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2012 Season


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As we approaoach the run in towards the play offs for this season, I think that LOGICAL and COMMON SENSE ideas about how the sport should look next season can be discussed sensibly by fans.


Who is likely to stay ?


Who is likely to leave and Where too ?


When are fixtures to be set and will they be equal to other teams ?


How will teams line up under the points limit (hopefully 42.00) ?


What rule changes would actually work and benefit the sport ?




RULE CHANGES; The biggest change that I would like to see is one that I have posted before as I believe it would dramatically help not only the sport, but the British riders coming through the ranks.



ASSESSED AVERAGES; Each season there are new riders to the shores, each carrying an assessed average. While some like Martin Vaculik, Piotr Pawlicki, Patryk Dudek etc bring their reputation with them, there are also those that head over here unable to do anything more than a reserve berth in the Premier League and season after season hold down number seven race jackets while young British riders are left with just National League places.


Therefore the one big change I would like to see is foreign riders given an assessed average.


Australians ; 3.50 EL ~ 5.00 PL


EU Countries ; 4.00 EL ~ 7.00 PL


Non EU Countries ; 5.00 EL ~ 8.00 PL


Selected Nominations ; (France, Belgium, Holland etc) 3.00 EL ~ 4.50 PL



Once these riders get an assessed average, they keep that average until they reach that level. So for example, Newport sign Dutch Star, Hans Dat Dodishes on a 4.50 average and Swedish youngster, Ulrik Kaka on a 7.00 average. ... Come the end of the season, Hans has averaged 3.13 and Ulrik 5.78.


If Newport (or any other team) want them for the following season (or mid season), then they must still hold their starting assessed average. ... This would mean EVERY rider in the Premier League with an average under 4.50 would be British and there would be no German, Hungarian or Latvian riders taking up the reserve berths that are needed for British youngsters to develop. ... This does not affect their EU rights on finding employment, it simply sets them qualifications needed to do the job asked of them.




AVERAGE CONVERSION; This season has seen averages between the two leagues a bit more realistic having previously been half / double the other league. ... However I propose that this is now set at 1.5 to enable a couple of this.


Firstly, when an EL track needs a 3.00 rider as a guest, the riders they can choose from at present are riders that more than not are simply left trailing at the back for three races before being replaced. ... Also it enables any rider doubling up a fair and effective average using both his EL and PL rides to have one overall average


We have all seen riders averaging six points a match in the PL but gaining 5+ averages in the EL from a handful of matches and then lumbered with that average should they wish to move up. .. This way a rider doubling up would simply (for averages only) have his PL points adjusted by 1.5, so a rider like Ludvig Lindgren could score 150 for Berwick from 75 rides. ... For Wolves he ends up with 150 points from 150 rides. ... Overall this would give him 250 points from 225 rides giving him an EL average of 4.44 and a converted PL average of 6.66




GUESTS; One idea with guests for top riders, which isnt required too much any way. Instead of seeing Bomber, Scott or Watt for the 3rd, 4th or 5th time in a season, why not allow teams bring in riders that are not riding over here ? .... Would it not be a better deal for fans and the clubs if riders like Greg Hancock, Jason Crump, Andreas Jonsson etc etc being allowed to cover as guests for the likes of Lindgren, Holder, Ward wtc ... or even Magnus Zetterstrom or Janusz Kolodiej as cover for the likes of Davey Watt or Lewis Bridger ?



R/R works better than a guest in some ways, but if teams could use this Special Guest facuility instead, it should add more interest to the spectators and may even get a few thinking of coming back .... even in a doubling out option where Greg Hancock and Andreas Jonsson may start as the #1 at Coventry and get selected when required. 14 meetings each ?




POINTS LIMIT; For me it has to be 42.00 at least as virtually all teams are at that now any way, even Wolves down in 9th place are over the starting limit and when the season finishes be around 42 as PK moves closer to his true 8.5 average.




NOTE; Its a waste of time posting SCRAP THE PLAY OFFS ..... BRING BACK TAC SUB RIDES .... SCRAP DOUBLE POINTS ..... There are not even going to be considered and talk as much as you want, this is about things that MAY ... even remotley be considered or looked at as new?, not something that has been done in the past and isnt wanted back by clubs, riders and Sky !









Looking ahead for Wolves next season, I can only Fredrik Lindgren as a nailed on certainty for 2012 while Ty Proctor (4.60) and Ludvig Lindgren (3.90) may have attractive averages for next season with LL starting at reserve instead of struggling in the main body of the season. ... Wolves would like both PK (8.50) and Tai (8) back next season, but a strong top three hasnt worked this season and with higher averages, I cant see it working next season either, so it would be a suprise if one isnt left out.


Looking ahead I would think Wolves will be looking at possible 4.00 riders, possibly at the Olympique in October (if not sooner) to provide them with more strength in the tail end. Patryk Dudek may be one name considered while a young Dane has been seen at Monmore recently after meetings !!. The one rider I would love to see here is 19 year old Pole, Emil Pulczynski .... certainly one for the future.





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On assessed averages, I agree, although I’d be possibly harder – no rider assessed at less than a 6.00 in either league. If foreign riders wanted to come over and ride on lower averages, they should take out an ACU license. I’d also make the National League ACU-license only, and a condition of riding in it that the license has a minimum 5-year expiry period.


I like your idea for guests, and it’s something that simply has to happen sooner or later. There are two ways of going about it – either have a pool of available talent that any club can utilise if its number one rider is out of action, or allow clubs to sign their own back-ups. So, for instance, Poole may have Chris Holder as their number one, but also contract Ryan Sullivan to cover for his absences. This could also work further down the order, although not so simply. A squad system simply has to happen in Elite league speedway, and it would allow clubs to run on Grand Prix weekends and the like.


My own bugbear this season has been the 7 rides allowed for reserves. You are getting matches where one rider is out in every other heat, which is just absurd. I’d restrict it to 5, 6 in the case of a rider being withdrawn from a meeting. Every club, at least in the Elite League, would have a number 8 to use for any additional rides. This would have the added benefit of getting rid of that in-form reserve winning matches for his team, and restore the balance more to a 7-rider team, rather than a couple of heat leaders and a reserve.


I’d keep the rule that sees each team having a number one guaranteed, with no Elite team allowed to employ more than one of the previous season’s top ten. If one of the top ten is not riding, then a team should still be able to employ, say, number one and eleven, within the points limit, and the team without a number one urged to seek other plans. I’d also extend it to the Premier League, if possible, though perhaps with a little more flexibility.

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Bit of a longer-term wish, this, but I'd like tracks like Coventry, Poole, Eastbourne and Swindon, who currently have no involvement in 3rd tier racing, to actively search for and support local-ish (30-40 miles or so) new tracks to be opened at NL level. For Coventry this might be Milton Keynes, Eastbourne out towards Dover, and so on. Given that some of these tracks will probably need to relocate in future, it would also be good practice for that!

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I would like to see more freedom for Managers, so maybe the number 1 rider can ride in any position (between 1-5) and reduce the double points allowed to 1, but allow as many other tacticals for use by other riders in the team if six down. At the moment if you fend off the two tac subs rides you are normally assured of a home win. Also the earlier the fixtures can be announced the better (helps for booking work holidays!).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Elite League

I'd like to see 2 heat leaders exempt from points limit, this will allow teams to retain key riders from season to season. And make it possible to entice the GP riders back.

the remaining 5 riders from a points limit of 25 -26.

At least 1 British rider in each team. ( The named British rider must be eligible and willing to ride for GB) - 10 British riders


Premier League

At least 2 British Riders in each team ( The named British riders must be eligible and willing to ride for GB) - 28 British riders


National League

Age limit 17 to 30

At least 4 British Riders in each team ( The named British riders must be eligible and willing to ride for GB) - 40 British riders


Youth League

All Elite league tracks must provide track time (no financial payments needed) after the match for a mini league of 4 rider teams 13 - 17yrs - 30 British Riders

All youth riders are to be encouraged to pit for their Elite league team.

At least 3 British Riders in each team.


This would see approx 40% of riders to be British and also allow all leagues to experience riding against 'foreigners' who at present are the yardstick to gauge against.

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Matt Ford sacked as vice-chairman of the management committee (or whatever his role is there) :wink::rofl:


Poole start on - 20 :rofl:


Ipswich get a 20 point headstart on everyone else in the Premier League. :t:


Any of those realistically feasible? :P


seriously though, the first thing that MUST happen is for British Speedway to be ruled/run by an independent governing body so that conflict(s) of interest(s) cannot come into play.

Edited by chris26
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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit of a longer-term wish, this, but I'd like tracks like Coventry, Poole, Eastbourne and Swindon, who currently have no involvement in 3rd tier racing, to actively search for and support local-ish (30-40 miles or so) new tracks to be opened at NL level. For Coventry this might be Milton Keynes, Eastbourne out towards Dover, and so on. Given that some of these tracks will probably need to relocate in future, it would also be good practice for that!


I think that's the best idea I've heard in a long time - rebuilding from the bottom up. You basically know it's far too good an idea to happen right :P

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  • 3 weeks later...


National League

Age limit 17 to 30

At least 4 British Riders in each team ( The named British riders must be eligible and willing to ride for GB) - 40 British riders




Cant see any sense in your views for the NL


To start there are plenty of 15/16 year olds who are ready for the NL, if not in some cases the PL or EL! What is the point of them riding in four rider junior teams?? :rolleyes:


Secondly at least four riders in each team, so three can be from where? Australia / New Zealand / Europe?? That is going to help British speedway alot isn't it!

I am not against overseas riders appearing in the NL, and have enjoyed Taylor Poole, Dakota North and Cameron Heeps at Mildenhall, and if one rider was allowed it would stop all this pointless bickering about government rules on patriality etc which to be honest noone really understands 100%, but three per team is ridiculous!

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