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Cameron Heeps

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Suspect Cameron will make the Ippo side next season, not a problem there

I've heard this too. Cameron will be doing plenty of laps at Foxhall this season after meetings and probably line up at reserve next year. I don't think its ideal and i'm pretty sure Chris Louis wanted him to gain some valuable experience in the NL first. But finally some exciting times for Witches fans to have such a highly rated talented young rider on the books rather than the average Joe Poles we've seen so much in recent years.


Cameron may not pull up any trees next year and i hope there isn't too much pressure put on his young shoulders to produce straight away. But it will be great to follow the lads progress, in Witches colours.

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I'm personally not against the Commonwealth riders but they have been excluded this year and it is British riders only or those who have patriality that are able to race in the NL. As long as it is a level playing field for everyone then that is what concerns me.

I think you meant to say 'what the BSPA consider as having patriality' as this appears to be different to the criteria used by the UK Border agency. If you ask the UKBA what serves to prove UK Patriality they will state that the person needs to hold an Ancestry visa (British grandparent, etc, as quoted somewhere on this thread by Mr Vasey) which apparently only runs for 5 yrs or a Settlement visa (next step on from the Ancestry visa, entitles the holder to the same rights as a UK citizen and after 12 months entitles the holder to apply for a UK passport. This information is very simple to find - took about 5 minutes by talking to their very helpful call centre.


Assume the problem with Cameron is that the BSPA do not recognise or are not aware of the settlement visa as according to the Speedway Star he has one of those (British parent maybe?).


Fully agree with the 'level playing field for everyone' statement but it seems that the BSPA interpretation of Patriality is not 'equal'. If I was cynical I may conclude that this is an attempt to stop a particular rider from riding in the NL.

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I think you meant to say 'what the BSPA consider as having patriality' as this appears to be different to the criteria used by the UK Border agency. If you ask the UKBA what serves to prove UK Patriality they will state that the person needs to hold an Ancestry visa (British grandparent, etc, as quoted somewhere on this thread by Mr Vasey) which apparently only runs for 5 yrs or a Settlement visa (next step on from the Ancestry visa, entitles the holder to the same rights as a UK citizen and after 12 months entitles the holder to apply for a UK passport. This information is very simple to find - took about 5 minutes by talking to their very helpful call centre.


Assume the problem with Cameron is that the BSPA do not recognise or are not aware of the settlement visa as according to the Speedway Star he has one of those (British parent maybe?).


Fully agree with the 'level playing field for everyone' statement but it seems that the BSPA interpretation of Patriality is not 'equal'. If I was cynical I may conclude that this is an attempt to stop a particular rider from riding in the NL.


I've highlighted these two parts of your post ASV. As Cameron apparently has a Settlement Visa, I really am at loss to understand why on earth he is being prevented from riding in the NL, which given how far he has travelled, is, I suspect, all he wants to do.


If the BSPA really don't recognise/know the difference between the various types of Visa's, I suggest they check up on it pretty sharpish. I'm sure I've read somewhere (BFD maybe?) that there are loads of up and coming young Aussies coming through the system. Shame if the stance of the BSPA (for whatever reason, which for the life of me I can't see) stopped them. British Speedway will be the loser in this instance.


And before anyone jumps on my post, I'm as keen as the next person to see our own youth developed, but they do need other good, young riders to race against once they're up to NL standard). Also the NL teams need to be able to entice people through the turnstiles -if it means a few exciting Aussies (who have UK Patriality as per the UK Borders Agency) at NL level to achieve this, I really can't see a problem.


Our own Youth development needs to start way earlier than the NL - the Under 16 series helps, but really a properly financed system needs to be in place and maybe the powers that be should look to Australia/Denmark/Poland to see how they do things, as these Countries have a veritable conveyor belt of youngsters coming through.


Anyway, back to Cameron Heeps :lol: Hopefully everything will be sorted soon and we'll get to see him ride.

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I suggest they check up on it pretty sharpish. I'm sure I've read somewhere (BFD maybe?) that there are loads of up and coming young Aussies coming through the system. Shame if the stance of the BSPA (for whatever reason, which for the life of me I can't see) stopped them. British Speedway will be the loser in this instance.

Think you have answered your own question, if there are droves of Aussies coming up wanting to use the NL then it kinda loses its point as a training league for this country. Will British speedway be the loser i doubt it as it will meander on as usual, will Aussie speedway lose out, no as the talented riders will slot straight into the PL.


Heeps by the sound of it is good enough for the PL, so if he has to cool his heels until next season so be it.

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Like i said before Camo has made a good few friends in Denmark since he first came over a few years back.Spent quite a bit of time riding in the 80cc league last year.So if he can't get proper meetings in GB,i hope he might consider the rest of the season in Denmark again :approve:

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Adam Portwood rides at reserve for the Fen Tigers. Heeps has been refused permission to ride in NL by the BSPA. As for if he'll do any after meeting laps, who knows? :unsure:


Hoorah for the BSPA. A scandelous move by Mildenhall in the first place. I wish Adam Portwood all the best and hope he can develop this season.

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i hope so iris that means adam can keep his team place

Sure thing.I tend to follow riders i have seen in person.So having seen Camo way back in 2008 riding individually and for the young Australian team that included Taylor Poole,Alex Davies and the amazingly talented Arthur Sissis i do have a bias towards him.But that doesn't mean i want him in a team illegaly and in place of a young British rider who is trying his best to make a career in our sport.I certainly wish all the best to both riders

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Hoorah for the BSPA. A scandelous move by Mildenhall in the first place. I wish Adam Portwood all the best and hope he can develop this season.

HaHa, and lashings of ginger Beer presumably, you monkie and frumpylion must light up the town when you meet up for the half of bitter ( very apt ).


Tis called entertainment, which O.K. Scunthorpe is possibly not best renowned for, however..... For those at Rye tonite probably an insight into what the lad can offer - even Rye fans stopped to watch and applauded.


I hope you did not watch the GP tonite, a lot of Johnny Foreigner's in there, don't know how they get away with it - beats me why Sky even bother to televise it with only the one Brit in.


Adam Portwood has developed vey well over the last season - has earned his chance on merit - and will continue to under the guidance of possibly the best promotional development team that has existed for many a year - I would put money on a few of the next GB stars being brought through via Mildy, will no doubt give you something else to whinge about then :drink: .

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I've heard this too. Cameron will be doing plenty of laps at Foxhall this season after meetings and probably line up at reserve next year. I don't think its ideal and i'm pretty sure Chris Louis wanted him to gain some valuable experience in the NL first. But finally some exciting times for Witches fans to have such a highly rated talented young rider on the books rather than the average Joe Poles we've seen so much in recent years.


Cameron may not pull up any trees next year and i hope there isn't too much pressure put on his young shoulders to produce straight away. But it will be great to follow the lads progress, in Witches colours.


Quite agree it will be great to have a really talented rider at reserve for the Witches next season in Cameron Heeps :t: so unlike this season :(

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Hoorah for the BSPA. A scandelous move by Mildenhall in the first place. I wish Adam Portwood all the best and hope he can develop this season.


Get real!


Scandalous! –adjective . disgraceful; shameful or shocking;




I do find it interesting that those who continuingly attack the possibility of Mildenhall tracking young Heeps, don't spend a little of their time attacking the PL clubs who fill their reserve berths with overseas riders rather than giving the young Brits their chance to develop! After all surely the development of a young rider doesn't begin and end in the NL? But maybe thats not in your/their (self) interest?? :rolleyes:

Edited by PhilK
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Get real!


Scandalous! –adjective . disgraceful; shameful or shocking;




I do find it interesting that those who continuingly attack the possibility of Mildenhall tracking young Heeps, don't spend a little of their time attacking the PL clubs who fill their reserve berths with overseas riders rather than giving the young Brits their chance to develop! After all surely the development of a young rider doesn't begin and end in the NL? But maybe thats not in your/their (self) interest?? :rolleyes:

Do you think we are all stupid! Mildenhall have tried to pull a fast one and failed. He is no more a three pointer than you are. And yes it is disgraceful, shameful and shocking that you thought you could get away with it.

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Do you think we are all stupid! Mildenhall have tried to pull a fast one and failed. He is no more a three pointer than you are. And yes it is disgraceful, shameful and shocking that you thought you could get away with it.


Not all, but if you think whether he is a three pointer or not (in your opinion), has any bearing on any decision taken about whether he can or cannot ride, then I am afraid you may well be :rolleyes:

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Not all, but if you think whether he is a three pointer or not (in your opinion), has any bearing on any decision taken about whether he can or cannot ride, then I am afraid you may well be :rolleyes:


You obviously dont think you can win anything without bringing a ringer in. Well guess what, you wont.

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