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Buxton V Dudley Heathens

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Ive been to Cradley Speedway since the early 80's in the days of Ila Teromaa, Jan Verner etc, and on the terraces of the back straight had seen countless run in's with fans over the years, especially Halifax, Kenny Carter (RIP) sure knew how to wind up Heathens fans, Belle Vue and some local derby's were also heated meetings, it was all banter, shouting at each other, but no fighting...it was never like the football crowds back then, and it never will be.

When 2 teams and supporters mix, there is always going to be an element of arguing who done what...ref's decisions etc, its what makes the sport a sport....2 teams competing at their BEST..!

Seeing the new Heathens, a very young team at the most... (even Armo is younger than me....damn it...!...lol) they seen to excel wearing the Heathens bib..it makes us proud to be a Heathen as it would you too when you see your teams race in your teams colours..!

At the end of the day, all you want to to do is see your team win....fairly , without any major incidents or crashes, and go home happy, have a bit of banter with the other supporters....but NO FIGHTING....we dont need this sport to go the same way as Football..!!

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I never come on this BSF forum because there’s a lot of rubbish written at times but I thought I would like to make some comments about this Buxton meeting.


I stood right in front of the starting gate and could see it all.


It’s already been said but it all started at heat 15 when the starting marshal manhandled young Ashley Morris. At no time did Ashley retaliate but basically the starting marshal assaulted Ashley. If you have a look at the DVD it will confirm this. But then for the referee to exclude Ashley for his behaviour was just unacceptable..


The referee then stopped the re run twice because Jon Armstrong got a jump start but when Adam Allott got a jump start in the 3rd re run he let it carry on. I have never seen such a bias referee against our team like this before it was just unbelievable.


In my opinion if was the starting marshal and the referee that was at fault but because of the close proximity of the starting line to the fans and the referee’s box to a large amount of away fans only emphasized the situation.


Regarding the fans behaviour


Cheering when the opposing riders go down, yes this isn’t politically correct these days but most of our fans go back to the 70’s & 80’s a little like Gene Hunt in “life of Mars” we need to bring ourselves into the future and that’s what we intend to do.


When Jason Garrity went down in heat 15 the fans cheer because we know we are going to get the points for the heat but it was all Heathens fans along the home straight that applaud Jason when he got up and walked back to the pits. O yes and who was the 1st rider to run across the track to see how Jason was ( Jon Armstrong ) no Buxton rider. Plus I heard that Richard Franklin came across in the pits to ask Jason how he was.


I agree that any foul language is not acceptable in this family sport and should stop but we have gone 16 years without a team to support and our frustration can get to boiling point at times.



I would like to apologise to any individuals who have been upset by our supporters, but our passion and loyalty to our team stay steadfast, we respect both sets of supporters and riders for putting their lives at risk every time they go out to entertain us.


Let’s move forward together and make this sport great again

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Lets now draw a CURTAIN on the Buxton meeting ,think ahead to the next one.The riders from both teams were all shocked by the crowd trouble,and some i spoke to were disgusted by some of the things that went on.So come on so called Speedway Fans stop behaving like football supporters get a grip this is a family sport with no place for bad behaviour. :nono:

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I was at the meeting,and thought your lott again were out of order.If you want your own track you had better set a better example.the treatment some Buxton fans got last year at Monmore was bad,being sworn at and having plastic bottles ect thrown at them .But like you they were only shouting for there team and they were girls,two were riders girl friends,its not on so grow up will you.

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Just who are you to come on here telling us what we have to do to get our own stadium? We need to grow up?????? In the words of our one time great leader Dan McCormick "ok - we will do you a deal. You stop telling lies about us, and we'll stop telling the truth about you!!!!" :nono:


'Ommer 'Um

Edited by villiers210
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Just who are you to come on here telling us what we have to do to get our own stadium? We need to grow up?????? In the words of our one time great leader Dan McCormick "ok - we will do you a deal. You stop telling lies about us, and we'll stop telling the truth about you!!!!" :nono:


'Ommer 'Um

Poor Mr McCormack i beleive was his correct name,would not be immpressed by some of your fans actions.As for telling the truth i was stood with the girls at monmore when the bottles where thrown and i told the girls to move round to the pitts.I

dont like that kind of thing it as no place at a speedway meetng.I know its not all fans that behave that way but to those that do i repeat please grow up,or sod of back to football . :neutral:

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Poor Mr McCormack i beleive was his correct name,would not be immpressed by some of your fans actions.As for telling the truth i was stood with the girls at monmore when the bottles where thrown and i told the girls to move round to the pitts.I

dont like that kind of thing it as no place at a speedway meetng.I know its not all fans that behave that way but to those that do i repeat please grow up,or sod of back to football . :neutral:


Well that would be just about right. Just for the record, his name IS McCormick and not McCormack. That's something else you got wrong - just like your spelling of believe, impressed, pits and has. Yet another case of you airing your views before you take the time and trouble to check the facts. :party:


I am not here to have a slanging match with you or anyone else, and this is almost my final word on the matter. My final point will be made when the video of heat 15 of the match in question is released. Somebody in particular has a public apology to make.


'Ommer 'Um

Edited by villiers210
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My final word "Hopefully" I have not been to any of this seasons meetings against Buxton nor many others either, due to work and geographical location also.


Last season, I WAS at Monmore for The Buxton meetings, I was at ALL the Buxton meetings including the rained off one, YES we are a rowdy lot, and i will never criticise our fans for that, YES our fans are passionate about OUR Team, YES JG is a great prospect, i have always bigged him up on here, and on the Heathens forum, Jayne the Buxton promoter came on here and publicly criticised OUR Fans for upsetting some young children fans, then in another later post she said to another poster would that poster if he/she had any sway, would he/she sort out these fans, I take it "Jayne" has made it known to Nigel Pearson the Heathens Chairman.


Right Last season, i never once saw ANY trouble at ANY of the meetings, except for some rowdiness and yes some cheers when riders fell off, but this was mostly good natured, JG gives as good as he gets, especially when he has won a race,he enjoys coming round on his parade lap to take the cheers & boos especially at Monmore, and giving as good as he gets.


Last Year after the KO Cup meeting AT Buxton after the meeting, who was the young guy who came round on the back of riders bike, and gave the 2 fingered signs to Heathens fans ?? so it is NOT just Heathens fans,so yes to quote Dan "Stop telling lies about us, and we will stop telling the truth about you"

and YES,the start Marshall has got previous, and i to would like to see this DVD. That is only three truths from just 1 Heathens fan,i am sure there are many more, but just how many LIES are coming out, and why is it only now something has been said about last season, so DONT lets see this being portrayed as ALL one sided.

Some guys whom i know personally have come on here for the first time, i have not spoken to them about this, but if they say there WAS problems at the start gate with the Marshall, then i believe them.

Edited by greyhoundp
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so it is NOT just Heathens fans,so yes to quote Dan "Stop telling lies about us, and we will stop telling the truth about you"

and YES, the start Marshall has got previous, and i to would like to see this DVD. That is only three truths from just 1 Heathens fan,i am sure there are many more, but just how many LIES are coming out, and why is it only now something has been said about last season.


I'll tell you one thing for sure, when you DO see the DVD, then you WILL totally understand what all the fuss was about.


'Ommer 'Um

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as a halifax & bradford fan,i have been on the end of dudley fans behaviour,i joined the dudley forum and asked two normal questions,and the vile abuse i recieved by private email was disgusting,especially comments about gary havelock & kenny carter who were nothing to do with the questions asked,as a speedway fan of 50 years i was very shocked by the behaviour of so called speedway fans,i deleted the said messages but was told i should have forwarded them to nigel pearson.i have since removed my friendship with dudley on facebook.i would like to have kept my friendship but feared if i ever asked a question or commented on anything i would get the same type of abuse,i think some of your fans should get over the carter/penhall rivalry it was 29 years ago and thats where it belongs in the past

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as a halifax & bradford fan,i have been on the end of dudley fans behaviour,i joined the dudley forum and asked two normal questions,and the vile abuse i recieved by private email was disgusting,especially comments about gary havelock & kenny carter who were nothing to do with the questions asked,as a speedway fan of 50 years i was very shocked by the behaviour of so called speedway fans,i deleted the said messages but was told i should have forwarded them to nigel pearson.i have since removed my friendship with dudley on facebook.i would like to have kept my friendship but feared if i ever asked a question or commented on anything i would get the same type of abuse,i think some of your fans should get over the carter/penhall rivalry it was 29 years ago and thats where it belongs in the past


Hi shayduke I'm sorry to hear about your vile message from a Heathen fan. I go back to the Bernie Persson/Eric Boocock days & Penhall/Carter but I absolutely loved the shay. I do come up still to Bradford/Leeds on business and when I have the time I sometimes drive through Halifax just for the memories.

If you wish email me on pspartridge@blueyonder.co.uk and I will arrange to meet up with you shake your hand and buy you a pint. :cheers: Thats if you dare mix with a Heathen fan.

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