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Kennett Suspended!

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So, it boils down to this. I'm still waiting for you to either back up your claim about me being a liar, or to remove it from you post. :)


Haha. Once you remove the post attacking me. Unlikely. Why didn't you contribute to the debate rather than go for me? I wonder.......


I can have an opinion about Kennett, although you appear to not want me to express it. Still, interesting that you go for me.....not anyone else. So no, nothing is removed. You behaved like a child attacking a poster rather than a post. Again.

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So exactly what point was Roscoe trying to make ? Did he mean :-


A. He thinks there's lots more out there riding round completely unaware that their mechanics have tampered with their silencers.


B . He thinks there are are a lot more that have knowingly tampered with their silencers but it was only poor old naive Ed who was the only rider whose mechanic never told him the silencer had been fiddled with.


C. The fact that other people do it somehow justifies Ed doing it (ie a hamfisted attempt at damage limitation by Roscoe)


D He is aware that a lot do it but it never crossed his mind for a moment that someone in his team might be doing it because he .....er ....warned them not to (!) , and is always on the look-out for such things (as a good TM should).


As always, we can rely on speedways own version of Max Clifford to make an embarrasing situation worse.



To be fair Custer Rosco came across very well

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My Irony-o-metre has just exploded!


You still claiming Shamek is a cheat?



I don't know what post you read but for the avoidance of doubt Shamek is not mentioned directly or implicitly and does not feature in any way shape or form in that post.

The point being made is the wisdom (or lack of it) in Roscoe commenting publicly on the matter when formal statements have been put out by both rider and club, and in doing so Roscoe has possibly discredited Ed's position. I don't think its a difficult concept to grasp. Shamek is not mentioned either directly or indirectly. Neither Shamek nor anyone else apart from Roscoe and Ed are mentioned. I can't put it more succinctly than that. Impartial One said it would be stupid for anyone to continue with an illegal silencer now and I agreed with him. Its quite simple.

Honestly, those reading lessons will be a good idea.



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I don't know what post you read but for the avoidance of doubt Shamek is not mentioned directly or implicitly and does not feature in any way shape or form in that post.

The point being made is the wisdom (or lack of it) in Roscoe commenting publicly on the matter when formal statements have been put out by both rider and club, and in doing so Roscoe has possibly discredited Ed's position. I don't think its a difficult concept to grasp. Shamek is not mentioned either directly or indirectly. Neither Shamek nor anyone else apart from Roscoe and Ed are mentioned. I can't put it more succinctly than that. Impartial One said it would be stupid for anyone to continue with an illegal silencer now and I agreed with him. Its quite simple.

Honestly, those reading lessons will be a good idea.

You posted that Shameks silencer was illegal. Twice.

Shameks silencer was found to be legal.

You posted saying there was more to come.


You then had a go at Rosco for stating facts without any proof.



You have proof but are still claiming facts that conflict it. Thats why I commented on irony.


You have called Shamek (and Ryan Fisher) a cheat, the posts are still there, I have copies of them too. They've both been found innocent, you have no apologised.

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Can I just clarify, perhaps with other people who were at Peterborough.


Is this truly what he said?


Did Mr Rossiter, a current holder of an SCB Track Official's Licence, really say publicly that he was genuine belief that other Speedway Riders are, or have been, using illegal silencers?


It is my understanding that as a Team Manager he has to sign the Meeting Certificate prior to the start of each match and confirm that all his riders' equipment conforms to the SCB regulations and that he undertakes to inform the Clerk of the Course if this changes during the meeting.


The meeting Certificate is a legal document that would be produced at say a coronor's inquest to show that all matters relating to the conduct of a meeting have been done in a proper manner.


It is difficult to see how anyone could sign such a certificate if he had not taken some reasonable steps to make himself pretty sure that his riders were conforming, isn't it?


And it is surely incredible, is it not, that a reasonable man would have some knowledge of the opponent team's trangression but not have protested to the referee or at least spoken to the opposing Team Manager to make him aware, just so that HE did not sign the meeting certificate with a false declaration.


I just find it extraordinary that he has felt able to make the public statement reported; and not have landed himself in a very tricky legal position.


Are you surprised? I'm not! Rossiter opens his mouth before he engages his brain!

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On Sunday the SCB wrote a new standing regulation that at each meeting two riders silencers will be chosen by ballot from each team competing and inspected. Presumably starting on Monday as this was conducted at the Newcastle vs Rye meeting where Derek Sneddon, Claus Nedermark, Chris Neath, Jordan Frampton's silencers were inspected all found to be legal. I presume this will now become a routine as per Carb and cut out inspections.

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Of all the meetings I have attended at Coventry I have never seen the machine examiner looking at any of the bikes. I dont think


the machine examiners are too interested in looking at the bikes in any detail . But maybe from now they will get more hands on


and this within itself will make the riders more careful what they do with their bikes .



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Be interesting to see if any other riders have a dip in form now that they've had to stop tampering with their silencers. Holder had a stinker last night. :unsure:


That's a ridiculous post as he fell twice on a slippy 1st bend. He's been riding very well in the GP's, where bikes are given a very strigent check.


Dont start stupid rumours where there is no meat on any bone

Edited by Mark
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Haha. Once you remove the post attacking me. Unlikely. Why didn't you contribute to the debate rather than go for me? I wonder.......


I can have an opinion about Kennett, although you appear to not want me to express it. Still, interesting that you go for me.....not anyone else. So no, nothing is removed. You behaved like a child attacking a poster rather than a post. Again.


Mate, you really do think the world is out to get you don't you?


I haven't "gone" for you at all. I haven't attacked you at all. I've merely stated that it's my opinion that Ed Kennett probably doesn't care what you think. How that can be construed as attacking you, I'll never know.

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Might explain his sudden improvement. Drilling holes because everyone else was doing it....

Seems like someone on a wind up.

According to the live updates, Krzysztof has completed his first race in Sweden, taking a 2nd place ;)

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Mate, you really do think the world is out to get you don't you?


I haven't "gone" for you at all. I haven't attacked you at all. I've merely stated that it's my opinion that Ed Kennett probably doesn't care what you think. How that can be construed as attacking you, I'll never know.


If anything sums you up, it was you starting a thread entitled "Shovy" calling on him to contribute around 5pm. Good to see it, quite right in my opinion, got deleted. Perhaps if you concentrated less on posters rather than posts one day you will get a decent response. Grow up, son and no more starting threads about Mr Shovlar. We know who he is, don´t we??


If you don´t like my opinion, there is an ignore button, until then I have every right to express a view that may differ to yours. How you think it is a worthy to contribute about what Ed Kennett thinks or not thinks is another matter ( hasn´t he demonstrated an ability NOT to think), all I know is the FACT he got caught cheating, and blaming the mechanic is diabolical. I am with the "mechanics" on this. Perhaps if you know the inner thoughts of Kennett, you´d share them with us? Thought not.

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