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Kennett Suspended!

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The engines are a riders responsability so he should carry the can for this. He should at least get a 28 day ban as a riders who has a clash of fixtures and can't get out of it gets a 28 day ban and that is not cheating.

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Being at the meeting he wasn't notably any faster than the other riders, but he popped out the gate for four of his five wins. Didn't make the start in heat 15, but passed Richardson bends 3/4 lap 1.


Some of the Coventry fans on here have been a disgrace. After he waited all winter to wait and see rather than sign elsewhere, to then have plonkers on here calling him all sorts must make him question his loyalty.


Yes he's been naive, but if he has entrusted his mechanics to deal with his machineary and they have tampered with it then he would have had no way of knowing on the bike.

Fully agree, with what is known he is only guilty of trusting someone else.

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Yes, no doubt. I would pat myself on the back that I had such an ace mechanic and pay him a bonus.





I suspect a severance one is coming his way. :wink:

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Eddie says that he didn't know of the tampering, which could be true.But how many riders are actually mechanically minded to know all the ins and outs of a speedway bike? Sure that some must just ride the bike and have no idea on what does what.... :blink:

If i loaned my car to someone and they got stopped for a bald tyre or faulty light, who would be fined/punished?

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Eddie says that he didn't know of the tampering, which could be true.But how many riders are actually mechanically minded to know all the ins and outs of a speedway bike? Sure that some must just ride the bike and have no idea on what does what.... :blink:

If i loaned my car to someone and they got stopped for a bald tyre or faulty light, who would be fined/punished?


It is the responsibilty of the driver of the vehicle at that time to have checked that the vehicle is in order.


It's different if you are driving a vehicle for an employer ( ie delivery man) as you then have different criteria.

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It is the responsibilty of the driver of the vehicle at that time to have checked that the vehicle is in order.


So in this case, the "driver" of the "vehicle" is Kennett, so he should be punished?


So now what about Nick Morris, he used the bike in heat 12, does that mean he is punished too? :shock:


You also hear of a club supplying a rider with a bike, what would have happened in this case then? Club or rider be at fault? Could just be a case of a rider saying that all his equipment is loaned and not theirs........

Edited by 2ndbendbeerhut
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Ok it seems from the SCB report, Coventry's statement and also Eddie's own statement that he did in fact have an illegal silencer, so let's spare a thought for the other riders whom he was riding against for the loss of earnings they have suffered due to the actions of the Kennett entourage. It would appear on twitter that several riders are not happy, and expect quite a severe punishment in the hope it will deter others, and several of them have brought up the "Leon Madsen" episode last year saying his punishment was not enough.



As I said before, this has been rumbling since the start of the season TBH, but the practicalities of actually proving wrong doing is not straight forward as just looking at the silencer, which we have now come to see!!!


What to do now, who knows, as it is so hard to police this sort of thing, if at all.


Eddie, innocent or guilty has been caught and I really hope that this will act as a warning, should others have done the same thing.

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So in this case, the "driver" of the "vehicle" is Kennett, so he should be punished?


So now what about Nick Morris, he used the bike in heat 12, does that mean he is punished too? :shock:


I was referring to the Road Traffic Act 1988, because you asked what would happen if you loaned someone your car . ..The RTA does not apply to Speedway tracks as they are not public highways. In the same token that it doesn't stop riders banned for Drink Driving, riding Speedway bikes. :)

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Not much support for Kennett from his Team GB team mate Lewis Bridger!

There is no support for Kennett from any rider that is on twitter but u fail to mention them apart from bridger Another poster trying to stir it up and to get everyone starting to slate Bridger yet again.

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Thanks Jacques! but you know what i was getting at..... whats the difference between Kennett and Morris using the same bike at Lakeside, when they both didnlt know of any wrong doing?


It is Kennett's bike so he should be punished......

Edited by 2ndbendbeerhut
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It is the responsibilty of the driver of the vehicle at that time to have checked that the vehicle is in order.


It's different if you are driving a vehicle for an employer ( ie delivery man) as you then have different criteria.

Actually it's not. It is always the responsibly of the driver in any circumstances. And what you stated in your first sentence is correct, whether Kennett knew or not it is him that must face the concequences.

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There is no support for Kennett from any rider that is on twitter but u fail to mention them apart from bridger Another poster trying to stir it up and to get everyone starting to slate Bridger yet again.



Not sure I've seen anyone else call Eddie a liar since the statement was released to be fair...?



(cant say that I don't agree with Lewis though)

Edited by Cornishman
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There is no support for Kennett from any rider that is on twitter but u fail to mention them apart from bridger Another poster trying to stir it up and to get everyone starting to slate Bridger yet again.

Not difficult though is it? It's actually harder to slate a roof than it is to slate Bridger.

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Thanks Jacques! but you know what i was getting at..... whats the difference between Kennett and Morris using the same bike at Lakeside, when they both didnlt know of any wrong doing?It is Kennett's bike so he should be punished......


I did know what you are getting at ;)


We have Kennett's word that he didn't know his silencer had been tampered with and what you chose to believe. My Opinion, is that Nick Morris has been caught up in something through no fault of his own..

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Well, what a surprise, "Blame the Mechanic". Come on. If it is a light punishment, there will be lots of "mechanics" to be blamed and sacked if you can score £10k + before a rider is caught.


To all those that say they want a light touch given (Alan Boon et al), you cannot disagree:

If Edward Kennett wants me to believe this story, then HE MUST NAME ALL MATCHES RIDDEN UNDER THESE CONDITIONS.

Then, and only, then will I accept his statement.


I would want all pay docking for these meetings, along with points with results changed. Re-distribute his points money to riders that have lost out.


I see Pawlicki has his silencer back, wonder if Custer Mouse will apologise now, or is it more likely Kennett to come clean.

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