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Easter Monday Double Header (2nd Part) - Scunthorpe V Kings Lynn 25th April 5.30pm

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Was interesting to see Blair use the dirt line to great effect,in the PL meeting riders just couldnt turn the bike very well in the dirt yet in the NL meeting it worked,made me think if it was the old silencers which were being used,and how refreshing it was to hear them and see them "work"

One would imagine that the track would have been heavier and wetter for the first meeting which would have contributed to the PL lads struggling to get the outside line working properly. I don't believe the new silencers are a hinderence in the dirt from what I've seen this year, apart from the noise things seem very similar to me. Regarding people leaving straight after the Scorpions meeting, perhaps an earlier start time would have encouraged more to stay, people will have wanted to get home for work and school today and maybe starting at 3pm would have done the trick. Good effort from the Young Stars, I'm looking forward to the next time I get the opportunity to watch them which may well be Mildenhall away on the 15th :)

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One would imagine that the track would have been heavier and wetter for the first meeting which would have contributed to the PL lads struggling to get the outside line working properly. I don't believe the new silencers are a hinderence in the dirt from what I've seen this year, apart from the noise things seem very similar to me. Regarding people leaving straight after the Scorpions meeting, perhaps an earlier start time would have encouraged more to stay, people will have wanted to get home for work and school today and maybe starting at 3pm would have done the trick. Good effort from the Young Stars, I'm looking forward to the next time I get the opportunity to watch them which may well be Mildenhall away on the 15th :)



I'm pretty sure the double headers used to start at 3pm but the track turned into a dust bowl so they pushed the start time back to 5pm. It was later yesterday (5.30pm) to allow people to get from Scunny United's home game to the speedway.


To be fair, even when the start time was 3pm a large proportion of the crowd still went after the PL fixture.

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One would imagine that the track would have been heavier and wetter for the first meeting which would have contributed to the PL lads struggling to get the outside line working properly. I don't believe the new silencers are a hinderence in the dirt from what I've seen this year, apart from the noise things seem very similar to me. Regarding people leaving straight after the Scorpions meeting, perhaps an earlier start time would have encouraged more to stay, people will have wanted to get home for work and school today and maybe starting at 3pm would have done the trick. Good effort from the Young Stars, I'm looking forward to the next time I get the opportunity to watch them which may well be Mildenhall away on the 15th :)


5.30pm was chosen because of the football down the road, but having said that, it would only have started 30-minutes earlier anyway.


As sad as it is, with the exception of yesterday because King's Lynn were there, I've had to stop going to Scunny for weekend meetings, due to numerous reasons because of the later start time. 3.00pm was fine, and I used to enjoy my regular trips to the EWR when they rode home meetings on a Sunday.


Obviously from a business point of view, the management decided to switch to Friday nights, as one would assume they thought it would be more financially viable, as it would draw bigger crowds, and you can't blame them for that. However, I heard quite a number of people saying yesterday that they don't attend regularly anymore because of the lateness of proceedings, and certainly don't like the long drawn out double-headers.


I thought the crowd level looked quite poor last night considering it was a bank holiday, especially as clubs around the country have been reporting boom time at their turnstiles this Easter. Maybe Sunday afternoon would have been a better day to have staged, when people could have turned out in beach wear, rather than having to be equiped for an Antartic expeidition as we were last night.


I don't know if any regular Scunny fans agree with me or not, but do you not think the floodlights are either positioned to low, or are not bright enough. Granted it could be my eyes (I am over 21 now!!), but it seems to be so difficult to distinguish between the white & yellow helmet colours under lights, and the track looks so dark, dismal and uninviting.


I'm not trying to be critical of the club in any shape or form, but just posing a question to those who attend on a weekly basis. In fact I've gone on record as saying in the past, and still hold the same views of sheer admiritation for what has been achieved at the EWR like I do with Buxton, and still think that Scunthorpe produces probably the most exciting racing I ever see at any track.


Anyway, I'll shut up now, as I've probably already upset at least one Scorpions fan, and that isn't my intention.


Good luck with your meetings against Edinburgh & Hackney next Monday.

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i think the number of fans that dont like the drawn out double headers are out weighed by the number of fans that travel for these from away,there were folk from Coventry,Sheffield and Belle Vue there yesterday,which is often the case at double headers


i do think though that after 3 days holiday,by the time monday 5pm comes round folks wallets are a bit light after a few days off and spending cash


Think the start time on these was knocked back to try and keep moisture in the track as some of the 3pm starts did get a little dusty at times

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5.30pm was chosen because of the football down the road, but having said that, it would only have started 30-minutes earlier anyway.


As sad as it is, with the exception of yesterday because King's Lynn were there, I've had to stop going to Scunny for weekend meetings, due to numerous reasons because of the later start time. 3.00pm was fine, and I used to enjoy my regular trips to the EWR when they rode home meetings on a Sunday.


Obviously from a business point of view, the management decided to switch to Friday nights, as one would assume they thought it would be more financially viable, as it would draw bigger crowds, and you can't blame them for that. However, I heard quite a number of people saying yesterday that they don't attend regularly anymore because of the lateness of proceedings, and certainly don't like the long drawn out double-headers.


I thought the crowd level looked quite poor last night considering it was a bank holiday, especially as clubs around the country have been reporting boom time at their turnstiles this Easter. Maybe Sunday afternoon would have been a better day to have staged, when people could have turned out in beach wear, rather than having to be equiped for an Antartic expeidition as we were last night.


I don't know if any regular Scunny fans agree with me or not, but do you not think the floodlights are either positioned to low, or are not bright enough. Granted it could be my eyes (I am over 21 now!!), but it seems to be so difficult to distinguish between the white & yellow helmet colours under lights, and the track looks so dark, dismal and uninviting.


I'm not trying to be critical of the club in any shape or form, but just posing a question to those who attend on a weekly basis. In fact I've gone on record as saying in the past, and still hold the same views of sheer admiritation for what has been achieved at the EWR like I do with Buxton, and still think that Scunthorpe produces probably the most exciting racing I ever see at any track.


Anyway, I'll shut up now, as I've probably already upset at least one Scorpions fan, and that isn't my intention.


Good luck with your meetings against Edinburgh & Hackney next Monday.



You've highlighted one or two grumbles i've heard from fellow Scorpion fans. The track lighting could be better, spectator lighting and viewing could be better etc etc..I hear it all the time. However, Rob works his guts off down there, he can only do what he can..i'm sure if the resourses were available then he'd sort these things out...who knows, he may have plans to do just that? I'm appreciative of what we have..a great race track and entertainment of the highest order, so I ain't gonna criticise...just live in hope that one day.. :)


As for double headers...love'em.


As for racedays, gotta agree that bank holiday fridays would be more lucrative..how many families went to the coast on friday and came home penniless for the rest of the weekend!...no money to attend the speedway.

Edited by Albert
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5.30pm was chosen because of the football down the road, but having said that, it would only have started 30-minutes earlier anyway.


As sad as it is, with the exception of yesterday because King's Lynn were there, I've had to stop going to Scunny for weekend meetings, due to numerous reasons because of the later start time. 3.00pm was fine, and I used to enjoy my regular trips to the EWR when they rode home meetings on a Sunday.


Obviously from a business point of view, the management decided to switch to Friday nights, as one would assume they thought it would be more financially viable, as it would draw bigger crowds, and you can't blame them for that. However, I heard quite a number of people saying yesterday that they don't attend regularly anymore because of the lateness of proceedings, and certainly don't like the long drawn out double-headers.


I thought the crowd level looked quite poor last night considering it was a bank holiday, especially as clubs around the country have been reporting boom time at their turnstiles this Easter. Maybe Sunday afternoon would have been a better day to have staged, when people could have turned out in beach wear, rather than having to be equiped for an Antartic expeidition as we were last night.


I don't know if any regular Scunny fans agree with me or not, but do you not think the floodlights are either positioned to low, or are not bright enough. Granted it could be my eyes (I am over 21 now!!), but it seems to be so difficult to distinguish between the white & yellow helmet colours under lights, and the track looks so dark, dismal and uninviting.


I'm not trying to be critical of the club in any shape or form, but just posing a question to those who attend on a weekly basis. In fact I've gone on record as saying in the past, and still hold the same views of sheer admiritation for what has been achieved at the EWR like I do with Buxton, and still think that Scunthorpe produces probably the most exciting racing I ever see at any track.


Anyway, I'll shut up now, as I've probably already upset at least one Scorpions fan, and that isn't my intention.


Good luck with your meetings against Edinburgh & Hackney next Monday.



Very fair post.


As other Scorpions fans have pointed out, there is much left to work on at the track, and lighting is one of the most obvious. But we are loathe to criticise the management as they have provided us with a speedway oasis in what was, for years, a desert. Rob and the gang have built up the facilities piece by piece often using a Heath Robinson approach to problem solving. All credit to Leicester for their great new facility, but I bet Scunthorpe has cost a fraction of the new Lions track.


I just wish that the attendances were better. As you pointed out the crowd was down on previous Bank Holiday double headers, in my estimation. Plus, the people leaving after the first match really did miss a great match, but that's their perogative.


Switching from Sunday afternoons to Friday nights made it easier for me to attend. But then again in the modern world we all have different calls on our time, so I understand that it will never be perfect for every one.


Long live the Scorpions and Saints. :cheers:

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Please anyone, don't think I'm criticising Rob over the lighting, because I'm not, I was just posing a question.


I admire everything that Rob and Co have done at the Eddie Wright Raceway, and as I have said before, it is one of my favourite venues in the entire country to visit, I just wish I could come more often.

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I just wish that the attendances were better. As you pointed out the crowd was down on previous Bank Holiday double headers, in my estimation. Plus, the people leaving after the first match really did miss a great match, but that's their perogative.


Switching from Sunday afternoons to Friday nights made it easier for me to attend. But then again in the modern world we all have different calls on our time, so I understand that it will never be perfect for every one.


Long live the Scorpions and Saints. :cheers:


I was hoping that the attendance was better than it looked and I had got it wrong. Sadly, it seems not. :(


Its real shame, because EWR is the best racing track in the country.


....................and their loss.

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I was hoping that the attendance was better than it looked and I had got it wrong. Sadly, it seems not. :(


Its real shame, because EWR is the best racing track in the country.


....................and their loss.


We also thought the crowd seemed down to previous visits. Don't think the football would have been the problem but we were shocked at having to pay £30 entrance. I may be wrong but I am sure we didn't pay that much in previous visits for a double header. At least the prog was only £1 :) and the chips were good. NL match was by far the best. I guess at the end of the day it is money that matters and on the end of a bank holiday people were probably broke. We make a day of it to come to Scunny so we planned ahead fundwise but not enough it seems as we had to dig into the coffers for more :o :o

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We also thought the crowd seemed down to previous visits. Don't think the football would have been the problem but we were shocked at having to pay £30 entrance. I may be wrong but I am sure we didn't pay that much in previous visits for a double header. At least the prog was only £1 :) and the chips were good. NL match was by far the best. I guess at the end of the day it is money that matters and on the end of a bank holiday people were probably broke. We make a day of it to come to Scunny so we planned ahead fundwise but not enough it seems as we had to dig into the coffers for more :o :o


i take it the £30 was for two yes????????

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i take it the £30 was for two yes????????


Sorry, yes it was. I guess I am out of touch with prices, NL is all we see. Hubby thought it might have been £25 but hey ho we got it wrong. :unsure: Still say NL meeting was the best.

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£16 for a double header is a brilliant price. It Costs £16 for just one meeting at some tracks.



If we had to pay that weekly I am afraid we wouldn't be able to attend :o :o

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If we had to pay that weekly I am afraid we wouldn't be able to attend :o :o


A PL plus an NL meeting for £16 is surely good value!


If you had asked you may have been able to just attend the NL meeting. I'm sure I read Lakeside were allowing people in for the Hackney v Stoke NL meeting following the EL fixture versus Eastbourne for just a fiver!! :blink:

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A PL plus an NL meeting for £16 is surely good value!


If you had asked you may have been able to just attend the NL meeting. I'm sure I read Lakeside were allowing people in for the Hackney v Stoke NL meeting following the EL fixture versus Eastbourne for just a fiver!! :blink:


£16 for a double header is a brilliant price. It Costs £16 for just one meeting at some tracks.

I meant if it was £16 for ONE meeting per person and not a double header we would not go. Will stick to NL thanks. I can see I have dug myself a hole so I will go jump in it :wub:

Edited by whippy
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late reply but me and my friend made the trip over from Sheffield to watch the double header and see how the NL team got on :)


was very impressed with the standard of racing in the Saints v Kings Lynn. Birks, Blair, Worral, Mallet and Knight were all very good and enjoyed my day out :)


on another note how bad was Sam Masters! couldnt ride the track at all, would of put the NL riders i mentioned up above against him he was terrible.

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A PL plus an NL meeting for £16 is surely good value!


If you had asked you may have been able to just attend the NL meeting. I'm sure I read Lakeside were allowing people in for the Hackney v Stoke NL meeting following the EL fixture versus Eastbourne for just a fiver!! :blink:


I think they were. It was also good value for both meetings, £17 for the 2 (Or £13 for students!)

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