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Buxton V Dudley Heathens

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21st, I always like to read your balanced comments on these situations...


but there is a line...which must be drawn..


Thanks. :)


Of course, and I'll stress what I said before that there is no place for aggressive and threatening behaviour by individuals towards other fans. But if the NL is a breeding ground for the next crop of, hopefully, world class Brit's then taking a bit of stick from oppossing fans will not do them any harm. When any rider gets stick, by which I mean booing or sarcastic cheers, from the fans it's nearly always because of something they've said or done in the first case anyway. And even then it's generally either in the heat of the moment, like today by all accounts, or like the Garrity situation, which is just light-hearted and panto stuff (which incidentally he seems to have taken on board and played the bad boy well at Monmore a couple of weeks ago by taunting the crowd by fisting the air after winning a heat. :lol: Most people were laughing and booing in equal measure and he was applauded when he took his lap of honour after a tough but clean race with Morris). So far this season the only time I've seen or heard of anything that could be described as an 'incident' involving Heathens fans has been when there was some sort of provocation. A few riders have got a bit of stick for getting races stopped, something seems to have happened at BV when a/some BV fans started mouthing off at Perry after he knocked Bekker off (which as an aside he mentioned on FB saying he hoped Bekker was ok) and today it seems there has been some reaction to what the start marshal and referee chose to do when it would seem Morris had done nothing wrong. To listen to some on here you would think all the Heathens fans in the world turned up swearing, gesticulating and actively looking for a figtht!!

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brown ivor was you even there today.your facts are completly cuckoo.GARRITY was excluded for falling or being helped off trying to get round Armo.and you would see red if someone was cheering the fact your 17 year old grandson was lying in a heap you not noing if he was injured or not.Ifeel sorry for Will Pottinger and his riders having so many crackpots as so called supporters.I have friends who are Heathens fans and they dont behave badly,but like to see the team do well.Come on Dudley sort out the bad apples and send them to watch football thats where they belong.ups so did i

You need to keep up with the thread BWD. My initial comments refer to the BV Colts meeting at Monmore Wood a couple of weeks ago, on that occasion Jason was disqualified for delaying the start and allowed in the restart off 15 metres, my comments were referring to the fact that Ashley was not allowed to do likewise after the same offence yesterday, perhaps a SCB official could tell us why. Jason's exclusion from heat 15 yesterday resulted from him causing the stoppage of a race which does not permit re-instatement as far as I know and has no bearing on the starting fiasco. Jason is an entertaining and commited rider and I am sure that no one, lest of all any true Heathens fan, would wish to see him injured, particularly as a result of him giving hia all for his chosen sport.


The fact remains that everyone who attended yesterdays Meeting went to see the Riders racing and not to see the Start Marshall marshalling!! As with Football and practically every other Sport, once the Officials get in the way then thats where the controversy starts. Much has been said about this subject now, but as usual, the real culprits are nowhere to be seen and won't be called to account for thir actions.


Let those in charge do as they see fit to ensure that this does not happen again, I won't hold my breath mind!!

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Courtesy of the Buxton Hitmen facebook group


Jason Garrity (G) 2231fx = 8+1

Dean Felton 02020 = 4+1

Luke Priest 3fx123 = 9+1

Robert Branford R/R

Adam Allott 332343 = 18

Paul Burnett 01002 = 3+1

Ryan Blacklock 2000 = 2


Dudley Heathens 47


Jon Armstrong 333132 = 15+1

Kyle Newman R/R

Richard Franklin 10123 = 7+1

Tom Perry 1221f = 6+2

Ashley Morris 23320X = 10

Darryl Ritchings 3101 = 5

Danny Stoneman 1111 = 4+1


Heat 1: Armstrong, Garrity, Franklin, Felton. 57.4. 2-4

Heat 2: Ritchings, Blacklock, Stoneman, Burnett. 59.3. 2-4. (4-8)

Heat 3: Priest, Felton, Perry, Franklin. 59.0. 5-1. (9-9)

Heat 4: (Re-run) Allott, Morris, Stoneman, Blacklock. 56.7. 3-3. (12-12)

Heat 5: (Re-run) Armstong, Perry, Burnett, Priest(F/ex). 58.4. 1-5. (13-17)

Heat 6: Morris, Garrity, Ritchings, Felton. 56.3. 2-4. (15-21)

Heat 7: Allott, Perry, Franklin, Burnett. 56.3. 3-3. (18-24)

Heat 8: Armstrong, Felton, Stoneman, Blacklock. 58.3. 2-4. (20-28)

Heat 9: Morris, Allott, Priest, Ritchings. 57.0. 3-3. (23-31)

Heat 10: Garrity, Franklin, Perry, Felton. 55.6. 3-3. (26-34)

Heat 11: Allott, Morris, Armstrong, Burnett. 55.9. 3-3. (29-37)

Heat 12: Franklin, Priest, Ritchings, Blacklock. 57.4. 2-4. (31-41)

Heat 13: Armstrong, ALLOTT, Garrity, Morris. 56.5. 5-3. (36-44)

Heat 14: Priest, Burnett, Stoneman, Perry(Fell). 56.0. 5-1. (41-45)

Heat 15: (3rd Re-run). Allott, Armstrong, Garrity(f/ex), Morris(Ex). 57.3. 3-2. (44-47)

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Whilst I wasn't at Buxton yesterday, I was at Belle Vue last Wednesday. To read of more "issues" involving Dudley fans is disappointing to say the least.


Last Wednesday there was cheering when Belle Vue Riders fell off, particularly Jason Garrity who Dudley fans seem to love to hate with a vengeance. One of them explained to me that they regard Jason as a dirty rider who takes opposition riders out - apparently he has previous from his time at Buxton.


Now everybody is entitled to an opinion but some of the stuff being shouted (and gesticulated) last Wednesday went too far and has no place at a Speedway Meeting. Please folks, cut it out. Support your team by all means, but retain a degree of balance/sportsmanship.


It's easy to forget sometimes that, at NL level, we are often watching 15/16/17 yr old kids who are setting out on a career in the sport. Quite often their brain isn't fully connected to their right wrist!! On the plus side, it's their enthusiasm that attracts many of us in the first place! I gladly pay £10 to watch the likes of Garrity and Morris race - their willingness to race is often in sharp contrast to the efforts of some riders higher up the sport.


Dudley are a good, well balanced team who should win the NL, providing injuries don't stop them in their tracks. Just let them do their talking on the track!!


As to starting procedures, I see many races where Riders are stationary 6 inches away from the tapes, clearly looking to get a "roller". This needs to be nipped in the bud with Starting Marshalls becoming more determined to bring all Riders into line closer to the tapes. I'm not excusing what may, or may not, have happened yesterday but stronger policing of the start area is essential by both the Starting Marshall and the Referee.

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As to starting procedures, I see many races where Riders are stationary 6 inches away from the tapes, clearly looking to get a "roller". This needs to be nipped in the bud with Starting Marshalls becoming more determined to bring all Riders into line closer to the tapes. I'm not excusing what may, or may not, have happened yesterday but stronger policing of the start area is essential by both the Starting Marshall and the Referee.


Curiously, all the wheel moving by the starting marshall at Buxton yesterday (and my word, was there plenty of it) was to get riders further away from the tapes.

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Whilst I am aware that this thread has been "done to death" and beyond, I felt compelled to give my views as I was at both Belle Vue on Wednesday, and Buxton yesterday. Let me start off by saying that I have been a Cradley and Dudley fan since 1963, and am both passionate and vocal in support of my team.


I wish to correct and explain some of the accusations that have been posted on here and elsewhere, because there have been "half truths" total misrepresentations and downright lies published on this site, that will no doubt give people who weren't there the totally wrong impression of what actually took place.


Firstly (and I quote) "for the second time in a week Heathens fans brought the sport to a low, after fighting on the terraces last wednesday at Belle Vue, today it was like being on the shameless film set with the most foul mouthed woman you will ever come across and a gang of thug partners gathering like a pack of dogs anywhere they could cause trouble"


Heathens fans fighting on the terraces?????? So there was an incident between a fan of each team. This should NOT have happened, and is totally inexcusable and should not be tolerated at any cost. But from where I was standing, it was more like "handbags at dawn". You make it sound like a mass riot!! As for the rest of your comments, I saw no incident which resembled the so-called gathering like a pack of dogs, and your imagination is running away with you. As I said, we are extremely vocal in our support and forthright in our views. For that I make absolutely NO apology




Secondly (and I quote again) "I've always thought that starters needed to be more firm with riders - 99% of the time they may as well not be there, for all the notice riders take of them. The starting marshall is - whether you like it or not - the referee's representative on the line".


I couldn't agree more with you. I'm 100% behind what you say. However, start marshalls being firm with riders is one thing, and those who abuse riders is a totally different kettle of fish. If you disagree with my thoughts, then please refer to the challenge below that I make to ANYONE who says different.



Next (and I quote again) "I suppose you can expect a few people to behave badly, but at Belle vue last week, and today at Buxton, it was more than a few, it was more or less the majority"



Again - nothing more than vocal support. Did we cheer when Byron Bekker fell? NO!!!! Did we cheer yesterday when Luke Priest fell? NO!!! Something that I would have thought you would have realised by now, is that all this stuff with Jason is nothing more than pantomime bravado. After the meeting yesterday, we were laughing and joking with him about it, shook his hand and some had photos taken with him. If you dont believe me - just ask him. We know its pure bravado, Jason obviously knows it - why don't you?



Next (and this is the one that I find most offensive) "As for heat 15 is it OK for a rider from any team to hit out at an official who is just trying to do their job"


Let me ask you one thing - where were you standing when this happened. Or is it another of those accusations that somebody "told you about"? Well, I was standing right where it happened, at the starting gate, and let me tell you that your statement is a total lie. Firstly, the starting marshall (without any shadow of a doubt) was totally and utterly responsible for the furore that followed. He is supposed to get the riders to the line in gate order. Did he do this at any time yesterday? NO. In heat 13, he grabbed Ashley Morris' bike and pulled it forward, which clearly unsettled him as he was shaking his head at the tapes before the green light went on. Then as for the incident in heat 15 - again he did not call the riders up to the gate in "gate order" he went for Ashley first who was off gate 4. Ashley nodded to the other riders indicating that they should be called up first. Then, your start marshall decided to show his authority and went face to face with Ashley. AT NO POINT did Ashley hit out at anybody. That is a complete and utter lie, and it is also a libelous accusation. If you disagree with me, then post the video evidence that you will have access to on youtube or wherever you like - the ball is in YOUR court. Otherwise, you owe Ashley Morris a complete and unconditional apology, and I eagerly await to see it. Furthermore, the actions of the start marshall (yes - your official!!) even after this incident were a complete and utter disgrace.



I will say it again. I am a Dudley fan and proud of it. I am extremely vocal in my support, and will always defend my right to be so. The comments on here and elsewhere have left me in complete and utter disbelief at the lengths some people will go to, in order to "have a go". I am not a hooligan, I do not belong to a pack of dogs, but I will never ever again spend one penny piece through the turnstiles of Buxton to have fabrications of the truth, and lies published regarding Dudley Speedway and their supporters.


'Ommer 'Um Dudley!!!!

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Totally agree Villiers210, Cradley and Dudley Heathens supporters are passionate about their teams efforts...and to see points being taken away by an official is a disgrace. Although i didnt actually go to Buxton, but i can sympathise the fans who did, maybe things did get overheated, but if Heat 15 did happen just like that, the the Marshall was way out of order and seemed to be picking on Ash..., you can understand why things get heated on the terraces. But to be called acting like a pack of dogs, thats just nit picking....its give and take from both sets of fans...words only...and no fistie-cuff involved..!

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Again - nothing more than vocal support. Did we cheer when Byron Bekker fell? NO!!!! Did we cheer yesterday when Luke Priest fell? NO!!! Something that I would have thought you would have realised by now, is that all this stuff with Jason is nothing more than pantomime bravado. After the meeting yesterday, we were laughing and joking with him about it, shook his hand and some had photos taken with him. If you dont believe me - just ask him. We know its pure bravado, Jason obviously knows it - why don't you?




Didn`t the Buxton fans cheer when Tom Perry fell in Heat 14 ?

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I wasn't, it was a general point really. I've seen enough unacceptable behaviour over the twenty five odd years I've been going to speedway to know what some speedway fans can be like, and there is no excuse for it.

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i dont mind anyone shouting for there team but the language needs to be curbed.NO respect shown to the young children and the older members present.I work in a factory and hear swearing all day .But i do object to so called grown ups shouting out the f and c words at a speedway meeting.It to me just shows a lack of education there is no need for it.Buxton are at Dudley later in the season i will go and hope the so called fans restrain from being so agressive in there approach to visiting teams and fans.

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I'm not judging any set of fans in particular, I'm pretty sure that every track has an element of its support who can mouth off and come out with unnecessary stuff. I'm all for banter but sometimes it can go OTT, I've experienced it over the years when we've ridden against Ipswich, P'boro, Mildenhall and Rye in particular and its been Lynn fans just as often as opposition supporters who have been out of order.

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The comments on here and elsewhere have left me in complete and utter disbelief at the lengths some people will go to, in order to "have a go".


... I do not belong to a pack of dogs...


1) Welcome to the forum!! :lol:


2) This was the bit I found most insulting. Linking Heathens fan with dogs is the worst insult imaginable. mad.gificon_rofl.gif


keep your eye on the start marshall...he,s very good


and we,ve got nice chips


Oooooo, you're asking for trouble there. He's been as guilty as anyone of grabbing front wheels from time-to-time over the years.

The chips are generally the best at the local tracks though. anim_32.gif


I'm not judging any set of fans in particular, I'm pretty sure that every track has an element of its support who can mouth off and come out with unnecessary stuff. I'm all for banter but sometimes it can go OTT, I've experienced it over the years when we've ridden against Ipswich, P'boro, Mildenhall and Rye in particular and its been Lynn fans just as often as opposition supporters who have been out of order.


That's the point any fair-minded fan would acknowledge. When we've had this type of thing in the past I've often said it's not just Wolves fans or Cov fans (etc) it could be any club on any day when someone, or a even a group, go a bit over-the-top.


What villiers is annoyed about is being grouped together as everyone, or most, mouthing of, causing trouble and even fighting. I know that's not what you're saying BTW but it can be easy to misinterpret what people say on here sometimes, especially for new members that don't yet know who's who so-to-speak.


As an aside, are you coming over for Lynn's visit to Brandon a week on Friday?

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Courtesy of the Buxton Hitmen facebook group


Jason Garrity (G) 2231fx = 8+1

Dean Felton 02020 = 4+1

Luke Priest 3fx123 = 9+1

Robert Branford R/R

Adam Allott 332343 = 18

Paul Burnett 01002 = 3+1

Ryan Blacklock 2000 = 2


Dudley Heathens 47


Jon Armstrong 333132 = 15+1

Kyle Newman R/R

Richard Franklin 10123 = 7+1

Tom Perry 1221f = 6+2

Ashley Morris 23320X = 10

Darryl Ritchings 3101 = 5

Danny Stoneman 1111 = 4+1


Heat 1: Armstrong, Garrity, Franklin, Felton. 57.4. 2-4

Heat 2: Ritchings, Blacklock, Stoneman, Burnett. 59.3. 2-4. (4-8)

Heat 3: Priest, Felton, Perry, Franklin. 59.0. 5-1. (9-9)

Heat 4: (Re-run) Allott, Morris, Stoneman, Blacklock. 56.7. 3-3. (12-12)

Heat 5: (Re-run) Armstong, Perry, Burnett, Priest(F/ex). 58.4. 1-5. (13-17)

Heat 6: Morris, Garrity, Ritchings, Felton. 56.3. 2-4. (15-21)

Heat 7: Allott, Perry, Franklin, Burnett. 56.3. 3-3. (18-24)

Heat 8: Armstrong, Felton, Stoneman, Blacklock. 58.3. 2-4. (20-28)

Heat 9: Morris, Allott, Priest, Ritchings. 57.0. 3-3. (23-31)

Heat 10: Garrity, Franklin, Perry, Felton. 55.6. 3-3. (26-34)

Heat 11: Allott, Morris, Armstrong, Burnett. 55.9. 3-3. (29-37)

Heat 12: Franklin, Priest, Ritchings, Blacklock. 57.4. 2-4. (31-41)

Heat 13: Armstrong, ALLOTT, Garrity, Morris. 56.5. 5-3. (36-44)

Heat 14: Priest, Burnett, Stoneman, Perry(Fell). 56.0. 5-1. (41-45)

Heat 15: (3rd Re-run). Allott, Armstrong, Garrity(f/ex), Morris(Ex). 57.3. 3-2. (44-47)

Thank you very much

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