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Speedway World Cup Team Line Ups

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They have confirmed that the normal process of expedited visa approval (5 to 15 days) for sports teams was refused them by the British Authorities. It seems that the period to go through the full approval process was suggested as being up to 3 months and would require the submission of the original passports of those seeking visas (again something not normally required).


If this IS the case then it's an absolute disgrace. There is no way that a football team would be treated in this fashion.


As yousay "IF", and then was the decision one of official policy or overzealous application of the rules by some "official" at the border agency?


I remember some 20+ years ago having to get a visa/work permit/temporary residence permit to compete in a sporting event in Oz, if the application was handed in over the counter at the embassy in London complete with the relevant documentation for the organising body then I could pick up everything again after 4pm on the same day.









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Nope, you do what you have to win. If we could have got the Russians out of the race-off, it would have made things just a bit easier on Thursday.


All the best


No, sorry but what's wrong with racing to win the heat? There was outcry when Hans Andersen stopped Nicholls at Poole (2004?) to let the Swedes win the final. And rightly so. There should be no team riding in World Cup racing full stop.

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Why should he?

He never got his expenses money from last year?

His got a family and has got to earn like the rest of us.

Would you work for nothing NO!!!



Indeed who would work for the same firm the next year if they were not paid for the work they had done the year before ..the problem is with the BSPA not Lee ....Rob Lyon is not tm this year because of them as well .

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There should be no team riding in World Cup racing full stop.


Such is the attitude of losers. If you want to win, you do whatever you have to, to win. We made a mistake in Heat 25 tonight, Woffinden should have stayed behind Topinka. Or had a pretend engine failure on the final bend. We don't need the Russians in the race-off, it's a hard enough meeting already.


All the best


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Indeed who would work for the same firm the next year if they were not paid for the work they had done the year before ..the problem is with the BSPA not Lee ....Rob Lyon is not tm this year because of them as well .


That bit I agree with!


Ronnie Russell has more tactical nouse than Muddlo... :rolleyes:

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Was he not ahead though. Harris took a chance and got off and in fairness he got the call. As I said it could have gone either way, to suggest it is dangerous riding is bonkers


Maybe a track that the onlt fast line wasn't a foot from the fence would help, two riders into a foot will never go


I'm not so sure it was an incorrect decision tbh .... Lukas has a horrible habit of getting a little nasty with the room he doesnt allow


In the Gollob/Bomber heat where Loramski wasnt happy about Tomasz's covering of the inside they did allow each other room ..... the move that Tomasz pulled Bomber expected and it was not last second


In the Lukas/Bomber heat .....Lukas raced his socks off but like so many times before just didnt allow his rival enough room ........ this was not a case of shutting the door as he wasnt in front enough


The thinness of the straights didnt help the issue though for sure


WTF is the point of Woffinden going out here? We can't win and the experience would do Barker wonders. Middleditch is a clown.


completely agree! Ben was no different to other riders before him down the years with his nerves..... Ed was good tonight but I distinctly remember some naive and nervous performances in the past...... what the commentaters didnt pick up on with Ben in his first two rides is that he was riding all the wrong lines..... it therefore isnt suprising that he wasnt going as fast as he could



Hats off to Povazhny, he did really well to drop the bike then.


as good as i've seen from that distance



I can imagine :lol: by christ this is beginning to drag on a bit now .


I did think that it was a bit odd that they faffed around at the start until a 7:45 start..... doesnt give much scope if there are issues



I agree with that. This is the guy that wasn't there tonight because he can't be bothered/can't make enough money (delete as appropriate) to ride for the country of his birth


Shouldn't represent GB again IMO


I'm with Impartial One on this....... unless i'm mistaken Rico is owed money .... so ultimately who should be out of pocket here? Rico or the BSPA? ...... and if Rico should pick up some of the slack... shouldnt it be arranged in advance? the honour of representing your country should be the same as the honour of administering the national team ......................... that is very different to not being bothered or not making enough money




also...... was I the only one getting more and more annoyed with Krister Gardell allowing those jumping the starts to get away with it? He makes some decent decisions when needed to at times and then lets himself down at times over really basic stuff

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Such is the attitude of losers. If you want to win, you do whatever you have to, to win. We made a mistake in Heat 25 tonight, Woffinden should have stayed behind Topinka. Or had a pretend engine failure on the final bend. We don't need the Russians in the race-off, it's a hard enough meeting already.

All the best


The attitude of losers is to fear an opposing team so much that they try and lose a race to help another team knock them out.


The attitude of winners is not to fear anyone.

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Can a team only make 3 tactical subs in the world cup ?

The Russians messed up. By giving Gaffurov a joker on his own ride, he was not able to take a tac sub. They should have replaced the blank with a rider on a joker.

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The attitude of losers is to fear an opposing team so much that they try and lose a race to help another team knock them out.


The attitude of winners is not to fear anyone.


The Danes were perpetual winners in the 1980s and more than once, they threw a race in a World Pairs semi-final, to get one of their lead competitors out of the final. It's called tactical nous.


All the best


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There's no limit, excpet each rider can only take one joker or T/S ride each.


All the best



Then how stupid and risky for Russia to not use Gafurov in heat 25

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At least the riders that were there gave it their all and clearly showed passion. He didn't want to be in team GB this year, his choice. I'd rather see what I did tonight than have that whinging waster in the team..Let's not forget who it was who threw the towel in even before he'd got on a bike in the final last year......... :mad:



The attitude of losers is to fear an opposing team so much that they try and lose a race to help another team knock them out.


The attitude of winners is not to fear anyone.


You've just illustrated my point Charlie.. :approve:

Edited by Jacques
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Nope, you do what you have to win. If we could have got the Russians out of the race-off, it would have made things just a bit easier on Thursday.


All the best




Not sure about that, the changes the Russians can make shouldn't really bother the British lads, as long as Sayfutdinov is out of the picture, a more competetive first bend (ie 4 riders) will give the Brits a better chance of being in the mix.

I think we provided 9 race winners tonight, the Poles 12 or 13, without the mishaps we would have been closer to them.


Either way, putting aside the disappointment of GB not winning the meeting I thought it was decent nights entertainment, the track didn't seem as good as last year but it still provided some close racing, passing and plenty of incident, to me thats what speedway has always been about, thrills & spills.


Ben Barker showed he can do the job, can't think of anyone I would consider replacing him with, I reckon he deserves to ride on Thursday. Kennett did all that could be asked of him, Nicholls had a bad night at the office but along with Harris will be relied on heavily on Thursday, Woffinden did ok too apart from the obvious, he and Barker are just young lads, I like their spirit, obviously they get carried away sometimes but both are good enough to be part of the team.


I hope Thursday & Saturday serve up more of the same.

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I agree with that. This is the guy that wasn't there tonight because he can't be bothered/can't make enough money (delete as appropriate) to ride for the country of his birth


Shouldn't represent GB again IMO


Wrong. He wasn't there because he announced his retirement from all international competition, individual as well as SWC before the season started. Riders reach a stage in their careers when they start to have other priorities, and also have to start looking at life after speedway.


Its not Lee's fault there is nobody good enough to step into his shoes at this level. Its the SCB's fault.


As for not making enough money I don't suppose you would be very happy to be asked to work overtime without being paid so your comments on that front are out of order to say the least.




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