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21.07: SK Saławat - SK Oktjabrskij 60:32

Saławat, stadion "Stroitiel", spectators - 4.000

SK Oktjabrskij - 32:

1. Lenar Nigmatzjanow (3,-,2,1,3,2) 11

2. Wiaczesław Kazaczuk (0,-,-,0,-) 0

3. Roman Iwanow (1,1,-,2,1,d) 5

4. Siergiej Sygryszew (0,0,0,2,-) 2

5. Jewgienij Sidorin (2,1,-,-,w,0) 3

6. Aleksandr Koczetow (0,w,1*,1,1) 3+1

7. Igor Kononow (1,2,0,4!,1) 8

SK Saławat - 60:

8. Roman Kaszirin (2,3,2*,-,2,2*) 11+2

9. Siergiej Polienok (1,w,1,3,-,w) 5

10. Denis Sajfutdinow (3,3,-,3,w,1) 10

11. Wiktor Kułakow (1*,2*,3,1,2*) 9+3

12. Semen Własow (2*,3,2*,3,-,3) 13+2

13. Walerij Sawieliew (0) 0

14. Wiktor Gołubowskij (3,3,3,3) 12

Heat by heat:

1. Nigmatzjanow, Kaszirin, Kułakow, Kazaczuk 3:3 (3:3)

2. Sajfutdinow, Sidorin, Polienok,Sygryszew 4:2 (7:5)

3. Kaszirin, Własow, Iwanow, Koczetow 5:1 (12:6)

4. Sajfutdinow, Kułakow, Kononow, Sygryszew 5:1 (17:7)

5. Gołubowskij, Nigmatzjanow, Iwanow, Polienok (u/w) 3:3 (20:10)

6. Kułakow, Kaszirin, Sidorin, Koczetow (u/w) 5:1 (25:11)

7. Własow, Kononow, Polienok, Sygryszew 4:2 (29:13)

8. Polienok, Sygryszew, Kułakow, Kazaczuk 4:2 (33:15)

9. Gołubowskij, Własow, Nigmatzjanow, Kononow 5:1 (38:16)

10. Sajfutdinow, Iwanow, Koczetow, Sawieliew 3:3 (41:19)

11. Własow, Kononow (!), Koczetow, Polienok (u/w) 3:5 (44:24)

12. Nigmatzjanow, Kaszirin, Iwanow, Sajfutdinow (u/w) 2:4 (46:28)

13. Gołubowskij, Kułakow, Koczetow, Sidorin (u/w) 5:1 (51:29)

14. Własow, Kaszirin, Kononow, Iwanow (d) 5:1 (56:30)

15. Gołubowskij, Nigmatzjanow, Sajfutdinow, Sidorin 4:2 (60:32)

Referee: Dmitrij Chołopow - Ufa



Photos from this meeting: http://salawat-speedway.ru/photo/salavat_oktjabrskij/24


73451640.jpg - Emil older brother - Denis and his father (coach of Salavat team)

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28.07: Mega Łada - Saławat 54:38

Mega Łada Togliatti 54:

8. Oleg Biezczastnow - 7+1 (1*,-.-.2,3,-1)

9. Siergiej Agałcow - 1 (1,-,0,-,-,- )

10. Danił Iwanow - 13+1 (3,3,3,2,0,-,2*)

11. Artiem Wodjakow - 6 (2,1,0,3,-,-,-)

12. Siergiej Darkin - 12 (3,3,w,-,3,-,3)

13. Witalij Biełousow - 8+2 (2*,2*,3,0,1)

14. Andriej Karpow - 7 (d,2,2,3)


SK Saławat 38:

1. Roman Kaszirin - 8 (3,2,-,1,2,-,0)

2. Siergiej Połenok - 1 (0,-,1,0,0,-.-)

3. Denis Sajfutdinow - 8+1 (2,0,4,-,1*,-,1)

4. Jewgienij Szczepin - 0 (0,0,-,-,-,-)

5. Siemen Własow - 13 (2,3,3,3,2,-,d)

6. Wiktor Kułakow - 4+2 (1*,1*,1,1,0)

7. Wiktor Gołubowski - 4 (1,1,2)


Bieg po biegu:

1. Kaszirin, Wodjakow, Biezczastnow, Połenok 3:3

2. Iwanow, Własow, Agałcow, Szczepin 4:2 (7:5)

3. Darkin, Sajfutdinow, Kułakow, Karpow (d) 3:3 (10:8)

4. Iwanow, Kaszirin, Wodjakow, Szczepin 4:2 (14:10)

5. Iwanow, Biełousow, Gołubowskij, Sajfutdinow 5:1 (19:11)

6. Własow, Karpow, Połenok, Wodjakow 2:4 (21:15)

7. Darkin, Sajfutdinow (!), Kułakow, Agałcow 3:5 (24:20)

8. Wodjakow, Biełousow, Kułakow, Połenok 5:1 (29:21)

9. Własow, Biezczastnow, Kaszirin, Darkin (u/w) 2:4 (31:25)

10. Biełousow, Iwanow, Gołubowskij, Połenok 5:1(36:26)

11. Własow, Karpow, Kułakow, Biełousow 2:4 (38:30)

12. Biezczastnow, Kaszirin, Sajfutdinow, Iwanow 3:3 (41:33)

13. Darkin, Własow, Biełousow, Kułakow 4:2 (45:35)

14. Karpow, Gołubowskij, Biezczastnow, Własow (d) 4:2 (49:37)

15. Darkin, Iwanow, Sajfutdinow, Kaszirin 5:1 (54:38)



photos from this meeting: http://megalada.ru/photos/2011/ijul/sk-mega-lada---sk-salavat-toljati-28072011




again more then 12000 fans!


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  • 9 months later...

Russian league-2012 starts 17/05 in Togliatti

Mega-Lada (Togliatti) vs Vostok (Vladivostok)!

Ryan Sullivan against Jason Crump!

Unfortunately Artem Laguta not against his brother Grigory (injured in Sweden)...

You can watch this meeting.

Will be free live-stream from Togliatti stadium on this site: http://megalada.com/

Beginning: 16:00 uk or 17:00CET

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Why not?

Russia as a country is not ready.


Even if the clubs at Balakovo, Vladivostok and Togliatti are with their stadiums, we have examples from the past few years that Russia is not. Kai Lehtinen (Finnish ice racer) was on his way to a European Championship meeting a couple of years ago, when he was stopped at the border because he did not have the necessary paperwork for his bikes. At the same time his fellow Finnish competitor sailed through with the exact same paperwork and bikes 300 km south at another crossing point. Last year the U21 danish team had one bike seized by the customs when they entered the country for the U21 final. When the GP quali was at Balakovo, riders were kept at the customs for hours.


As an example, when you enter Russia, you need insurances for your car for the traffic and for robbery. Kauko Nieminen told me that they looked in to it when he was destined for the Balakovo quali and they gave a figure for the insurance company that their car (and the gear) was worth 10k in euros and the insurance cost for just that was beyond the payout from the meeting. Of course even just for Kauko his two bikes and other gear are worth more. The riders for the quali in question tried to approach the local club so that there would have been a drop off point for the riders equipment and the club would the transport the stuff to the track, but they did not want to do this. I'm sure it could be done like You lot did it for Auckland, but that was off-season, not in the middle of the busiest time like the FIM qualis that this was tried in.


Maybe the people at SVEMO and MA can give you better idea about whats to be considered when entering Russia for a speedway meeting. After all they tried it, decided it was a no go in 2011 and were facing FIM fines for their actions. DMU was in it as well, I guess they thought they'd give it a try and were present. Iris123 might have better recollection of the aftermath of their trip, I dont speak/read danish at all.


And before someone says the ice racing people do it every year, they do. Top ice racers ride every weekend, some top european riders even 10-15 meetings in a season. Speedway is different. Joonas Kylmäkorpi had a calendar of meetings for -12 (or -11, not sure) that had 110+ meetings on it. Not that he was gonna definately ride in all of them, put to pick from.


Making any sense?

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This is fantastic. I saw some clips of Russian speedway and the stadia and crowds looked great. Saw the U21 last year until the stream broke down and that was excellent.

Any idea of the teams?


See here.

Regards. Alan

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cheers Alan

do we know who will be replacing Laguta? Is it Jason?

Also what is the race format in Russian league?

I knew you'd ask that. :lol: I was thinking that ManchesterPaul would willingly produce a racecard for us :t: (Pretty please Paul :lol: ) because i e-mailed him details of the stream but i don't have a clue about the race format in Russia- other than wild, fast and furious :lol: I'm sure someone will help us out before start time. My main hope is that the link works!! As to alterations to the line-ups again i'm like you- in the dark.

As always, i just marvel that we even have a chance to watch a meeting from (in this case a very) far off land. Join you later my friend. Alan.

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Another country that makes our efforts in speedway look amateurish.

Hell of a stadium and the crowd is building nicely.

They even have the old Communist flag on parade.


Yes the music is a bit bizarre to say the least.

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Love this presentation. See we have Jason and Ryan.



What do we do? I hit the Download button but nothing happens. Can anyone help?

Click "Pobierz" and then open file in Microsoft Office Excel or save file in your PC and then open in Excel

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