Daniel Smith Posted August 5, 2011 Report Share Posted August 5, 2011 Any line-up's, live streams, updates etc available for this anywhere???????? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brandonbee48 Posted August 5, 2011 Report Share Posted August 5, 2011 Any line-up's, live streams, updates etc available for this anywhere???????? Apologies as always for the "google translate" mangling of the language. Much as i would love to see it, i would be amazed if there were any Danish TV coverage for anyone to stream.There was none for the first leg. Regards. Alan.Published 04. 04th aug 2011 August 2011 Bjarne Pedersen vandt finalen sidst, han han også vinde DM?? Bjarne Pedersen won the final end, he he also win the DM? - Foto: John Bo Jensen - Photo: John Bo Jensen På fredag aften klokken 18.30 skal vi have fundet den danske mester 2011. On Friday evening at 18.30, we have found the Danish master of the 2011th Den regerende Danske mester Kenneth Bjerre havde en skidt første afdeling og med blot tre point går han ind til den anden DM finale uden muligheder for at kører ii medaljerne, men den lille mand der er født og opvokset i Esbjerg vil helt sikkert give sig 110% for at vide at han er med blandt de bedste i land, mens Kenneth er ude af medalje kampen er der mange der er med endnu, bedst i kampen om guld ligger Nicki Pedersen der har et point ned til Jesper B Monberg og yderlige et ned til Peter Kildemand som på trods af han ikke er helt klar efter sin skade stiller til start. The reigning Danish champion Kenneth Bjerre had a bad first division with just three points, he goes into the second DM finale without the ability to run ii medals, but the little man who was born and raised in Esbjerg will surely give themselves 110% to know that he is among the best in the country, while Jack is out of medal match, there are many who are still best in the race for gold is Nicki Pedersen, who has a point down to Jesper B Monberg and provides just a down to Peter Sources man who despite his not quite ready after his injury are in the race. Holstebros kaptajn Bjarne Pedersen har været god på de hjemlige baner i denne sæson og han vandt da også den første DM afdeling i Slangerup, men det er Nicki Pedersen der har scoret flest point, Bjarne har allerede været to gange i Esbjerg i år både i DANSK METAL Speeedway League og da Korskroen lagde slagger til en afdeling af Grand Prix kvalen, her gjorde Bjarne det godt og blev nummer to, så med lidt held kan han måske tage det danske mesterskab? Holstebro captain Bjarne Pedersen has been good on the home courts this season and he won then also the first DM Department of Slangerup, but it's Nicki Pedersen, who has scored the most points, Bjarne has already been twice in Esbjerg in the year both in DANISH METAL Speeedway League and as the Cross inn put slag into a branch of the Grand Prix agony here Bjarne did well and was number two, so with luck he may take the Danish championship? – Og hvad med Slangerups Kenneth Hansen, i vinter snød han alt og alle da han vandt “Speedway I Boxen” kan han overraske igen og tage det danske mesterskab foran de mere kendte kollegarer - And what about Slangerup Kenneth Hansen, in winter he tricked everyone and everything when he won the "Speedway In Box" he can surprise again and take the Danish championship in front of the more famous kollegarer Stillinge fredagens afdeling: Stillinge Friday's department: Nicki Pedersen – Holsted 14 Point Nicki Pedersen - Holsted 14 Points Jesper B Monberg – Slangerup 13 Point Jesper B Monberg - Slangerup 13 Points Peter Kildemand – Fjelsted 12 Point Peter Source Male - Fjelsted 12 Points Bjarne Pedersen – Holstebro 11 point Bjarne Pedersen - Holstebro 11 points Kenneth Kruse Hansen – Slangerup 11 point Kenneth Kruse Hansen - Slangerup 11 points Leon D Madsen – Esbjerg 10 point Leon D Madsen - Esbjerg 10 points Nicolai Klindt – Outrup 9 point Nicolai Klindt - Outrup 9 points Niels Kristian Iversen – Outrup 8 point Niels Kristian Iversen - Outrup 8 points Ulrick Østergaard – Grindsted 8 point Ulrick Østergaard - Grinnell 8 points Kenni Larsen – Outrup 5 point Kenni Larsen - Outrup 5 points Michael Jepsen Jensen - Vojens 4 point Michael Jepsen Jensen - Vojens 4 points Nicki Barrett – Slangerup 4 Point Nicki Barrett - Slangerup 4 Points Kenneth Bjerre – Grindsted 3 point Kenneth Bjerre - Grinnell 3 points Jonas B Andersen – Holstebro 2 point Jonas B Andersen - Holstebro 2 points Mads Korneliussen – Outrup 2 point Mads Kornelius - Outrup 2 points Patrick Hougaard – Holsted 0 point Patrick Hougaard - Holsted 0 points Reserver: Reserves: Charlie Gjedde 1 point Charlie Gjedde 1 point Michael Palm Toft – Outrup 1 Point Michael Palm Toft - Outrup 1 Point Adressen på banen er: The address of the track are: Korskro Motorcentrum Korskro Motor Centre Tinghedevej Ting Hedevej 6715 Esbjerg N 6715 Esbjerg N Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DutchGrasstrack Posted August 5, 2011 Report Share Posted August 5, 2011 Live results are here, meeting starts at 5.30pm (uk time): http://www.speedway-forum.de/board51-live-updates/board53-live-aus-dem-ausland/5303-live-update-von-dm-finale-2-in-esbjerg/#post86247 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
racers and royals Posted August 5, 2011 Report Share Posted August 5, 2011 Nicki Pedersen has won Danish championship http://live.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel7.htm Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacqueline Posted August 6, 2011 Report Share Posted August 6, 2011 Photos are now online you can follow it as a slideshow or an album: ALBUM DM-FINAL 2 Esbjerg or ALBUM DM-FINAL 2 Esbjerg Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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