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Mildenhall 2012


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Halsey is certainly a good start and obviously Cameron Heeps will be at no1 and then also theres Lewis Blackbird, so things are moving along nicely at mo. The Mildenhall track produces some of the most exciting speedway around, why is that? easy, its never slick like most others are but grippy. Now they have a safety fence its even better and it will be a great place to watch super national league speedway in 2012, bring it on!!!

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You will have to find another No.7 as Ben Reade has just been announced as a Stoke rider.


Oh well :D Pity though as Reade looked a promising and improving rider when I saw him at the end of the season, who I think would have improved considerably under the tutelage of Messrs Lee and Louis.


Wish him well for 2012.

Edited by PhilK
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  • 2 weeks later...

Even though I'm a rye house fan, I really hope speedway does continue at mildenhall. It would be great to see them back in the PL one day so our old rivalry can be renewed. Cant beat that rivalry, great for the atmosphere at a meeting. In response to earlier comments on this thread I would just like to say that every time i've visited Mildenhall over the years ive thoroughly enjoyed it! the result hasnt always pleased me ;) , but the racing has. Ive always regarded it as a belting track!! Good luck next season, but dont beat the raiders !!

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Taken from the Official Mildenhall Speedway Site




Statement From Mildenhall Speedway


Friday, 16 December 2011 12:48



The Promotional team at Mildenhall are currently in dispute with the BSPA over an entry fee that has been levied to join the National League. It is very disappointing to have this additional cost put upon us in order to continue with our project at Mildenhall. There is no doubt that the Fen Tigers were the big success story in British Speedway in 2011, and it is very disappointing not to receive support from the association.


To pay the additional fees would leave the club with a cash flow problem. When you consider that not a single penny was taken from the club this year to ensure that we could invest heavily in year two to get the academy up and running, with equipment for 12-18 year olds to come and have a ride, this news was devastating.


We will be working very hard to convince the association that our project is worth supporting for the good of youth development in this country, and hope that some sort of compromise can be reached. We are four ex-professional riders still very much committed to the Mildenhall project, and will do all we can to ensure that it continues.









It's very dissapointing that there seems to be an impasse between the BSPA and our Promotion at the moment.


When Mildenhall returned in February alot was made by the BSPA of the Academy that was to be set up at Mildenhall, and rightly so! The promotion at Mildenhall had already at a fans forum explained their desire to find future British speedway stars and with their experience in the sport how they hoped to achieve it. It was obviously never going to materialise during 2011, as all available time surely had to spent on getting the Fen Tigers up and running for the National League season. Not only that but their were numerous other jobs that required their input, right down to putting up the fence with helpers on a Sunday!


Now with the Academy ready to commence in 2012, and the promotion showing their seriousness and appetite for the Academy by not taking funds from last season out, but using it to purchase equipment to support the starting of the Academy, the BSPA throw a large spanner into the works.


This was always looked at by the promotion as a long term project, and whilst I would not suggest that Mildenhall do not pay what is owed if this is the case, surely an agreeement could be reached where the payment is staggered over say the next two to three years to allow the Academy to commence sooner rather than later. This shouldn't be too difficult to resolve surely, if of course the BSPA are as keen to see an Academy start at Mildenhall as previously stated?

Edited by PhilK
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Without seeing any outline of the BSPA's reasoning for these developments, I can only assume that the fee that has been imposed on Mildenhall is connected with assurances required over the future of the club beyond 2012 following on issues in respect of the stadium that were raised last winter.


However, this is not the first time that the issue of the BSPA requiring a significant financial bond from Mildenhall Speedway has threatened the future of the club. With the country's economy in its current state, it would be no surprise if additional outlay of this kind would cause any club cash-flow problems, let alone a small NL club like Mildenhall. Given that, you have to question whether the BSPA has the best interests of Mildenhall Speedway at heart.


Perhaps Mildenhall would satisfy the BSPA if they were to abandon their future plans and simply close the club down? Sadly, battling against the BSPA does seem to be part and parcel of life as a promoter of one of the sport's smaller clubs.


Chris Louis has clearly stated that Mildenhall Speedway needs some support from the BSPA to be able to continue to run and to develop its proposed youth development programme. Part of the BSPA's remit is to look after Mildenhall Speedway's interests, as one of its member clubs. They must understand the implications of imposing an additional financial levy on the club that, as Chris Louis says, doubles its running costs and the viability issues that leads to.


Chris has openly asked the BSPA to work with Mildenhall Speedway to ensure the club can continue to run - surely that's in the best interests of Speedway as a whole. It will be interesting to see how this develops and whether the BSPA are prepared to listen and to work with the club.


This is one small example of the sort of political goings-on that has left me disillusioned with the sport and caused my interest to dwindle in recent years.

Edited by neil3065
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Thanks for the link Badge, well worth listening too. PhilK can't disagree with a word that you say.


This topic is probably also worth a seperate thread in it's own right to encompass support for other tracks, and take out any tribalistic posts from others. Many contributors on the forum not just fans but including leading lights such as Messrs Godfry and Vasey are continually banging the drum for development for young Brits - and one would assume that Rob Lyons should have the support of the Chapmans - should maybe lobby the BSPA on this issue.


However, Mildenhall. What Chris Louis is asking for appears to be support and time, the benefits would appear to be fast tracking young Brits into the sport - interesting to note that the funds committed to date seem to have come from the Promotion without any funding from the BSPA?, as the BSPA hand wring over, and spout the soundbites, about the lack of British riders then where is their support and commitment?


The BSPA take a lot of bad press, a large proportion of it probably rightly so, over the way the current system appears to allow local interests to manipulate proceedings for self interest - is this not the ideal time to not only gain itself some good PR but also to forget the weasel words and be shown to put their money where their mouth is and finally launch a focused development of British riders from the age of 12.


It is not hard to see the Marketing opportunity for the sport. As a start - Involve SKY from Day 1 to chart the progress from the first days on a bike through the season ( Monday nights on the dead spots , or cancelled meetings = additional opportunities ) include the best as warm up in the British GP etc, etc - maybe bring back the GP only supporters back to British Tracks.


If Mildenhall are forced to close the journey for the youngsters due to lack of support before it starts then some on here should take a long hard look at themselves before they pontificate on the reasons why we look unlikely to provide another British World Champion.


BSPA put up or shut up!



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First let me say I know nothing more of this issue than what is written on this thread. I am a Team Manager these days only and do not any attend meetings of the BSPA.


However, I am very sympathetic to the issues surrounding rider development and track development and would quote an extract from my latest book "British Speedway National League (Incorporating All Third Tier Leagues Since 1994) The Continuing History Part 7 - 2010


"I also think that we must as a sport do more for our development but as we suffer the ravages of inflation clearly the pressure on Promoters is even greater than usual. That corporate development initiative should, in my view, embrace the development of Clubs and Tracks as well as young riders and perhaps in order to maximise our opportunities we must make every effort to improve the complete façade that is speedway. The administration, the staging of the sport and all other aspects should be reviewed and refined with attention paid to the finest detail. Without reforms the sport cannot develop. Encouragement should be given to the small area competitions like the Midland League to ensure a lower rung of the ladder is available everywhere. We should seek to provide third tier level speedway from Cornwall to the Lothians in Scotland and even beyond. Perhaps to minimise costs there could be more travel sharing by clubs perhaps with the use of very large vans to transport machinery. There are of course snags to that because riders do not always live near to their home track. I once had a Boston team that featured Wayne Barrett who lived in Truro at the time and David McAllan who lived in South Queensferry next to the Forth Bridge and to transport those two together would be a logistical nightmare. But perhaps Clubs should be mindful of this when recruiting riders.


That surely is why we need the sport based in the farther reaches of the country. Cornwall is a traditional hotbed for grass track racing and we need to have a speedway track there. Sittingbourne is a possible focal point for Kent and I cannot believe that there is no site in Scotland for third tier speedway. I am not sure of the current most northerly third tier track it has to be Belle Vue and I feel strongly something further north is an absolute essential. This needs corporate investigation, investment, planning and enthusiasm to take the sport to new levels. To be fair speedway administration recently has been more like fire fighting than planning but surely if these matters are improved the rewards will be more British riders which will lead to the next British World Champion.


That should be the brief for a speedway ‘think tank’ surely “How Do We Go About Discovering the next British World Champion Speedway Rider”. This inquiry need to have an infusion of new blood together with experience so that some workable Corporate Development Plan for speedway in Great Britain can be established. I doubt if that’s about to happen because development in speedway seems to be carried out because of individual circumstances in specific areas with no Corporate Development Plan that I have ever heard of or been aware of. We have made improvements of late in the provisions for Youth Speedway but that really seems like shoe string stuff. As a sport we need to capture the hearts and minds of youngsters before their attention turns to other things and there is little impact made in that area. I am sorry to be so serious but these issues are vitally important for a number of reasons. Finding new riders in abundance and developing new tracks leads to more supporters and greater awareness of the sport and this would create a need for better media coverage. The results would soon be noticed I feel sure and would begin to reverse the downward trend in popularity that has occurred in recent times".



Clearly Mildenhall would form an essential part of the development chain and I don't think anyone would question that. We are looking to improve and co-ordinate development facilities at Stoke through linking up out Training Days, Amateur Meetings and a team in the Midlands Development League. Extensive training activities take place at Kings Lynn, Scunthorpe, Rye House, Newport, Lakeside and I also believe at Northside in Workington and maybe elsewhere almost certainly at Sittingbourne (Iwade) and Lydd. Forgive me if I have missed sosewhere and please include yourself in this thread. There is also a training track at Burton on Trent.


But this activity needs to be linked corporately to maximise effectiveness and extended to the provision of third tier teams somehow in the far west (Cornwall) the far North (Scotland) and the South East (Kent) and that should be just the start.


Football is a massive sport compared to speedway and spends tens of millions on development. I know there is absolutely no financial comparison between the two sports but if we are to grow this is a nettle which must be grasped throughout the sport. We need a National awareness campaign in schools, clubs, everywhere and that can only be done effectively in a top down manner, The tail cannot be expected to wag the dog..


Perhaps this needs a different thread but what seems to be happening at Mildenhall seems a little out of place to what we need in this sport if we are to survive in this modern world where at present we do not seem to compete at all. When did anyone without SKY TV see speedway adequately covered on TV?


Malcolm Vasey

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As ever there are two side to every story and i doubt very much the BSPA have just dropped these costs on the Fen Tigers out of the blue,

Huge crowds were reported at west row last year so i would say that the cash situation isnt a problem,and the brit training thing is just an excuse to get out of an agreed payment

didnt Chris say he had invested huge sum in bringing Heeps and his family over?? Then dropped brits to fit him in,maybe this money he said he spent could have bought the bikes etc he is talking about

i love the way he said he has taken nothing out the club hahaha,did he pay mildenhall a transfer fee for Heeps when he moved to Ipswich??? Or take him on a free???


Or maybe should have paid the huge signing on fee reported for Tungate???



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So when Chris Louis says the BSPA want him to pay twice what every other club is paying, what he really means is that the BSPA want him to catch up on last years fees (which everyone else, except him, has already paid) as well as this year's (which again everyone else has to pay).


In actual fact that would mean Mildenhall are paying LESS than everyone else since they've had a 12-month interest free loan on their fees.


If the small clubs like Buxton, and those with low NL crowds due to being a secondary team (Scunthorpe, Belle Vue, Rye House, King's Lynn) can pay their fees on time, why can't a stand-alone club with big crowds like Mildenhall do the same?

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So when Chris Louis says the BSPA want him to pay twice what every other club is paying, what he really means is that the BSPA want him to catch up on last years fees (which everyone else, except him, has already paid) as well as this year's (which again everyone else has to pay).


In actual fact that would mean Mildenhall are paying LESS than everyone else since they've had a 12-month interest free loan on their fees.



I think that's the crux of the matter.


Did Mildenhall know they would have to pay this amount at the outset and are now merely whining about it, or has the BSPA levied additional payments over and above what they were originally asked to pay. Alternatively, has the rate of payment been varied ? :unsure:


As far as I am aware, the financial bond is higher at Mildenhall than at other tracks simply because of the financial insecurity of the track. While I can appreciate that sentiment, it is also somewhat unfair to judge this promotion on what has happened in the past, especially given their links to Ipswich.

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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As ever there are two side to every story and i doubt very much the BSPA have just dropped these costs on the Fen Tigers out of the blue,

Huge crowds were reported at west row last year so i would say that the cash situation isnt a problem,and the brit training thing is just an excuse to get out of an agreed payment

didnt Chris say he had invested huge sum in bringing Heeps and his family over?? Then dropped brits to fit him in,maybe this money he said he spent could have bought the bikes etc he is talking about

i love the way he said he has taken nothing out the club hahaha,did he pay mildenhall a transfer fee for Heeps when he moved to Ipswich??? Or take him on a free???


Or maybe should have paid the huge signing on fee reported for Tungate???

As I did say - take the "tribal" element out of it. Didn't take long for somebody to try and steer away from the topic did it!, not so sure I would be proud of it, but there you go.


Will not ignore your points though.


I have no idea on the finances so cannot comment, however, if you want to comment why not take the trouble to listen to the radio report - Chris Louis makes quite clear the money is to be paid - although as I understand it there never was an agreement that it was all to be paid in one lump sum this year. Academy development was always a major part of the vision by the new promotion from Day 1, and as I understood warmly welcomed and embraced by the BSPA.


You seem to know a lot about Mildenhall finances 1) Do Mildenhall own Heeps? If not Transfer fee? 2) Brundall was transferred to Rye and then refused by BSPA to double up - that is how Heeps fitted in 3) What has Tungate got to do with Mildenhall?


One other question for you, IF making money is the objective then why would he then want to spend it?


You not wanting to develop British riders eh? Find the mirror. Remember the old saying, if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem.


I agree with most of what Malcolm says, and he has a far greater understanding of the sport than I - but a) I cannot see the overhaul he suggests taking place in any suitable time frame and B) surely it is better to make a start now and then fine tune - make Mildenhall the catalyst to structually grow from. The alternative is shut eyes and do nothing, something that Speedway seems to be master of which is perhaps why we are in the current situation.



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