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Swedish 2021 Season (info on 1st page with signings, rules and etc).

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Antonio Lindbäck have "decided" to stay with Indianerna for next season. However it has been reported before that his contract with Indianerna, which he signed a year ago,

was for two years, although speculations/comments have said that it might have been an optional second year or that Antonio could have

breached the contract with Indianerna if he had wanted to.


Antonio says that he also didn't just want to leave Indianerna since they have helped him during the times in which he have had problems.




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Saxarna Speedway have now been formally launched. :t::cheers:



Logo: https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/p720x720/11215847_1695297917359812_3319692328937177010_n.jpg?oh=45f2ffb38eaa6a6ff2413dbb1396f4b6&oe=56D03A2F


Pressmeddelande från Saxarna Speedway.
Saxarna åter på banan!


Efter ca 60 år i dvala ska Borås åter bli en stad utmärkt på den svenska speedwaykartan. Detta efter ett möte igår kväll där man med demokratisk omröstning

beslutade att starta föreningen Saxarna Speedway.


Vid ett informationsmöte i april valdes en styrgrupp på 10 personer att arbeta vidare med möjligheterna till att återigen få Borås på speedwaykartan.

Igår, måndag den 5 oktober, var dessa kallade till ett konstituerande årsmöte med syfte att bilda föreningen Saxarna Speedway.

På mötet röstades det igenom att Saxarna Speedway ska bildas igen! Med på mötet fanns 3 representanter från Borås MK och hela mötet hölls i

god anda mellan båda föreningarna och båda parter är överens om att vi vill åt samma håll – att jobba för motorsportens framtid i Borås Kommun!


Vi ser även goda möjligheter till samarbeten mellan föreningarna vid framtida arrangemang.


Efter det konstituerande årsmötet hölls direkt ett interimsstyrelsemöte med de 8 personer som valdes in i interimsstyrelsen. Där beslutades om de

olika personernas roller inom Saxarna Speedway. Interimsstyrelsen ser ut som följer:

Ordförande: Joakim Olsson
Sekreterare: Simon Nyman
Kassör: Magnus Eklöv

Ord. Ledamöter: Jeff Flodin, Christer Folkesson (med reservation) samt Göran Söderberg

Suppleanter: Peter Haglund, Lars-Göran De Lang

För styrelsen börjar nu arbetet med att hitta en plats där vi kan bedriva vår verksamhet! Vi har några trådar ute och samtal ska nu tas med bl a Borås Kommun.

Vi ser med spänning på framtiden och är väldigt glada över att äntligen vara igång!

Saxarna Speedway genom Simon Nyman.

För kontakt:

Ordförande, Joakim Olsson

Sekreterare, Simon Nyman

Kassör, Magnus Eklöv


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It is clear that 4 riders will not remain with Dackarna.


1. Nicki Pedersen (will move to Lejonen)

2. Rasmus Jensen

3. Joonas Kylmäkorpi

4. Hans Andersen,


Nicki and Joonas will likely ride for Lejonen next season. Rasmus Jensen might not get a new club since the agreement regarding Swedes have changed

from 3 Swedish licensed riders to 3 riders with Swedish passport. Not sure about Hans but I don't think is particular "hot" on the "free agent market".




Smederna have been very quiet but my guess is that that the team will keep the same riders as last season (except Pawlicki) with maybe (speculation) Artem as a replacement for Przemyslaw.

So that would make: Kenni, Prezedpelski, Grigorij, Michelsen, Artem, Eklöf, Zetterström and one more Swede.

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Jacob Thorssell have signed for Rospiggarna. Was really hoping to see him in Smederna but Rospiggarna supposedly gave him a very good financial offer.

KIm Nilsson signed for Masarna. http://avestatidning.com/sport/1.3200099-sm-medaljoren-kim-nilsson-klar-for-masarna

Lejonen will present their squad at press conference in 10 minutes. It can be watched at this link: http://www.vn.se/article/vn-sander-presskonferens/

Nicki, Bjerre, Pontus Aspgren and Matthias Thörnblom have been presented by Lejonen.

Anders Thomsen also signed with Lejonen.

Okononiewski stays with Lejonen, Hans Andersen also signed with Lejonen.

Chris Holder also signed by Lejonen.

So Lejonen to be bankrupt within 3 years then.

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Jacob Thorssell have signed for Rospiggarna. Was really hoping to see him in Smederna but Rospiggarna supposedly gave him a very good financial offer.


KIm Nilsson signed for Masarna. http://avestatidning.com/sport/1.3200099-sm-medaljoren-kim-nilsson-klar-for-masarna


Lejonen will present their squad at press conference in 10 minutes. It can be watched at this link: http://www.vn.se/article/vn-sander-presskonferens/


Nicki, Bjerre, Pontus Aspgren and Matthias Thörnblom have been presented by Lejonen.


So pretty much like the last time when they won the league twice and then ran out of money in the third year

Anders Thomsen also signed with Lejonen.


Okononiewski stays with Lejonen, Hans Andersen also signed with Lejonen.


Chris Holder also signed by Lejonen.


So Lejonen to be bankrupt within 3 years then.

So pretty much like the last time when they won the league twice then ran out of money

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Jacob Thorssell have signed for Rospiggarna. Was really hoping to see him in Smederna but Rospiggarna supposedly gave him a very good financial offer.

KIm Nilsson signed for Masarna. http://avestatidning.com/sport/1.3200099-sm-medaljoren-kim-nilsson-klar-for-masarna

Lejonen will present their squad at press conference in 10 minutes. It can be watched at this link: http://www.vn.se/article/vn-sander-presskonferens/

Nicki, Bjerre, Pontus Aspgren and Matthias Thörnblom have been presented by Lejonen.

Anders Thomsen also signed with Lejonen.

Okononiewski stays with Lejonen, Hans Andersen also signed with Lejonen.

Chris Holder also signed by Lejonen.

So Lejonen to be bankrupt within 3 years then.


Well they saved a lot of money from last season and this squad doesnt look that expensive. Nicki and Holder on a higher salary but Bjerre, Okon and Andersen shouldnt be that expensive.

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Well they saved a lot of money from last season and this squad doesnt look that expensive. Nicki and Holder on a higher salary but Bjerre, Okon and Andersen shouldnt be that expensive.


Bjerre is hardly a rider that would ride for pocket change on the contrary he is usually described as a rider with high demands. Also the rumours is that Nicki and Holder have been given a very good pay rate.

So pretty much like the last time when they won the league twice then ran out of money


Well we'll see. Let's just say that Fröjd and Nicki have a history of leaving a trail of financial "weakness" behind them...

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