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Prague 2012

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Will there be a GP in Prague in 2012


I hope so! I know the racing is quite dull, but the weekend as a whole is not to be missed! :approve: Some excellent restaurants, good bars, beautiful architecture and a City that is quite easy to explore on foot, although the walk up the hill to the castle sometimes takes its toll on some!

The journey back to town on the tram, after the meeting always reminds me of standing on the Gwladys Street end in the 1960's!


GP could be better but the weekend is always a good one. :cheers:

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I hope so! I know the racing is quite dull, but the weekend as a whole is not to be missed! :approve: Some excellent restaurants, good bars, beautiful architecture and a City that is quite easy to explore on foot, although the walk up the hill to the castle sometimes takes its toll on some!

The journey back to town on the tram, after the meeting always reminds me of standing on the Gwladys Street end in the 1960's!


GP could be better but the weekend is always a good one. :cheers:


YES there will be a GP in Prague ....

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I assume so, although I would prefer it to be at Pardubice, which is 10 times a better racetrack than Prague.


All the best


World Team Cup Final 1990 says not.


It's not what you prepare, it's how you prepare.

Edited by ImpartialOne
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  • 1 month later...

Not sure to be honest, but at the current time, if Prague were to be removed from the calendar, or the Prague club were no longer be interested in holding a GP at Marketa, that would mean the Czech Republic leaving the GP Calendar, as Pardubice are not currently interested in staging a Grand Prix, viz this posting by Petr Moravec on the discussion forum of their website www.zlataprilba.cz :


Havlis Wrote :


Že ten Olsson a Olsen a BSI stále tvrdošijně cpou GP do Prahy na jednokolejku, na které nejde předjíždět místo aby navrhli GP do Svítkova, kde je předjíždění zaručeno už jenom šířkou dráhy pro šest jezdců. Stále hledají jak seriál GP zatraktivnit a přitom v Praze to je atraktivvní akorát cenou vstupenek a tím , že padesát metrů od stadionu pražáci nevědí, že se tam nějaká GP vůbec jede a taky nevědí co to plochá dráha vůbec je. To je vizitka města, které bude tento závod pořádat už pošestnácté!

Petr Moravec reaguje:

11.10.2011 (08:39)X


Petr Moravec Replied :


Možná se Vám to bude zdát divné, ale AMK ZP Pardubice vzhledem k ekonomické náročnosti pořadatelů Grand prix nemá zájem o pořádání tohoto podniku. Už jenom proto, že když jsme v minulosti o tom začali jednat, oni navíc okamžitě tyto požadavky stupňovali střídavě vůči Praze i nám. Proto jdeme jinom cestou se zaměřením na Zlatou přilbu, mistrovství světa juniorů a pokud někdy v budoucnu bude mít pořadatelská země právo mít v jím pořádaném závodě svůj celek (kvůli Velké Británii se totot pravidlo připravuje) možná projevíme zájem o SWC. Ke kritice Prahy řeknu jediné, buďme rádi, že tamní pořadatelé to ekonomicky zvládají (věřte, že je to pořádná "pálka") a SGP se u nás koná.


Which roughly translated by Google is :


Havlis Wrote :


That the Olsen and Olsson and BSI are still stubbornly stuffing GP to Prague for monorail, which can not overtake the place to suggest to the GP Svitkov where overtaking is guaranteed if only for a track width of six riders. Still looking for the GP series as attractive while in Prague, it is just atraktivvní price of tickets and the fact that fifty meters from the stadium Prague people are unaware that there is a GP at all goes well and do not know what it is at all Speedway. This card is a city that will host this race already pošestnácté!

Petr Moravec answering:

October 11, 2011 (8:39) X


Petr Moravec Replied :


Maybe you it will seem strange, but AMK ZP Pardubice, due to the economic performance of the Grand Prix organizers are not interested in organizing this venture. Just because we in the past about it began to act, they also immediately turn these demands escalated to Prague and to us. So we go a different way, focusing on the Golden Helmet, Junior World Championships, and if sometime in the future will be the organizing country the right to have it hosted the race in its entirety (for the UK, is this rule of course) might express interest in SWC. The criticism of Prague only say, let's be glad that the local organizers economically handle (believe it's proper "bat") and SGP at our place.


Petr Moravec is an official of AMK ZP Pardubice by the way

Edited by jeffster
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I know last year it was rumoured that the Prague track was going to ripped up and modified.


Does anyone know if that has or is still taking place?


Went to this GP a few years ago and enjoyed the city but the racing itself was rotten.


Thinking of going again this year but changes to the track would be the clincher.


Thanks in advance



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I know last year it was rumoured that the Prague track was going to ripped up and modified.


Does anyone know if that has or is still taking place?


Went to this GP a few years ago and enjoyed the city but the racing itself was rotten.


Thinking of going again this year but changes to the track would be the clincher.


Thanks in advance




THERE will be an FIM Clerk of the Course seminar there in February. Should get an update then.

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It's odd, Prague used to produce some awesome racing. What went wrong?


MOST riders will tell you that the track basically wore out and became a one-line pony. Remedial work required isn't really complex or expensive and will hopefully have been done or will be done by May. Tony Olsson will be there at CoC meeting and is very keen to ensure that track is improved.

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TRUE but

Havent they been promising to sort it for about 5 years now?


As Fingersfin says, Pragues a great city but the speedway is rubbish.

Havent they been promising to sort it for about 5 years now?


As Fingersfin says, Pragues a great city but the speedway is rubbish.


TRUE but hopefully the message is getting through. We will soon know.

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  • 1 month later...

HAD an email from Tony Olsson, who was there recently, today. Work has been done on the track and more is continuing, including the first and second bends. Hopefully all this will have the desired effect.


doudt if very much :D will that keep the rain away which seems to appear every year :P

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