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Neil Middleditch

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Starman, you really think Poland wouldn't have won had it been at Poole? They are head and shoulders above what we can track. In any case I remember the same argument being trotted out last year about Australia flying round Lynn and we beat them! I'd imagine that tracks apply for events like the SWC so its not just a case of Team GB picking a track randomly to hold the event. As for the thread title Middlo can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, but his Joker choice was bizarre to say the least. Saw Olly there tonight (not in team shirt though) but not King, Stead or Bridger, and as squad members you'd think they would be. The team spirit didn't seem as good this year but I guess that could have been affected by the awful start we made. Hope the lads can give it a good go on Thursday night and that they're not outclassed.

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Its the perfect track for the poles Jacques, end of, as i said above.


Oh give over. Shovvy posted it and you as usual followed like a little baa sheep. :rolleyes:


Have some courage in your own convictions and not play on someone elses.


You're are even more wet than KKS' bed sheets.

Edited by Jacques
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Clown Barker WTF?, Barker scored 6 from 3 rides on World Cup debut and beat a GP rider, that is terrible is it. Its good to see riders that want to ride their bollocks off for Team GB unlike Rico.


Exactly, but you have to understand that some people on are for the want of a better word, idiots. Barker was picked, and fair play to him he wanted to ride, and bless him rode his heart out, and was disappointed when substituted, is that not what we want from a rider wearing a team GB race-jacket. 6 points from three rides is a pretty good return for his WTC debut. What I find totally disrespectful is people on here and that prat Pearson trying to suggest he is not suitable for Thursday. Barker as earned his place, he wants to do it, so we have to give him the opportunity to race and prove his worthy.

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Exactly, but you have to understand that some people on are for the want of a better word, idiots. Barker was picked, and fair play to him he wanted to ride, and bless him rode his heart out, and was disappointed when substituted, is that not what we want from a rider wearing a team GB race-jacket. 6 points from three rides is a pretty good return for his WTC debut. What I find totally disrespectful is people on here and that prat Pearson trying to suggest he is not suitable for Thursday. Barker as earned his place, he wants to do it, so we have to give him the opportunity to race and prove his worthy.

I'd put Barker in over Nicholls without hesitation.


Thursday should be:





Bridger (reluctantly)


I'd even consider putting Screen in to be honest.

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I'd put Barker in over Nicholls without hesitation.


Thursday should be:





Bridger (reluctantly)


I'd even consider putting Screen in to be honest.


Bridger has already tweeted that he has had the call and is ready to give 100%.

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Why not Rye House or Lakeside or Eastbourne?


We would smash the poles !


Skornicki, KK and Swidders would be enough to beat GB at Lakeside. The Polish U-21's smashed GB at Rye.

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Well firstly, I expected the Poles to run away with it, and with a little (lot) of help from us, early doors... they did.


Wuffie OVERtrying (that I can forgive) before doing very well later on, Harris having a great and wartorn evening, Kennett doing very well and giving a thousand percent, Barker holding his nerve and getting that heat win after two confidence denting replacements.. and Scott Nicholls, who had a bad one, but was still trying as hard as he can, which contributed to him hitting the deck.


All the above factors, I'd happily take. They did their best, rode their best.. and yes.. messed up a times. But last night they were a unit, and really, really wanted it. The simple fact remains.. they were beaten by a better team on the night.


The Poles simply didn't / don't mess up. I'd have like to have seen how the scoreline would have panned out without stupid racing decisions by us. When placed, as with Woffinden, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and of course, using a Joker when bringing in a tactical ride would be the best way to go.



GB were always going to qualify. However, it was the manner of the way we finished second, trying to chase it down rather than look over our shoulders and coasting to second.. that I liked.



The word must have been out fully on Sayfudtinov and the Laguta's... otherwise, Wuffy should have done a Batch and got himself excluded.. or something. He made it look easy in his first two rides. :)



I thought we did our best. And think that Barker deserves a shot in the next meeting. As whoever gets that gig will find it tough anyway, I'd like him to be the one getting the experience.

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Skornicki, KK and Swidders would be enough to beat GB at Lakeside. The Polish U-21's smashed GB at Rye.

I would not have put a Joker off Gate 1 no matter who it was, Should have waited, why no Stead, Havvy as Manager with Floppy as support for him.I am not going to critise Riders because I could not do a better job, but the Manager, and what we need is a Limit on how many overseas riders are in our leagues then we will have a chance.

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Skornicki, KK and Swidders would be enough to beat GB at Lakeside. The Polish U-21's smashed GB at Rye.

I would not have put a Joker off Gate 1 no matter who it was, Should have waited, why no Stead, Havvy as Manager with Floppy as support for him.I am not going to critise Riders because I could not do a better job, but the Manager, and what we need is a Limit on how many overseas riders are in our leagues then we will have a chance.

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Im going to Stick up for Middlo here as i believe it was the right time to use the joker and the right time. Gollob looked very one paced in the opener and I thought if Nicholls could have got the drop on him from 1 he could have done the business but hey ho. Overall I was quite despondant last night but in the light of day I think we had a go and on another day co9uld have won it. I think we dropped about 11 points last nighht through bad riding, bad judgement, bad luck, call it what you like.


In all honesty though all this would have done is papered over the cracks for me. As a nation at present we are just not good enough to mix with the best. Im not saying for one minute that we were poor last night because i dont think we were. We made poor decisions at vital times. The Poles gave us an example of how to ride. Electric from the tapes and riding the perfect line. If you look at their team they have riders who havent rode on this track much in recent history. Protasiewicz - 98, Gollob - 98, Kolodziej - Never, Hampel - not totally sure but only once this century.


They are a super team with super riders and could probably have fielded a second team last night which would have done well. GB just seems to have a shortage of young talent at the minute which shows no signs of changing and until we sort the infrastructure that is currently in place it will be tough.


Having said all this we could have still won last night but we are only ever going to do well in our own country. Not enough riders are doing well on the continent on the bigger, faster Polish tracks. I spoke a lot about Eddie Kennett before the meeting and I owe him an apology. He was tremendous for us and scored the points and did the job expected. I doubted he could do it and he proved me wrong, well done Eddie.


IMO Olly Allen should have been in that team probably in place of Barker. Allen would have gated with the Poles and is very hard to pass round the Norfolk Arena. Saying that Ben rode very well in his last race and was deserving of his victory.


Overall it was slightly depressing but fair play to the Poles they arew a class side. I would also like to say well done to their fans. They are a credit to the sport and show such enthusiasm. Had some great banter with their fans on the back straight and they really made the meeting what it was last night.

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If you lot stop and think for a minute if the four falls had resulted in

their expected scores we would have got ten more points from four seconds

one a joker we would have lost by three points and everone would say how

unlucky we were we have to learn from this and move on you cant afford falls

and zeros in this standard give the youngsters a chance to gain the experience

necessary be consistant from management and things can only get better

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I thought Middlo put the joker in far too early, It was vertually a carbon copy of the error Jim Lynch made . And it was the totally wrong race to put a joker in .


To think that Scott was the right man to use after he had had a poor first race, a second behind Darkin , well it speaks for itself. There was ample races he could


have used a joker in after he had weighed up all his riders . I also think he took Ben out far too early, He should have had one more ride before losing faith in him .

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