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Agree with most of the posts but here are what I consider.


The Ace of Herts has always attracted big crowds in recent seasons. Perhaps something to do with the fireworks. I wonder how many more would have turned up on Saturday night instead of yesterday? With the school holidays over I reckon quite a few more. Had intended to take the grand kids but mum said it was to later night with school in the morning. Incidentally I’m lead to believe the Sunday meetings have been a financial disaster-apart from last night- and Sundays are off the agenda for next season.

As for the poor turnout rider wise, it’s quite simple. Len will only pay the going rate, he will NEVER pay riders anymore. The crazy thing is when he held Superama at Waterden Road he had a world class field, probably better than the then one off world speedway finals.

If the rumours of changes next season are to be believed then quite frankly I despair. I know it’s the silly season on the rumour front but some are just unbelievable and let’s hope that are just that, rumours.

We’ve all said Rye needs a revamp, it’s stale and going down hill fast. Lots of people would help in a Rye House revamp, but Lenny has become a very stubborn old man, far worse than he used to be. It really is time he makes way for fresh young blood at Rye House, but unless his health goes down hill, which I sincerely hope it doesn’t then I’m afraid Rye House will just get worse and worse.

Yes Lens speech went down well last night but you must realise he is making more and more mistakes with the team and the track. You had your time Len, move over and let us see an ambitious promoter with new idea’s run the show for the sake of Rye House Speedway.

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Completely predictable shambles and anyone turning up must be mad. Silver was never going to get decent replacements in as he is too tight.


Ace Of Herts always gets a decent crowd as usually the last meeting for many of the season and lots of neutrals turn up. Remember one 3/4 years ago when the place was packed out.


If Silver carries on his team building stance of the last 4 years Rye will be finished as a PL side this time next year.

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I tried to PM you Shads but it will not send the message? is your inbox full?

It was, not now ;)


I am not going to be the one to put the name in the public domain but I wll say the 2 names already gussed are incorrect.

I remember reading something on the web a few months back concerning Nigel Sadler... He had to quit speedway due to a heart condition, but I thought I read he was riding speedway in Oz this year and was surprised to learn he's only 33... Please don't tell me he's considering a British comeback!!

Edited by Shadders
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Watching Top boy tonight Shdders ? filmed in your neck of the woods and about the same area I believe

I must confess I've never heard of it, but just Googled it... Don't watch much tv these days, but I'll try and catch it online... Looks like it could be decent... cheers for the heads up

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Totally agree Shads. I thought the whole event was a shambles. No riders, No Food (Fish & Chip bar closed at 6.20, I was 2nd in the queue when it happened! & No Bar (Bitter, Cider & Lager sold out 20 minutes after tapes up). What was Len thinking, that only 300 were going to turn up, like the past couple of months!! Crazy. What sort of impression does it give to those attending for the fireworks etc, that this is what every meeting is like? Will stop many new supporters in their tracks short of the main gates.


I've heard of (and experienced..) the fish and chips running out... But never the bar running dry...! Surely that didn't happen did it..?! :shock:

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As one of the traveling supporters, I quite enjoyed it, some good racing, shame about Neathy, hope he is ok.

Good crowd, got there early so got our fish and chips, Ive never heard of a speedy bar running out of booze before, very strange.

I thought the short track was rubbish didnt bother watching the final, we were thinking of going to one of the meeting wont bother now.

Well done to Doolan, Allen and Frampton looked good as well, some rider that Nelson, thought Bridger was rubbish.

last one of the season for us, roll on 2012.

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I've heard of (and experienced..) the fish and chips running out... But never the bar running dry...! Surely that didn't happen did it..?! :shock:

Ran out of plastic pint glasses, but I think they still had half pints!

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All is not great at Rye for various reasons and yes there have been serious mistakes made ,but the track has been improved and recent meetings have seen better racing for it,.Falling attendences are however hardly going to improve things such as what can be afforded to assemble next seasons teams,,We can all moan about things we think are wrong ,we may be right ,But at the end of the day without all of us continuing to support the teams regularly .Speedway as a professional sport will either die or be reduced to the lowest affordable level..Whats it to be ? ,its basicly in the hands of the supporter..


No! It's in the hands of the promoters who run the sport to put together a watchable product which can compete with the many other distractions available these days. If the product is worth the money then the fans will return.

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