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Coventry 99 % Certain To Be In Elite Next Season Acording To Sandu

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Yep, I've never known you to back up any of your claims yet.



yep, & the whole of that post tells you why?


I respect people.

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The only garbage on this forum is enough to fill the dustbins in the whole of Dorset never mind the 1 near Sherborne.


Some people are irked that i'm not backing up my claim with evidence.


To do so would betray a trust.


Some people here will be decent enough to respect that.


Then there are the others..........................:rolleyes:




In my opinion, you have already betrayed their trust by making your claims on here.

Which makes you no better than others who are doing the same.





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yep, & the whole of that post tells you why?


I respect people.


You respect people enough to post what they tell you, presumably not intended to be circulated, but out of respect for them you wont drop them in it?


Surely if you respected them you wouldnt post in the first place? There are a lot of people around who know things but they dont say them because it would be rude. Theres also a lot of people who pretend to know things and dont

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I hope there is an Official Press release very soon because this has turned into the most boring self-opinionated thread I've seen on here.


Unfortunately, I fear the Press release will be followed by an equally boring thread of epic "told you so" proportions ! :rolleyes:

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In my opinion, you have already betrayed their trust by making your claims on here.

Which makes you no better than others who are doing the same.





My sentiments exactly, Gambo. Attempting to claim any high moral ground while circulating scurrilous unfounded gossip just doesn't gel with me.

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Unfortunately, I fear the Press release will be followed by an equally boring thread of epic "told you so" proportions ! :rolleyes:

I, for one, resolve not to engage in such behaviour*. I'd hope others on both sides will do the same.

































* Does it count if its against Shovlar?

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You respect people enough to post what they tell you, presumably not intended to be circulated, but out of respect for them you wont drop them in it?


Surely if you respected them you wouldnt post in the first place? There are a lot of people around who know things but they dont say them because it would be rude. Theres also a lot of people who pretend to know things and dont



You see the thing is richtea, nothing that i have said about what i know is anymore than what was said in the statement a few days later.

The problem lies with the perception others have of that statement.

All i am doing is trying to put people right on how it should be perceived.

To read all of it rather than re-word parts of it as they see fit.

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You see the thing is richtea, nothing that i have said about what i know is anymore than what was said in the statement a few days later.

The problem lies with the perception others have of that statement.

All i am doing is trying to put people right on how it should be perceived.

To read all of it rather than re-word parts of it as they see fit.


Colin you're wasting your time trying to talk sense on here. people like Bigfatdave and Shovlar will argue with anything, then either fail to back up their argument, or back it up with nonsense.


What is that saying? BBB... Bull**** Baffles Brains.

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My sentiments exactly, Gambo. Attempting to claim any high moral ground while circulating scurrilous unfounded gossip just doesn't gel with me.


Exactly. Cooke claims he knows something, but knows nothing. He then tries to talk in riddles to pretend he knows, gets himself tied in knots to such a degree he doesn't know his ass from his elbow. And by doing so maks fundmntal mistakes to his argument, i.e saying the BSPA asked for mediation when it was the other way around, as proved by the press release from Sandhu which is there for all to see on the Coventry website. :lol:


If Cooke did know something, you can be sure he will soon be cut out of the "inner circle" after his posts on here in the last day. As Gambo has said, he has betrayed any trust the Coventry promotion had with him. Pretty sure the Coventry promotion will have read this thread so when it comes to further news, Colin Cooke is likely to be sent to Coventry! :lol:

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Most impressive 88 pages


Not a piece of actual knowledge expressed


Keep goin chaps why wait for the facts when so much hot air can be spouted

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I've just read it.

Sandhu offered the BSPA mediation. The BSPA didn't go to Sandhu.

This backs up SS.


It doesn't - in flys in the face of SS and he knows it which is why he hasn't answered the question put to him about it (that I've seen, I've nit read to the most recent post as quite frankly I got bored), the statement says that the BSPA were "offered" mediation - this means that Cov/Pboro are offering the BSPA to come round the table to sort out the mess for the good of the sport and to avoid an expensive and lengthy courtroom battle for both sides, as was explained earlier.

Now, if Sandu/Frost had "asked" the BSPA for mediation then yes you could argue that they are trying to beg and plead their way back in, but as per the official statement that SS is keen to quote it clearly states that mediation was offered and not asked for.


It really can't be made any clearer than that and I hope you can see the difference between what the official statement says and it's meaning and what SS us trying to spin it into to try and win a argument with CC - you just seem to of been taken in by the spin....

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Exactly. Cooke claims he knows something, but knows nothing. He then tries to talk in riddles to pretend he knows, gets himself tied in knots to such a degree he doesn't know his ass from his elbow. And by doing so maks fundmntal mistakes to his argument, i.e saying the BSPA asked for mediation when it was the other way around, as proved by the press release from Sandhu which is there for all to see on the Coventry website. :lol:


If Cooke did know something, you can be sure he will soon be cut out of the "inner circle" after his posts on here in the last day. As Gambo has said, he has betrayed any trust the Coventry promotion had with him. Pretty sure the Coventry promotion will have read this thread so when it comes to further news, Colin Cooke is likely to be sent to Coventry! :lol:


First one voice in your head says he knows nothing, then the other voice says he may know something.


Then you claim he is directly involved with the Coventry promotion having said he knows nothing.


You appear to be "tied in knots".


Also, as has been pointed out to you previously, neither party asked for mediation, Coventry offered it. And yes, you were both wrong on that account.

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Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

this is not aimed at garryy btw

Edited by colincooke
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Exactly. Cooke claims he knows something, but knows nothing. He then tries to talk in riddles to pretend he knows, gets himself tied in knots to such a degree he doesn't know his ass from his elbow. And by doing so maks fundmntal mistakes to his argument, i.e saying the BSPA asked for mediation when it was the other way around, as proved by the press release from Sandhu which is there for all to see on the Coventry website. :lol:




It doesn't say they asked for it, it says they offered it and at the time of the press release they hadn't had a response - read above for the diffence then maybe eat humble (Xmas) pie and offer your apologies to Colin as the official statement from Mr Sandhu much quoted by you proves you to be factually incorrect in this instance.

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It doesn't - in flys in the face of SS and he knows it which is why he hasn't answered the question put to him about it (that I've seen, I've nit read to the most recent post as quite frankly I got bored), the statement says that the BSPA were "offered" mediation - this means that Cov/Pboro are offering the BSPA to come round the table to sort out the mess for the good of the sport and to avoid an expensive and lengthy courtroom battle for both sides, as was explained earlier.

Now, if Sandu/Frost had "asked" the BSPA for mediation then yes you could argue that they are trying to beg and plead their way back in, but as per the official statement that SS is keen to quote it clearly states that mediation was offered and not asked for.


It really can't be made any clearer than that and I hope you can see the difference between what the official statement says and it's meaning and what SS us trying to spin it into to try and win a argument with CC - you just seem to of been taken in by the spin....



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Thankyou ImpartialOne, as with any legal dispute lawyers will always say that mediation is the first step, if you don't offer mediation and go to court it will go against you the majority of the time as you're seen as unwilling to co-operate to seek a resolution, Coventry and Pboros legal team seem to be ticking all the right boxes and jumping through all the right hoops to go about things in the correct way legally - the BSPA seem to be stuck with their heads in the sand trying to ignore it and hoping it will go away from their Press Releases (or lack of)

Regardless of who's side you are on you have to admit that the Covenborough team have been the more open and transparent as they have released statements where possible, which says to me they aren't trying to hide or pull the wool over anybody's eyes


Just my opinion

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Thankyou ImpartialOne, as with any legal dispute lawyers will always say that mediation is the first step, if you don't offer mediation and go to court it will go against you the majority of the time as you're seen as unwilling to co-operate to seek a resolution, Coventry and Pboros legal team seem to be ticking all the right boxes and jumping through all the right hoops to go about things in the correct way legally - the BSPA seem to be stuck with their heads in the sand trying to ignore it and hoping it will go away from their Press Releases (or lack of)

Regardless of who's side you are on you have to admit that the Covenborough team have been the more open and transparent as they have released statements where possible, which says to me they aren't trying to hide or pull the wool over anybody's eyes


Just my opinion


I agree with your opinion Jules, good post.

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Thankyou ImpartialOne, as with any legal dispute lawyers will always say that mediation is the first step, if you don't offer mediation and go to court it will go against you the majority of the time as you're seen as unwilling to co-operate to seek a resolution, Coventry and Pboros legal team seem to be ticking all the right boxes and jumping through all the right hoops to go about things in the correct way legally - the BSPA seem to be stuck with their heads in the sand trying to ignore it and hoping it will go away from their Press Releases (or lack of)

Regardless of who's side you are on you have to admit that the Covenborough team have been the more open and transparent as they have released statements where possible, which says to me they aren't trying to hide or pull the wool over anybody's eyes


Just my opinion

But let me spin that one the other way - Coventry and Peterborough have been trying to use press releases to support a weak position whereas the BSPA, on legal advice, have been told to say nothing.


The lack of press releases may be because, as nothing has changed, there is nothing to say.


My guess (and it is only a guess) is that Coventry and Peterborough are stuffed. Peterborough because they went to press (these damn press releases again) saying they were DEFINITELY not taking part in the 2011 EL, and Coventry because, if the BSPA give in, then the rule book is even more worthless than it appears to be now.


Now spin that!

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