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Lee Richardson Quits Team Gb

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I haven't seen another thread anywhere but apologies if there is one.


I read in the Speedway Star that Lee has decided to quit the team. He sites his reasons as not being able to accept the terms expected from team GB, losing out on expenses and the team not realistically being good enough to win anything.


According to Lee, team GB want riders to give up their main advertising slot on their racesuits for team use, costing riders money. He also says he was out of pocket by around £1500 after last years World Cup, with no explanation as to why his expenses claims were not paid.


He went on to say that realistically, team GB have no chance of winning anything as there is only himself, Nicholls and Harris that are consistantly good enough and that it is hard to see where the next talent is coming from, as we are so far behind the likes of Poland, Denmark and Australia.



To me, the future of British speedway seems to be declining by the day.

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I just read why he's quit on the SGP website & I have to say I don't blame him at all. The BSPA are becoming more of a joke everyday. Thats's now our National team Manager & 2nd best rider telling us what a disappointment the BSPA have been in recent weeks. We'll be lucky to make the race off in a couple of years it's very sad. And it's not just the World Cup its the thats a let down, because of the lack of talent coming through, the British final is getting poorer & poorer every year, soon we'll be Premier league standard at best compared to the rest of the world. Such a shame.

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British Speedway talent is getting worse on year on year and so are the British crowds. It really is one hell of a coincidence, isn't it?


Maybe Chris Harris and Scott Nicholls should follow Lee Richardson. It may give British Speedway the huge wake up call it so urgently needs.

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British Speedway talent is getting worse on year on year and so are the British crowds. It really is one hell of a coincidence, isn't it?


Maybe Chris Harris and Scott Nicholls should follow Lee Richardson. It may give British Speedway the huge wake up call it so urgently needs.

It seems to me the sole reason he has quit is because of money and the effect upon his main sponsor. I agree with David Beckham in that you should never retire from international competition - when you are not considered good enough you will simply not be picked. If Gollob had done this when he was 31, look what Poland would have missed out on! Throwing riders into meetings where they are significantly out of their depth does nothing to improve them in my opinion and may have the opposite effect - have Kennett, Bridger, Allen etc. got any better since the World Cup a couple of years ago.

It's right that we don't seemingly do enough to support young British riders but when National League level riders demand vans and bikes before signing with a club, does this indicate they want make it to the top - run before you can walk would be my response. Top brits of the past made their own way through and there is not a lot to stop that continuing, other than teams signing untried foreigners in preference to a willing british rider and the average redcution shoudl be more in favour of the latter.

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It seems to me the sole reason he has quit is because of money and the effect upon his main sponsor. I agree with David Beckham in that you should never retire from international competition - when you are not considered good enough you will simply not be picked. If Gollob had done this when he was 31, look what Poland would have missed out on! Throwing riders into meetings where they are significantly out of their depth does nothing to improve them in my opinion and may have the opposite effect - have Kennett, Bridger, Allen etc. got any better since the World Cup a couple of years ago.

It's right that we don't seemingly do enough to support young British riders but when National League level riders demand vans and bikes before signing with a club, does this indicate they want make it to the top - run before you can walk would be my response. Top brits of the past made their own way through and there is not a lot to stop that continuing, other than teams signing untried foreigners in preference to a willing british rider and the average redcution shoudl be more in favour of the latter.


David Beckham isn't left out of pocket every time he plays for England though is he? The slide British speedway is on is an alarming one and it could have been prevented years ago. Lets hope moves are made to stop it now, though I doubt that will happen very much.

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If Lee thinks he has got it bad spare a thought for the guys who raced for Norway in last years World cup qualifier in Germany.


All the Norwegian federation gave them was roughly £200 pounds travel to Germany and back and nothing else. Anyone who's been to Norway before will know how far £200 will get you lol :)


I do agree with Lee on financial reasons. Its good to ride or play for your country in any sport but if you are out of pocket for it in this day and age its not worth doing. BSPA its over to you....

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I just read why he's quit on the SGP website & I have to say I don't blame him at all. The BSPA are becoming more of a joke everyday. Thats's now our National team Manager & 2nd best rider telling us what a disappointment the BSPA have been in recent weeks. We'll be lucky to make the race off in a couple of years it's very sad. And it's not just the World Cup its the thats a let down, because of the lack of talent coming through, the British final is getting poorer & poorer every year, soon we'll be Premier league standard at best compared to the rest of the world. Such a shame.


I agree Tex.


Eventually, we will drive out all the top riders completely and end up with a north/south Premier style division. That may be fine for a lot of people and I mean no disrespect at all to those who like Premier league racing, as I'm sure there are many good meetings. Personally, I really enjoyed seeing the top guys like Crump, Pedersen, AJ etc and we've more or less lost them in British racing. With the farce of an Elite we have now and the clowns we have running it, the rest of the best won't bother coming back either.


Now we seem to be doing our best to balls up the GB team; it's almost like the target is to make speedway as amateur as possible.

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The confirmation that riders were out of pocket for having to ride in last seasons WTC is no great surprise. Coupled with Rob Lyons recent comments and the fact there is no Under 21 team entered for this years World Cup it paints a pretty accurate (and damning) picture of how little support our international riders are given. Little wonder we are continually slipping behind other nations.

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If Lee thinks he has got it bad spare a thought for the guys who raced for Norway in last years World cup qualifier in Germany.


All the Norwegian federation gave them was roughly £200 pounds travel to Germany and back and nothing else. Anyone who's been to Norway before will know how far £200 will get you lol :)


I do agree with Lee on financial reasons. Its good to ride or play for your country in any sport but if you are out of pocket for it in this day and age its not worth doing. BSPA its over to you....

The Norwegians did well then, it's £200 more than I got to ride the Ice qualification round in Austria.

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We havent got a hope of winning the SWC anyway,thats with or without Richardson. :rolleyes:


Screm, Im hoping that your post is slightly tongue in cheek, but given that attitude the Elite league will be reduced to 4 teams by July 1st. The bottom 4 will say - We cant win the league so were not riding anymore!


Its pride and patriotism - we (fans, clubs, promoters and BSPA) need to get that back and support through thick and thin.




edited : to make sense!!!

Edited by Sandie
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It's the bigger picture that worries me. Look at the U21 World Cup last year, at Rye House, we had a poor team, bad organisation, when there was a chance to really put in a good performance. See our set up to the others that day,it was woeful. And before people say the money isn't there etc, I will tell you now that Team USA Voulenteers - not even the AMA, are putting together a massive effort to get their U21 competitive.

It's been 11 (I think) years we've had EL on Sky Sports and I've seen NOTHING in the way of money going into grass roots level speeday. Are you telling me they couldnt have bought 20/30 2nd hand mini bikes from Sweden / Denmark, and then for eg put 4 at Rye House, 4 at Wolves, 4 at Scunthorpe, 4 at Sheffield, 4 at Glasgow etc & brokered a deal with wulfsport for jnr rider clothing/protective gear so that we could have different centres to train and entice youngsters into out sport? Its ridiculous, look at what Billy Hamill's academy is doing on Youtube. BSPA, be ahsmaed.

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i was asked if i would step in and sponsor the gb team as the bspa had sold the race suits without the riders knowing. guess where all the money was going. the riders refused to ride and the bspa backed down.


i dont believe people really understand how bad they are.

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i was asked if i would step in and sponsor the gb team as the bspa had sold the race suits without the riders knowing. guess where all the money was going. the riders refused to ride and the bspa backed down.


i dont believe people really understand how bad they are.

nothing wrong the bspa or the way they act or promote ask steve shovlar the start of the season is around the corner and it's all rosey :lol:

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i was asked if i would step in and sponsor the gb team as the bspa had sold the race suits without the riders knowing. guess where all the money was going. the riders refused to ride and the bspa backed down.


i dont believe people really understand how bad they are.


I know that you are an honorable chap and if you post I tend to believe what you type.

Which is why the above confuses me - are you saying that the BSPA had race suits made and then promptly sold them. And who would want them??


This doesnt make sense, but not a lot of what the BSPA does makes sense. Do you know any more about the suits that you can share?


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I know that you are an honorable chap and if you post I tend to believe what you type.

Which is why the above confuses me - are you saying that the BSPA had race suits made and then promptly sold them. And who would want them??


This doesnt make sense, but not a lot of what the BSPA does makes sense. Do you know any more about the suits that you can share?



sorry i meant the advertising places on the race suit which the riders normal sponsors are on. when i sponsored hans my logos were the same on his wtc suit as his normal one and i expect them to be the same on chris h suit this year or i wont be happy.

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sorry i meant the advertising places on the race suit which the riders normal sponsors are on. when i sponsored hans my logos were the same on his wtc suit as his normal one and i expect them to be the same on chris h suit this year or i wont be happy.


See - I knew there was a perfectly simple explanation.!!! biggrin.gificon_lol.gif

My faith in you is restored wink.gif

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