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Tomasz has never been in this position before. Will he croak? I hope not, the man is one of two riders who deserve to be world champion, and havn't done so, the other is Leigh Adams.

I know he had a rush of blood to the head when he took out Sayfutdinov,even the great man canmake mistakes, proves he's Human, but providing he leaves our Chris alone i will be very happy to see him crowned World Champion!!

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Tomasz has never been in this position before.


Yes he has. In 1999, Gollob led Tony Rickardsson by 24 points with three rounds to go, 9 points with two rounds to go and 4 points with one round to go. The pressure got to him and he blew it.


But I can't see him blowing it this time. That was a terrific performance from him tonight.


All the best


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Yes he has. In 1999, Gollob led Tony Rickardsson by 24 points with three rounds to go, 9 points with two rounds to go and 4 points with one round to go. The pressure got to him and he blew it.


But I can't see him blowing it this time. That was a terrific performance from him tonight.


All the best



And I think it was great to see Crumpie so generous in his praise of Tomasz. I think that the whole of Speedway should really unite to acknowledge that Gollob is one of the absolute all-time greats and for him finally to win the World title (as I pray to God he shall be doing..) will actually be one of the sport's most emotional and well-deserved moments...

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As races are not awarded in Grand Prixs ..... Can anyone explain why Nicki was awarded 2nd place when he fell under the challenge of Fredrik Lindgren.


I dont think there was actually any contact, but even so, Nicki was awarded 2nd ahead of Zorro who did complete the race where as Nicki just walked back to the pits.

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And for those of us who pay £40 a month to Sky just to watch the speedway it's a justified whinge! :mad:


I'm not around for the start of the meeting so was going to Sky+ it and start watching it when I got back home about 8pm. Not able to do that now, and no point watching it live as the meeting will be two thirds over by that time. Feel even more sorry for the Virgin viewers who don't have the option of watching it live on the red button at all!


And no, I shouldn't "just be grateful" that speedway is shown on Sky at all, it's not as though they are doing me a favour showing it, I pay a premium for the privaledge!!! Getting more & more p!ssed off with the way Sky is dealing with what is supposed to be Speedway's showcase event, I thought it was one of their more popular sports they showed!


Since Reading closed, I've been losing more & more interest in speedway, the weekly EL meetings are generally less entertaining than some of the Poole fan's attempts at humour on this forum, it's only been the SWC and GP's that have really kept any interest alive for me, and now Sky are starting to screw about with them. I could quite easily stick to BSB, WSB and Moto GP on Eurosport and save on the Sky sports subscription each season, and that's looking more and more of a possibility next year. :mad:


We also pay £40 for Sky Sports just for the Speedway and as we are on Virgin, we can't even watch it - let alone record it!

Not good enough!

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We also pay £40 for Sky Sports just for the Speedway and as we are on Virgin, we can't even watch it - let alone record it!

Not good enough!

Seriously? Is anyone actually paying £40 for Sky Sports? If they are, then they are surely being ripped, cos as far as I am aware, neither Sky or Virgin charge £40 for the Sky Sports package ;)

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As races are not awarded in Grand Prixs ..... Can anyone explain why Nicki was awarded 2nd place when he fell under the challenge of Fredrik Lindgren.


I dont think there was actually any contact, but even so, Nicki was awarded 2nd ahead of Zorro who did complete the race where as Nicki just walked back to the pits.


TNT, I explained this after the last Grand Prix.


Races CAN be awarded - but ONLY if they are completed. Gollob had crossed the finishing line, so therefore the race could be awarded. Had Gollob not crossed the finishing line, there would have to be a re-run.


The rules were set up like they are, an incident in the 1973 World Final, when Zenon Plech was leading a race which would have taken him into the run-off for first place with Szczakiel & Mauger, brough down by a Russian, and as Peter Collins crossed the finishing line, the race was awarded to Collins despite the fact Plech had been a street ahead of him until the Russian brought Plech down. These days, the referee can award the places as they were at the time of the incident, but only provided one or more of the riders finish the race.


All the best


Edited by lucifer sam
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Yes he has. In 1999, Gollob led Tony Rickardsson by 24 points with three rounds to go, 9 points with two rounds to go and 4 points with one round to go. The pressure got to him and he blew it.

You're being unfair or just don't remeber what happend just a week before the last GP at Vojens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aek6k0Y5oT8

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The rules were set up like they are, an incident in the 1973 World Final, when Zenon Plech was leading a race which would have taken him into the run-off for first place with Szczakiel & Mauger, brough down by a Russian, and as Peter Collins crossed the finishing line, the race was awarded to Collins despite the fact Plech had been a street ahead of him until the Russian brought Plech down. These days, the referee can award the places as they were at the time of the incident, but only provided one or more of the riders finish the race.


Personally, I always thought Plech was at fault in the 1973 incident, which was available on "YouTube". Everyone bangs on about Plech missing out on a place in that run-off, but the Soviet rider, Grigory Chlynovski, also missed out on a place in the run-off in spite of taking the chequered flag ahead of Peter Collins.

Anyway, Crump can no longer win the world championship. To be sure, Crump can still be crowned world champion this season, but it will be because Gollob has lost it rather than Crump winning it. Gollob obviously showed tremendous character last night. Crump took seven points out of Gollob's lead at Gorican, Gollob claimed them all back and another couple on top last night. The next two tracks hold no fears for the Pole, who won the only previous Terenzano GP last season and has been known to show the odd flash of form at Bydgoszcz.

Last night was all about character. Those who showed it and those who didn't. Crump, while losing out to Gollob, continues to show great character in his pursuit of the Pole and once again made the final. Holder, under a bit of top eight pressure ahead of last night, put in a good shift and made his top eight position more secure. The same can be said for Bjerre. Nicki P put a torrid season and a couple of awful GPs behind him to remind everyone of his capabilities. Even Hans Andersen and Andreas Jonsson showed a little bit of fight and now have their sights set on a place in the top eight, although I think only one of them will claim a top eight place and possibly neither of them.

On the flip side, we have the riders who showed little character, prime among them Chris Harris and Tai Woffinden. Harris undid all his fine work in Gorican and now has Jonsson and Andersen breathing down his neck. Nevermind Gollob, will Harris, who has never qualified for the GPs be the one to choke? Woffinden, on the other hand, has shown very little in the GPs, has added nothing to the GPs and has made the brass at BSI look like fools for nominating him.

Edited by ladyluck
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You're being unfair or just don't remeber what happend just a week before the last GP at Vojens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aek6k0Y5oT8

Ouch!That crash should have been a season closer!Credit to him for riding at all again that season.Here's hoping nothing like that happens again,and that Tomasz is deservedly crowned this years World Champion.He was immense in Vojens last night.Was very impressed by Jason Crump too.He has turned in to a very good sportsman.IMO that wasn't always the case,but he is a very good ambassador for our sport. :approve:

Edited by Young51
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Congratulations must go to TG on yet another superb performance and if he had not packed up in the Cardiff semi final he would be out of sight by now. Just like to say though that with with most GPs now being about the usual suspects I now think that they are less interesting than they were. Is it now time to ask the organisers to provide a little more variety by replacing each GPs bottom 2 or more with other riders for the next one with those having been replaced to replace the next lowest riders and so on.

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She really is! Perhaps we should have a whip round and get her some English lessons and she could go on SKY next year ... then weekly GPs next!


I don't think she needs a whip round... but you ought to get some whipping for saying such a remarks.

Daria (that's her first name) speaks fluent English. Probably no worse than you do.

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You're being unfair or just don't remeber what happend just a week before the last GP at Vojens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aek6k0Y5oT8


I do remember that, but Gollob had already lost 20 points to Rickardsson in the previous two rounds in 1999 prior to his injury i.e. the momentum was already with Rickardsson. One of those rounds were at Bydgoszcz. Gollob had already blown it under pressure, even prior to his injury.


And that's maybe where Gollob has changed for the better, because last night he regained that momentum. After a couple of dodgy rounds in which he struggled a bit, rode a bit dirty and lost him a lot of supporters (especially his move on Emil), last night he rode like a champion and did it without resorting to the tactics employed in the previous two rounds.


I know think Gollob WILL be World Champion this season, up until last night I had doubts that he could hold on.


All the best


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