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Axeman that was a terrible childish post

Having watched robert on you tube this lad is very very special indeed, i would go as far as saying he is better than darcy ward when he was 14!!

BUT he is 14 and hes time will come and when it does he will be even more eager & focussed to take the world by storm.

There are many special 14year old footballers out there but they cant just chuck em in the man utd team, they have to serve their apprenticeship and wait.

I understand why he is riding in germany but at the moment he should be focussing on being on hes bike as much as possible, riding different track, building up equipment and working on sponsorship deals so he can hit the ground running in 2013


Rather than moaning about rules & regs etc, you should feel excited that he has a very bright career ahead of him that can start in england in only 10months (march 2013)!!!!!

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Axeman that was a terrible childish post

Having watched robert on you tube this lad is very very special indeed, i would go as far as saying he is better than darcy ward when he was 14!!

BUT he is 14 and hes time will come and when it does he will be even more eager & focussed to take the world by storm.

There are many special 14year old footballers out there but they cant just chuck em in the man utd team, they have to serve their apprenticeship and wait.

I understand why he is riding in germany but at the moment he should be focussing on being on hes bike as much as possible, riding different track, building up equipment and working on sponsorship deals so he can hit the ground running in 2013


Rather than moaning about rules & regs etc, you should feel excited that he has a very bright career ahead of him that can start in england in only 10months (march 2013)!!!!!

If you're good enough then you're old enough. He showing by racing and passing Smolinski and then covering all Smoli could throw at him he is learning. What would he gain from being 200 metres ahead of other riders? Speedway is more than being able to ride fast for 4 laps, I bet there's a lot of riders out there who can do that. But it takes something special to read a race, see what the opposition are doing and react. You can only "learn" that by being in close races with others.


If it's not about racing but track time why are we bothering with the U15s?! Complete waste of time as the riders can learn just by being out on track. Tell the authorities to scrap the idea.


Robert looked an awesome talent a few years back, seeing him racing Smoli like that just leaves me looking forward to the day he is 16 and he can ride for an EL (sod PL!) team and take on the World best in the U21s and frankly even the senior GP qualifiers.


Smolinski is averaging 6+ in the EL (with bonus points) any rider who can beta him is wasting his time riding in the U15s.

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Straight to the point SCB.How often do you hear of riders who are great in practice but just average in actual meetings?Always wonder why people ask how a certain rider was in pre-season practice etc..... i know at the moment there is a rider who people tell me looks fantastic on his own in training,but when it comes to the real thing goes to pieces.It will be pretty hard to stop the hype getting out of control if Robert carries on like this.Let's hope he has good people around him and keeps his feet on the ground

Edited by iris123
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I have seen Robert practicing a few times this year and he is a very, very good rider wih a lot of potential, he is also a kid.


In my opinion whether he is good enough to compete against adults has very little to do with whether he should be at his age, especially in the PL or EL. What do riders who have to compete against him do? rough him up into the first bend and take the flack for being hard on him - after all 'he is only a kid' would be the cry the first time somebody put him into the fence. Alternatively they could take it easy on him and get hammered by their own fans for not being hard enough. There is also the possiblity that being in the adult leagues at his age could result in problems and injuries that kill his passion for the sport.


He can practice, he can compete in the U16 Championship and probably win it without breaking sweat, he can then take part in the NL when he is 15 where he will get to race against some experienced riders and he will do very well in my opinion. That might not be stiff competition for him but at 14 & 15 years old it is experience and then when he is 16 and has matured a bit he will be allowed to take on the worlds best if he is good enough.


The final problem is that if you make a new rule to allow him to upgrade to adult racing early what happens when Joe Bloggs wants to do the same and he is nearly as good as Robert then Fred Smith wants to upgrade because he is nearly as good as Joe?

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dont think you get it. If you are at the top of the tree for your age, winning everything by half a lap is not what you need. Boredom from going around and around on your own, taking the same lines every corner, there's no pressure. You need to ride against riders that are better than you so that you can learn from having to chase, be in close contact. Waiting for 16 or for the rest to catch up is going backwards.His momentum is there to learn and keep improving. The Russians the Poles the Danes aren't sitting there waiting for riders to turn 16.

The problem is Robert Lambert is at the correct level he needs to be, its everyone else that is below par and why British riders aren't in the top level in numbers.

The good thing is his parents can see far enough ahead to know they have to explore other avenues to keep up with the real competition

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I think I get it perfectly well even if I don't agree with your obviously superior view!


I didn't know that the Russians, Poles and Danes allowed 14 year old riders to compete in their adult leagues. Do the Danish youngsters even get to ride 500cc bikes at that age?


I also disagree that young Mr Lambert is at the correct level, as far as I have seen I would consider him to be an exceptional talent at age 14 - for any nationality.


Ideally he might need a higher level of competition but it is my opinion that putting him into adult leagues is not the way to do that.


As for everyone else being below par - perhaps the continual criticism and lack of support for British youngsters by people like yourself is another reason they take longer to make the grade.


Finally Robert Lambert is a young lad who needs time and people to get behind him. If topics in this vein keep appearing other people will be getting him a reputation for being full of himself that he doesn't deserve. The rules are in place, they might not be perfect, or even close but you can't start allowing exceptions (unless he signs for Poole of course :lol: )

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Its hard to know which is the right and wrong way I agree.


The Danes dont let them on 500cc but there are 300 of them racing in 3 leagues. And 14yr olds in adult leagues may not be right, but a different system needs to be had so the superior rider is taken care of, instead of the average rider.


But the worst thing is to sit back and do nothing and see what happens until he is 16.


Then say if only we had done what so and so did.


Dont think I criticise British Youngsters, Some British Fans yes.

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Spot on kiwi.The Danish system works because of the sheer numbers riding.I think it would still work if they rode on 125 +250cc instead of 50 + 80cc.It's just with that many riders and the amount of meetings they do they are always being tested at the right level for their ability.Trouble is in GB is the lack of riders taking up the sport leaves riders isolated and with little decent competition.Think back in the 70s or 80s when we had a good crop of riders coming through they all helped each other in a sense.Holsted again held an open day on sunday when youngsters between the age of 4-9 could try speedway for nothing,plus get a hot dog and drink as well.I know a few clubs in England do this as well now.Sure i saw Newcastle as one example.But until enough kids are attracted at a young age it will always be a struggle and we will rely on a wonder kid like Robert who succeeds despite of rather than because of the system we have

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And then in NZ we have a system, but even less riders than GB.

21 riders 8-15yrs in the whole country. Of that only four 250's 3 in the South Island and 1 in the North Island.I've had to fly my son 13yr old to GB just to get him some races against other 250's to see if we are on the right track and to see how he compares against others and see if he is as good as others say.

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