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Free European Grand Prix Racecards (leszno)

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Ok looks like i'm the early bird out of the racecard providers for the first GP of the season, so i'll do the honours this week of opening the thread. The draw is scheduled for later today (Friday) at 13:00 BST. No doubt the cards will come flooding in not long after.


As regulars will already know each of the racecards appeal to people in different ways and variety can indeed only be a good thing. Everyone prefers their own favourite one for varying reasons so hopefully all the makers of the scorecards are back this year.


Mine will be available at the top of the page here Free MiniMax 2011 European Grand Prix Racecard


I've some news on fulfilled promised changes to my own card and will bore most of you with a one-off blurb in case any newcomers this season are present.


MiniMax SGP Racecards


Due to their popularity - not just my own cards i hasten to point out lol - and fans downloading thousands per meeting (as well as past meetings), i'm placing all of the racecards i publish exclusively to a single page this season. Just click the link for the chosen GP and get a direct download, no advertising, self-promotion or expressing of opinions etc. either on the page itself or on the racecards.


For the 2011 SGP season i have made available a larger print version. One can print it on two sides of a single sheet of paper or on two separate pages.


As a result of the number of requests received, and the fact that i am very pleased with it, i have made it as the default racecard for the series. Also, i've turned down advertising offers because i want to leave it as a quick free download without any external surroundings.


My racecards reflect differences that i think are beneficial when compared to others that have been around for some time. Hopefully you will also share my preferences in the layout (if you don't there are several others available). Have a look and see.


One-off boring blurb to start the season for newcomers to the GP cards or sport itself.



The finalized version for the SGP series have the following format and features


  • Extended colour coded heat-by-heat line up's.
  • Surnames only capitalization (makes a big difference when quickly scanning a card).
  • For every single heat a rider's accumulative meeting and series points.
  • To enable speedy filling in of the above info their next race is colour referenced.
  • Heat 'rounds' clearly delineated to assist in rider count back in head-to-head tiebreaker situations.
  • Traditional SINGLE GRID meeting score chart.
  • The above strongly delineated into heats, main meeting total, semi-final & final and subsequent total points.
  • Series standings before and after grid.
  • Accumulative gate points and gate wins grid.
  • Various meeting and series info and a 'Notes' box.
  • Fill in as few or as many of the available features as you personally wish.


Further minor notes:


The colour coding is extended as i have on my home made spreadsheets. Instead of just a small 'helmet colour' box (or even a letter 'R', 'B' etc.) the riders name is coloured too. This again greatly facilitates only a speedier glance being needed.


A small touch, but again, i personally think it makes a difference, i've printed the rider's surname in block letters. If you think about it, whether in your own mind or listening to a race commentary you refer to a rider by the last name. Also, if quickly scanning down the racecard for a rider having the surname printed in that manner makes it stand out easier.


Varying extra information and features go with each card specific to the nature of the event.

Edited by manchesterpaul
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Oh well, despite still having emblazoned across the top of the page "draw to be made at 13:00 BST", i see the draw has been completed already lol. Just grabbing a cuppa as i've just got home and will set up the racecard. Let you know once it's done and proof checked.


Ok all done and checked. Got busy adding last years details and this seasons qualifiers route into the 'notes' section, just for this initial GP.


Free MiniMax 2011 European Racecard

Edited by manchesterpaul
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Yer all bloody weirdo#s if you ask me.Sat at home watching it on the box and you want to download a scorecard and fill it out! The scores come up on the tv anyway.....sometimes i despair at speedway fans. :blink::P

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Yer all bloody weirdo#s if you ask me.Sat at home watching it on the box and you want to download a scorecard and fill it out! The scores come up on the tv anyway.....sometimes i despair at speedway fans. :blink::P


Clearly the thousands who download the scorecards disagree with you and also supporters at tracks every week who buy a programme and fill it in. Just because you are sitting in the comfort of your armchair hundreds of miles away from the meeting does not disallow you from filling in a scorecard and being clued into events. Especially, as you can focus on your own favourite riders or interests in the meeting.


As it happens, unless there is a big change this year, Sky do not show you the overall scores etc. every heat. You are at their whim and tastes. Plus, some people like to glance back at the cards after the meeting has ended. Furthermore, Sky have a poor record at pointing out the significance of the final two rounds of races per meeting for each of the riders involved. They have even got the semi-final line-ups wrong. If one is filling in a racecard it doesn't take much brain power to spot what is at stake for every rider in every race.


Sometimes i despair at speedway fans watching four helmet colours race around a track without knowing what is at stake in the race. Sky won't always inform (or be aware!) of the various scenarios.


Anyways, it's ideally a free world so i won't criticize those who don't want to fill in programmes at the track or in their own home and hopefully those who do like to exercise their own brain should also be free from criticism.

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Thank you. I've always used the Danish Webmaster's version so appreciate knowing where it is. :)

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I wondered where DW had got to as variety is the spice of life i'm told. Was starting to think he had said something naughty and got banned! although i'm sure he never would do such a thing lol.


Many thanks Manchesterpaul.



Thanks very much ManchesterPaul. Just downloaded the spreadsheet, it looks great and is very much appreciated.


You're welcome.

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