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Kennett Suspended!

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It's not stopped you posting uniformed bollocks before.


We're all still waiting for an apology to Shamek Pawlicki for "looking guilty".


Were did that quote come from ? A few reading lessons would not go amiss on you part.


There is more to come on all this I can assure you . Be patient its not over yet.




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This is, to my knowledge, what's been happening. But I don't see how that is cheating if it is still within the 115db levels and has not been taken apart. It's only the same as tuning an engine with lighter flywheels, conrods, etc within the 500cc limit.

Yes it's gaining an advantage but that's what competition is all about.

but lets say you change to a titanium conrod , that can be considered tuning ,but titanium is banned in speedway so it would make the engine illegal just as if it were 600cc .the modification would be outside the rules

Edited by speedibee
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Were did that quote come from ? A few reading lessons would not go amiss on you part.


There is more to come on all this I can assure you . Be patient its not over yet.



You may feel different when all the facts are made public. I don't think Pawlicki was looking like he needed a change of underwear for no reason at all when they took his silencer. We may yet find there is dancing in the street down at Sherborne when the results are known, and Cee the bee may yet be back in High Court.

If Pawlicki and Fishers silencers prove to be legal when officially tested then yes, Coventry looked like the best visiting side since the Wolves 2009 team, better even than Poole a few weeks ago. I would have said Pawlicki was my MOTM if the silencer issue had not arisen, and he still will be if the tests are negative., but it did seem rather odd that he wasn't put in heat 15 and that may prove to be the reason why. His body language didn't look at all comfortable after the meeting.


. If the unusual burn marks on Pawlicki's silencer mean what some people think they mean then Oh dear, big trouble.

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That was what i always assumed. They are sealed units arent they?

They are sealed apart from a hole in the end (well both ends to be precise) which is where a modification could be made without tampering with the "sealed" unit.


However, having seen the regulation on this it does clearly state they are not to be modified in any way. I guess that is pretty water tight as far as a drilled baffle is concerned.


As someone stated, if (as I suspect) a number of riders have done this, the drilled silencers cannot be made legal again so DKS' phone should be ringing all day long today for orders of new silencers.


Clearly Nicholls has had an issue with this which leads me to believe he isn't one of the riders modifying silencers. Maybe now he will have a more level playing field and I wouldn't be surprised to see an improvement in his scores between now and the end of the season as the other riders lose their advantage.

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Uniformed bollocks? Surely you mean uninformed? What you've written would be something altogether different! :P


LOL! Brilliant!


What is amazing, is the makers of the silencers must go through hours of testing, research etc etc...Mr Kennett takes of his silencer, takes it down to his garden shed, does a bit of this and that and suddenly he is riding a rocket ship! :blink:

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i havent posted on this subject before because im so dam mad about the whole thing. <BR>also i didnt want top appear supportive because in no way shape or form do i support this. <BR>i do have a question though, t<BR>he silencer was modified, i am assuming therfore that the rider didnt do this, so the modification was done by a mechanic off some variety. <BR>most mechanics wouldnt be that clever, so who suggested the mod? a mechanic an enginer tuner who? <BR>the reason i ask this is that ia ssume these guys in the background do spanner work for more than one rider,<BR>i would assume these riders would need to be investigated too? <BR>i've no idea if this is the case but if tweets are to be bilived kennet got caught lots have been doing it to. they cannot escape punishment either.

Edited by philfromcov
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Uniformed bollocks? Surely you mean uninformed? What you've written would be something altogether different! :P

Smart phones are ok but sometimes they change your spelling to something completely different! I don't need any help doing that :D

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I've just spent the last hour or so looking at 2011 pictures, and what is clear to me is that these silencers do discolour significantly, but that level of discolouration does vary significantly, could this be down to age or to the way the engine has been setup, or down to other more underhand reasons, very few of us are in an authorative position to comment.


One thing that stands out for me, is Peter Karlssons 'matt black' silencer he used during the Wolves v Bees match on June 27th.



So which make of silencer is this ? and did it come off the production line looking like that ? why is it all over black ? as far as I know and having googled all the manufacturers, they're all crome plated.


We don't know what level of tampering Eddie is being accused of, is it internals or is it external coating ?


Clearly the rules state . .

austs and Silencers

10.30 Only homologated Silencers (without modifications) are permitted. It is an offence to present

a Motorcycle for examination with a modified Silencer. The Silencer must remain complete

and effective during a heat otherwise the Rider must be disqualified.


Also just found in section 14.7.1 of the rule book, which makes interesting reading.


14.7.1 Specifically the Staging Promoter must:


equipment to test or inspect a Silencer if required or if no equipment is available

and a protest is made regarding the legality of a Silencer, then the Promoter must

supply a replacement Silencer free of charge


So when was the protest made, heat 7 ? and was a replacement offered by the Lakeside promotion ? has the due process been followed correctly ?


If found to have tampered internally, then yes guilty, but I think that there is more to run on this.

Edited by Papa Bazarou
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Good post, however if its only an external check why have his points been removed?





Very informative, the Bees did indeed protest as they were obviously very sure no such things had gone on, and thought if anything was found to be irregular then other irregularities would be found.


One thing that still bugs me, we are led to believe that there was initially a complaint about Fisher, then Pawlicki and then finally Kennett.... its all a bit odd.


Has there been a recent clarification of

rules? has anything changed technically recently, has he been caught out by a change of wording in the rules? Last night anv this morning I was very disappointed in the seemingly dishonest actions of Kennett however I think we at least ought to hear his side of the story first of all.

Indeed after Eddie the one person who views would be interesting to hear from is the machine examiner.After all he had suspicions about Ryan and Shamek and they proved to be completely unfounded.What was it that raised suspicions in his mind,about these three bikes?Why Shamek and not Swiderski,why Ryan and not Morris for example?Do machine examiners take closer interest in away riders as they see home riders every week.It would be interesting to know who made the inital complaint,was it the machine examiner or Lakeside?

After hearing local radio's interview with Eddie taken directly after the meeting,either he is a brilliant actor worthy of a Hollywood career,or he genuinely didn't think he had anything to fear.I'm also hearing a full apology may be forthcoming from the most unikely person possible. :wink::lol:

Edited by houdi
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I think it was Woofers who mentioned the sound has changed since the start of the season, not being funny in any way because this is a serious matter i did actually think to myself on Saturday the bikes sounded louder than they did at the start of the season, not just one or two but all of them, maybe this has been developing over time and only now i noticed, i am wondering whether the huge amounts of stress put on these new silencers are actually causing them to change characteristics and therefore the sound is modified and possibly performance too, if and its a big if it turns out they are wearing out it will mean riders having to renew them serveral times a season and i can see protests starting again about their introduction.

Eddy has though already accepted the findings which leads me to think he knew something was not right, if he was 100% confident in his equipment not being altered he should have protested even if he suspected the silencer was failing in some way, thats what i would have done no question, far too much at stake here the biggest being reputation.

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I haven't read all the posts on this topic so may well repeat what others have said. Personally I have no idea whether Eddie has cheated or not but feel it is worth waiting for the whole story before calling for him to be hung drawn and quartered.


It is possible that he has admitted using an illegal silencer without cheating. If, for instance he had re-welded a damaged pipe he would be guilty of using a modified silencer but not of changing it to enhance performance. Until it is properly inspected we can't know.


It seems to me very likely that the sound the bikes make would have changed from the start of the year as riders have learned how to set bikes up better to work with the new silencer. A couple of teeth on the back sprocket alone can make a bike sound completely different.


It suprises me that some Coventry fans are so quick to call for his head without the facts being known. This is the lad who put his entire season and wages at risk out of loyalty to your club, I would have thought he at least deserved a few days grace while the investigation takes place.

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As with everything, even if Kennett was to be cleared of knowing of any wrong doing his integrity will now forever be questioned. Guilty until proven innocent & then still guilty.


Kennett is now an outcast. Riders on Twitter are seriously offended.

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