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Plymouth 2013

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The only people who are negative are the one's who don't support the team, so they don't count, i'm very happy with the team, and am fully behind Lee and the team, i think bringing in Mark Lemon is a very good move by Lee, the only negative i have is the wait to see the lads.


Sorry but I simply can't agree with this statement. Being negative doesn't mean you don't support the team.


I more than most am a negative sod most of the time but I also like to think I try to be realistic and most certainly support the team even if I'm critical.


Saying nice things all the time about the team doesn't make you a supporter it merely makes you happy with the team put in front of you (Not aimed at you Roger as I'm well aware you aren't always positive).


I'm delighted with our new promotion and the new team assembled shows that the management have thought through a well balanced team with a decent blend of youth and experience. But if that team struggles early season supporters will and have every right to criticise, I doesn't mean they don't support the team it just means they want their team to do better!


For what it's worth I reckon we'll frighten a few away and certainly not be scrapping for the wooden spoon, but there are some very strong teams out there this season. We'll be mid-table possibly sneaking 6th.

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Sorry but I simply can't agree with this statement. Being negative doesn't mean you don't support the team.


I more than most am a negative sod most of the time but I also like to think I try to be realistic and most certainly support the team even if I'm critical.


Saying nice things all the time about the team doesn't make you a supporter it merely makes you happy with the team put in front of you (Not aimed at you Roger as I'm well aware you aren't always positive).


I'm delighted with our new promotion and the new team assembled shows that the management have thought through a well balanced team with a decent blend of youth and experience. But if that team struggles early season supporters will and have every right to criticise, I doesn't mean they don't support the team it just means they want their team to do better!


For what it's worth I reckon we'll frighten a few away and certainly not be scrapping for the wooden spoon, but there are some very strong teams out there this season. We'll be mid-table possibly sneaking 6th.


Mike my post wasn't aimed at people like you, it was aimed at people that just come on and just aim there post at getting a responce, your right about me sometimes being negative, and like you i am sometimes a negative sod, but thats just my opinion and i have had my share of stick for that, but my post was aimed at people that don't support the team, being they don't go to the meetings on a friday night, and come on the thread making coments that they know will get a responce, i know your support the team, and your opinion i value, don't always agree with it, like you don't sometimes about mine, but i do value it.

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Supporters thinking of going up to Somerset this Friday the Meeting is now off.



SOMERSET have postponed Friday's scheduled re-staging of the Christmas Cracker due to the poor weather forecast. The meeting has been re-arranged for Friday February 8.

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A few risks in this team but most are worth taking. Schramm and Lemon have just had one off bad season, if they can get in back then they're great signings. Gathercole can improve a little and Kling should be a good PL heatleader. I've rated Kurtz since the first time I saw him but the season at number 2 "helped" his average last season and makes him attractive on his new figure. Not champions but certainly not chumps, by a long way. I'll should sneak top 6 IMO.

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A few risks in this team but most are worth taking. Schramm and Lemon have just had one off bad season, if they can get in back then they're great signings. Gathercole can improve a little and Kling should be a good PL heatleader. I've rated Kurtz since the first time I saw him but the season at number 2 "helped" his average last season and makes him attractive on his new figure. Not champions but certainly not chumps, by a long way. I'll should sneak top 6 IMO.


Hope I'm wrong, because Plymouth deserve a good season, but I think this team is a very risky one. I fear that Lemon, Schramm and Gathercole could all be in terminal decline and may not increase their averages at all. Not sure about Kling either but agree that Kurtz should do well as long as he's at reserve. Still more bottom 6 than top 6 in my book though. :cry:

As I remember, when Lemon left the Rebels a few years ago he cited the M5 traffic on a Friday afternoon as a significant factor in him wishing to move on, yet he is now prepared to drive down to Plymouth instead? Good luck with that Mark - needs must, I suppose. ;)

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Sorry but I simply can't agree with this statement. Being negative doesn't mean you don't support the team.


I more than most am a negative sod most of the time but I also like to think I try to be realistic and most certainly support the team even if I'm critical.


Saying nice things all the time about the team doesn't make you a supporter it merely makes you happy with the team put in front of you (Not aimed at you Roger as I'm well aware you aren't always positive).


I'm delighted with our new promotion and the new team assembled shows that the management have thought through a well balanced team with a decent blend of youth and experience. But if that team struggles early season supporters will and have every right to criticise, I doesn't mean they don't support the team it just means they want their team to do better!


For what it's worth I reckon we'll frighten a few away and certainly not be scrapping for the wooden spoon, but there are some very strong teams out there this season. We'll be mid-table possibly sneaking 6th.


I have said on the Sheffield thread that being negative or positive are simply putting a spin on the facts, ignoring bits that don't suit your case and emphasising others that do.


Better to be realistic every time, because your comments have far more value.


Totally agree about the right to criticise, providing its kept in context.


There's a good chance that every rider can increase his average and having a strong reserve is always very handy, so its top 4 for me.

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Schramm is a belting signing, with decent kit and fully fit surely he is a 6.5 man ?


I agree, in my opinion i think the club are on a no lose situation with Chris Schramm, to get him on a cma of under 5 is a snip, and so is Kling on 6.61, to have him on that cma after riding in the EL with Poole last year, is a shrewd move by Lee.

Edited by Devildodger
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Congratulations to the management team in putting together a very solid looking outfit.


I think there are a number of the riders who had an indifferent season last year and will be looking to improve this year. With the core of the team being Australians, I think there will be a good team spirit with plenty of support for each other, both on and off the track. I look at that team and I feel we are a much more solid unit and I think the whole club will be a much happier place to be in 2013.


For me Mark Lemon is a massive signing for the Devils and probably the key to our season.


Mark is a well respected figure in the sport and still a tidy rider too. His experience and professionalism will help the whole club and i'm absolutely delighted a guy of his calibre is going to be able to help and guide the likes of Ben Reade and Todd Kurtz. Todd and Ben improved last year in all that mayhem and i'm sure they will improve again this year in more harmonious surroundings.


Mark will no doubt be a massive help in Cory rediscovering his best form after a very difficult year under the previous management. I think its probably very difficult for all of us to appreciate how difficult a season it was for the lads last year as we were not party to all the goings on and do not know all the facts. However, I did see Cory riding 100% for the team and supporting all his team mates home and away so the guy has my total respect as does every single one of the 2012 team.


As I said, I'm sure the team will be a solid unit this year and I think a rider like Chris Schramm, who had a difficult year coming back after a very nasty injury will benefit massively from the spirit and support i'm certain will be there in abundance this year. What a pleasant and refreshing site that will be for us all to see. He has invested in his machinery so lets all hope he can avoid injury and build his confidence back up. Capable of being a heat leader so plenty to be optimistic about with Chris.


Ty Proctor and Ricky Kling are known to be big chums and both have a high regard for each other. i'm sure they will be looking to be very competitive home and away. Riki rode the SBA pretty dam well a number of times last year and I don't think he will be headed home by many this year either. Ty is a class act too so I'm sure he will do really well home and away.


A few of the guys will not ride the SBA to well from the start but they are all very skilful and capable riders who will improve and get to grips with it pretty quickly i'm sure. My guess is that the track surface will be much much better this year and the track staff will have better equipment to prepare the race track. Imagine how that should enhance the track and possibly provide even better racing than we have seen up to now.


This year Plymouth Devils are what I feel is a proper team! Every one of the guys has something to prove if not just to themselves so i'm sure we will win more than we loose. A team that has been built to be a solid team, which has more than a fair chance of winning on the away tracks. This is something that we have not really had in the past and i'm very much looking forward to the season ahead.


Everyone has the right to an opinion and to express their views. Those that are critical just need to remember that these guys travel huge distances and invest thousands of pounds in machinery. Not one of them is doing that to come in last. Everyone of them would love to be world champion one day and win every race they ride in. It doesn't always happen so we have to support them when things aren't going well and enjoy the highs with them when things do go right. Lets hope we all enjoy more highs than we do lows this year.


I hope we enjoy a good season and the riders ride well and stay safe. Good Luck Plymouth Devils. :-)

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Congratulations to the management team in ... ....have seen up to now.


This year Plymouth Devils are what I feel is a proper team (and proper club)! Every one of the guys ... ... well and stay safe. Good Luck Plymouth Devils. :-)

Excellent post. Hope the Devils do well but not as well as your South West neighbours ;) .
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