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Speedway World Cup Team Line Ups

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Absolutely. The 2 Leicester lads will be running in last places against the Czech lads and with at least 2 heats vacant there is no chance of them making the race-off


ONE question that requires answering is: what are the FIM doing about this? Are they bringing any pressure to bear on the Russian federation that could be where the root of the problem lays?

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ONE question that requires answering is: what are the FIM doing about this? Are they bringing any pressure to bear on the Russian federation that could be where the root of the problem lays?




If the Russians make the race-off they will have their full side available

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I agree with previous comment Emil was in UK until this morning as racing for Coventry and has two bikes plus equipment and mechanics in UK BSI/FIM will pay points money and small amount of expenses . There is no reason for him not to ride as he able to do so, the Lagutas obviously have some very diffrent background as they have been refused entry permits to UK even to come here on holiday.


I have spoken to our travel team at work as we often have crew going out to countries and also assist foreign crew when working over here and they have confirmed with ASLA a approved Uk entry visa agent that it takes around 3-5 days to get the required entry permit for UK for Russians but does involve quite detailed information about persons.


People have mentioned the kid Tarasenko but from what I understand he is Artem and Grigory Lagutas sisters son so is likely to have the same issues

Edited by flagrag
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Interesting that Roman Povazhny is still listed in the team.


Are Balakovo paying for him to attend the match when they wont pay for Emil, is he paying for himself out of some sense of National pride or will the Russians actually front up with just 3 riders?

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Interesting that Roman Povazhny is still listed in the team.


Are Balakovo paying for him to attend the match when they wont pay for Emil, is he paying for himself out of some sense of National pride or will the Russians actually front up with just 3 riders?


It will be interesting hearing the screaming idiot and the nodding dog explain that one...

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Why is Ryan Sullivan not riding for Australia again? Has he pulled out?


He has tremendous form in Poland this year (CMA a fraction below 9), is 7th in the Polish ExtraLeague averages, behind Crump, but ahead of both Holder and Batchelor - and the race-off and final are in Poland.


Dont think hes too popular with the ozzie camp, didnt he throw his dummy out last year when he was not guaranteed a team place so he did not turn up for the meeting !!

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Hancock still turns out for a hopeless USA team who have no chance of even getting to the last 8.


Two words. Pride & loyalty.




Stars and Stripes mean a lot to Americans. Its a pity we cannot display the same commitment.

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Didn't Hancock miss the meeting last year leaving USA with 4 riders?


Greg Hancock miss a team event, well I never as it's not as if the bloke has spent most if not all his career riding just for himself is it & yet still people in this country applaud & worship him.


Never understood it myself.

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I cant believe that the Russians are plannning on using the Lagutas and Emil for race off and final I hope that BSI/FIM block them from riding in the event at all this season.

The latest i have heard this morning is Russia may only have 4man team so some 3 rider races which will rob the fans even more it is bad enough that Russia are sending really poor weak team but to only field 4 riders I find unacceptable and I know BSI were very unhappy with Artem Laguta missing Cardiff so I think the chances of a Russian GP in next few years has just gone

I cant believe that the Russians are plannning on using the Lagutas and Emil for race off and final I hope that BSI/FIM block them from riding in the event at all this season.Surely, with the team they have currently declared, the Czechs will push them into 4th and ultimately no place in the Run Off?





If the Russians make the race-off they will have their full side available


It remains to be seen if the Laguta brothers are victims of a 'force majeure' and allowed to race in subsequent rounds. However, from the reasons i've seen given for Emil Sayfutdinov's non-appearance, according to the 2011 World Cup Regulations he'll be banned from riding in the later rounds.


The regulations are pretty similar or the same as the ones for the Grand Prix, will Laguta appear in that series again this year?, all down to how they define 'force majeure'.


078.3.3 Entries

Riders, who have been entered by their FMN for the SWC Final Tournament and

refuse or are unable to take part, shall be deemed suspended for competing

internationally for a period of 1 day before to 1 day after the SWC Final

Tournament concerned. Furthermore, they shall be considered ineligible for the

SWC of that season.


Riders who have been nominated by their FMN to participate in the SWC Final

Tournament must participate therein unless prevented from doing so by injury or

illness or other « force majeure ». A suitable qualified medical practitioner must

certify injury or illness in writing to that effect.


In the case of a « force majeure », the International Jury of the meeting will

decide on their admission.


If the absence of the rider is truly justified and accepted by the International Jury,

he will be accepted to re-enter the SWC Final Tournament.



Regulations available here http://www.fim-live.com/fileadmin/alfresco/Codes_et_reglements/SpeedwayCup_en.pdf

Edited by manchesterpaul
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May be a late change on the way for the Poles on Monday according to this.

Janusz Kolodziej - SWC - Marek Cieslak - Speedway - Poland - Maciej Janowski - Przemysław Pawlicki

Kołodziej straci miejsce w kadrze na DPŚ? Kolodziej will lose a place in the frame to DPS?

autor: Jan Gacek, 2011-07-08, 11:48, źródło: inf. author: John Gacek, 2011-07-08, 11:48, source: inf. własna own

skomentuj komentarze (108) comment Comments (108) drukuj artykuł print article Udostępnij 8 Maciej Janowski i Przemysław Pawlicki wezmą udział w piątkowym treningu kadry, który odbędzie się w Gorzowie Wlkp. Wiele wskazuje na to, że jeden z nich zastąpi w poniedziałkowym półfinale DPŚ Janusza Kołodzieja. Maciej Janowski and Przemysław Pawlicki will take part in Friday's training staff, which will take place in Gorzow Wielkopolski There are signs that will replace one of them in Monday's semi-final DPS Janusz Kolodziej. Janusz Kołodziej został powołany do reprezentacji narodowej mimo stosunkowo słabej formy. - Kołodziej na pewno będzie w dziesiątce, która zostanie nominowana. Janusz Kolodziej was appointed to the national team despite a relatively weak form. - Kolodziej will surely be in the top ten, which will be nominated. Wiem, że ostatnio znowu słabo pojechał na torze, na którym się wychował. I know that recently went poorly again on the track, where he grew up. Siedzę jednak za długo w tym fachu, żeby nie widzieć potencjału tkwiącego w tym zawodniku. But I sit too long in this profession, not to see the potential of this player. On może wrócić do formy w ciągu 2-3 spotkań. He can return to form in 2-3 meetings. Nie ma takiej możliwości, żebym skreślił go na ponad miesiąc przed zawodami. There is no such possibility, so I crossed it on more than a month before the competition. Dla mnie jego postawa jest dużym rozczarowaniem. For me, his attitude is a big disappointment. Spodziewałem się, że po Tomku Gollobie i Jarku Hampelu on będzie tym trzecim zawodnikiem w reprezentacji. I expected that after Tom Jarku Hampelu Gollobie and he will be the third player in the team. Będę obserwował formę Kołodzieja, mamy jeszcze trochę czasu - mówił przed miesiącem Marek Cieślak . I will be watching form Kolodziej, we still have some time - say a month before Marek Cieslak.


Wyniki osiągane przez wychowanka Unii Tarnów nie poprawiły się jednak istotnie. The results achieved by the pupil Tarnow Union, however, have not improved significantly. W tym tygodniu Kołodziej zaliczył dwa bardzo słabe występy (mecz ligi szwedzkiej, półfinał IMP). - Mamy dzisiaj trening w Gorzowie. This week, Kolodziej scored two very poor performances (Swedish league match, semi-IMP). - We are now training in Gorzow. Poza wcześniej powołaną piątką zaprosiłem na te próbne jazdy Maćka Janowskiego i Przemka Pawlickiego. In addition to previously established five of those invited to test drive and Przemek Janowski, Maciej Pawlicki. Ewentualna zmiana w składzie zostanie dokonana po tym treningu. Any change in the composition will be made ​​after this workout. Wiadomo, że cztery miejsca są pewne. It is known that four seats are certain. Gollob, Hampel, Protasiewicz i Kasprzak jadą dobrze i to widać. Gollob, Hampel, Protasiewicz and Kasprzak going well and it shows. Martwi mnie Kołodziej, nie idzie mu, jest chory... Kolodziej worries me, do not go to him, is sick ... no sam nie wiem. no I do not know. Muszę go zobaczyć na treningu. I must see him in training. Nie bez powodu jednak zaprosiłem Janowskiego i Pawlickiego - powiedział dla SportoweFakty.pl trener kadry narodowej. Not without reason, however, invited Janowski and Pawlicki - said SportoweFakty.pl coach for the national team.

Cutting through the Google translation. it may be Pawlicki or Janowski in for Kolodziej. We shall see. Regards. Alan.

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No worries Alan because as far as Monday's meeting goes i so am waiting until MONDAY before releasing a racecard. I know it's going to put the health of my webhost's server under extreme stress with everyone downloading in a shorter time span (already had to move to the most expensive package because of the bandwidth increase) but i expected nothing less than last minute havoc anyway.


Thank you for the heads up. I will be checking sportwefakty repeatedly on Monday as they often are the first with the news. I've got the site saved already 'Google translated'. Although having said that our friend Gray is very speedy too with news from his part of the globe.

Edited by manchesterpaul
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