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Plymouth 2012

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I appreciate I don't know the ins and outs of what's happened with ashcroft or what bowden has done but from where I sit you guys have a decent team. Apparently healthy attendances too. I'm looking forward to visiting next year and watching some real racers in fisher barker and to a lesser extent boxall.


Well once they've all attended P&P and are seen in the flesh then I'd start looking forward to it, until then keep an open mind!

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That's some chip you have on your shoulder devildodger


Don't take drug's, haven't got a chip on my shoulder, didn't know we had so many expert's on the site :lol:


Well once they've all attended P&P and are seen in the flesh then I'd start looking forward to it, until then keep an open mind!


Your right Mike, but we haven't got a team yet, the latest new's in the local paper is Brent Werner may not be signing, that in itself may not be a bad thing, but to replace him with Gino is a joke, to have over 6 points left and to replace that with a rider on a 3.40 cma is a joke, if that's Mike Bowden's plan then we are in big trouble, i just hope it's not true, let's hope he see's the light.

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Going back a few posts to track facilities Plymouth operate under the conditions imposed by Plymouth City Council aplanning department and they basically say that no permanent build facilities are allowed, so all spectator facilities have to be capable of being removed from the site and stored elsewhere between meetings i,e you cant put up any concrete block facilities for spectators.

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Mike Bowden may not be everyone's cup of tea but he is the one that matter's, and opinion's that he should let someone else take over are idea's of people that like to shout there mouth off but would never try it themself's, every sport have them people thinking they can do a better job, but when it come's down to putting there name forward they are nowhere to be seen, you are right barncooseboy he can not put any permanant build facilities on the speedway site at the SBA, but everyone one know's that, but it's just something for the anty Mike Bowden so called Plymouth Supporter's to have a moan about, i am not a Mike Bowden fan but i would never try the job he is doing, i take my hat off to him for even trying it, so let him get on with it, there a gutless bunch, i have come to realise that, the old saying is put up, or shut up.

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You were never going to get Fish and Werner on the same team.So you will get one or the other but not both.


Spot on with that comment, in today's locol Plymouth paper Brent Werner has backed out of joinng Plymouth due to a personality clash with one of the present team member's, his place will be taken by Gino Franchetti, i can hear the drum's beating has i speak by so called Plymouth Devil's supporter's, they did not want Werner, but won't be happy with his replacement, they can't do anything about it, but they sure will have a moan, i'm not happy about bringing in a 3.40 rider when you have over 6 to find one, but there is nothing i can do about it, and i can't see it working for to long, but i will still support the team and wait to see what happen's, i have made that choice.

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Spot on with that comment, in today's locol Plymouth paper Brent Werner has backed out of joinng Plymouth due to a personality clash with one of the present team member's, his place will be taken by Gino Franchetti, i can hear the drum's beating has i speak by so called Plymouth Devil's supporter's, they did not want Werner, but won't be happy with his replacement, they can't do anything about it, but they sure will have a moan, i'm not happy about bringing in a 3.40 rider when you have over 6 to find one, but there is nothing i can do about it, and i can't see it working for to long, but i will still support the team and wait to see what happen's, i have made that choice.


In fairness your right Roger we can do nothing about it, but it is an terrible move as we both know and one that has been done on the cheap. Plenty of options were available and now poor Cockle will be in the main body. Quite frankly I've had enough of it all! From our initial declared 1-7 we've now made two team changes and the season hasn't even begun. I wouldn't be surprised if one or two more changed within the next four weeks.

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In fairness your right Roger we can do nothing about it, but it is an terrible move as we both know and one that has been done on the cheap. Plenty of options were available and now poor Cockle will be in the main body. Quite frankly I've had enough of it all! From our initial declared 1-7 we've now made two team changes and the season hasn't even begun. I wouldn't be surprised if one or two more changed within the next four weeks.


With Newport rider's now looking for team's Mike Bowden could have maybe picked up one of them that could have fitted in the Plymouth team, Mike i feel just like you because we have the making's of a very good team, lets be honest Ben and Ryan must be the best top two in the PL and a great foundation for any team to start with, like you i can't be asked anymore, i'm just going to go and sit in the stand on the start finish line and watch the meeting's and let Mike Bowden find out the hard way that you cant put out a PL team with four reserve's in it and expect to do well, the team has it is now i feel is weaker than last year's now, he will find that out maybe not at home but you can bet in away meeting's.

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With Newport rider's now looking for team's Mike Bowden could have maybe picked up one of them that could have fitted in the Plymouth team, Mike i feel just like you because we have the making's of a very good team, lets be honest Ben and Ryan must be the best top two in the PL and a great foundation for any team to start with, like you i can't be asked anymore, i'm just going to go and sit in the stand on the start finish line and watch the meeting's and let Mike Bowden find out the hard way that you cant put out a PL team with four reserve's in it and expect to do well, the team has it is now i feel is weaker than last year's now, he will find that out maybe not at home but you can bet in away meeting's.

not standing on bend 2 anymore then
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not standing on bend 2 anymore then


No lewy, and i think you know why, i have no reason to stand there anymore, i don't think my grandson will be going this year so i will sit in the stand, being thrown off the site after over a 1000 post by a so called mate who i stood next to on bend two for the last three year's, and that's after being the second highest poster, why would i want to stand there anymore, no warning just a email saying i'm banned, brilliant.

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Roger I feel the need to reply to your personal attack. Again I have received P.M`s and calls reference your post, and this is more for their peace of mind than anything else. Yet again you project you are in possession of all the facts, when yet again you are in possession of none. Yes a decision was taken as to your conduct, but I had no part in that what so ever. I had removed myself from the situation due to as you put it, our friendship, so that no favouritism could affect the outcome. Your actions although not unexpected, only go to show that the correct decision was arrived at and for the right reasons. I can assure you that my reputation is still intact, and the reputation of the Devils supporters is also intact, I shall leave you to judge the rest for yourself. But using your own words, “I don`t care what other people think of me, and I won`t change”, leads me to believe that the world according to Roger will just go on without a care of who or how you upset other people.



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Roger I feel the need to reply to your personal attack. Again I have received P.M`s and calls reference your post, and this is more for their peace of mind than anything else. Yet again you project you are in possession of all the facts, when yet again you are in possession of none. Yes a decision was taken as to your conduct, but I had no part in that what so ever. I had removed myself from the situation due to as you put it, our friendship, so that no favouritism could affect the outcome. Your actions although not unexpected, only go to show that the correct decision was arrived at and for the right reasons. I can assure you that my reputation is still intact, and the reputation of the Devils supporters is also intact, I shall leave you to judge the rest for yourself. But using your own words, “I don`t care what other people think of me, and I won`t change”, leads me to believe that the world according to Roger will just go on without a care of who or how you upset other people.



Dave i didn't think it was a personal attack, all i did was answer lewy's question and give my reason why i won't be standing on bend two, i'm happy to come on this site and say what i have to say, and when did i change was it after 10 post's, 100post's or a 1000 post's, i'm not saying anymore Dave because after all this i do have a lot of respect for you, and i did think we were friend's, maybe i was wrong about that, but we did have some good time's on bend two, well i think we did, can't be sure now, i think if you had asked me to calm down for the sake of the site i would have no matter what you say about the world according to Roger, that's has a friend's if we ever were friend's that is, but i never got the chance, so we will never know, anyway it's all water under the bridge now, i'm looking forward to the new season now, give my best regard's to Ruth, i'm not saying anymore on this matter now, it was very good while it lasted, met some good people on bend two, let's crack on, if i'm allowed to that is.



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In fairness your right Roger we can do nothing about it, but it is an terrible move as we both know and one that has been done on the cheap. Plenty of options were available and now poor Cockle will be in the main body. Quite frankly I've had enough of it all! From our initial declared 1-7 we've now made two team changes and the season hasn't even begun. I wouldn't be surprised if one or two more changed within the next four weeks.

like signing charlie gjedde and the other four being national league riders possibly?
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like signing charlie gjedde and the other four being national league riders possibly?


Myself i would rather have Leigh Lanham in my team, but that's just a matter of choice, just for his experience on the British track's, the rest that would fit like Robin Aspegren 5.73, Ander's Mellgren 5.4, and Todd Kurtz 4.85 Would have been ok before Mike Bowden Signed Gino Franchetti, but none have done nothing special around the SBA when they came down to Plymouth with Newport, Melgren has never been to the SBA but the other two have, Aspegren Getting 5+1 and Kurtz 5+3, none were race win's, and that was in a meeting where we got beat easily by Newport, and the Plymouth team was very poor that night.


I think even if these rider's were available before i don't think they are rider's that Mike Bowden would have gone for to be honest, and the sad thing about that is i think in Mike's mind Gino Franchetti was alway's going to be the first rider to come in if Werner changed his mind like he did, even if these rider's were available then, it would not have made any difference because i don't think Mike looked any further than Franchetti, and i think he will come to regret that because i feel he had a great chance to make the team a lot stronger having over 6 to find a rider, and he did not do that, now bringing in Gino who i don't dislike will put great presser not on him but on James Cockle who in reality is a reserve at the best, James is a great lad and this will be very hard season for him in the PL having to move up so Gino can come back into the team at reserve, something i feel should not have happened.

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It would not surprise me one bit if Mike didn't go for Leigh Lanham, a quality rider and great rider for Exeter, so Mike and Seemond must know all about him and it would be a great top three with Ben, Ryan and Leigh, to have a third heat leader with the quality that Leigh has, now that would make people talk, and would shut the moaner's up, wouldn't it :lol:

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