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I am saddened by this awful news but I do not wish to make any comment because it would be inappropriate and I understand very well how difficult it is to keep a speedway club afloat when the support dwindles and that was the case this season as could be witnessed clearly at the matches.


However, I believe that Semion is on the right lines and a public meeting at the track might well have found 50 supporters willing to donate enough to top up whatever offer has been made. Indeed, I am astonished that this has not happened and even now it might not be too late.


I am encouraged by Mr Coventry's remarks and I am sure he would allow the bar to be used so perhaps Dub, Nikko, Blayne, John Adams, the two businessmen etc could front this suggestion up with David Crane alerting the local press for a meeting asap.?


Malcolm Vasey

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Everyone seems to be blaming Ray without knowing any of the facts. According to the story in the Cambridge News* today there were no "offers on the table" because everyone who looked at the books realized that the Club was losing money hand over fist and they all walked away. Instead of blaming Ray people should be sympathising with him. He is a pensioner who stepped into to save the Club last time round and, like Simon beforehand, he has lost thousands of pounds of his life savings in a very short period of time. Then all he gets on here and elswhere is a load of abuse.


Who would want to be a speedway promoter?



* http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/Sport/Other-Sports/Fen-Tigers-set-to-shut-up-shop-for-season.htm


From previous reports it seems there were offers on the table and an agreement with Dave Coventry had been reached, this was reported yesterday. Today there are apparantly no offers due to the financial situation. I would like to understand what changed from yesterday afternoon to this morning? Its why I would like to here Rays take on events.


I can certainly confirm that running a speedway club is not cheap :D and I dont blame Ray for wanting to sell the club but to close it mid-season when if he had asked around for help and support he would have received some seems odd to me. Obviously there are things that we dont know behind his decision.

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Is there no chance of something along the lines of fans trust looking at taking it over ?

We sort of did that before :D but yes as Mr Vasey states we could no doubt find 50 or so supporters that would be willing to run the club for the rest of the season but I would imagine they would need to be given the licence but not the debts of the previous promotion.

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We sort of did that before :D but yes as Mr Vasey states we could no doubt find 50 or so supporters that would be willing to run the club for the rest of the season but I would imagine they would need to be given the licence but not the debts of the previous promotion.

I remember you did Simon, but that was at a different level. Surely Speedway must be sustainable at National league level, on gates of around 350, with the help and safety net of a few well meaning supporters ? has anyone got a figure on the current debt going forward ?

Edited by semion
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I remember you did Simon, but that was at a different level. Surely Speedway must be sustainable at National league level, on gates of around 350, with the help and safety net of a few well meaning supporters ? has anyone got a figure on the current debt going forward ?

I would have thought so Semion. No idea on current debt levels though.

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Isn't the debt owned by the previous promoters company....? If you don't buy the company, you don't have the debt. But if the out going promoter says he is going to lose 17-18K then I guess that is an idea as to what he will want for the license. :unsure:


I wish every Mildenhall fan the best of luck and as with previous seasons it seems you are a passionate bunch. Lets hope 2011 brings much welcome news.

Edited by Deano
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Isn't the debt owned by the previous promoters company....? If you don't buy the company, you don't have the debt. But if the out going promoter says he is going to lose 17-18K then I guess that is an idea as to what he will want for the license. :unsure:


Don't know the exact details but I'd be astonished if the amount being asked for the licence was anything like the amount you refer to here... Probably approximating to between a third and a half of those sorts of figures...

The issues are probably as much about crowd levels; the threat hanging over the stadium in terms of the (spurious but apparently being listened to by the LA) noise complaints; and, I guess, the other costs in running a meeting...

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Gosh - never thought of West Row as being a place to inspire a trip to Italy!!! :rolleyes:

Let's sincerely hope, with the double-threat hanging over the place, the stadium doesn't end up like the Coliseum of old Roma in years to come... :cry:


Well.. it was the adverts at her first trip to Kings Lynn at the SWC, too, if that's any more of an Italian inspiration!


Once the outcome of Mildenhall stadium at court comes out, I guess then we can all have a better idea if there's a possibility of speedway again there. If the bangers/stocks get stopped, well.. that would mean no hope anyway. :(

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I hope as others have stated that Dave Coventry or other interested parties will see fit to reconstitute Mildenhall Speedway next season and build on what we had until a month ago.


I hope most of the people who have given up so much of their free time at the weekends so the supporters could watch speedway on a Sunday afternoon would return,they know who they are as there is to many to name.These people I would like to thank personally for the hard work that they have carried out on behalf of the club.


Steve I can understand you reason for having enough of Mildenhall Speedway but as communications officer I think you have been treated badly by the promoter with constant lack of truthful information so that you could keep the supporters up todate relating to what was going on.

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... Just a thought.. something for the smelting pot, we all know Mildenhall has a history but has anyone thought of rebranding to kick it off again. It works well in other spheres, where do most the fans live? Perhaps the name "Cambridge", "Bury St Edmonds" or "Thetford" at Mildenhall or even do like Somerset have done? Might give it a more geographic name for fan recognition and sponsorship etc etc. I know it's not my place, but there must be a way to grab new fans in the area.

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Very disappointed indeed but not surprised. The cards were on the table once Ray said that he could not continue and he and Dave Coventry could not agree a takeover price.


There is some chance of restart in 2011 although any prospective promoter will be put off by the gate figues published in this weeks speedway star, a drop of 30-40% on last season. Recession aside, I can't think why so many people have stopped coming when the team and the track are much improved on what they were in 2009.


I'll miss watching the Tigers of course but I will miss all the friends I have made down there so much more, because while I can nip to Scunthorpe, Redcar, Buxton or Newcastle for a meeting I will not have the pleasure of their company on Sunday afternoons for the foreseeable future.

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Very disappointed indeed but not surprised. The cards were on the table once Ray said that he could not continue and he and Dave Coventry could not agree a takeover price.


There is some chance of restart in 2011 although any prospective promoter will be put off by the gate figues published in this weeks speedway star, a drop of 30-40% on last season. Recession aside, I can't think why so many people have stopped coming when the team and the track are much improved on what they were in 2009.


I'll miss watching the Tigers of course but I will miss all the friends I have made down there so much more, because while I can nip to Scunthorpe, Redcar, Buxton or Newcastle for a meeting I will not have the pleasure of their company on Sunday afternoons for the foreseeable future.

i cant say il miss you ht now how many times did you hit my fingers while putting up the fence in 2009 , i think alot of the reason for crowds being down was the poor start to the season with off track events . i hope we can meet up again soon and ive send you a pm on mildenhall site

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I can't think why so many people have stopped coming

Now you know why we don't let you do the thinking :D At least you can give Jimmie Krankie his shorts back for the summer!


Start at Basics. From day 1 the club, despite a number of us volunteering, was not marketed to the max - I offered thoughts, as did PhilK and I am sure others ususl promise and will come back to you, then.......nothing, the silence was deafening. Early meetings late and for whatever reason problematical - who can forget the meeting starting a couple of hours late due to the "ambulance" being stuck on the A11 at Barton Mills a road that I had travelled in arriving at the Stadium some 25 minutes before scheduled start!! People I had enticed left after waitng 1 and a half hours with limited / no information - never to return. Following this we had a number of meetings with a sound system that could not be heard.Press and Practice!!! say no more. Opening few meetings we had riders who had had no track time so got a few stuffings.


I could go on and on, but being a man of few words.............................


Attending Speedway is like most sports a habit, the moment you give people a chance to find something else to do you have a problem. Remember our first discussions on the NL - we have now had 3 weeks between home meetings - there are not and never have been enough fixtures end of. Team Viking, what happened to the Mildenhall leg of that!!!!!! On the forum we suggetsed regional 4 team Tournies over Bank Holidays - or even running on Bank Hoilidays where there were no Car meets - nothing.


Speak to some of the key supporters of old and you will find stories of Away meeting buses not being endorsed and supported by the club. Tours e.g. fixtures between Weymouth, Plymouth, I.O.W, Bournemouth arranged together - not interested in limp reasons about why not - we used to manage it in PL days up North.


A great set of riders this year with supporting families, they have not only been hit financially but are left half way through the season trying to find new clubs and being given little information - having to rely in some cases on the fans forums. To their credit they have all acted with professionalism and dignity I don't believe that the full story has by any means been told in the public domain


No dig here at any individuals within the club, but the way I see it - very poor communications and a disenfranchise from supporters, in my view key reasons why people have voted with their feet. If I get a ban until the end of the season so be it :cry:


Great that Dave Coventry has consistently shown his support, at least gives us a glimmer of hope.

Edited by norwichkev
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Good luck to Mildenhall for the future, i have decided to end my time there after 6 seasons of hard work and a lot of sacrifice along the way.


All the best to all and i hope that The Fen Tigers are back onboard for 2011.


I have enjoyed most of it lol


Keep Smiling



Edited by Dub
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Good luck to Mildenhall for the future, i have decided to end my time there after 6 seasons of hard work and a lot of scarifice along the way.


All the best to all and i hope that The Fen Tigers are back onboard for 2011.


I have enjoyed most of it lol


Keep Smiling




You'll be missed mate, wish you would reconsider.





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