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You clearly havent been recently as the track was widened many years ago and the car park is now one of the best in the country.


As for the Grandstand, its old but spacious, comfortable and its free to all supporters.

As for facilities I dont think Peterborough is missing anything


As for the racing Bob Rawlings says in the star this week its the best and I wouldnt argue with him.


Perhaps if or when Hemsley widens Leicester in the winter that might improve it.

Grandstand wasn`t free at the fours last year

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haha this is classic . never seen in the same room suespeedilywhipsjim and tsunami . using your other account to big yourself up absolutely tops... that has really made my day I wont be able to sleep now for laughing all night great stufff ..


You are correct in that you have spotted a duplicate account speedibee but you owe Tsunami an apology as its NOT him.


I know its off topic but I am sure it will be ok for you to post it here

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Good news, weather forecast for Sunday is steadily improving so no Wellies or Muddy Banks should be in evidence

Now only couple of small showers predicted


I don't think it will be that easy to get rid of the muddy banks just because the forecast is not now for so much rain as it was initially. I agree with Volty it will put people off attending once they've been and experienced how hard it is to walk/stand in all the clay. I really can't understand why they don't do something about it because the problem could so easily be solved.



I have been to Pboro a fair amount including this yr and it always 'appears' exciting because it's fast, however, last few times I've been it's been a 1 line track after about 5 heats with little passing as the only place to ride it was 6 inches from the fence, so actual passes were few.


You obviously didn't go to the Coventry match which was absolutely brilliant. I love Peterborough and would go every week if I lived nearer. Like someone has said the car park is really good now and the seating in the grandstand is much better than Coventry as there is a lot more knee room and plenty of space for 2 dogs underneath the seats. :lol:

Edited by Gemini
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Congratulations Gemini for getting this back on topic sort of :lol:


I think the weather we have upto Sunday might mean people will still need wellies. It's pretty much rained most of the day here (I work a mile from the track) Supposed to be fine tomorrow but the weekend looks like showers and sunshine. Doubt it will be dried out that much.





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Cheers!Any idea how much a taxi might be?


Train station to the track is £8-9


I'm pretty sure Magnus hasn't ridden at Lynn this year :drink:


Behave and stop killing your liver :nono:


out of intrest which is the best race track in the country? in your view of course.


Scunthorpe :t:

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Exactly . so I am entitled to mine just as you are , if you had taken the time to read the previous posts before sticking your conk in and attacking me "The poster" we would not be having this pitiful conversation


I was making an observation about your posts Speedibee, so therefore I was remarking on the posts as opposed to the poster. There is a difference. On the other hand, you seem rather too quick to start attacking other people with personal remarks.


I see you have yet to apologise to Tsunami. :rolleyes:


(When is it that the schools go back - can't come soon enough, and then young Speedibee will have other things to occupy his/her mind :P )


All the best


Edited by lucifer sam
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Why is Speedibee so Leicester obsessed? The Bees haven't rode the Lions in proper competition since 1983 - that's a bit of a while to hold a grudge. :wink:


Four years on since Oxford met Swindon and I'm already starting to go soft. I'm actually almost starting to feel sorry for the Robins this season. Only almost though, and then I start chuckling instead. :P


All the best


Ok so this is not a personal attack right!!! . just a couple of questions , for you first of all what has a joke between me and another poster about the poor weather and some wellies got to do with being Obsessed ? secondly why did you think it was any of your business to start making comments about me being obsessed with anything ? I would just like to add , why do you and another poster think I have anything to apolgise to tsunami for ? am i not allowed to ask him to not involve himself with anything I post or do i have to put up with his constant trolling looking for anything I post to consistently make childish comments on .I do however understand some of them though because they are attempts to win approval from other posters as to what a wonderful person he is .

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Ok so this is not a personal attack right!!! . just a couple of questions , for you first of all what has a joke between me and another poster about the poor weather and some wellies got to do with being Obsessed ? secondly why did you think it was any of your business to start making comments about me being obsessed with anything ? I would just like to add , why do you and another poster think I have anything to apolgise to tsunami for ? am i not allowed to ask him to not involve himself with anything I post or do i have to put up with his constant trolling looking for anything I post to consistently make childish comments on .I do however understand some of them though because they are attempts to win approval from other posters as to what a wonderful person he is .


Some people. :rolleyes:


I can't be boethered to make any further effort with you, to be honest.


All the best


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Some people. :rolleyes:


I can't be boethered to make any further effort with you, to be honest.


All the best


Is that code for well I suppose i did get the wrong end of the stick and now I've dug a hole so deep I'll just pretend i can't be bothered to try to dig myself out . Ok I accept your apology and you even saved face . now , back to my project only got 3 weeks before school starts and it has to be handed in , or the year 10 teacher won't be very happy.

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haha this is classic . never seen in the same room suespeedilywhipsjim and tsunami . using your other account to big yourself up absolutely tops... that has really made my day I wont be able to sleep now for laughing all night great stufff ..



You are correct in that you have spotted a duplicate account speedibee but you owe Tsunami an apology as its NOT him.


I know its off topic but I am sure it will be ok for you to post it here



I was making an observation about your posts Speedibee, so therefore I was remarking on the posts as opposed to the poster. There is a difference. On the other hand, you seem rather too quick to start attacking other people with personal remarks.


I see you have yet to apologise to Tsunami. :rolleyes:


(When is it that the schools go back - can't come soon enough, and then young Speedibee will have other things to occupy his/her mind :P )


All the best



So you made a false accusation, stating incorrect reasons, and, despite others thinking it deserved an apology from you to me, you still shout your mouth off to those posters, digging deeper with every post. You really are an odious creature with no redeeming features. Others can read your replies and make their own mind up about me and also about you as a person.


Let others decide, but I think some already have where you are concerned.

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All the Leicester knocking neg ferretts on here will be ABSOLUTELY GUTTED to know that as at 2.45pm Saturday, Beaumont Park has only seen a 10 minute shower today & is now baking in 72degree heat therefore there are NO muddy banks.


I don't know if I'm included in the 'Leicester knocking neg ferrets' list because I've commented about the muddy banks on here, having had the pleasure of standing on the 4th bend in inches deep wet clay so I do know what it has been like, but I'm certainly not gutted that the area has now dried out. I don't know about the 72 degree heat though - it's quite a few degrees lower than that where I live 4 miles away. :wink:

I think you're perhaps getting paranoid because most of the criticisms about Leicester have been well founded and a lot of them acted upon so fair play to David who seems to have been taking notice. Hope it is a cracking meeting tomorrow with good racing and a bumper crowd.

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That's cheating. It's probably 100 degrees in my car as it's standing on the drive in the sun but if you want external it's 68 degrees outside where the tomatoes are growing in the garden so we're getting there. :lol:

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I've never heard of an EXTERNAL temperature gauge on a car but it sounds posh. If I want to know what the temperature is outside I just stick my head out of the car window and make a guess. :lol:

Sorry but I can't get enthused about the Premier League Fours so I'm not going. Saving my pennies for a trip to Kings Lynn on Wednesday.

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You clearly havent been recently as the track was widened many years ago and the car park is now one of the best in the country.


As for the Grandstand, its old but spacious, comfortable and its free to all supporters.

As for facilities I dont think Peterborough is missing anything


As for the racing Bob Rawlings says in the star this week its the best and I wouldnt argue with him.


Perhaps if or when Hemsley widens Leicester in the winter that might improve it.


I was about to tell him not to take a vote on which track - Peterborough or Leicester - people think is the best, because there's no contest.


Peterborough v Birmingham is the best match I have seen this season, and I am at this moment desperately trying to find another opportunity to go back.


Fingers crossed Leicester improves (or is improving). A stadium like that deserves a good track.

Edited by Halifaxtiger
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