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Kennett Suspended!

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Where am I having a dig at Coventry? This is about fair play for all with no team being advantaged.Same for every club.


You, and everyone on this forum, knows damn well if it had been a Poole rider you would be saying the exact opposite

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Where am I having a dig at Coventry? This is about fair play for all with no team being advantaged.Same for every club.


Shoveller - you used to be mildly amusing, with the occasion reasonable comment to make


Now you are a complete * * * * * * * *


Why not clear off and watch some paint dry - for a very long time

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The way Coventry are building it up once again for the end of the season, and Poole starting to find problems. Noddy knackered again, Riders who were on form at the start of the season now struggling etc etc. Shovvy could well be repeating this again after this seasons play-offs. IF Poole choke it yet again, they will never live it down.

A Pawlicki coming in, at reserve, on a 4 point average, due to ride 1 less meeting than that equired to get an average, making his debut at Swindon. Lakeside losing 4th spot to the Bees.


It's scarily similar :o

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You, and everyone on this forum, knows damn well if it had been a Poole rider you would be saying the exact opposite


Spot on Squall!


Nobody can prove that Kennett has been using an illegal silencer for more than that one meeting, and the only way Eddie can prove he wasn't using an illegal silencer would be to have someone inspect his bikes before every meeting. I doubt that this affair will be forgotten for quite some time, partly thanks to bitter, twisted & delusional fans.

Edited by William Fisher-Jones
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Where am I having a dig at Coventry? This is about fair play for all with no team being advantaged.Same for every club.

When did Poole ever play by that rule! You continually abuse the 4 point rule by using a modified average adjusted to how British averages are calculated. The rule clearly states any rider with a Swedish/Polish average with an average of 6 or above is a 5. No mention of re-calculating the average to the British norm in the rule book.Therefore anything outside of what the rule actually states must be deemed to be cheating! However, you will immediately say that because the BSPA are lax in applying the rule to the letter of the law, then that is OK. I don't see any sense of fair play involved when every season you can bend the rules to suit yourselves!

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Where am I having a dig at Coventry? This is about fair play for all with no team being advantaged.Same for every club.


Surely the most absurd post on this forum of all time. Don't you recall Poole's blatant cheating at Oxford and Belle Vue years ago? Would you care to comment on those matches?

Edited by BritPete
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When did Poole ever play by that rule! You continually abuse the 4 point rule by using a modified average adjusted to how British averages are calculated. The rule clearly states any rider with a Swedish/Polish average with an average of 6 or above is a 5. No mention of re-calculating the average to the British norm in the rule book.Therefore anything outside of what the rule actually states must be deemed to be cheating! However, you will immediately say that because the BSPA are lax in applying the rule to the letter of the law, then that is OK. I don't see any sense of fair play involved when every season you can bend the rules to suit yourselves!



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Where am I having a dig at Coventry? This is about fair play for all with no team being advantaged.Same for every club.


What are your thoughts on kk? Should he be allowed to ride? Ok not caught out in the UK but still had the intent to cheat. Should his maximum against us be looked into? Or don't you care about brum because your obsession is with everything Coventry.......

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So the SCB say, "Ed, you've been cheating since the day you started riding. You're banned forever unless you can prove that claim is false" you don't think it would end up in court?


In the UK it's innocent until proven guilty, if the SCB. go against that they'll be on hot water. You cannot ignore the laws of the land.


I agree with those who say that removing all of Edward Kennett's points in unreasonable - it is also completely unpractical in my opinion.


Unfortunately you are incorrect in your second statement. In English law there are statutory offences in which no defence can be offered, only mitigation. An example of such an offence is serving an uniformed police officer with an alcoholic drink but there are many more. Another is driving a motor vehicle with more than the legally permitted amount of alcohol in one's bloodstream. Guilt is not an issue - it is automatic once a charge has been preferred. In the case of Edward Kennett, the regulations say that a bike must meet certain conditions, therefore anything outside of those conditions is deemed to be illegal and the rider, who is personally responsible for the condition of the bike he rides, is committing an offence.


Whatever your personal opinion of the integrity of Edward Kennett, he is guilty and can only seek to mitigate that with regard to any punishment.


If I were being my normal cynical self, I would say that the presumption of innocence in law no longer exists in this country. :cry:

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What are your thoughts on kk? Should he be allowed to ride? Ok not caught out in the UK but still had the intent to cheat. Should his maximum against us be looked into? Or don't you care about brum because your obsession is with everything Coventry.......


and SS while you are talking about KK can you remind everyone your thoughts regarding Leon Madsen last year?



Edited by CaptainMarvel
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and SS while you are talking about KK can you remind everyone your thoughts regarding Leon Madsen last year?




I would respectfully say to yourself and anyone else dragging up the Leon Madsen affair that you are very wrong so to do. That affair has been dealt with and should not be dragged up in an attempt to score cheap shots. It is also not pertinent to the discussion currently taking place.

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What a load of self righteous pompous arses there are on this forum, so keen to land a keyboard club vs club knock, they post aggressive false drivel before any of the facts are proven, giving no thought or consideration to any rider (its Ed on this occassion) feelings or possible innocence.

Why not discuss the sadness of possibly losing one of the brightest stars UK have looked like producing in years, or will this lift your comments to that of normal rational people - its always the same childlike idiots also, and its damned annoying, grow up!



Or possibly discuss a bare faced cheat being caught red handed ... he's never denied it, and it is hard to believe that he was unaware on Saturday night that his bike was flying. Lakeside obviously did and weren't even riding it. What about the remaining riders at that meeting, Kennett's points were expunged, the heat results were not adjusted - I assume that 18 points were not paid out?


This is like a lot of things in life, take a risk take the consequences.

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As it is, I'm informed that while Eds silencer had been modified, it had been modified in such a way he didn't gain anything from it. So yes, he should be banned and fined for attempting to cheat but if there was no gain there's no need to remove points.


Obviously, if what I'm told is rubbish and someone can prove when he started cheating, points should be removed.


That makes it sound like you are saying its a lesser offence because they were incompetant at cheating! It doesnt matter if the modification gave him an advantage or not 9something that is surely open to personal opinion anyhow?) Cheating is cheating and should be treated in the same way whether a succesful 'cheat' or not.


Im not a Kennett fan but I think he is handling this the right way. I think there should be a ban handed out but lets not go over the top. I think everyone should be given one chance, it is still remotely possible that it was an innocent error after all, that he honestly didnt know about it and frankly none of us will ever know. SO give him the ban to the end of the season, acknowledge the fact he appears to be standing up and accepting he has to take responsibility for it then start next season afresh. Add in a suspended sentence if you must - make it a long term if they want. Should it happen again throw the book at him but for now lets give him a chance to learn from the experience

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I would respectfully say to yourself and anyone else dragging up the Leon Madsen affair that you are very wrong so to do. That affair has been dealt with and should not be dragged up in an attempt to score cheap shots. It is also not pertinent to the discussion currently taking place.


Whilst the matter itself is not relevant to this, certain people's reactions to that ARE relevant, not least because they completely contradict the same people's opinions of the current situation!

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I would respectfully say to yourself and anyone else dragging up the Leon Madsen affair that you are very wrong so to do. That affair has been dealt with and should not be dragged up in an attempt to score cheap shots. It is also not pertinent to the discussion currently taking place.


my point is that last year there was no call for any points from Leon / Poole to be taken away, this is exactly the same as now no other points can be taken off the rider or club.


Problem is certain people just want Coventry punished. :cheers:

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Whilst the matter itself is not relevant to this, certain people's reactions to that ARE relevant, not least because they completely contradict the same people's opinions of the current situation!


I must apologise, it is probably my age, but I cannot understand what it is you are trying to say.


Captain Marvel, I am not seeking to defend anyone but the Madsen affair has absolutely no relevance. Anyone resurrecting it in connection with the current case is merely attempting to distract or, as I said above, trying to score cheap shots. It is also wrong to aim any criticism at any club. It is purely the rider who is guilty unless it can be categorically proven that a club condoned the attempt to gain an unfair advantage. If anyone so much as suggests that a club is guilty of without the requisite proof, they are laying themselves open to legal action and that COULD result in the closure of the BSF. My advice is to leave well alone.

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