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Back home now and making myself a big cup of coffee,whilst Ian is probably still snoring away :lol: .


Just want to correct Bavaria,as on both days the official crowd figure was given at 6,500 which can't be sniffed at.And there was definitely more than that in the stadium and also some left outside on saturday at least.Also must say it was good to bump into Reg Wilson,who also didn't have a ticket for saturday night.Was a great little rider and a big fan of ice racing.Also,with an extra western GP weekend next year maybe one or two of the non Russians can break into the top 8 again????


Reiterate Conkers that it was a great weekend and a big thanks to Lars for ferrying us around and giving us a nice little tour of the area on the saturday


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There is a live broadcast tonight from the international iceracing event in Västerås in Sweden.


Robert Henderson

Ivan Ivanov

Posa Serenius

Antonin Klatovsky

Peter Koij

Per-Anders Lindström

Andrej Gavrilkin

Sergej Karachintsev

Vitaly Khomitsevich

Fredrik Johansson

Jan Klatovsky

Grzegorz Knapp

Daniil Ivanov

Stefan Svensson

Franz Zorn

Magnus Lundgren


Jo Saetre

Joakim Söderström


Liveisracing from ABB Arena Syd, Västerås CET 19.00




Hope everybody enjoy it.

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There is a live broadcast tonight from the international iceracing event in Västerås in Sweden.


Robert Henderson

Ivan Ivanov

Posa Serenius

Antonin Klatovsky

Peter Koij

Per-Anders Lindström

Andrej Gavrilkin

Sergej Karachintsev

Vitaly Khomitsevich

Fredrik Johansson

Jan Klatovsky

Grzegorz Knapp

Daniil Ivanov

Stefan Svensson

Franz Zorn

Magnus Lundgren


Jo Saetre

Joakim Söderström


Liveisracing from ABB Arena Syd, Västerås CET 19.00




Hope everybody enjoy it.


direct link to broadcast;




also the time is CEST (gmt+2/BST+1)

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unfortunately the stream seams to have the same kind of working level as last year :(

very choppy one second and then 3x speed the next.

Now it seems to have gone....but i think i did see Linda snapping away at the presentation :approve:

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after a new crash (luckily without injuries) two riders started to fight each other.


Stefan Svensson caused him and Per-Anders Lindström to fall, apparently PAL became a bit upset and when

he had got up on his feet he attacked Svensson, who was still lying down, with punches until staff managed to stop him.



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after a new crash (luckily without injuries) two riders started to fight each other.


Stefan Svensson caused him and Per-Anders Lindström to fall, apparently PAL became a bit upset and when

he had got up on his feet he attacked Svensson, who was still lying down, with punches until staff managed to stop him.



What an idiot, should have waited for Svensson to take his helmet off.

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Lars has taken some photos in Västeras and Uppsala:


SLIDESHOW Västeras Int. Meeting: http://picasaweb.google.com/speedwayfoto.de/VasterasIntRace#slideshow'>http://picasaweb.google.com/speedwayfoto.de/VasterasIntRace#slideshow

ALBUM Västeras Int Meeting: http://picasaweb.google.com/speedwayfoto.de/VasterasIntRace#


SLIDESHOW Uppsala Int. Meeting: http://picasaweb.google.com/speedwayfoto.de/UppsalaIntRace#slideshow'>http://picasaweb.google.com/speedwayfoto.de/UppsalaIntRace#slideshow

ALBUM Uppsala Int. Meeting: http://picasaweb.google.com/speedwayfoto.de/UppsalaIntRace#


SLIDESHOW Västeras SM-Final: http://picasaweb.google.com/speedwayfoto.de/VasterasSMFinal#slideshow'>http://picasaweb.google.com/speedwayfoto.de/VasterasSMFinal#slideshow

ALBUM Västeras SM-Final: http://picasaweb.google.com/speedwayfoto.de/VasterasSMFinal#

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Berlin taken out of the World Championship calendar by the FIM.Berlin say they will hold an open meeting on the weekend they had planned to hold the World Championship GPs.Two riders from each nation.And they are in talks with Inzell + Assen it s

eems about holding a series of meetings outside of FIM control as Assen + Inzell are also not happy with the FIM



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I'm the king of the world! :cheers::drink::party:


Henkilökohtainen jääspeedway

Sandvik, Ruotsi 18.3.2011


Stefan Svensson SE 333333 15

Peter Koij SE 32323 13

Andrej Gawrylkin RU 33232 13

Antonin Klatovsky CZ 33d33 12

Per Olof Serenius SE 11332 10

Robert Henderson SE 23212 10

Christoph Kirchner DE 21203 8

Janne Vilponen FI 12221 8

Grzegorz Knapp PL 12R12 6

Per-Anders Lindström SE 203d2 7

Martin Posch AT 21111 6

Andrej Divis CZ 021F0 4

Jo Saetre NO 10020 3

Miroslaw Daniszewski PL 01110 3

Jouni Seppänen FI d0100 1

Gerrit Schukken NL 00010 1


Erä erältä:

1. Svensson, Kirchner, Knapp, Divis

2. Koij, Posch, Saetre, Daniszewski

3. Gawrylkin, Henderson, Serenius, Seppänen d

4. Klatovsky, Lindström, Vilponen, Schukken

5. Svensson, Koij, Serenius, Lindström

6. Henderson, Knapp, Posch, Lindström

7. Gawrylkin, Vilponen, Kirchner, Saetre

8. Klatovsky, Divis, Daniszewski, Seppänen

9. Svensson, Gawrylkin, Posch, Klatovsky d

10. Koij, Vilponen, Seppänen, Knapp R

11. Serenius, Kirchner, Daniszewski, Schukken

12. Lindström, Henderson, Divis, Saetre

13. Svensson, Saetre, Schukken, Seppänen

14. Gawrylkin, Knapp, Daniszewski, Lindström F

15. Klatovsky, Koij, Henderson, Kirchner

16. Serenius, Vilponen, Posch, Divis F

17. Svensson, Henderson, Vilponen, Daniszewski

18. Klatovsky, Serenius, Knapp, Saetre

19. Kirchner, Lindström, Posch, Seppänen

20. Koij, Gawrylkin, Divis, Schukken

Semifinaali: Klatovsky, Henderson, Serenius, Kirchner

Finaali: Svensson, Gavrilkin, Klatovsky, Koij d

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