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Nicki Pedersen's Ill Thought Comments On Tv Towards Aj

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a good litmus test for this would be .... what if the US supercross and motocross guys started doing it? What would Monster's view of that be? ............... I suspect there would be a meltdown........ most likely because US TV is so 'god fearing' in the first place (just this alone could mean no chance of live coverage in the States)............... so then it would come down to if they intend to bring the same approach to Europe that they have in the States


Whether sweary teen stamping NickiP behaviour fits into their image or not, i suspect they would want to control that image and how it continues to be played out rather than leaving it to someones reactions to refs



More to the point is now they have got Monster through the door IMG will be looking at other big scalps knowing they are in a stronger position. I'm not an adman but whether what Nicki is doing is deemed good or bad I am certain that they would still want control over how it plays out.


I'm not sure i've seen this issue in another sport..... not where the sport allows it to be repeated over & over again anyway...... maybe theres a good reason for that!

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Big NP fan and like most love his interviews ,it's great box office ..i thought last night he was unlucky to be excluded but felt he should been more worried about how AJ was than the point he lost ,even if did feel hard done by .

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Interview a footballer straight after a dubious red card and see what happens? Look what happened with Jody cundy in the Paralympics. Interview lewis Hamilton straight after his crash last weekend. All would have similar outcomes. Nicki did well to just use to$$er. An Aussie or 2 may have used a c word where as MJJ would have used language Nigel Pearson would be apologising for too.

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Other than the fact he directed an insult at the referee, i don't think the use of the word 'tosser' is a biggie. However, a prolonged two finger salute coupled with a hefty verbal '**** off' is way out of order.


I totally disagree with calls for tv cameras not to be allowed to interview riders when an incident is happening or just occurred. It adds great interest to an event and broadcast. Why should we miss out on the vast majority of acceptable interviews because a rider has used offensive words?. Sort that niggle out by incurring fines and, if repeated, points deductions for bringing the sport into disrepute. Ok not a large deduction as one could receive for repeated foul riding but take away a few points. Alternatively make the fines punitive.


I look forward to every interview snippet with the riders it's a much needed informative insight. It's interesting to see if a rider is angry about an incident or accepting something as 'stuff happens' and is able to imperviously move on without it affecting his performance in the races ahead. Most sportsmen can express their distaste or rage at an incident without swearing when in front of a tv camera.

Edited by manchesterpaul
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Just a week ago on tv after the Berlin football derby a Union(ex East German team) player who was born a year after the Berlin wall fell said about Hertha(West Berlin) fans who were celebrating a win" „Die jubeln in unserem Stadion – das kotzt mich an! Das muss man erst mal verdauen. Mein Tor ist mir scheißegal. Wenn die Wessis in unserem Stadion jubeln, dann krieg‘ ich das Kotzen.“

You can translate that yourself,but the reaction from his manager?.He is Union through and through.That was probably a joke!!!! And this was not during,but after the match and just laughed off by the guy in charge.

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Other than the fact he directed an insult at the referee, i don't think the use of the word 'tosser' is a biggie. However, a prolonged two finger salute coupled with a hefty verbal '**** off' is way out of order.


Most sportsmen can express their distaste or rage at an incident without swearing when in front of a tv camera.


I have to agree with this. Speedway likes to bill itself as a "family sport". Nicki Pedersen' s choice of language is at odds with that description.


Some years ago one of his fellow Danish internationals described Pedersen to me as "a great rider, but just a yob". Sadly he seems to go out of his way to prove that too many times.

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I have to agree with this. Speedway likes to bill itself as a "family sport". Nicki Pedersen' s choice of language is at odds with that description.


Some years ago one of his fellow Danish internationals described Pedersen to me as "a great rider, but just a yob". Sadly he seems to go out of his way to prove that too many times.

I can see where you are coming from regarding speedway as a family sport but Ice Hockey,F1,Indy car are all labelled family sports but refs let big punch ups in ice hockey,F1 has drivers that square up to each other,it goes one step further in indy car as the commentaters bait the drivers to do something out of the ordinary .Same goes for any english cricket team touring Australia!!!

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I can see where you are coming from regarding speedway as a family sport but Ice Hockey,F1,Indy car are all labelled family sports but refs let big punch ups in ice hockey,F1 has drivers that square up to each other,it goes one step further in indy car as the commentaters bait the drivers to do something out of the ordinary .Same goes for any english cricket team touring Australia!!!


Lol re the Cricket. Fisticuffs tend to add to the drama/entertainment of certain sports, however unless one is breeding Chavs most parents* would not feel comfortable letting children witness such heavy swearing in a SPORTING environment. *(Chavs who have had Chavs aside).


I hope Nicki Pedersen didn't see the recent incident in NASCAR where they recently instigated leeway in a 'Let boys have at it' attitude - actually meant for the racing on track. One top echelon driver, Tony Stewart, who was well miffed at having been shunted off the track upon sighting the culprit coming down pit road took off and hurled his helmet at the car scoring a direct hit. No fines were inficted either. Got to admit it was a little dangerous as fortunately it hit the front grille of the car and not the windscreen.


OK let's have a sweepstakes as to who will be the first GP rider to throw his helmet at a rider lol, or has it already been done?

Edited by manchesterpaul
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A stroll down to the local non-league football on the council pitch will almost certainly provide more expletives than a whole season of speedway. It is in the nature of sport. Would I take a child to non-league football? Yes, and take the opportunity to explain about the use of swearing in intense situations, whatever the level.


My complaint about Nicki (and I am an NP supporter) is that I would also want to teach a child about respect for the officials, no matter how bad, and no matter how wrong. The expletive might have been mild, but should not have been issued,no matter what the provocation on the track. Swear at the sport. Swear about the participants, if you must, but do not swear at officials.


All sports need their controversial participants. The hard/dirty player you hate, unless he is playing for your team! Nicki fulfils that role very well, and there are others to name who have also played the role. They may rant; they may throw helmets, they may swear (and perhaps be caught doing it by a distant camera), and they may complain about decisions, but swearing at an official, no matter how mild some might suggest, should not be condoned.

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Sky have no control over the live broadcast of Grand Prix, they're picking up the centrally supplied feed that any other TV station would also receive & allow their co-commentator to talk over with occasional insight & intelligence while the main commentator bellows & orgasms unnecessarily (maybe not all stations are the same).


The last time it was illustrated was Pedersen's child like screaming at Tony Olsson in Italy, when they evidently couldn't hear the tirade of F-words.


Whether it's an SGP or their own palty coverage of the of the EL, if they are so concerned about delicate sensibilities, they could do what every tuppenny local radio station does for a phone in & simply broadcast on a few second delay & pay someone to listen to the live feed. Not rocket science, but seemingly beyond those broadcasting to their maiden great aunt.


If they were to apply the same criteria to all their coverage of sport, the next time (anyone) scores a goal (especially for the away team) and the crowd appears in the background, will the game be held up while the commentator apologises for each individual "hand signal" in the crowd? :t:

All broadcasters have control over what they show there is a delayed transmission facility. Radio stations use it on phone-ins all the time.

Sky chose not to use it as they are in competition with other TV channels (outside UK) with live broadcasts, and to delay transmission (even by 30 seconds) gives them a competitive disadvantage.


And perhaps they could employ someone to do it who doesn't display Attention Deficeit Disorder.....

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Other than the fact he directed an insult at the referee, i don't think the use of the word 'tosser' is a biggie. However, a prolonged two finger salute coupled with a hefty verbal '**** off' is way out of order.


I totally disagree with calls for tv cameras not to be allowed to interview riders when an incident is happening or just occurred. It adds great interest to an event and broadcast. Why should we miss out on the vast majority of acceptable interviews because a rider has used offensive words?. Sort that niggle out by incurring fines and, if repeated, points deductions for bringing the sport into disrepute. Ok not a large deduction as one could receive for repeated foul riding but take away a few points. Alternatively make the fines punitive.


very good post. it is not acceptable to behave in this manner.


I look forward to every interview snippet with the riders it's a much needed informative insight. It's interesting to see if a rider is angry about an incident or accepting something as 'stuff happens' and is able to imperviously move on without it affecting his performance in the races ahead. Most sportsmen can express their distaste or rage at an incident without swearing when in front of a tv camera.

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I can see where you are coming from regarding speedway as a family sport but Ice Hockey,F1,Indy car are all labelled family sports but refs let big punch ups in ice hockey,F1 has drivers that square up to each other,it goes one step further in indy car as the commentaters bait the drivers to do something out of the ordinary .Same goes for any english cricket team touring Australia!!!


Fights are allowed for in ice hockey because it's a a high impact sport and penalised within the rules. Players who keep the fight going get more. There is no open attacking of the referee in the media as there is in speedway with no apparent punishment at all.

In football TV companiies goad players and managers into knocking the ref and so called characters like Warnock chance it and get hit with a fine.

In speedway our characters can shake their heads and laugh in mock disbelief and get nothing.


So what is that phone to the ref really for? :rolleyes:

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I know NP creates a fair amount of controversy/debate, but my GENUINE worry is that he's going to seriously injur or do even worse (I don't even want to type it) to one of the other riders. It can't be coincidence that it's always him either taking someone off, crashing, trying to start a fight after the race (I really don't like Crump but what Nikki did after the race in Cardiff was pathetic & totally unwarranted) moaning at the ref, saying that the other riders 'jumped' off the bike, which according to Nikki they all do.

As for the incident with AJ, well I saw it a mile off & him saying he didn't see him is total BS. To then say AJ laid the bike down, when AJ has no history at all of that kind of behavoiur is a terrible thing to say. To not even say I hope he's ok is even worse.


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I know NP creates a fair amount of controversy/debate, but my GENUINE worry is that he's going to seriously injur or do even worse (I don't even want to type it) to one of the other riders. It can't be coincidence that it's always him either taking someone off, crashing, trying to start a fight after the race (I really don't like Crump but what Nikki did after the race in Cardiff was pathetic & totally unwarranted) moaning at the ref, saying that the other riders 'jumped' off the bike, which according to Nikki they all do.

As for the incident with AJ, well I saw it a mile off & him saying he didn't see him is total BS. To then say AJ laid the bike down, when AJ has no history at all of that kind of behavoiur is a terrible thing to say. To not even say I hope he's ok is even worse.


Ah the old Nicki is going to seriously injure someone line.. its only been said for about 15 years now.


Of course you saw it a mile off, you're watching on tv and can see both riders. Nicki however isn't watching tv, he's racing a bike and knows the threat will come from the outside and he has to ensure that there is no way through there. AJ, if he hadn't have lost the plot because of his failure to score a pt in his first race and about to fail to score again (on his home track), would also have realised this and tried to switch back under Nicki.


So many people keep saying Nicki 'fenced' AJ. Totally and utterly incorrect.


a: They weren't even at the fence at the point of contact

b: AJ actually went into the back of Nicki.


Riders often say they know where others are on the track just through hearing them. I think it's quite naive to think Nikki hd no clue AJ was there.

Maybe I am wrong, but this is not an isolated incident is it?


They know when a rider is close, by the noise, but are often caught unawares by a change of line by the rider behind. Nicki will have anticipated AJ was trying the outside run and like ANY rider in that situation would have moved out to block it off the corner. If AJ had drawn alongside Nicki and Nicki had then continued to take him into the fence.. fair enough. He didn't.. he ran into the back of him.

Edited by BWitcher
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