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Which Track Is This


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  On 6/27/2012 at 11:18 AM, Parsloes 1928 nearly said:

Yes I thought it did look disappointingly pedestrian.. Maybe this is why the 'midgets' never took off in the UK..?

  On 6/27/2012 at 11:10 AM, oldace said:

Not got a clue as to which track but that contraption isn't doing anywhere near "116 mph on the straights". 40 or 50 mph tops

neither have i got any idea where this was shot, but i can assure you the motor was well capable of these figures
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  On 7/4/2012 at 3:11 AM, iris123 said:

Clearly a case of incomplete records and those that were involved are now no longer with us or their memories have faded.That isn't Wimbledon,but Maitland-like the mistake gets repeated.Seems from discussions elsewhere the likelyhood is this was filmed at Rayleigh.I was never there nor have i seen any photos from that period so have to wait for evidence

i've seen ariel photos of rayleigh in the 1950's and it had grandstands on both straights. these stands were still present when i went there in the 1970's. the pits at the weir were at the end of the home straight alongside the main stand, not on the bend like is shown on the cine film.
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There were a number of references to The Atom in Wimbledon programmes towards the end of the 1955 season, as well in May 1956. Also, there were several features and references to it in the Speedway News in 1955, confirming that the initial testing was done at Wimbledon, with the car driven by Ronnie Moore. I guess that Cyril Brine took over as test driver after the July crash at Plough Lane in which Ronnie suffered a broken collarbone.


As there are still leaves on the trees in the clip it is likely that Cyril Brine was filmed in late summer, during the period Ronnie was recuperating. The lighting is very similar to that evident in the 1960 Rayleigh team picture on the Defunct Speedway Tracks site http://www.defunctspeedway.co.uk/ but was this photo taken at Rayleigh? The front cover of the Rayleigh speedway programmes from that era shows a photo in which a stand looks similar to that in the film clip.

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  On 7/3/2012 at 11:19 PM, Parsloes 1928 nearly said:

Except that this is absolutely 100% NOT Plough Lane, Wimbledon. Couldn't be a more different looking place than Wimbledon Stadium!! And also certainly is NOT Ronnie Moore in that midget car..!


What we do know is 100% the driver is Cyril `Salty` Brine, as it is mentioned during the broadcast and at least from Allards they took the time for a courteous reply.

The stadium may not be Wimbledon, but obviously you do not know where it is and from the tone of your post I think like many it is time to call it a day on here.


Some people like to discuss and debate, but then their certain posters who only conive and complain with no actual positive input.


Think many have been lost to the forum and it doesnt take long to understand why, same goes for those lost on the terraces, riders giving up and promoters washing their hands of the sport. But hey never mind lets complain about them still.


Bye bye speedway.

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  On 7/4/2012 at 6:54 AM, cityrebel said:

i've seen ariel photos of rayleigh in the 1950's and it had grandstands on both straights. these stands were still present when i went there in the 1970's. the pits at the weir were at the end of the home straight alongside the main stand, not on the bend like is shown on the cine film.

Ok,that sounds convincing.Like i said i have no idea about Rayleigh.Leaves it open again then.....but i would have thought it has to be somewhere around London.Does it really make sense to travel much further when there were so many stadia in the area and all the protagonists were there?



Not sure why Dukes is getting so upset.I don't often back Parsloes up,but can't really see anything wrong with his post.It quite clearly isn't Wimbledon.If you know the stadium throughout its life and the area(after all we are talking London then at no point not even when being built in the 20s would it have looked like that,surely?

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  On 7/4/2012 at 1:12 PM, dukes said:


The stadium may not be Wimbledon, but obviously you do not know where it is and from the tone of your post I think like many it is time to call it a day on here.


Some people like to discuss and debate, but then their certain posters who only conive and complain with no actual positive input


This is completely out of order.

You're right, I do not know where it is but it's literally insane to allow the notion that this is Wimbledon Stadium to remain being suggested. I can assure you it is NOT Wimbledon Stadium! And the 'tone' of my earlier posting was purely and simply to put that error straight!

I'm not "complaining" about anything simply pointing out what is in any case blindingly obvious!!!

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  On 7/4/2012 at 6:16 PM, Chadster said:

Could the track be the original track at Rye House, now the go-kart circuit, I believe? I've no idea, but as a readily available track near London it seems as likely a choice as any. Has anyone got any photos of the orignal Rye House?


Its not Rye House, for sure, my first thought was Arlington, but not sure the dates fit?

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The more I look at the more I think it's Rayleigh. Go to http://www.defunctspeedway.co.uk/Rayleigh.htm, and check out the 1960 team pic. The track lighting in particular looks identical, and the surroundings seem rural enough. Even the individual pics above this (Johnny Fitzpatrick and Alan Smith) showing the pits area looks the same. See what you think...



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The Pathe site has clips of old Rye House and you can find clips of SAL era Arlington, far more basic. Aldershot was first thought but I'd agree with Rayleigh.


As Chunky says the pits and the buildings to the right with corrugated iron roofs are identical in the film and on http://www.defunctsp...uk/Rayleigh.htm, is the kiosk on the bend not painted yellow and blue, and the lamps are very distinctive.


I only went there once and much later, sure some Rayleigh people on here could confirm.

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  On 7/4/2012 at 6:16 PM, Chadster said:

Could the track be the original track at Rye House, now the go-kart circuit, I believe? I've no idea, but as a readily available track near London it seems as likely a choice as any. Has anyone got any photos of the orignal Rye House?


I'm guessing this is the original Rye house.



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  On 7/10/2012 at 11:03 PM, Parsloes 1928 nearly said:


I do hope the fact that the track staff are wearing Wembley Lions overalls doesn't lead to someone claiming that this track must be the Empire Stadium!!!! :P


Loved the noise Parsloes, can you not get smellyvision with it too. :P

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Certainly is a trip down memory lane for a few on here!


I'm not old enough to recognize the photos but still very interesting for the average speedway supporter. Thank you.

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