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Redcar V Berwick 6th Sept

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Toothless from our Team Manager would be more apt. Vissing is just back from injury and really is he going to bust his balls when he can win a league title for Somerset? nah.


Berwick have failed in 2012, fair play though it's a tenner now, somebody has realised we are a bag of nails and no longer feel the need to rip of those who attend Berwick matches


Cheers :lol:

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this result is crap crap crap

Well well, what a shafting, 3 paid maxiimums for Redcar, could have been 4 if Kus had not fallen and been excluded. However you cannot blame the Berwick team, as only the 2 reserves and a 2nd string were in attendance. The only conclusion for me is because of the poor choice of guests, this was also apparent last Saturday night against Edinburgh.

I belive the track was very slick tonight, this was Berwicks downfalll. Again this was Berwicks downfall on Saturday, racing on a slick track, with a team of riders who cannot gate. Berwick had no control of the track conditions tonight, however they do at home, why then, the persistance in producing a track that is slick on the inside and loose on the outside. After heat 4 there is little shale on the inside line, it has joined the rest of the loose shale on the outside, this has the effect of no grip on the inside, and if you go to the outside it is so loose you will come off. The result is, a gate and go track, with just one racing line.

If the promotion prepare a track like this for the meeting against Newsatle, expect another shafting, as those guys can gate.

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Nothing too serious I hope - in my fantasy league team with 5 meetings in the next 9 days! Get well soon Mickey!! :wink:

Not heard any more news. He already had a gash on his thigh, so perhaps just a precaution. The meeting was lost by then anyway.

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To be honest before the meeting I thought your guests made you stronger.


But the Bears were on blob tonight.


I blame the idiots in the 4th bend stand ;)



What's happened to the track at Redcar? God it was awful


What because it was slick and had more than 1 line unlike Shielfield.


You were hammered fairly, you must have been asleep to see the passing considering you where being hammered.


Best wishes to Micky Dyer I think it was, his nuts will need some rubbing. Perhaps you can do that seeing as your deluded about the slick track.

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I would be interested to know under what regulation Berwick were granted a facility for Seb Alden and Robin Aspergen. I didn't think that a facility was available for riders racing in a foreign league.


Are Berwick claiming that the two riders were withholding their services?


It would set a very dangerous precedent if riders are allowed to race in other leagues without any consequences.

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To be honest before the meeting I thought your guests made you stronger.


But the Bears were on blob tonight.


I blame the idiots in the 4th bend stand ;)




What because it was slick and had more than 1 line unlike Shielfield.


You were hammered fairly, you must have been asleep to see the passing considering you where being hammered.


Best wishes to Micky Dyer I think it was, his nuts will need some rubbing. Perhaps you can do that seeing as your deluded about the slick track.

Yes Micky has looked good for Berwick. Cant see how Updates (which look totally wrong) can give him 2 points in Heat 8 when it seems he crashed out? Surely Bellego was second??
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