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Dudley Sign A 43 Year Old!

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I have just read on the BSPA website that Dudley are giving an outing to a 43 year old who is making a comeback.


Can I say that I think this is an absolute joke, yes its sentimental that a former Heathens favourite is ridng again but I thought the whole idea of the National "development" league was to give up and coming youngsters a chance and not to give old has beens a jolly (I don't mean any personal offence on you Mark).


As coordinator of the Midland League I have been on the phone to nearly every NL team manager until my face turns blue trying to get the better riders the chance that they deserve. If only Messers Pottinger and Pearson would open their eyes they would see talent in the likes of Conor Dwyer, Lee Geary, Tom Woolley and Conor Coles all of whom have all beaten national league level riders in the Midland league this year. What do these guys have to do to get an opportunity?


I wish all the best to Mark but in all fairness The NL should be used to bring on raw British talent - isn't that what Nigel Pearson preaches to us every week on SKY?


Kelvin Lapworth

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Mark is riding in one challenge meeting for the Heathens. He has worked very hard and put a lot of track time in to get back up to a level where he can be competitive. I do not see what the problem is with this.


I think one more experienced rider in a NL team is a good thing. The young riders need some guidance and experience on a number of levels. For Dudley, Armo is out injured for the rest of the season so I think Mark's inclusion in the team is a good thing. He raced with some of the World's best riders in the 90's at Cradley and held his own in a league which is way above what the EL is now, I'm sure he'll be a positive influence.


Dudley have given opportunities to the youngsters over the past couple of years and I'm sure next year will be no different.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't wait to see him out on track in a Heathens race jacket.

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I dont think its a joke at all, its only a challenge match that he is riding in, plus its the Heathens final meeting of the season. Its been a tough season for them, so for them it will be nice seeing one of their former riders to round off the season.


Being the last home meeting of the season gives even more reason to give a youngster a chance if they have nothing to lose.


Maybe Simon Cross and Phil Collins might make a comeback now!


Love winding all you Cradley fans up lol :rofl::rofl:

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Get off your high horse will you? Just so that you may be better informed, Mark is an ex Cradley rider who though never hit the big time, was a favourite with the fans as he was born and bred on the doorstep. Add to this the fact that since Dudley returned 2 years ago, he has helped out young riders in the Dudley camp. Add to this he has many, many friends who are Heathens supporters, then you tell me why he should not have a ride in a challenge match if he so desires?


Dudley gave a chance to a young rider this year who had no experience of "racing", and as it proved, he was not ready for league racing. He did the club no good, and more importantly, he did himself no good either. It must have been totally demoralising for the lad. I wish him all the very best in the future - perhaps when he has had more training he will make the grade, and I for one, sincerely hope he does. I also want to ask you - before having a go, did you care to check the average age of the Dudley team this year?


I am sick to the back teeth of people telling us that the NL is a training ground for British Speedway, and we should only be using raw young talent. Yes, I accept the point that being the lower league, it has a responsibility to find and nurture young talent, but it also has a responsibility to give the fans the chance to see racing, not a 4 lap procession. After all, like I've said time and time again, even NL has to be entertaining to the fans. Given boring racing with complete novices all the time and the fans will disappear. No fans = no NL.


By the way, the heading of this post is "Dudley sign a 43 year old". How inaccurate can you get? He is having 1 meeting in a challenge match. What exactly has he "signed"?


Now let me wind you up as I pose this thought to you. Perhaps your time would be better spent complaining to certain PL teams who turn up fielding no number 7 on a night when there is no NL meeting, and dozens of NL riders available who would give their back teeth for the ride!!!

Edited by villiers210
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I would sugest then that you get yourself down to a midland league match then. Every fan I have spoke to has said how entertaining the races are as all the riders are giving it their all and fighting for every point. Boring racing it isn't - complete novices, maybe a couple. Me on my high horse - never, Jeez you Cradley fans always think you are gods gift to speedway lol :party::party:

Your not winding anyone up - your making a total tool of yourself.

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I would sugest then that you get yourself down to a midland league match then. Every fan I have spoke to has said how entertaining the races are as all the riders are giving it their all and fighting for every point. Boring racing it isn't - complete novices, maybe a couple. Me on my high horse - never, Jeez you Cradley fans always think you are gods gift to speedway lol :party::party:



I understand your allegiance, I really do, and I sincerely wish you all the best in what you are trying to achieve. I have enjoyed many forms of motor sport over many years, but please forgive me, if I choose to give my allegiance to one particular team in a particular league. That is my prerogative, but I am at a total loss as to why you make the statement "you Cradley fans always think you are gods gift to speedway". On what are you basing this accusation? I would have thought that someone in your position would have chosen your words more carefully, and been a little more professional in your approach, rather than to alienate the very people you are attempting to take up your cause.

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Genius. Invite us along and then insult us and all in one post!! I've seen Lee ride and know him well enough to chat to when I see him at Coventry. He's older than most of our riders and not as good or he's have a job in the NL by now. That's not meant as anything other than a statement of fact. I don't see how him having a ride in our challenge would really be any different to giving Mark an outing. Of course nostalgia is the main reason Mark is getting a ride but with Ash, Tom, Darryl and Danny in the team we've got our fair share of youngsters.

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Hang on here, not against what you do Sarah/Kelvin for ALL youngsters, but Claus,the guy at Scunthorpe, and now Simon Nielsen i take it they are NOT keeping out British youngsters. ? Robbo has in the past, paid to hire Stoke Track for the guys to have a much needed Training session, so lets not get down to British/EU youngsters. :wink: I admire the time you put into helping youngsters, but lets not forget they were not all British.

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Hang on here, not against what you do Sarah/Kelvin for ALL youngsters, but Claus,the guy at Scunthorpe, and now Simon Nielsen i take it they are NOT keeping out British youngsters. ? Robbo has in the past, paid to hire Stoke Track for the guys to have a much needed Training session, so lets not get down to British/EU youngsters. :wink: I admire the time you put into helping youngsters, but lets not forget they were not all British.


Stefan Nielson - despite his name - is a British Speedway rider, born in England, with a british mother.


Jorgenson(sp?) is in the PL team...

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Stefan Nielson - despite his name - is a British Speedway rider, born in England, with a british mother.


Jorgenson(sp?) is in the PL team...


I think Greyhoundp was referring to Thomas Jørgensen, who, I think (but not sure), has toured with Team Viking in the past.

Stefan Nielsen has not.

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sarah mind your own business and stay in the kitchen what women do best

I would suggest you look at the name under the initial comment - This whole thread was written by my husband Kelvin while I was at work for 14 hours today - So unfortunately I do not have time to spend in the kitchen you narrow minded individual

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I think Greyhoundp was referring to Thomas Jørgensen, who, I think (but not sure), has toured with Team Viking in the past.

Stefan Nielsen has not.


He was referring to Simon Nielsen who has signed for Workington...

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