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Another so called Harris knocker here!

Yes he did very well today and unfortunately just got outpaced in the final. But having one or two good GP's a season and six or seven poor ones is still a poor return from Englands so called number one!

On the Gollob, Holta incident in the semi final, i thought the referee got this one right has Holto had lifted down the back straight and was not under complete control going into the bend.

On the Crump, Jonsson incident in heat 13, i thought the referee got this one wrong as Crump did'nt look to be under power when Jonsson hit him and if anyone was going to be excluded it should of been Crump for causing the incident.

Think bombers assured of a place in next years gps now , who else can they put in his place ? biggrin.gif

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Think bombers assured of a place in next years gps now , who else can they put in his place ? biggrin.gif


He ought to make the top eight. If he doesn't after this performance then he still doesn't deserve yet another nomination. Andersen and especially Jonsson are riding dreadfully at the minute, but both are capable of winning GPs (both might also benefit from being shown the door, as both just tread water in the GPs).

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Oh Yesicon_smile_approve.gif Herbie & Bomber now in the top 8. Listen to all the knockers, innit quiet.


Keep it going boys & nail those positions.

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Gollob is getting way with pure murder at present his racing is both dangerous and desperate which coupled with his mentality of racing on the border line is going to cost someone else dearly soon in the terms of injury & there GP place the mans a ticking time bomb ready to explode on someone.

You wonder what kind of tactics Gollob will employ by the time we get to Bydgoszcz,and will any referee have the who know whats to exclude him.

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Harris was absolutely superb today, and the best rider on show IMO. Proving that he can actually look like a world class rider.. I just wish he could do that every GP! Greg was also superb, fantastic to see both in the top 8 as things stand. Good to see Crump getting a few points on Gollob and Hampel.. Freddie Lindgren was in good form, and he looked much more relaxed than usual.. could well be coincidence but I think he's loving his GP rides without the pressure.

The referee didn't have a great meeting to be fair, stopping the AJ/Crump clash was odd.. and I'm still wondering how Gollob kept his point after taking Holta's leg away.

Pedersen and Andersen were poor, AJ still not in form at all and Bjerre has gone well off it, and looks a shadow of the rider who was at one stage leading the world. The top 8 still looks exciting, close, and with the riders who could miss out and have to rely on a nomination, a big name could well miss out next year, could be pretty interesting.

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The referee didn't have a great meeting to be fair, stopping the AJ/Crump clash was odd.. and I'm still wondering how Gollob kept his point after taking Holta's leg away.


I'm not sure what the rules say about such an incident, but I would imagine that, having failed to stop the race, the referee was powerless to do anything about Gollob and his point. I guess with the riders on the last couple of turns, the referee didn't want to have a re-run, where either Gollob (unlikely because he'd have been excluded) or Holta gets a second chance.

A bad GP for Gollob, who seems to be struggling to hold it all together, but not the best for Crump either. He could only manage third place and missed a great chance to really take a big bite out of Gollob's lead. The biggest loser was surely Hampel, who has now put in a couple of very poor GPs and could be drifting out of the title race.

Other major losers were Jonsson, Andersen and Nicki P.

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You wonder what kind of tactics Gollob will employ by the time we get to Bydgoszcz,and will any referee have the who know whats to exclude him.


Not a great fan of Gollob but as for what tactics will he employ at Bydgoszcz ... the normal ones, make everyone look silly and score around 22pts B)


Best part of the meeting was watching Bjerre & Holder behaving like 2 spoilt kids after a bad race/start line failure .... there were teddy bears and lollipops everywhere :lol:

Edited by SuddenSam15
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Just one point i'd like to make. Holta was rightly annoyed about Gollob getting that point in the semi, he should've gone for that just as he did in Mallila 2 weeks ago.


15 years ago Gollob got a smack in the gob for a similar move.


.......and what was Grodzky playing at excluding AJ, race had continued & AJ only penalised himself through no fault of his own or Crumpie's. Buffoon

Edited by colincooke
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Not a great fan of Gollob but as for what tactics will he employ at Bydgoszcz ... the normal ones, make everyone look silly and score around 22pts B)

Im a big fan of Gollob but I can see a scenario where he is getting more and more desperate to win his 1st Championship and will do anything to secure it.That would include riding through riders as he did with Sayfutdinov.

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well done to Harris and while its great to watch him like this it does very much highlight how his issues over time have been confidence and mechanically related........ I feel bad for him in the final as once again the idiot ref felt that he had to take centre stage by holding the start .... Herbie's superior experience came into effect and I doubt there are many who would begrudge him the win........... re: gate picks .... I raised an eyebrow at the gate picks for the semi's as they went against the previous raft of races.... but those choices were proven correct.............. so ask yourself what Bomber was supposed to choose other than gate 1.... gate 2? it seems to be a bit of a dumb choice to allow herbie on your inside doesn't it? ....... the bottom line is that Herbie gated well and Bomber didnt (regardless of opinion as to what the ref was playing at)


The idiot ref also struck with the second semi ... and incidents like this should not be allowed to just float past without being dealt with...... if guy's like him are going to be left in charge and these things are going to happen then corrections should be allowed to take place after... where it is sensible for it to happen


imho the track wasnt good enough and if you had the wrong sequence of gates you were well up against it... looks a nice arena though


The fight to be in the top 8 continues and although Herbie and Bomber have profited today it is far from over ....... although if there is one big potential story to add to the last week of permanent pick wildcard speculation it is Nicki Pedersen's current position................ he has now come adrift and is battling with Zorro fairly off the pace of the fight for the top 8 (3 gp's remaining ...17 points behind)......................... more importantly though is his attitude.... he just doesnt seem to want to know and is starting to show on track sulking signs that we all know and recognise well...... If he continues in this way... and allows Zorro to overtake him in the standings I think he is going to be in grave danger of not being offered a wildcard for 2011... no matter how unthinkable that seems!



can we expect you to start the 'Bomber for 4th campaign'? :)

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Decent GP hope they hold one there next year as it would be very tempting. They kept on talking about a unique surface but it seemed a lot like Terenzano that i went to last year.

Yes idiot ref Gollob got lucky and Jonsson didn't two poor decisions.

Not a Fan of Chris Harris but he was clearly the best rider on show and deserved another GP win. Fair play to the boy he was magnificent and I hope he maintains this form and doesn't have to rely on another wildcard.

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Good peformance by Bomber, not his biggest fan, but turned up when others didnt today. But please Sky.... dont interview him after every heat, let him concentrate, if your a sportsman in a event, knowing you need to peform, last thing I would want, is someone asking me silly questions, sure every so often, but 7 times during the event.... to much, plus him smliling after every sentance, what was he looking for.... a pat on the back?


Wildcards at the end of the season will be interesting.


Emil, Nicki P, Hans and AJ at the moment missing out, surely will get the picks, as no riders better than them? Hope Hancock calls it quits aswell this season, will be a shame to see a top rider wilt out, go out when you can still peform greg.

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Amazing.. this thread is about the Croatian GP and yet some idiots on here are still bashing Harris for his performances in other GPs. Harris was superb all day, dropping just two race wins out of 7 races. FFS give the man some credit.

Agree that today Harris was very good,if he can keep this up then theres a top 8 place there for the taking.However,there has been GPs where he has been very poor,but today has been a good day for him so we should celebrate that.

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Amazing.. this thread is about the Croatian GP and yet some idiots on here are still bashing Harris for his performances in other GPs. Harris was superb all day, dropping just two race wins out of 7 races. FFS give the man some credit.


Well done to Harris, he showed what he can do, now he needs to maintain that form and keep in the top 8. I am sure he can do it lets hope there is some dirt on the remaining tracks. The Crump/AJ decision was ludicrous, the race should not have been stopped. Gollob and Holta, Gollob should have been excuded but I have some sympathy with the Ref because Holta had lifted and wasn't in control.


So far as Hans is concerned people should realise that he is riding with one broken and two fractured fingers on his clutch hand and had been advised to rest for three weeks which perhaps explains his peformance today.

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Greg Hancock: well done to the old fella. :lol: Seriously great stuff from Greg - he doesn't look like someone who is nearly finished with the Grand Prix series.

Chris Harris: that's more like it. I hope he can carry on in that vain and get a top 8 place. B)

Jason Crump: I reckon he'll end up the year with his fourth world title, as the pressure gets to his rivals.

Tomasz Gollob: I wanted him to win this year, but after the last 2 rounds, I've changed my mind. Emil was in no fit state to deck him, but Rune should have done a Boycey. :P


All the best


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Well done to Harris, he showed what he can do, now he needs to maintain that form and keep in the top 8. I am sure he can do it lets hope there is some dirt on the remaining tracks. The Crump/AJ decision was ludicrous, the race should not have been stopped. Gollob and Holta, Gollob should have been excuded but I have some sympathy with the Ref because Holta had lifted and wasn't in control.


So far as Hans is concerned people should realise that he is riding with one broken and two fractured fingers on his clutch hand and had been advised to rest for three weeks which perhaps explains his peformance today.

It shows how desperate he is to get a top 8 place as he cant be sure of a wild-card pick.

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