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Coventry 99 % Certain To Be In Elite Next Season Acording To Sandu

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You'd like to think that if there was ever any possibility of P'boro competing in the EL in 2011 then their riders wouldn't have been allowed to sign for other clubs while the club's position was being sorted out.


While I would very much like P'boro back in the EL I'd also like Bjerre & Puk to honour the contracts they have agreed with Buster. Looks like it'll be one or the other though.


The problem is that it was only this week the Peterborough riders where added too the transfer embargo which makes them not contracted to King's Lynn for 2011. I've asked the question on Bookface and the promotion haven't responded and that concerns me as they do tend to answer questions if they're incorrect

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It doesn't matter whether it's full or not. There's not a chance of us being PL for 2011. Apart from Olly Allen all our riders have signed elsewhere so we'd have no team at all.


We will be EL but we may end up having to rebuild our team again


You'd have an open and shut case against the BSPA, who would be deeper in the mire than they already are.

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You'd like to think that if there was ever any possibility of P'boro competing in the EL in 2011 then their riders wouldn't have been allowed to sign for other clubs while the club's position was being sorted out.


While I would very much like P'boro back in the EL I'd also like Bjerre & Puk to honour the contracts they have agreed with Buster. Looks like it'll be one or the other though.

considering the article in the peterborough newspaper that said Bjerre wanted to remain at P.boro . and Rick Frost has said the he and Bjerre are the best of friends , do you think he would give his best for Kings Lynn .especially in the local derbies. and with that knowledge would you still be keen to have him in your team?

Edited by speedibee
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What's your source re P'boro riders and the embargo screamer?


I don't understand how riders who are essentially self employed can sign an agreement and then it be deemed null and void at a later date. Not saying that you aren't speaking the truth but there are so many people on this forum who offer unsubstantiated opinions and claim to know things but don't share them that its difficult to know what's fact and what isn't.


Just hope that the whole sorry mess can get sorted before March and NO club is left high and dry.

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considering the article in the peterborough newspaper that said Bjerre wanted to remain at P.boro . and Rick Frost has said the he and Bjerre are the best of friends , do you think he would give his best for Kings Lynn .especially in the local derbies. and with that knowledge would you still be keen to have him in your team?


Like I said I think that if P'boro do run EL that Bjerre x 2 & Puk will revert back to the EoES , so what you've written there is pretty irrelevant.

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Like I said I think that if P'boro do run EL that Bjerre x 2 & Puk will revert back to the EoES , so what you've written there is pretty irrelevant.


Think you would keep PUK he wouldnt really fit if the limit was 40 Batch & Schlein would surely be considered before him baby Bjerre would most likely become a D/U with Taylor Poole


Couldnt it be said that Kenneth Bjerre was signed up to the Panthers first anyway as he was announced at the D&D in Nov

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looks like Coventry are taking their place in the elite in 2011, on facebook Rosco has said he's signed a 4 pointer - AP ? any guesses??


Whether its a wind-up or not, announcing something the day before the meeting is a little irresponsible by a member of Bees management - assuming Rosco still is?!!

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looks like Coventry are taking their place in the elite in 2011, on facebook Rosco has said he's signed a 4 pointer - AP ? any guesses??


Oh the professionaism of that man :rolleyes:


Is bleedin Facebook really the place that this sort of thing should come out on. I guess I we should nothing better from him really

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Don't tar me with the same brush as Shovlar. Colin don't talk in riddles and he does know something. My posts are so right anyone with an ounce of sense can see they are :lol:



Corrected for accuracy ;)

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Whether its a wind-up or not, announcing something the day before the meeting is a little irresponsible by a member of Bees management - assuming Rosco still is?!!

Tony McCoy is a horse racing jockey.


Although this thread prefers wild specualtion, I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that Tony McCoy is not signing for Coventry - And if he did he'd be a 3.00 average not a 4.00.

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Oh the professionaism of that man :rolleyes:


Is bleedin Facebook really the place that this sort of thing should come out on. I guess I we should nothing better from him really



It's a joke that has nothing to do with the team if you read the rest of the convo you might have got the joke :rolleyes: talk about getting half a story then wadeing in feet first :rolleyes:


I don't think AP Mcoy will be signing for cov on a 4 pt next year .

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