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Kennett Suspended!

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Well I forone have 'cooled off'a bit following the furore created by this wholeunsavoury incident.


Now having heard from Ed Kennett and his side of the story - he would appear to be genuine as if not why would he have gone on using the bike or loaned it out to Nick Morris - who incidently has nothing to reproach himself for at all.


So the 'mechanic' gets the chop and takes the blame .... does he get named and shamed ?


Lesson to be learned by Eddie I believe and he needs to take on board whatever sanctions / internal discipline is forwarded his way without question. Hopefully he can comeback stronger and wiser ... he will still get my support if he can move on from this disappointing incident.

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what hasnt been mentioned is that he had 2 bikes at the track on saturday, were they both with altered silencers ?.

lets face it some riders dont decide what bike or engine to use until they look at the track, slick or deep. So wouldnt it be suspicious if after track walk around the team decided to swop cans from bike to bike.

So do we assume that both bikes had altered cans, more so what about the bikes in Poland, if he got a phone call yesterday in Poland did he remove the cans and bring them back to England.


I though I read that father was spannering on saturday and he was spouting off when they took them away for examination, IF you got nothing to worry about why spout off to officials unless you know you are busted, sorry Eddie you knew, dad let the cat out the bag.


The rules are clear officials can have your bike, engine or parts for testing after competition, if you incur costs they will be met by the protesting party if nothing is found to be illegal.

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At the end of the day it's just another nail in the coffin for speedway as a professional run sport.These headlines will just turn people away from the sport far less attract new fans .




If there were any credence to this, then Formula One and Nascar would have been dead and buried years ago. Yet it seems they are still going strong. Talk about over reacting!

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The mechanic has lost his job. I think that's enough punishment, don't you? Especially in the current climate. I would imagine the mechanic will have signed an affadavit taking responsibility and unless anyone has evidence to the contrary I'd advise you to watch what you say very carefully.


What a load of cobblers,had it been any rider from any other team you would be singing from a different hymn sheet.

Edited by dorset delight
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Well I forone have 'cooled off'a bit following the furore created by this wholeunsavoury incident.


Now having heard from Ed Kennett and his side of the story - he would appear to be genuine as if not why would he have gone on using the bike or loaned it out to Nick Morris - who incidently has nothing to reproach himself for at all.


So the 'mechanic' gets the chop and takes the blame .... does he get named and shamed ?

Lesson to be learned by Eddie I believe and he needs to take on board whatever sanctions / internal discipline is forwarded his way without question. Hopefully he can comeback stronger and wiser ... he will still get my support if he can move on from this disappointing incident.


It's not the two boy's who are usually seen helping Eddie in the UK, so could it possibly be the person allegedly seen going nut's in the pits when the silencer was confiscated?

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If there were any credence to this, then Formula One and Nascar would have been dead and buried years ago. Yet it seems they are still going strong. Talk about over reacting!

In you opinion which you are entitled too.What has Formule One and Nascar got to do with this matter.Talk about over reacting :rolleyes:

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Hypothetical situation..


Promoters get wind (or have known for a while) there is much cheating going on with the silencers.


Team A decides in a very important play off match to enforce some checks. Team A informs its own riders beforehand.. make sure you are using a legal silencer.


Match goes ahead, Team A protests.. a rider from Team B found out.. Team A of course, regardless of who is checked are all fine.


Still, such things would never happen in speedway.. would they? :nono:

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In you opinion which you are entitled too.What has Formule One and Nascar got to do with this matter.Talk about over reacting :rolleyes:


Opinions do not come into it. Its a fact.


Both Nascar and Formula One are motorsports. Both have had a number of controversies with teams looking to gain advantages mechanically (often illegally). Teams have been caught on many occasions. Neither sport appears to be on its death bed as a result.

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Now i dont know anything about speedway engines but how can one mechanic on his own make the bike go faster just by tinkering with the silencer,surely the engine revs etc have to be tested to go hand in hand with the rest of the bike to make it go faster,surely you cant just bung the silener on and hope for the best,

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If it is accepted the mechanic was to blame and eddie is now a victim not a culprit then this episode can be closed with only the decision of the disciplinary board to come.

What must be addressed now for the good of the sport are the strong allegations made by others including scott nicholls that this is not an isolated incident. for instance will we see all bikes at tonights sky meeting tested ? swift action needed and its not enough to assume that because one got caught the others will have cleaned up their act.

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Seems to me that when the Bees Management went for a **-for-tat protest, they just picked the three Hammers' top scorers on the night.



Somebody posted a pic of Kennett in action entering the bend, there are also other pics which show other riders silencers to be discoloured, Pawlicki and Richardson who were deeemed legal none the less.




I though I read that father was spannering on saturday and he was spouting off when they took them away for examination, IF you got nothing to worry about why spout off to officials unless you know you are busted, sorry Eddie you knew, dad let the cat out the bag.



You did read that, however it does not neccesarily deem it to be true, especially when you consider that posters ohter contributions on this very thread.


Perhaps Speedway authorities ought to issue a set of guidelines, stating if you are caught cheating then you are banned for a certain length of time whether you are responsible for making / knowing about the modifications. ie make it perfectly clear there is no tolerance what so ever.

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It's not the two boy's who are usually seen helping Eddie in the UK, so could it possibly be the person allegedly seen going nut's in the pits when the silencer was confiscated?



....and who was that person going nuts in the pits when the silencer was confiscated ?????

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Personally i do not believe for 1 minute that Ed would send Nick Morris out on his bike if he knew it was illegal especially as the protest came around Heat 7 so he would of known there was an increased chance of being caught as i believe Nick went out on his bike in Heat 12! Sorry guys he did not know and is only guilty of trusting someone else. But as has been said he is responsible for his kit and unfortunately will have to take the consequences. From what we know now i am still behind Ed as a bees rider and have no reason to doubt his statement.

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oh please, enough histrionics. If he cheated, he got caught. His punishment shouldn't be overly harsh. There is cheating that goes on all over the place. Should Troy Batchelor be thrown out of British Speedway for what he did in the SWC? Should Joe Screen have been banned for life for dropping his average two seasons ago? Ludicrous. Let the full facts emerge, and the right people decide the punishment, and leave your pitchforks at home!


What did batchelor do in the World Cup?

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