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Kennett Suspended!

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Hes been found guilty,theres no need for an admittion,but one might help him.


Again not meaning to split hairs but my reading of it is there has been guilt established in so far as the silencer had been tampered with - I cant find anything where Kennett says he tampered with it. not saying he hasnt, just that maybe we should wait until thats confirmed just in case (although I admit, like most, I have made my own mind up perhaps its better to wait til its proven!)

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"He accepts the findings" is not an admission of guilt I agree. But I would say that the general essense of the press release suggests he has, in some way made an admission of his guilt as they are the ones mentioning cheating. Either way, it still remains that the silencer was illegal and whatever the circumstances, the buck stops with him and I still maintain that his position is untenable...

Fair enough :approve:

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I must say that I am very impressed with the reaction of Coventry management and their fans on here. It is good to see that sort of attitude to cheating, which I think has to be dealt with severely, both as a justified punishment for the crime and as a deterrent to others.

Edited by Aces51
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As much as we want to win we cannot condone cheating, Its more or less proven, His points have been deducted, He was the captain leading by example, Its simple he has to go !!!

Edited by dornier
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I've commented before that Kennett seems to have a leap this seaso, and we may now know why. There are at least three other riders who have made huge improvements to their starting average, two of whom against the grain of their recent form. Just makes you wonder...

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If Hagon dump him that will be a HUGE loss for him.


He obviously needs to face the music of the SCB and Bees management.


An apology to the Bees fans would be a start.


But much like Havelock, who had a drug ban for all of 1990 and yet was World Champ in 1992, once he has served his penalty he has the right to come back. But he will need to make serious amends to be worthy of trust again.

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Surely all an "adequate replacement" needs to be is someone with a bike thats not illegal. If thats some 16 year old kid who gets lapped then thats what it takes. I'd prefer to lose legally than win illegally.


Yes, agree 100%.


I view Speedway as a team sport above individuals, if asked to describe it, and the act of one individual has sabotaged the efforts of his team-mates, and deceived the paying public. Sabotaging something mechanically on a speedway bike has to be up there with doping a horse, or an athlete taking drugs. It is planned long in advance of the event.


Good quick response from Coventry and really killed the story, cannot see Kennett returning to Coventry and would want him banned at least for the remainder of the season to prevent him profiting from average manipulation, at Coventry or elsewhere, for a move next year.


Wonder if Poole will sign him next season, certainly a unique way of putting in a transfer request :lol:


Shame Nicholls or Harris haven't dropped their averages enough to swap with Kennett. Schlein?

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Without casting aspertions, and without passing particular comment on Edward Kennett, can we believe that he is the only rider to have ridden at an advantage with a 'doctored' silencer?


I would sincerely hope so; and in making this observation I can definitely state with confidence that the Gaffer's silencers are legal.

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A few have posted that it was the exterior of the silencer that had been tampered with and therefore made it illegal. As someone with some knowledge of how a Speedway bike works, I fail to see how any alterations to the outside of a silencer which would then class is as illegal. Surely all you can do to the outside is weld any cracks that may have delevoped?? Maybe there's tricks of the trade that us amatuers dont know about! :unsure:

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Not sticking up for him - but has he actually admitted it? Or have I missed the press release/statement where hes admitted anything? Genuine question :)


Taken fron Coventry website




Sunday August 07, 2011


COVENTRY Speedway and Edward Kennett accept the findings of the technical examinations of silencers following the Elite League fixture at Lakeside on Saturday.


I'd say, yes.


On a different note, I believe there have been various checks and protests made already this year. Jerran Hart being one of them, whilst guesting for Somerset and once when riding for Ipswich.

Edited by Najjer
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I've commented before that Kennett seems to have a leap this seaso, and we may now know why. There are at least three other riders who have made huge improvements to their starting average, two of whom against the grain of their recent form. Just makes you wonder...


sure there is defo more out there doing it, interesting tweet from Scott Nicholls on this.


however if others are it is not right for Ed and he has to go. Season over for the bees which is sad considering how good it all looked.

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How do they prove it, they can't. It doesn't remove the doubt though...



I can't see how he can remain at Coventry. He's tampered with his silencer, knowing is was illegal. He's admitted it. To me it makes his position untenable.. :(


They probably can prove when the silencer was purchased and it may be reasonable to assume that it has been used since then.

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Let's all calm down a minute and take a look at the 'facts' that we know at the minute.


1 - Edward Kennett's silencer used in last nights meeting was deemed illegal.

2 - Edwards points have been removed and the reult ammended.

3 - Edward has been given the standard punishment for an offense thus far i.e a 7 day ban and a hearing to plead his case.


Everything else from here on is just talk and assumptions.


Before anyone calls the hangman I think we should all wait for the statement / statements that confirm exactly what the allegations are. As others on here have said it may be a case of the silencer being altered in a way not to give an advantage but still an illegal change, IF this is the case then it is a case of stupidity rather than cheating.


If the silencer was changed in a way to gain an advantage then did he know about it? Difficult one to prove one way or the other unless it is admitted:

- Yes - He should be dealt with the same as people who use performance enhansing drugs and banned, possibly for good. There is no room for cheats.

- No - So who's fault is it?. Ultimately Eddie is responsible for his bikes and therefore is still guilty in a sence.


Bottom line is no-one knows the whole facts yet and until we do he should not be hounded out of the sport. Innocent until proven guilty springs to mind.

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I think Coventry Speedway are waiting for it to be made official then I think Eddie will be up the road, He has let his team mates down and all the fans, dont think he can show his face at Coventry again.

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Again not meaning to split hairs but my reading of it is there has been guilt established in so far as the silencer had been tampered with - I cant find anything where Kennett says he tampered with it. not saying he hasnt, just that maybe we should wait until thats confirmed just in case (although I admit, like most, I have made my own mind up perhaps its better to wait til its proven!)

Fair point but as I posted earlier ever rider should be responsible for his kit.

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I'd say, yes.

All we can be absolutely sure of is that Coventry & Kennett accept that there is something wrong with Kennett's silencer, and that Kennett - as the rider - has to be responsible for that. The full facts will emerge, I'm sure.

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