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Coventry 99 % Certain To Be In Elite Next Season Acording To Sandu

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But a shame the Coventry promotion don't have the common courtesy to keep their long suffering fans in the picture.


You really don't have a clue do you? It seems pretty obvious that the next statement will come from the bspa , so the bees will not make any comments yet.

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Not serious - but it looks as if there should be the happy smiling family in the left of the photo - but its just a barren floor...oh dear !


Coventry - at least let your own fans know whats going on. On the other hand perhaps it's the BSPA's job to put a few words together - oh, obviously I can see the problem now...


Not read any post more than two lines long - I get bored easily.


But has anyone suggested that any possibly meeting may have been cancelled today. Many roads in this area have been impassable and it depends on who should have been at this meeting.


As for the 'Official Statement' yes its slightly tongue in cheek but if I remember last year a very similar news article was placed on our club site as well as many other clubs. All very similar in content and style. Cant wait for the other clubs to start posting theirs!!!

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But has anyone suggested that any possibly meeting may have been cancelled today.


So now we've possibly got a possible meeting that's possibly been postponed, possibly. Could I possibly have got that right?




(PS Mea Culpa time - Edited for Split Infinitive - the SHAME!)

Edited by BigFatDave
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I can't believe that a simple Xmas greeting has illicited such a response.


As has been pointed out, there has been no official announcement that there was ever going to be any meeting today. Someone may have been simply speculating, "99% certain according to Sandhu", but who if anyone did he speak to. This whole thread may be based around the false premise that it's title is actually a true statement. Like many of the threads devoted to or diverted toward this situation, there are no absolute facts other than this one "As it stands neither Peterborough or Coventry speedways run next year"


Incidentally I totalled up the replies to the various threads on this ( and yes I probably should get out more!! :D), as of saturday evening there were 6,500 replies, not including the Peterborough (rip) one as that was started months ago and re-titled, pretty impressive when none of us actually know anything concrete!! When it comes to speculation, this one hell of a place to be. :D




Oh come on Beeone and TruBee. My opinion on the evidence.


1) We are told earlier that Coventry are to talk to the BSPA in a meeting and that they are to release an official statement.


2) The official statement of the talk is...........a xmas pic that a 12 year old could have designed on Paint and wishing the fans a good christmas.


3) Why on earth would you release an official statement of a happy xmas......no other club has probably ever done it in an official statement and if they did they would have done it on Christmas Eve or Day.


4) This would conclude that the meeting took place and the Bees got nowhere with the talks OR the only option that saves face and it was abandoned due to the weather.

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" It is a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is considered revolutionary"


A good one from Arthur Blair, but when it comes down to it, Hunter S Thompson had the BSPA bang to rights and I doubt he ever knew the organisation existed:


"In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity."

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Oh come on Beeone and TruBee. My opinion on the evidence.


1) We are told earlier that Coventry are to talk to the BSPA in a meeting and that they are to release an official statement.


2) The official statement of the talk is...........a xmas pic that a 12 year old could have designed on Paint and wishing the fans a good christmas.


3) Why on earth would you release an official statement of a happy xmas......no other club has probably ever done it in an official statement and if they did they would have done it on Christmas Eve or Day.


4) This would conclude that the meeting took place and the Bees got nowhere with the talks OR the only option that saves face and it was abandoned due to the weather.

1) Where's the evidence that a meeting was ever scheduled? The BSF isn't a viable source :lol:

2) I don't know the relevance of this point.

3) They do this every year, I'd be concerned if it was June but it is 20th December.

4) See point one.


p.s It's TrueBee :P

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More irresponsibility from the Coventry promotion!


Those are toys in that picture posted, meaning children would be in the room to open and play with them. Yet there is no fire guard and a child could easily get badly burnt by that blazing fire!


I blame Sandhu and Trump. They should hang their heads in shame.


Steve ive sent you a Christmas card.


I addressed it to:


Steve Shovlar,

Coventry Threads,

Speedway Forum,

Great Britain.


Assuming that's where you live.

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