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Dudley Heathens 2011

Brummie Kev

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Yes,i agree with you on this 21st...


Phew! I was starting to feel quite lonely with one or two views I have. :lol:


With the ways things have shaped up I would be very happy with Johnson and Pickard as the final two. I don't have the exact final figures but based on the only figures available they should fit with 4.31 and 4.35 coming in a little under our 8.88 available to 'spend'. I would love to have seen Franklin back in but I would have concerns about going in to the new season with two 3-pointers at reserve, particularly given my reservations at the top end.


Just out of interest and a bit of a swerve ball does anyone know what average Jack Hargreaves would be on?

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Surely the obvious reason for drip-feeding the news is that it can be put out into the press regularly leading up to the start of the new season to help generate more interest and keep the column inches for the club and the sport as high profile as possible.


Glasgow released news of their entire 1-7 months ago and have had nothing to report since. I'm sick of reading that 'the shape of their track is coming along nicely' for the last 7 or 8 weeks!

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Steve, are you toeing the party line on this so to speak, :wink: it is GOOD to hear both sides, as a supporter which do you prefer ?? Drip fed or as and when they sign?.


Kings Lynn, Scunthorpe, Newport have announced as they sign, Buxton,Dudley, and others prefer the drip feed approach.

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Steve, are you toeing the party line on this so to speak, :wink: it is GOOD to hear both sides, as a supporter which do you prefer ?? Drip fed or as and when they sign?.


Kings Lynn, Scunthorpe, Newport have announced as they sign, Buxton,Dudley, and others prefer the drip feed approach.


I'm just pointing out the way things are done now. Courting the media coverage is essential and that's the best way to go about it. I think you'll find that many more clubs do the same, compared to what you've said above.


Scunthorpe only announced Ashley Birks and the Worrals this week and yet they've been signed up for ages.


Look at the announcements for the Ben Fund Meeting or Telford - riders have been signed up for weeks and months, but a couple more names are announced each week.


You want the news of signings or anything else to have the most impact and I'm fine with that!

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I don't think there need be any concerns about Adam Roynon. He has had an unbelievable run of bad luck with injuries and he was treated shamefully at Workington last season, but I am confident that in Adam you will have the National League's top rider in 2011.


Adam is a genuine racer and I believe that in him and Tom Perry, Dudley will have two of the most entertaining riders of next season.

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Surely the obvious reason for drip-feeding the news is that it can be put out into the press regularly...


As I said, I understand why it's done.


Courting the media coverage is essential and that's the best way to go about it.


I agree with the first part, but I disagree that this is the best way to go about it. It would be far better, in my opinion, to have riders signed and announced as soon as possible and then for the media coverage to be a rider profile, preferably one a week in the 8 weeks leading up to the start of the new season, by way of introducing the riders to the fans.


I particularly disagree with the way the club have gone about it with this latest statement. If you have no intention of announcing the final two riders at this stage then why tell the fans that riders have been signed? That's just opening yourself up to this kind of criticism. We're in the middle of February not the middle of December so it's not as though announcing now would leave you with most of the winter to go with no riders to announce. The club could even just hold back on announcing the number 8 if they really want to hold something back until the last minute.


At the end of the day it just a case that I would not go about it in the same way. Hey-ho... :)


I don't think there need be any concerns about Adam Roynon. He has had an unbelievable run of bad luck with injuries and he was treated shamefully at Workington last season, but I am confident that in Adam you will have the National League's top rider in 2011.


Adam is a genuine racer and I believe that in him and Tom Perry, Dudley will have two of the most entertaining riders of next season.


I agree with all of that. I have absolutely no worries about Adam's raw talent. Full potential is rarely realised but if he can realise even half of his this season he'll be scoring for fun in the NL. If he re-captures his pre-injury '08 form then the rest better take a long hard look in the pits because they won't see which way he went out on track!! :lol::P On a serious note I most sincerely hope that come the end of the coming season I hope we're all talking about Adam being back to his best and talking about some of his performances rather than the injuries and other off-track problems. :approve:


Oh well,i see IOW have resigned Under 18 Champ Brendan Johnson, I cant help but feel The Heathens have missed a trick in NOT going for this young guy on the average he is on.


It's not on the BSPA website. Did you get that from the club website? I agree it would have been a good shout for the bottom end.

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Brendan johnson

It's not on the BSPA website. Did you get that from the club website? I agree it would have been a good shout for the bottom end.
Its been posted on the IOW Topic, seems a coincidence that pretty soon after he was being mentioned as a good signing for us, it was announced he had re-signed for IOW :wink: .


Regards Adam; I have NO doubts of his potential,his talent or his commitment, what i am concerned about is should he get injured, we will have to use rider replacement, and we should remember its been a while since he had an injury free season.


However to sum up, in that whilst i dont agree with when our signings are announced, i FULLY understand the reasoning behind it, ALL of OUR riders will as always receive MY full support when they put on that Heathens race jacket, looking at some of the signings by other NL Teams the league looks to be wide open, i cannot as yet see a Team that is capable of walking away with the league.

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Fair comment with all of that last post 21stCH.


Brendan certainly looks on a good average to me too, and had previous Cradley connections from 2009. Lots to take into account though and I'm feeling pretty positive about the Heathens team, compared to other signings elsewhere. B)


Belle vue team announced tonight looks the most solid to me so far, heathens and belle vue fighting it out at the top of the league, we have seen that a few times before. Shame the colts wont be winning the KO Cup this year, i cant see them making it past the first round somehow :wink:

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Belle vue team announced tonight looks the most solid to me so far, heathens and belle vue fighting it out at the top of the league, we have seen that a few times before. Shame the colts wont be winning the KO Cup this year, i cant see them making it past the first round somehow :wink:


I think the colts might have something too say about that :P


I think they look the best named so far, really solid 1-7. With 5 riders capable of being heat leaders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For one of our remaining two signings, who have alegedly already signed i am going to say one will be Richard Franklin, he has not as yet been announced in any Team, the other for us to be equal of any other Team we will need an aussie with partriality who will need to put on at least a couple of points on his average.

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I would guess it's Franklin and Chessell


As it's already on the BSPA site...

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Last two signings confirmed tonight: Richard Franklin returns and Luke Chessell comes in at reserve, bringing us to 39.93.


Final 1-7: Jon Armstrong, Adam Roynon, Tom Perry, Ashley Morris,Rich Franklin, Luke Chessell, Darryl Ritchings.


Surprised Luke didn't get mentioned by more people already, as his average fit perfectly, after Richard was signed on again. Welcome to the team!

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Well it must have been an inspired guess Vog, cuz I arrived at Richard thru a process of elimination,its to easy just reading about it. :wink: will we be strong enough to win the League,? that i dont know, but lots will depend on Adam steering clear of injuries, if he can do that then we will be up there, if he picks up an injury, then we wont...lol simple thing this speedway predicting. :wink:

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