see value for my money and I'm entertained....as a supporter yes it's nice to see the club doing well off the track, but that's not why I go to speedway, I don't go for the facility's, food or stadia....I go to watch speedway, if it's crap, i will say so, if it's good the same....remember without the fans there is nothing and some promotions arnt as welcoming and approachable as yours, you only have to read other threads to know that.

I'm often at Berwick, personally I don't rate the pies but the burgers are ok....but that's not why I go....The track became one dimensional and entertainment was poor....that's what interests me and I suppose most....on the whole it's a good package, but the team and racing are far more important than promoters doing there job off track, to most paying punters. Obviously having speedway around is more important than any of the above and in Berwicks case on here it's normally only the on track stuff that takes a battering....no one in their right mind can deny what the Andersons have done for you's in a short space of time...

A good reply to Big Ed's post an an example of how things should be debated on a Forum IMO


You wouldn't believe that going by most posts on here!

However, you are probably right, and most on here are probably wrong.




Didn't say it was. Running a business is a sophisticated, multi-faceted, task, it was one of a long list.

You clearly don't have the depth of thought to understand that.




Erm, do speedway fans bring their own portable latrines and commodes?





Exactly, the complete package has to be there. So many people have complained on here about stadia being dumps, and it is a fair point.

There are a number of tracks I have visited reluctantly because they are just not nice environments.


I think we are doing not bad at Berwick. What would I like to see change?

If we could sneak a bit of the grass behind the goals to widen the track, I'd like to see that.

Agree regarding track shaping, pretty sure the Promotion have approach the people concerned with the Football but were not allowed to alter anything (could be wrong though)
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A good reply to Big Ed's post an an example of how things should be debated on a Forum IMO


Agree regarding track shaping, pretty sure the Promotion have approach the people concerned with the Football but were not allowed to alter anything (could be wrong though)


Thoroughly agree, a good bit of debate, Arson Fire makes some good points in response. As usual the well-known village (or town) idiot can only pick one point out of twenty, and it is a moot point that he makes.


I didn't know that the football club had been approached, pity that it has been refused.

It just shows what goes on behind the scenes as well as what the average punter sees.


Of course, but as already been said, it has be part of an overall package, otherwise they won't come back.


Absolutely, no point having great racing in a dump. The new punters that we so desperately need have to enjoy the overall experience as they get to know the sport.

Catering and comfort of the facilities is very, very important.

Most will not know what a good race is until the have been to a few meetings.


I also think that something very important at the moment is family deals. Just taking Berwick as an example, the last few meetings could cost a family of four as little as £20, £22 with a programme. This is compared to the best part of £50 prior to that.


The same old complaints about results and tracks is very wearing and does nothing to help progress the sport.

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