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S.African National Championships: 2nd Round,

Walkerville, Johannesburg, SA, 30 July 2011.


S.African National Speedway Championship: 2nd Round.


Neil Pettit. 3 2 3 3, Total,11 (Rd.1: 8 -- TT 19)

Mac Magill 2 3 2 2, T.... 9 . (Rd.1: 8 -- TT 17)

Damien Devine 1 0 1 0, T 2 (Rd.1: 8 -- TT 10)

Bobby Devine.. 0 1 0 1, T 2 (Rd.1: 0 -- TT 2.)


Ht. 2: N.Pettit, M.Magill, D.Devine, B.Devine. 65.62s.

Ht.13: M.Magill, N.Pettit, B.Devine, D.Devine. 68.71s.

Ht.25: N.Pettit, M.Magill, D.Devine, B.Devine. 65.79s.

Ht.37: N.Pettit, M.Magill, B.Devine, D.Devine. 68.97s.



S.African U21 National Speedway Championship: 2nd Round.


Lyle Kotze . 3 3 3 3, T12 (Rd.1: 12 --TT 24)

Justin Steyn 3 3 2 2, T10 (Rd.1:7 --TT 17 )

Ashley Brill . 2 1 2 1, T 6 (Rd.1: 2 --TT 8)

Jason Cole . 1 2 2 1, T 6 (Rd.1: 3 -- TT 9)

Jannine de Jager ef,1 1 ef, T 2 (Rd.1: 4 -- TT 6).


Ht. 1: L.Kotze, A.Brill, J.Cole, J.deJager (ef). 75.47s

Ht. 8: J.Steyn, J.Cole, J.deJager. (3 riders.) 76.94s.

Ht.14: L.Kotze, J.Cole, A.Brill. (3 riders) 71.18s.

Ht.20: J.Steyn, A.Brill, J.deJager. (3 riders) 78.65s.

Ht.26: L.Kotze(10m), J.Steyn, A.Brill. (3 riders) 74.32s.

Ht.32: L.Kotze, J.Steyn, J.Cole, J.deJager (ef). 72.20s.



“Speedway Stars”, (Senior Solos)

Ht. 7: P.Buck, M.McEnroe, H.Kleynhans (ef). 90.97s.

Ht.19: M.McEnroe, P.Buck, H.Kleynhans (ef). 86.66s.

Ht.31: M.McEnroe, P.Buck, H.Kleynhans (ef). 83.95s.


SA National Sidecar Speedway Championship: Rd.2.


Kallie&Konrad .. 0 2 1 2, T5 (Rd.1: 11 -TT16)

2Dogs&GordonR 3 2 2 ef,T7 (Rd.1: 9 - TT16)

Sean&Dean .... 1 3 3 2, T9 (Rd.1: 0 - TT9)

John&Shaun .... 2 1 0 1, T4 (Rd.1: 0 - TT4)

Riaan&Johan ... 3 1 2 1, T7 (Rd.1: 0 - TT7)

Deon&Juan ..... 2 0 1 3, T6 (Rd.1; 0 - TT6)

Renier&GordonB 1 3 3 3,T10 (Rd.1; 0 - TT10)


Ht.3: 2Dogs&Gordan, Deon&Juan, Sean&Dean. 77.03s.

Ht.4: Riaan&Johan, John&Shaun, Renier&Gordon, Kallie&Konrad. 74.03s.

Ht.15: Sean&Dean, Kallie&Konrad, Riaan&Johan, Deon&Juan. 71.50s.

Ht.16: Renier&Gordon, 2Dogs&Gordon, John&Shaun. 72.09s.

Ht.27: Renier&Gordon, 2Dogs&Gordon, Deon&Juan. 72.90s.

Ht.28: Sean&Dean, Riaan&Johan, Kallie&Konrad, John&Shaun. 71.89s.

Ht.38: Consol'n Final: Deon&Juan, Kallie&Konrad, John&Shaun. nt.

Ht.39: S/cars Final: Renier&Gordon, Sean&Dean, Riaan&Johan, 2Dogs&Gordon(ef). nt.



The above heats were supplemented by Mascot, Peewee and Pitbike Speedway and Quad bike races.


The 3rd and final round of the SA National Championships is scheduled for Dec. 11th.2011.

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Do these meetings get good support from the locals???


Are the riders any good???


Numbers I don't know. The programme is a committee-run club operation for members and family rather than a commercial promotion, with 30-40 heats ranging from Pitbikes, Quads, Mascot Speedway as well as U21, and Sidecars, and parents and family all collaborating for a monthly Sunday afternoon social as well as a race meeting. Senior racing would be NL level, as identified by the inclusion of Byron Bekker and the recently-departed Deon Prinsloo, ex Wimbledon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Walkerville, Johannesburg, SA, 28 August 2011.


Boet Strydom / Ian Kyle Best Pairs (Handicap) Competition,

plus support programme, incl'g Mascot Speedway.


   TEAM             RIDER           POINTS             TOTALS
“Cambrian Sports Bar”Bobby Devine    1,   1+1, 2+1, 1;  T5+2 
                    Ashley Brill    3,   2,    3,  2;  T10   TT17 WINNERS
“Assured Freight”    Damien Devine   0,   2+1, 1+1, 2;  T5+2 
                    Lyle Kotze      2,   3,   2,   3;  T10   TT17
“Dot Engineering”    Neil Pettit     3,   3,   3,   3;  T12
                    Jason Cole      2+1, 0,   0,   1;  T3+1  TT16
“KTS Properties”    Hansie Kleynhans 1,   1,   1,   0;   T3 
                   Peter Buck       0,   0,   0,   0;   T 0  TT 3


Ht.5: Pettit(150m), Cole(100m), Kleynhans, Buck, 73.34s

Ht.6: Brill, Kotze, B.Devine, D.Devine, 74.96s

Ht.11: Kotze(100m), D.Devine(100m), Kleynhans, Buck, 86.53s

Ht.12: Pettit(100m), Brill, B.Devine, Cole, 73.71s

Ht.15: Brill, B.Devine, Kleynhans, Buck, 82.93s

Ht.16: Pettit(100m), Kotze, Devine, Cole, 69.86s

B Final, Ht.17: Kotze, Brill, Cole, Buck, 73.78s

A Final, Ht.18: Pettit(100m), D.Devine(50m), B.Devine, Kleynhans, 70.97s

B Grade “Speedway Stars”

Ht.2: S.Whyte, G.Frank, J.Steyn n.s. 91.34s

Ht.4: J.Steyn, S.Whyte, G.Frank, 80.72s

Ht.10: S.Whyte, G.Frank, J.Steyn n.s. 86.81s

(These were first competitive rides for Mssrs Whyte & Frank.)



Ht.7: Kruger&Butler, Allsop&Cowdy, Butlet&Butler, Merwe&Sharp, Hilliar&Rath ef, 82.00s

Ht.8: LeRoux&Butler, Todd&Todd, Kruger&Herbst, Britz&Britz, 75.71s

Ht.13: Todd&Todd, Kruger&Herbst, Kruger&Butler, Allsop&Cowdy, Britz&Britz, 76.87s

Ht.14: LeRoux&Butler, Butler&Butler, Hilliar&Rath, Merwe&Sharp, 73.91s

Grand Slam, Ht.19, 5 Laps:

LeRoux&Butler, Todd&Todd, Kruger&Herbst, Butler&Butler, Allsop&Cowdy, Kruger&Butler, Britz&Britz;

n.s: Hilliar&Rath, n.s.Merwe&Sharp. 93.10s

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Walkerville, Johannesburg, SA, 4th September 2011.


Boet Strydom's “Golden Boot” Trophy,

plus support programme, incl'g Mascot Speedway, Quads, Ladies Quads, Peewees & Pitbikes.

This meeting was run under a 'mixed ability heats' format.


Premiers + U21s:

Ht.3: Neil Pettit bt. Damien Devine, 65.15s

Ht.4: L.Kotze, J.Steyn, J.Cole, 72.05s

Ht.9: Pettit, Steyn, Kotze, 68.03s

Ht.10: D.Devine bt. J.Cole, nt.

Ht.17: Pettit, D.Devine, Steyn, 64.56s

Ht.18: J.Cole bt. L.Kotze, 75.40s

Ht.27: N.Pettit bt. D.Devine, 70.78s.

WINNER, 'Golden Boot': Neil Pettit, (12pts), Runner-Up, Damen Devine, (9pts).


'Speedway Stars'+ Mascots:

Ht.2: Kleyhans, Whyte, Frank, Brandon Devine, Buck, 84.13s

Ht.12: Whyte, Kleyhans, Frank, Br.Devine, Buck, 83.34s

Ht.19: Whyte, Kleyhans, Frank, Buck, Br.Devine, 81.55s

Ht.25: Whyte, Kleyhans, Buck, Br.Devine, Frank, 79.72s

TOTALS: S.Whyte 11pts, H.Kleynhans 9pts, G.Frank, 3pts, P.Buck 1pt.

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  • 1 month later...

Walkerville Raceway, Johannesburg, Oct. 9th 2011.

Golden Helmet and Silver Sash.


Postponed from the original fixture of 2nd October because of adverse weather, the Golden Helmet and Silver Sash competitions were run as part of the 36-heat programme on 9th. at Walkerville Raceway.

First raced for in 1977, Mac Magill took the Golden Helmet with 10 pts after Neil Pettit suffered engine failure in his final ride. The juniors' Silver Sash trophy was won by 16-year old Justin Steyn.

A support programme, incl'g Mascot Speedway, Quads, Ladies Quads, Peewees & Pitbikes was also run.


Premiers + U21s

Ht.13: Pettit, Magill, D.Devine, B.Devine ef. 66.87s

Ht.14: Steyn, Cole, Kotze, Brill ns. 72.75s

Ht.23: Pettit, Magill, Kotze, Brill. 66.57s

Ht.24: Steyn, Cole, D.Devine, B.Devine. 74.81s

Ht.29: Magill, Pettit, Kotze, Steyn. 68.60s

Ht.30: B.Devine, Cole, Brill, D.Devine ef. 73.94s

Ht.34: Steyn, Kotze, Cole, Brill. 74.22s

Ht.35: Magill, D.Devine, Pettit ef. (3 riders). 69.66s



Ht.6: Kleynhans, Whyte, Frank, Buck. 80.22s

Ht.12: Whyte, Kleynhans, Frank, Buck. 79.34s

Ht.28: Whyte, Kleynhans, Frank, Buck. 84.44s



Ht.16: Todd&Todd, Hilliar &Raath, LeRoux &Butler, Kruger &Herbst, Kruger &Butler. 73.12s

Ht.17: Allsop &Stef, Merwe &Sharp, Britz &Britz. Butler &Butler nf. 74S

Ht.25: Leroux &Butler, Kruger & Herbst, Allsop &Stef, Hilliar&Rath, Kruger &Butler. 76.34s

Ht.26: Todd &Todd, Butler &Butler. Merwe &Sharp ef, Britz &Britz ns. 76.53s

Ht.31: Todd &Todd, Kruger &Butler, LeRoux &Butler, Hilliar &Raath, Kruger & Herbst. 71.22s

Ht.32: Butler & Butler, Merwe &Sharp, Allsop &Shaun, Britz &Britz. (nt.)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Orkney Showground, Klerksdorp, Sat. Oct 29th 2011

Walkerville Raceway, Johannesburg, Sun.Oct.30th 2011.


A number of WSRC riders, - solos and sidecars - , made their annual trip to Orkney on 29th Oct.

In the first heat the ad-hoc track fetched all 4 riders down one-by-one then after 6 heats each of solos and

s/cars the meeting had to be curtailed because of extreme wind and thunder storms.


ORKNEY, 29th.


Ht.1: L.Kotze, Pettit, D.Devine, Cole, 66.22s

Ht.2: Kleynhans, Buck, Frank, BrandonDevine, 70.47s

Ht.7: Pettit, Cole, D.Devine, L.Kotze, 61.53s

Ht.8: Buck, BrandonDevine, Kleynhans, Frank, 69.97s

Ht.13:Pettit, L.Kotze, Cole, D.Devine, 70.00s

Ht.14:BrandonDevine, Kleynhans, Frank, Buck, 77.15s


S/cars: (No times)

Ht.3: Kruger &Herbst, Merwe &Sharp, Kruger &Steyn.

Ht.4: A.Kotze &Nortmann, Butler &Butler, leRoux &Butler.

Ht.9: Kruger &Steyn, leRoux &Butler, Kruger &Herbst, Kotze &Nortmann ef.

Ht.10:Britz &Britz, Butler &Butler, Merwe &Sharp.

Ht.15:A.Kotze &Nortmann, Kruger &Steyn, Kruger &Herbst, leRoux &Butler.

Ht.16:Butler &Butler, Britz &Britz, Merwe &Sharp.

Meeting abandoned, - storms.



2nd Regional Final

The next day riders and support classes of Quads, Pitbikes, Mascots,Peewees and Ladies were out again on their home

track for the 2nd and final round of the Regional Championship as part of a 33-heat programme.

Winner of the Premier Solo class was Neil Pettit; U21, Ashley Brill; S/cars, Sean & Dean Todd.



RIDER     1st Reg; H1 H2 H3 H4  T   TT
Neil Pettit:   9;  3  3  3  2  11,  20
Mac Magill:    9;  2  2  2  3   9,  18
Damien Devine: 4;  1  1  1  1   4,   8
Bobby Devine:  3;  0  0  0  0   0,   3

Ashley Brill
Sean & Dean Todd.


Heat Details:


Ht.1: Pettit, Magill, D.Devine, BobbyDevine ef, 66.15s

Ht.11:Pettit, Magill, B.Devine, D.Devine, 64.34s

Ht.18:Pettit, Magill, D.Devine, B.Devine ef, 68.47s

Ht.30:Magill, Pettit, D.Devine, B.Devine ns. 65.12s


Ht.2: Cole, Steyn, Kotze, Brill, 71.71s

Ht.12:Kotze, Steyn, Cole, Brill, 70.72s

Ht.19:Cole, Steyn, Brill, Kotze, 73.72s

Ht.31:Kotze, Cole, Steyn, Brill, 70.41s


Ht.4: Kleynhans, Frank, Buck. 85.59s

Ht.14:Kleynhans, Buck, Frank. 82.18s

Ht.24:Kleynhans, Buck, Frank. 84.09s


Ht.3: Todd &Todd, 2Dogs &Rath, Allsopp &Stef e.f. 74.56s

Ht.13:Todd &Todd, 2Dogs &Rath, Allsopp &Stef. 72.21s

Ht.20:Allsopp &Stef, Todd &Todd, 2Dogs &Rath e.f. 75.63s

Ht.32:Todd &Todd, Allsopp &Stef, 2Dogs &Rath n.s. 72.22s



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Walkerville, Johannesburg, SA, 5th Nov. 2011.




Ht.1: Magill, Pettit, Kotze, Cole. 67.75s

Ht.2: Steyn, A.Brill, BobbyDevine, D.Devine.76.81s

Ht.8: Magill, Pettit, A.Brill, D.Devine. 69.06s

Ht.9: Kotze, Steyn, Cole, B.Devine ef. 75.69s

Ht.15:Pettit, Magill, Steyn, B.Devine ns. 70.37s

Ht.16:Kotze, A.Brill, Cole f, B.Devine ef 74.04s

Ht.22, ConslnFinal: A.Brill, Kotze, R.Brill. 83.10s

Ht.23, Final: 4x 1-lap heats, pts totaled:

. . . . L1:Pettit, Magill, Steyn, D.Devine. 17.31s

. . . . L2:Pettit, Magill, D.Devine, Steyn. 17.44s

. . . . L3:Magill, Pettit, Steyn, D.Devine. 17.63s

. . . . L4:Pettit, Magill, D.Devine, Steyn. 17.96s

RESULT: 1st Neil Pettit 11pts; 2nd Mac Magill 9pts;

3rd Damien Devine 2pts; 4th Justin Steyn 2pts.


'B' grade:

Ht.3: Frank, Buck, Kleynhans. 84.54s

Ht.10:Kleynans, Frank. Buck ns. 83.38s

Ht.20:Kleynans, Frank, Buck. 81.35s



Ht.5: leRoux &Butler, Kruger &Herbst, 2Dogs &Rath.

Ht.6: A.Kotze &Nortmann, Todd &Todd, Kruger &J.Steyn.

Ht.7: Allsopp &Stef, Butler &Butler, Britz &Britz.

Ht.12:2Dogs &Rath, Butler & Butler, Britz &Britz.

Ht.13:Todd &Todd, Allsopp &Stef, Kruger &Herbst.

Ht.14:Kotze &Nortmann, Kruger &Steyn, leRoux &Butler.

Ht.17:Kruger &Steyn, Kruger &Herbst, Britz &Britz.

Ht.18:Kotze &Nortmann, Kruger &Herbst, Allsopp &Stef.

Ht.19:leRoux &Butler, Todd &Todd, 2Dogs &Rath.

Pts totals:

SEAN TODD 		DEAN TODD		2	3	2	7	3
JOHN ALLSOP			  STEF			3	2	1	6	   4

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  • 2 weeks later...

WALKERVILLE, 11 Dec 2011.

3rd & Final Round, Dot Engineering National Championship.


Yesterday's meeting at Walkerville Raceway was abandoned when just a few heats into the programme after a spectacular crash of the sidecars followed by a downpour of rain which flooded the track.

The solos managed one heat in each class, Pettit winning the Premiers' race from Magill, but on the second lap of the first s/cars race a triple collision resulted in three competitors each sustaining broken bones, - driver Sean Todd 3 broken ribs and a broken arm, his passenger Dean Todd a broken collar bone, and passenger Stef a broken right arm.


No sooner had the ambulance departed than a downpour occured flooding the track and ending the days event.

A decision about a restaging will be made shortly.

Meanwhile contributions yesterday to the cancer relief fund for baby Reef Carneson totaled R5,000. Thanks to all.

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