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Nicki Pedersen's Ill Thought Comments On Tv Towards Aj

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I'm in shock but yet not surprised by Nicki Pedersen's sweary rant towards the AJ incident in the GP last night.


How many times are we going to see this man throw his toys out of the pram on live TV and get away with ill thought comments and bad language to not earn a ban for this. Why in life do people think that this is an acceptable way to vent your anger for everyone to see. Some may think it's great TV, but not at this level in particular. Nicki even called the Referee, and I quote, "a tosser" in his interview with Steve Brandon, this is simply not on now is it. A fine does nothing to stop future outbursts, only a race ban would be enough to tell Nicki that he's only got himself to blame. I don't particualry care that Nicki is in the Championship hunt with Greg and Chris, this behaviour has got to stop.


Add to that, I think it was completely disgusting of Nicki Pedersen to accuse AJ of putting the bike down on purpose on the finish line and not even mention that he hopes the guy is going to be ok after the accident. That to me is a disgusting way to treat a fellow rider and he shoulkd be ashamed of himself for his unnacceptable behaviour.


I think his history shows what this man is really capable of despite his opinions on his exclusion.

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Cheated out of a point or whatever. Ther Grand Prix riders are supposed to be the best in the world but some as they say throw their toys out of the prams. They seem to forget that Speedway is supposed to be a family friendly sport.


Can you imagine if that sort of behavour is said on TV when they interview the Football family ?


Fines and suspensions tend to follow I think.

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I am not "outraged" by what happened and I am not taking sides on whether or not the referee was right but, I think the defences put forward about adrenalin and cameras in the face are rather weak. Pedersen was back in his pit box, knew the camera was there and, in my view, was playing up to the camera.

I seem to recall that Wayne Rooney was fined and banned for deliberately swearing into a tv camera so why should speedway's standards be lower?

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Do you enjoy feeling "outraged"? It seems like you maybe do.


He called the ref a "tosser"...Oh no!! What a horrendous word to use! How will civilisation ever recover from such a disgraceful word being used on live TV? I think it was clear that Nicki actually chose to keep his language relatively respectable when he was interviewed by Brando despite what he was feeling inside. He said much worse before the interview....So....


If you want him banned for his language, what about banning the TV cameras from a round? What exactly did the director expect when he got his TV camera shoved in the face of a rider who has just found out that he has been excluded and his World title challenge has suffered the loss of a point? They knew exactly what they would get, and they got it. Despite Nigel's regular apologies for language, they want that.


I do agree that it was a little unsavoury of Nicki to not seem to care about the health of his fellow competitor, but I can probably excuse that when the adrenalin is running high and he has just been cheated out of a point.


I don't enjoy being outraged, not at all. I'm just airing an opinion no different to your counter post. I felt perfectly calm when I wrote my post so maybe the tone gives a differing view on how I was feeling when I finally pressed the send button!!


Would you think it fair that I said that these riders in the GP series are just amatuers? Of course it wouldn't, these riders are fully paid professional who risk life and limb to earn a living. What I am saying is that the riders have some form of responsibility in making specific comments under close scrutiny of people watching live in person and on TV.


I agree with Wendy with your counter comment of having a camera shoved in their face and how do people expect them to react in the immediate moments after an incident. The fact is riders should know in the heat of the moment, the best thing to do is say nothing which puts them in any position to make matters worse. Easier said than done you might say, but it's all about self awareness, self control and choosing your audience to air a rant.


They are professionals arn't they, but Nicki's behaviour overstepped the boundry, that's all I'm saying. You can't defend what he actually did surely. Are you saying that it's now an acceptable part of this whole thing. Can we see more riders expressing themselves on camera in hand gestures and swearing with several F bombs and no action taken?


It's an FIM santioned series, so would a Lorenzo or a Stoner get away with doing the same thing without some discipline being taken. Yes it adds some spice for the viewer BUT I'm just asking the question whether a sanction should be put in place for this.


Let's be honest Nicki is a class rider, a hard rider when he needs to be, and he's not fighting for the Tiddlywinks World Title. This is a cut throat business and I understand riders will do what they have to to gain the upper edge, but there has to be a line towed in the way riders conduct themselves off the track to go with it.

Edited by Undercover Elephant
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My 9 year old watched last night and has just asked me if I am reading about that tosser Nicki Pedersen.

Whilst it isnt the first time he has heard or used swearing it does show the impact such actions can have.

I am broad minded and am happy to deal with my parental responsibilities guiding my son through the rights and wrongs in life but feel Nicki let Speedway down yet again.


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For crying out loud Nicki Pedersen is not the AntiChrist he is just a rider who whines a lot when things don't go his way.

There would be nothing to moan about if the camera's did not go poking their noses into his face when he was angry.


That ref has a long history of stupid decisions in the GPs and Nicki's comment toward him was spot on.


He did nothing other riders don't do and his alleged crime against AJ was more to do with AJ going for a gap that wasn't there than Nicki being dirty.

The same thing has happened to him when he has dived in where he shouldn't and he was rightly excluded for doing exactly the same thing to a Russian in the SWC.

Do I think he should have been excluded? To be honest I am not sure but lean towards no!


Regardless of whether you love him or hate him, and I like the rider but the man is a whinger, he had a point about his exclusion, barring the AJ throwing himself into the fence comment, which was stupid and childish.

And regarless of what people think he IS under pressure trying to win the world championship and was obviously frustrated and angry to be excluded.


This sort of thing happens in speedway and sometimes the guilty party does not express remorse toward the rider carted off the track on a stretcher so singling out Nicki P is daft as he is demonised a lot because the cameras look for a reaction from him knowing he does whine and talk utter nonsense about his innocence and the guilt of the rider he has caused to fall.


He is one of the great riders of his generation but has his faults in that he is sometimes too hard and when called to account acts like a two year old.

But he is not the only rider to do this and the sport will be lesser for his absence when he eventually hangs up his kevlars.

Edited by pandorum
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I wasn't really bothered about the swearing & the gesturing & was also wrongly excluded from the race.


What bothered me most is Nicki was extremely close friends with Richardson and admittedly found it tough to deal with what happened to a great friend. Yet, yesterday gave the impression that he really didn't give a stuff about the health of AJ. I found that difficult to swallow.


Showed a major lack of respect to a fellow competitor, that to me is unacceptable.

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Nicky was wrong to swear and gesticulate in front of the cameras, but Sky are equally to blame, they know full well that he is a volatile character when upset, and to shove a camera in his face, they were well aware of the reaction they were likely to get. TV thrives on controversy, and I hardly think it will effect the viewing figures, indeed some might tune in again hoping for a repeat performance.

It is up to the speedway authorities, to reprimand him in some way, they can always charge him with bringing the sport into disrepute.

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Most of the Riders in the game today seem, to me, to be uneducated morons. I agree, stick a camera in front of a rider straight after an incident and don't be surprised to hear a bit of language but you only have to take a look at a number of high profile riders' Twitter feeds to see the language that is used... some of them even asking for sponsorship on the same feed... unbelievable!


Michael Lee and Kenny Carter, 2 of the most volatile riders of the TV past always managed to curb their language, the worst I can remember either of them saying was "bloody"... compare this to the current World Champion saying B@stards live on national radio prior to the Cardiff GP, and he's supposedly the best the sport has to offer!

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For crying out loud Nicki Pedersen is not the AntiChrist he is just a rider who whines a lot when things don't go his way.

There would be nothing to moan about if the camera's did not go poking their noses into his face when he was angry.


That ref has a long history of stupid decisions in the GPs and Nicki's comment toward him was spot on.


He did nothing other riders don't do and his alleged crime against AJ was more to do with AJ going for a gap that wasn't there than Nicki being dirty.

The same thing has happened to him when he has dived in where he shouldn't and he was rightly excluded for doing exactly the same thing to a Russian in the SWC.

Do I think he should have been excluded? To be honest I am not sure but lean towards no!


Regardless of whether you love him or hate him, and I like the rider but the man is a whinger, he had a point about his exclusion, barring the AJ throwing himself into the fence comment, which was stupid and childish.

And regarless of what people think he IS under pressure trying to win the world championship and was obviously frustrated and angry to be excluded.


This sort of thing happens in speedway and sometimes the guilty party does not express remorse toward the rider carted off the track on a stretcher so singling out Nicki P is daft as he is demonised a lot because the cameras look for a reaction from him knowing he does whine and talk utter nonsense about his innocence and the guilt of the rider he has caused to fall.


He is one of the great riders of his generation but has his faults in that he is sometimes too hard and when called to account acts like a two year old.

But he is not the only rider to do this and the sport will be lesser for his absence when he eventually hangs up his kevlars.


So the ref was genuinely a tosser so that makes it ok then? Perhaps the sport doesn't need refs at all. But if you don't want anarchy how about the riders discussing amongst themselves after every controversial race how the vote should go. Mates and liberals go with Nicki - non mates and discipliarians go against. That's called democracy.


For those who don't like long breaks and tractor racing - turn away now.


Perhaps one thing should be born in mind. SKY is an American company founded by an Australian and that could be the reason Nigel Pearson has to keep apologising for even the mildest remark in our eyes.


Rodney Marsh was sacked for a supposedly offensive joke and one presenter was demoted for months for allowing such an outburst on her programme so what you tolerate and what SKY tolerate might not be the same thing.


Speedway and it's stupid phone is really way past its sell by date. If refs won't change their minds what's the point? Showbiz? If SKY wants controversy all the rider has to say is "no comment" and back in the studio they can pontificate for the next hour or even more.

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So the ref was genuinely a tosser so that makes it ok then? Perhaps the sport doesn't need refs at all. But if you don't want anarchy how about the riders discussing amongst themselves after every controversial race how the vote should go.

It would seem the obvious solution going by a large number on here,as those that have ridden a bike have far more knowledge than those that have not and i guess we should believe that they all therefore share the same opinion.


Sky know Nickis track record and the fact that he tends to lose a sense of reality in the heat of the moment.They should share the responsibilty in any such moment.Can't just put a mic under his nose expecting such an outburst and then appologize for it.This sort of thing is always going to happen in such moments.This year i know one rider even threatened that he and his family would give a ref a doing over after a meeting.But i guess after 5 minutes or so he had calmed down and after the meeting the ref went into the pits and the rider and his family didn't say a word.This was in Ice Racing though and not in front of tv cameras and was laughed off by the ref,rather than reported or fines and bans being handed out

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For me the blame rests squarely with the TV producers and interviewers. They know if they stick a camera and mic in a rider/athletes face seconds after something hasn't gone their way in a large percentage of cases they will get a reaction. They don't want the nice sanitized one either, that doesn't make good TV. They want the rant, they want the adrenaline led anger and disappointment .... and to be fair so do the vast majority of viewers. If Nicki had said "no comment" or " it's unfortunate" etc this thread wouldn't be here.


Yes I agree riders/athletes should be role models BUT we all know in the heat of battle (and to them it is a battle) the will to win, the focus, the adrenaline will lead to a forceful reaction. There will always be the rider/athlete who has learnt to control and channel their anger but even the now very professional Jason Crump has been known to swear and kick on occasion.So if you are outraged by such things the simple answer....don't watch or contact the TV companies and tell them not to stick their mics and cameras up competitors noses.

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So the ref was genuinely a tosser so that makes it ok then? Perhaps the sport doesn't need refs at all. But if you don't want anarchy how about the riders discussing amongst themselves after every controversial race how the vote should go. Mates and liberals go with Nicki - non mates and discipliarians go against. That's called democracy.

Well yes I actually agreed wholeheartedly with Nicki on that particular comment BUT I made no mention of thinking it OK as a) I don't think it OK that this particular ref should manage GPs and b ) whilst agreeing with Pedersen I did not think it OK that he or other riders should make their opinions public with regards officials.


The rest of what you posted was as childish as a Pedersen rant and not even worthy of the two year old Nicki emulates when he is brought to account.


Not being particularly liberal and certainly no mate of NP I wonder which catagory I should stand.

And as for democracy I did think that allowed free expression of opinion and many here think Pedersen was probably innocent of all charges except being human when a camera was shoved in his face in a time of stress.


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