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Coventry 99 % Certain To Be In Elite Next Season Acording To Sandu

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Lots of chat but lets lok at the basics re Peterborough.

Rick Frost is a savior and a businessman, when he moved in after the Hortons were done , the club was gone we all know this.

He saved the Panthers and firstly paid off the Debts, then gets the club on an even Keele. riders have been paid and spent money on facilities, yes he did put his money where his mouth was.


So now the recesion is with us and he looks at the finances, yes we are making a loss so what do we do Try to re negotiate rent, get the oveheads down and do what ever possible to bring more spectators in, ( basic stuff) so the agm meeting was not to his liking and business plan, so he made a stance.

Take into consideration the old boys club havnt done a good job with managing the crown jewels so far, so there fore why not lets shake the trees and make it better for the Sport The Riders The Fans and British Speedway in general.

Its like a Broken Leg, it may hurt but in time it will get better.

That is meaning better for everyone, the fans pay the bill along with wealthy benefactors, and his plan is not to lose money weekly.

Power to you Rick Frost we need people like you to make it better and if you have to ruffle some feathers to get there do it.

I would love to see a British Team doing good at a World Cup meeting at Showgrounds. We deserve it along with you deserve it, Keep up the good work

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So why is there a meeting of the BSPA + Coventry today? I'm guessing they're not swapping cake recipes.


I believe that Texas Hold Em is now the most popularly participated and social sport in the whole world......why wouldn't they participate in a bit of No Limit Hold Em with the Bees being able to ride next year being the stake. :P


If there is a meeting, I wonder how long the Coventry promotion will have been on their hands and knees begging for forgiveness....especially with all the talk afterwards about threatening legal mumbo jumbo.


Maybe the BSPA should do what the football league would do and slap a league points penalty for this tantrum and this would ensure that no other team tries to walk out of the AGM again and shows that the BSPA are boss and not to be messed with in the future. It also enables credibility to the Bee fans in seeing their team ride, the opposition fans and promotions for accepting the original terms and seeing more teams in the EL.


The only problem then is Peterborough???

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It's impossible to look at any speedway website these days without seeing this call for an independent ruling body, but no one seems to remember that this is what we used to have in the pre 1965 era when the sport was run by the old Speedway Control Board. The board used to include one promotor and a riders' representative. The remaining members were appointed by the ACU and the constitution decreed that the board must always be comprised of a majority of ACU nominees.


The board was constantly criticised and the major gripe used to be that decisions were being made by people who had no financial involvement in the sport and that this was unfair and unacceptable to those who had. The Shawcross Investigation at the end of 1964 which resulted in the formation of the British League, accepted this and agreed that control of domestic speedway should be invested in what was then called The Promotors' Association, but which later became the BSPA.


Are we saying now, that we want to go back to having a Speedway Control Board - which everyone wanted to get rid of back in the 1960's? The present day successor to the Control Board, (known as the Speedway Control Bureau)includes two members of the BSPA Alex Harkess and Chris Van Straaten, and nine other officers. Its actual role seems a bit obscure.

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Maybe the BSPA should do what the football league would do and slap a league points penalty for this tantrum and this would ensure that no other team tries to walk out of the AGM again and shows that the BSPA are boss and not to be messed with in the future. It also enables credibility to the Bee fans in seeing their team ride, the opposition fans and promotions for accepting the original terms and seeing more teams in the EL.


Actually I like my idea so much, I would copyright it if I could. :(

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Yeah but its all Sandhu's and Coventry's fault


I am 50/50.


Part of me thinks I really want Cov to ride as they have been Poole's biggest rivals over the last decade.


The other half is principals and law thinking the BSPA should leave them out by rights of their official statements and promotions attitude.


Everybody makes mistakes but....

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I believe that Texas Hold Em is now the most popularly participated and social sport in the whole world......why wouldn't they participate in a bit of No Limit Hold Em with the Bees being able to ride next year being the stake. :P


If there is a meeting, I wonder how long the Coventry promotion will have been on their hands and knees begging for forgiveness....especially with all the talk afterwards about threatening legal mumbo jumbo.


Maybe the BSPA should do what the football league would do and slap a league points penalty for this tantrum and this would ensure that no other team tries to walk out of the AGM again and shows that the BSPA are boss and not to be messed with in the future. It also enables credibility to the Bee fans in seeing their team ride, the opposition fans and promotions for accepting the original terms and seeing more teams in the EL.


The only problem then is Peterborough???



Has it not occurred to you that Coventry and Peterborough might actually have grounds for a legal challenge.


It appears to me that two promoters have been tried and convicted without hearing the evidence.

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It's impossible to look at any speedway website these days without seeing this call for an independent ruling body, but no one seems to remember that this is what we used to have in the pre 1965 era when the sport was run by the old Speedway Control Board. The board used to include one promotor and a riders' representative. The remaining members were appointed by the ACU and the constitution decreed that the board must always be comprised of a majority of ACU nominees.


The board was constantly criticised and the major gripe used to be that decisions were being made by people who had no financial involvement in the sport and that this was unfair and unacceptable to those who had. The Shawcross Investigation at the end of 1964 which resulted in the formation of the British League, accepted this and agreed that control of domestic speedway should be invested in what was then called The Promotors' Association, but which later became the BSPA.


Are we saying now, that we want to go back to having a Speedway Control Board - which everyone wanted to get rid of back in the 1960's? The present day successor to the Control Board, (known as the Speedway Control Bureau)includes two members of the BSPA Alex Harkess and Chris Van Straaten, and nine other officers. Its actual role seems a bit obscure.


Excellent post.


People keep on about an independent body as if it is some sort of panacea but once you start trying to work out its structure you start to see the problems such as: How many are going to sit on it and who are they ? What are the qualifications to get onto the independent body? Is it going to be a full time or part-time job? How many hours a week will this panel need to spend running the sport and if they all live in different parts of the country where will they meet ? What will this independent body be paid, and how much will their premises cost ? Where is the money going to come from ? What is the limit of their authority and what is the appeals process against decisions that are not liked ? Who is going to hear any appeals ?

I keep hearing names like Tony Steele mentioned and he is a first class referee but what does he know about the financial side of running a speedway club ? All these questions have to be looked at in detail and fullt costed before we take the step of an independent body which could potentially be worse than what we have now.




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We've all stuck our penny's worth of knowledge and rumours on all the threads regarding Coventry & Peterborough.


Is it now time we allow the mods to close these threads until hard evidence has been proven one way or another???

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Excellent post.


People keep on about an independent body as if it is some sort of panacea but once you start trying to work out its structure you start to see the problems such as: How many are going to sit on it and who are they ? What are the qualifications to get onto the independent body? Is it going to be a full time or part-time job? How many hours a week will this panel need to spend running the sport and if they all live in different parts of the country where will they meet ? What will this independent body be paid, and how much will their premises cost ? Where is the money going to come from ? What is the limit of their authority and what is the appeals process against decisions that are not liked ? Who is going to hear any appeals ?

I keep hearing names like Tony Steele mentioned and he is a first class referee but what does he know about the financial side of running a speedway club ? All these questions have to be looked at in detail and fullt costed before we take the step of an independent body which could potentially be worse than what we have now.


Perhaps the presence of an independent skilled mediator or negotiator at such meetings is worth a consideration. Might have avoided this dispute?






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I'm new to this forum and have just trawled through these 33 pages and I have to say how pathetic some of this actually is.


Yes, I'm a Bees fan who was gutted by the recent news.


I think all parties are entitled to their own opinion and, in turn, they will all feel that they are correct in their views.


However, what I believe this does reveal is that whilst this wonderful sport is run predominantly by the owners of the clubs, there will always be turmoil and disagreement.


The sooner we all come to our senses and allow a neutral governing body to take charge and set rules for the good of the sport, the sooner the league will even itself out and run on a more even keel and, each season, the best team will succeed.


Come on guys and gals, let's agree to disagree and see this wonderful sport we all love move forward in a sensible manner.


The voice of reason and sound logic - how ridiculous !!

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We've all stuck our penny's worth of knowledge and rumours on all the threads regarding Coventry & Peterborough.


Is it now time we allow the mods to close these threads until hard evidence has been proven one way or another???


That gets my vote. There are too many similar threads and everybody knows everybody else's view by now.

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Has it not occurred to you that Coventry and Peterborough might actually have grounds for a legal challenge.


Then let them roll the dice and take their chances.



Excellent post.


People keep on about an independent body as if it is some sort of panacea but once you start trying to work out its structure you start to see the problems such as: How many are going to sit on it and who are they ? What are the qualifications to get onto the independent body? Is it going to be a full time or part-time job? How many hours a week will this panel need to spend running the sport and if they all live in different parts of the country where will they meet ? What will this independent body be paid, and how much will their premises cost ? Where is the money going to come from ? What is the limit of their authority and what is the appeals process against decisions that are not liked ? Who is going to hear any appeals ?

I keep hearing names like Tony Steele mentioned and he is a first class referee but what does he know about the financial side of running a speedway club ? All these questions have to be looked at in detail and fullt costed before we take the step of an independent body which could potentially be worse than what we have now.


I wouldn't have an independent body, just an independent commissioner along the lines of most American sports and Poland's Ekstraliga, with no mandate to actually determine the rules but as someone to oversee the implementation of the rules and to address any concerns and deliver judgement of instances brought to his (or her, let's not be sexist) attention. Thus, Matt Ford (or any of the promotions who called him to complain) could have raised the "Pawlicki situation" (which even he only seems to have noticed after Poole were beaten, or he could've noted it in the play-off final programme) with the commissioner, who could have then considered it and delivered a judgement for the consideration of the BSPA or SCB or ACU.

Edited by ladyluck
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