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British Final & Semi-finals

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A much better meeting than we normally get for the British Final, good racetrack and it appeared that the riders were actually interested in trying to win it!


Pleased for Scott Nicholls, but there's also this feeling that it was a bit of a hollow victory. Without a doubt Woffinden was the best rider on show last night, riding through the pain barrier, a real gutsy performance. That said, he was on his home racetrack, would it have been the same elsewhere? We'll never know, but either way, it was a good nights entertainment!

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A much better meeting than we normally get for the British Final, good racetrack and it appeared that the riders were actually interested in trying to win it!


Pleased for Scott Nicholls, but there's also this feeling that it was a bit of a hollow victory. Without a doubt Woffinden was the best rider on show last night, riding through the pain barrier, a real gutsy performance. That said, he was on his home racetrack, would it have been the same elsewhere? We'll never know, but either way, it was a good nights entertainment!



Quite an entertaining meeting and like others have said some of the riders were clearly up for it.

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Stead is back racing and he's another rider who puts bums on seats,

Do you really think so ..........

The British Final looked like it meant something again this year,the 2 Semis are the way forward again but its a pity about some of the dubious entries in there when better or more eligeble guys weren't in,oh and let's have it on a SUNDAY AFTERNOON!

Hmph you're hoping aren't ya, Sunday afternoon and even Saturday night speedway are a thing of the past here :( I totally agree that a Monday night for the British Final is doing the meeting a disservice but it's a sign of the times and we have to go with the flow ............

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Dunno other that in their usual expansive ways the BSPA site states that;


"Elsewhere Scunthorpe’s Ben Wilson has also been ruled out through injury and will be replaced by King's Lynn's Oliver Allen."

I only asked because he rode at Leicester on Saturday and nothing seemed to happen that gave the impression he got hurt.

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A very entertaining meeting,one of the best British finals for years.Woffy was unlucky of course,but how often does the best rider in the qualifying heats fail to to win the meeting?


Yes, swings and roundabouts, Nicholls was the highest scorer one year ago, and failed to take the title; and in 2004 if my memory serves me correctly.

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Well Done Scott How was it a hollow win Picked himself up from first bend crash

started from the worst grid,he wasnt that hard on Chris if it was im sure Chris would

not have been so gracious in defeat.Felt for Ta but his day will come im sure of that.

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Well Done Scott How was it a hollow win


In retrospect, the term "hollow victory" is bit bit harsh, he still had to go and do the job, but Woffy was unlucky, he was the best rider on show,riding with an injury and was leading the final until Ed got it wrong and took him off. But that's speedway!

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Oh that simply wasnt cricket was it not?...cup of tea vicar?......give me a break its a mans sport not a spot of afternoon tea and tiffing...surely you of all people must have witnessed Mr Nielsen in his prime?!....oh course Nicholls had a Swindon racesuit on......

Good post, Scott IS British Champion and absolutely deserved the win in his Swindon racesuit. Congratulations to him :lol:
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Shouldn't Sky have a say who's a wild card from now on just as they do with the PL Darts??? Take it out of the BSPA's hands once and for all.


The day that happens I cancel my Sky contract. Who at Sky would make such a decision? without question certain Sky commentators are biased towards their 'favourite' riders so why should Sky have a say who participates. Their job is to cover the sport in a non biased way, not participate in the governance of the sport.

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You all keep saying " Bomber would have done the same" well . . . . . NO he wouldn't, he is an outside line rider it's very rare for him to be zooming up the inside of anyone let alone clattering into his opponent to move him out of the way, yes it's a mans sport BUT it's a noncontact sport and Scott clearly bashed into Bomber and Scott SHOULD have been excluded for dirty riding (as should of Olly Allen for knocking off Jerran Hart), yes Bomber jumped at the start and gained an advantage and the race should have been restarted. All that said, what a fantastic British final, full commitment by all the riders, even David Howe gave it a go when he should have stayed at home, well done to ALL the riders for putting on such a great meeting, Speedway was the winner last night. :wink:

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You all keep saying " Bomber would have done the same" well . . . . . NO he wouldn't, he is an outside line rider it's very rare for him to be zooming up the inside of anyone let alone clattering into his opponent to move him out of the way, yes it's a mans sport BUT it's a noncontact sport and Scott clearly bashed into Bomber and Scott SHOULD have been excluded for dirty riding (as should of Olly Allen for knocking off Jerran Hart), yes Bomber jumped at the start and gained an advantage and the race should have been restarted. All that said, what a fantastic British final, full commitment by all the riders, even David Howe gave it a go when he should have stayed at home, well done to ALL the riders for putting on such a great meeting, Speedway was the winner last night. :wink:


Good hard final of the national championship riding imo.


Heres a clip from an era when men were men (and sheep were probably frightened). I doubt you heard many complaints from PC followers, again its a final and winner take all.


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If there was a problem with scotts racing, bomber would have had something to say about it. Its just rare you see racing with big cahoneys nowadays.there are too many riders throwing the bike down for a re run, these are the riders that are causing so many injuries. There are too many ready to spit the dummy out... cough cough sam masters cough.... Gone are the days of Stoney, Andre Compton and sean wilson throwing the bike around owlerton... the lorams, norris and DEAN barkers have all gone. it was a breath of fresh air to see, and a hug from bomber at the end. This is the reason we no longer have big crowds around the country. RANT OVER.

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Good hard final of the national championship riding imo.


Heres a clip from an era when men were men (and sheep were probably frightened). I doubt you heard many complaints from PC followers, again its a final and winner take all.


quite agree. I can imagine had Nicholls backed off the usual moans of "he bottled it", "he's lost it", etc.

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It all gives Middlo the oportunity to not pick Steady


He said quite a few times "My team is here tonight..." So unless Stead was in the crowd somewhere

i took it to mean he wasn't getting picked or he didn't want to ride.One of the two

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