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Colts V Heathens


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So why not run heat 13?



was always going to be abandoned at heat 12, means there was a result and with it being 10:22 there was no point riding heat 13 when jon armstrong wouldnt ride and newman withdrew

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Only Just got back from the meeting.

I hope Perry is ok and wish all the lads a speedy recovery from any injuries they picked up tonight.

I can't comment on the track as I am not qualified or experienced in speedway to make any judgement calls on that matter, however I would like to think the referee is and once he called the track fit to race then that should be the end of the matter.

The individual riders can still make their own personal decision whether they want to withdraw themselves from the meet and some exercised that right.

The lads from Dudley who came to the gate after the referees decision got a brilliant reception, every extra lap they completed added to their experience and it showed what a passion they hold for the sport.

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was always going to be abandoned at heat 12, means there was a result and with it being 10:22 there was no point riding heat 13 when jon armstrong wouldnt ride and newman withdrew

the sad thing is that there are clubs hell bent on getting to twelve heats before anything is solved, this smacks of two things, first the bother of having a new date for a rerun, sod the conditions just get twelve heats out the way, sod the riders and the fans..home fans as well as travellers, how many who went tonight will want to go back there ? this should have been a good meeting between two good sides but was a farce, i will wait patiently for when belle vue release a statement saying no more colts due to lack of interest from fans.
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the sad thing is that there are clubs hell bent on getting to twelve heats before anything is solved, this smacks of two things, first the bother of having a new date for a rerun, sod the conditions just get twelve heats out the way, sod the riders and the fans..home fans as well as travellers, how many who went tonight will want to go back there ? this should have been a good meeting between two good sides but was a farce, i will wait patiently for when belle vue release a statement saying no more colts due to lack of interest from fans.



Your right Wembley it should have been a good meeting between 2 good sides, It felt a very hollow win tonight.

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was the track ideal for national league racing tonight.....no, it was bit too grippy to start with


was the track dangerous as those on here making out.....NO


problem is belle vue has been known in the past as being a slick track... last week the track was very grippy and lakeside riders struggled tonight it wasn't as grippy but still more grippy then it use to be and the dudley riders struggled badly. personally I think the track was too grippy for national league racing but riders complain when its slick so you lose both ways


you had to attack the track... thats was riders like howarth, garrity, mckinna, perry were doing and had no problem. hope perry is ok by the way... nasty crash... hope the trip to hospital is just a precaution.


the riders that were shutting off the throttle going into the bend we getting into the difficulty


the big heat 7 crash had nothing to do with that track... that was just a tight first bend crash that could have happened anywhere... all 4 back was right call but if you had to exclude someone it would have been perry as he rode into the side of widman


the problem then was jon armstrong... a rider of his experience should have been riding track like that no problem... but he poisoned the other dudley riders with his negative attitude... glad the other dudley riders came out leaving armstrong to sulk.


feel sorry for the dudley fans with the late finish... most were better behaved this time although still some louts causing trouble... couple of dudley fans having big argument between themselves by pit gate and had to be split up by security


first of all and most importantly best wishes go out to perry morris and newman


now there is some daft comments on here by fans that wasnt there, people may say im going to be biased towards belle vue, maybe i will but i will try give an honest opionion so sorry if it offends anyone.


tonight showed how bad speedway in britain as come, british riders have always been known to love a bit of dirt as were not the best gaters, tonight the track was grippy, not to grippy but because tracks around the country are so slick now riders seem to struggle with grippy tracks as there to use to slick tracks that are easy to ride, the riders that were attacking the tracks diddnt have a problem, just the ones who were shutting of into the bends.


off course riders safety is paramount but tonight diddnt put any riders lifes at risk, was just the way certain riders were riding it, i will say though i think NL racing should be on slick tracks to help the lesser inexperianced riders handle tracks better, its just a shame that its come to this.


the curfew at belle vue is 10:30 BTW


at least the dudley fans were fighting amongst themselves this year rather than with oppisite fans so, apart from that they were well behaved from what i saw



i wont comment on jon armstrong, i diddnt agree with him but thats his opinion and he knows more than me as i never raced a speedway bike





I have highlighted the two pieces above refering to Dudley fans causing trouble.


These two people have absolutely no idea what the situation was regarding what happened and really need to keep their comments to themselves. The incident was not split up between the security guards and there WAS NO TROUBLE. You really need to start getting facts correct here, No punches were thrown and the two people were having a heated discussion yes.


The reason for this was the ill conceived comments from Mr Howarth, who was being interviewed. His comments were out of order and caused a response from the fans. Some of the responses were in my opionion out of order and one fan was reminded of this and was told to calm down. This was all in the heat of the moment and after a long discussion things were dealt with amicably.


As for the two people on here trying to dramatise things up , Firstly an apology on here from both of you is expected and secondly, as for the comment of louts, you are having a laugh. I was one of the people in the heated incident and I am definately not a lout, do not try and bring my character into disrepute, I have been speedway fan since 1983 and never been in any trouble whatsoever.



Last night at Monmore Green, We had a grippy track to ride on and an entertaining meeting was had, yes it was a good win for the Heathens but it was an entertaining night, Tonight was totally different, it was an embarrasment to our sport, by the way, after Heat 6 the heathens fans just wanted to go home, they could not care less about the result and many didnt want their money back, just wanted to ensure that our riders came back safely with us. Sadly that was not to be.

Edited by cradleysaddler
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From theKings Lynn thread Courtesy of Screamer


long night here tonight. Exclusions, slide offs & crashes. Riders struggling to turn their bikes as the track os way way way to grippy for this level of racing. Very fortunate to not have serious injuries at thru moment. We're only on heat 4



Seems maybe there needs to be a rethink of the track conditions for NL meetings but shouldnt all riders master all kinds of tracks. Hope the injured riders are good to go asap. A lot has been made of the Dudley boys going to Sweden what kind of tracks do they prepare there are the boys going to be hampered because they only ride one sort of track in the UK

Edited by TMW
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This meeting showed all the worst about British Speedway :angry: .


An appalling track surface that caused an abnormal number of crashes in the early heats (anyone who says the Colts could ride it obviously did not see Scott Richardson in heat two)and finally a multiple rider pile up at the start of heat seven. Even after major track grading, the Belle Vue team managers comment was that the track was 'rideable' - I'd probably just about agree, but the number of crashes before that suggest that it was anything but and it says everything that 'rideable' is about the best comment he can make.


We then had the spectacle of riders, officials and the referee involved in 'heated exchanges' on the first two turns about whether to continue. One, understandably, did. The other (equally, and in my opinion more) understandably did not. Kyle Howarth deserved the angry reaction he got when he suggested that Dudley only wanted the match abandoned because they were losing, while Jon Armstrong's statement that 'speedway is dangerous enough' was fully justified.


The next 6 heats were an absolute shambles, with riders refusing to come out and others going through the motions.


Finally, we had the elastic curfew. Ken Wrench announced that it was 10.00pm, yet racing continued until well after that so that a rsult could be declared. If the curfew is 10.30, why was the meeting abandoned for that reason before that time ? Home promotions cynically twist curfew times to suit their own ends and the sooner that is taken out of their control the better.


Speedway's crookedness, cynicism and 'take what you get' attitude to its paying customers was never more demonstrated than last night, and was enough to put a dent in the enthusiasm of the most committed fan. I was due to go there twice more this season (to see Barrie and Oliver) but I will be rethinking that. I certainly won't be going again otherwise.


There was one tiny bright spot, and that was the young female presenter. She did her best to drum up support in a stadium notorious for its lack of atmosphere, kept everyone informed and very fairly (and possibly quite bravely) got opinion from both sides. Impressive :approve:.

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I really dont believe the comments of some people on here. To suggest that that track was "a little too grippy to start with", and "not as dangerous as some people are making out" is complete and utter nonsense. Do I care that we lost last night? NO. Do I care even if it means that we don't get to the play offs? NO. And why? Because I care 100 times more about the safety of all 14 riders. It was a complete disgrace. If a rider with the track knowledge and experience of Byron Bekker falls off twice in the same race when there is nobody anywhere near him, you just know that something is wrong.


For Gods sake - most of these riders are kids learning the sport. Everybody knows that "Motorsport is dangerous", but last night, 14 riders were exposed to unncessary risk, and somebody should be held accountable before the unthinkable happens. To say a track wasn't dangerous when there were more fallers than there were heats is laughable.

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An appalling track surface that caused an abnormal number of crashes in the early heats (anyone who says the Colts could ride it obviously did not see Scott Richardson in heat two)and finally a multiple rider pile up at the start of heat seven. Even after major track grading, the Belle Vue team managers comment was that the track was 'rideable' - I'd probably just about agree, but the number of crashes before that suggest that it was anything but and it says everything that 'rideable' is about the best comment he can make.



scott richarson lost his foot rest in heat 2 when he clipped the fence...thats why he was wobbling about all over the place. forgot to say last night that race should have been stopped when portwood laid his bike down when richardson lost control due to no footrest...that was ridiculous the way the referee let it carry on

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Finally, we had the elastic curfew. Ken Wrench announced that it was 10.00pm, yet racing continued until well after that so that a rsult could be declared. If the curfew is 10.30, why was the meeting abandoned for that reason before that time ? Home promotions cynically twist curfew times to suit their own ends and the sooner that is taken out of their control the better.


No offence to Ken but he is getting quite old now, maybe bit confused.

Most of the time they try and have racing finished by 10pm as goodwill to local residents but the official curfew set by the council is 10.30 and has been for 20+ years.


As for why didn't they carry on till exactly 10.30, Dudley had no riders in heat 13 what was the point doing more 2 rider races and annoying local residents more.


Who was the referee?


Peter Clark

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The Track:

It will be known to anyone who's read this forum throughout the season so far that the Belle Vue track has been in poor condition throughout 2011.



Last night's meeting was the second time within a month that Heathens (and who knows how many other riders in such a period,) have been exhorted to ride on to Ht.12 to get a meeting to a 'result' stage. (The previous arose because of rain.)


Clearly the concerns of promoters have not been for riders but for themselves! The ref must take regard for the view of experienced riders and of a team's skipper, who should speak for the team, not ask for 14 differing views, (The young may think they're immortal, but they're not!)

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I think, right or wrong, you have to trust the referee. He's going to have all sorts of people in his ear putting forward their agenda but he has to make the final decision. If a rider feels unsafe then he should be allowed to withdraw, with consequences decided by his club. It sounds like it was a difficult track to say the least, but everyone who rode it (and survived to ride another day) will have learned somethig very important to their development as a rider.

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It sounds like it was a difficult track to say the least, but everyone who rode it (and survived to ride another day) will have learned somethig very important to their development as a rider.


For example - Craig Cook is a rider who learnt his track craft at Buxton, not an easy track.


It's no good giving NL riders 'easy' tracks to ride. No wonder they struggle when they try and progress to the PL. I should imagine that the young Aussies learn their trade on far mor difficult tracks/ground than our youngsters. That's probably why they adapt much easier to any track they ride. Aussie youngsters, with fewer opportunities to ride in meetings, probably also practice the basics such as starts. No wonder they come over and find NL tracks - some specially prepared for NL racing - much easier to ride and do not have as many problems adapting to trickier tracks when they move up to the PL.

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I think, right or wrong, you have to trust the referee. He's going to have all sorts of people in his ear putting forward their agenda but he has to make the final decision. If a rider feels unsafe then he should be allowed to withdraw, with consequences decided by his club. It sounds like it was a difficult track to say the least, but everyone who rode it (and survived to ride another day) will have learned somethig very important to their development as a rider.


Take you wasn't there with such stupid comments, have you not been reading about the amount of crashes. Tom Perry was taken to hospitial on a spinal board (thank god its nothing serious). Ashley Morris, Jon Amstrong and Kyle Newman all injured. What do you want to do, ignor such conditions and carry on till theres a serious injury or worse. Theres a lot of kids in the national league, tracks need to be prepared to a standard. Referees have to listen to riders, any fool could see the track wasn't safe. Belle vue fans next to us were saying its always the same the track. Hard to develop as a rider injured. Wasn't very entertaining as a supporter of either team, that awful display wasnt speedway, and made Belle Vue a JOKE to the sport.

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