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Mildenhall Speedway

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Just thought i would start a new thread to see who's as concerned as me about the future of our club, is no news good news ? or should we keep the story in the spot light ?

Has anyone any more info apart from what we know at the moment Mr Coventry and Mr Mascall are in discussion via Mr Morrish, money is the key it would seem, is Ray wanting an unrealist amount? How long do the riders wait for their wages? who pays them? outgoing or incoming owner?

Just a few thoughts (cant say what i really want to)!!!!

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Negotiations over things such as this cannot always be completed as swifly as people would want for a variety of reasons, and that includes those people directly involved in the negotiations.


All who have a genuine interest in Mildenhall Speedway must simply hope that progress can be made as soon as is practicable with negotations, to allow the team, hopefully complete with current riders, to continue what was shaping up to be a very promising season.

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Negotiations over things such as this cannot always be completed as swifly as people would want for a variety of reasons, and that includes those people directly involved in the negotiations.


All who have a genuine interest in Mildenhall Speedway must simply hope that progress can be made as soon as is practicable with negotations, to allow the team, hopefully complete with current riders, to continue what was shaping up to be a very promising season.


this was posted on RDC website the other day, more worries


Urgent appeal from RDC to all drivers and fans at Mildenhall Stadium (added July 21)

The following news piece is one which all at RDC Promotions had sincerely hoped we would never have to write but ultimately the time has come for RDC to call upon the support and backing of all the drivers and fans at Mildenhall Stadium to help in our biggest fight to date.


The fight is for the future of Mildenhall Stadium and its continued ability and reputation as one of the leading venues for stockcar and banger racing in the UK.


Many of you may be aware, but many more will undoubtedly be unaware, that over the past several months RDC have been fighting a legal battle with one local resident near to the stadium and their complaints over noise.


Despite RDC taking every measure possible, including the erection of a noise barrier around half the stadium (which cost in the region of £40,000), to avoid this going any further, the case is now destined to go to the courts in the next couple of months where the future of the stadium is very much in jeopardy.


Up until now we have elected to keep these issues relatively quiet. This has been for several reasons, mainly because it has been a private issue for the entire Coventry family and furthermore we didn’t want to create any unneeded worry or concern.


However the time has now come for us to reveal more about this very real and dangerous threat to the stadium and to call for the help and support of the many people who use the stadium.


Our legal team has advised us that it would be very much in our interest if we could gather as much support as possible from those people who use the stadium so this week we are urging as many of our drivers, their mechanics, friends and family and the hundreds of thousands of short oval motor racing fans who have enjoyed the sport at Mildenhall Stadium during the last 17 and a half seasons to show us your support.


It doesn’t take much to help us in this battle. All we need are letters of support from as many of you as possible. Honestly there is no such thing as ‘too many’ in this case. The letters do not have to be pages and pages of writing either, just a few paragraphs will be more than sufficient.


And ideally we need to hear from as wide a mix of people as possible. We need to hear from those who first visited Mildenhall in 1993 right the way through to 2010, those who first visited this year, those who come to every meeting, people who come once a year, people who live five miles away to people who live 500 miles away. Young, old, everything in between, we need to hear from as many of you as possible.


Letters can either be e mailed to the usual address of wastedmc@btopenworld.com or posted to 15 Glamis House, Cameron Close, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5BT or alternatively they can be passed on to any of our staff at a meeting at either Mildenhall or Dover.


Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance to those who support us.

Kindest regards

The Coventry family

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It really makes you sick how one person with too much time on their hands can try and bring down not just the sport but the stadium. You could sort of understand if Mildenhall stadium was in a built up residential area but its next to a busy air force base for crying out load and how much noise does that make. If the person in question complained about the air base he or she would be laughed at by the local council but motorsport is an easy target to pick on and unfortunately in most cases the council will take the side of one complaining. It just makes you mad though when you think Mildenhall stadium has been there for nearly 40 years and I wonder how long the person complaining has lived there? All the best to the stadium owners in their fight and lets all get behind them.

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Just thought i would start a new thread to see who's as concerned as me about the future of our club, is no news good news ? or should we keep the story in the spot light ?

Has anyone any more info apart from what we know at the moment Mr Coventry and Mr Mascall are in discussion via Mr Morrish, money is the key it would seem, is Ray wanting an unrealist amount? How long do the riders wait for their wages? who pays them? outgoing or incoming owner?

Just a few thoughts (cant say what i really want to)!!!!

ray mascall needs to explain why riders havent been paid and as for expecting to be paid any money for the club hes got to be joking. to top it all no apoligey from him or explanation why supporters trackstaff and riders have been shafted like this. people are owed money by him. why?

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ray mascall needs to explain why riders havent been paid and as for expecting to be paid any money for the club hes got to be joking. to top it all no apoligey from him or explanation why supporters trackstaff and riders have been shafted like this. people are owed money by him. why?

Agree with you what about the money we have paid for our season tickets what happens there ? Perhaps mr mascal can explain the situation as clearly we have been shafted surely this is fraud

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well got an an answer from mr mascall "the riders will get their money when i get my money for the licence. i havent got any money"begs the question where did all the money go for the last 3 home meeting? so much for him being a tigers supporter and looking after his riders.

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I started to go and watch MIldenhall in 1974 when my Dad became Promoter there alongside Wally Mawdsley and Terry Waters. Our first training track meeting had straw bales as a fence. We entered the league in 1975 and after five glorious years, we won the National League Title. We beat Rye House at home in a controversial match and only had to win at Scunthorpe, who were bottom of the league at the time, to win the Championship. This we did and one of my proudest possessions is a picture of my Dad holding the Trophy.

At that time there really wasn't a house for miles, the closest residents were Bob Coles and Robert Henry who lived in a caravan in the Stadium. The USAF Base is probably about a mile away and I can still remember, watching the meeting and a huge plane would come over very very low. I remember having to cover my ears big time and the ground would shake underneath me and the sound would go right through you.

Now houses have sprung up nearby in the last 10 years or so, obviously people buying these houses would know of the stadium.

I really am at a loss for words to think that one person could do this. It absolutely beggars belief. To be honest I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of this country, if I had the money I would emigrate to Australia tomorrow.

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Agree with you what about the money we have paid for our season tickets what happens there ? Perhaps mr mascal can explain the situation as clearly we have been shafted surely this is fraud


I doubt the season started with the thought 'lets go bust'!

Besides of which, as far as season ticket holders are concerned, if the takeover goes ahead all meetings will presumably be held still, it will just be a delay. There's no point second guessing until you know more. The riders are actually owed money now... technically, the club has not closed (yet, at least), so you haven't lost anything yet, and may not.

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according to r mascall the riders cant have their money until he gets his.the riders should have been paid weeks ago and could have been .the man is treating the riders who should be priority with utter contempt and total disregard for the club.the club has been shut down since july 4 and all we hear is how much he wants for the club and no apology from him for leaving us high and dry mid season. pick up where we left off? hes spoilt all that

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It really makes you sick how one person with too much time on their hands can try and bring down not just the sport but the stadium.

Romford Speedway went to the wall after one local resident campaigned over noise... He won his battle, Romford closed and he moved away from the area soon after

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To be honest I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of this country, if I had the money I would emigrate to Australia tomorrow.

Takes more than money to emigrate, mate, ya gotta be intelligent, charming and good-looking for starters.


(Luckily I got in before they changed the rules.)

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Have you made contact with the SCB? I thought they held a bond just in case things like this happen.

yes been in touch with bspa.the person who is dealing with it said its a nightmare. btw .tigers forever whoever you are thanks for p.m. yes youre right must be an idiot to have got involved with the outgoing promoter in the first place.idiot by name and idiot by nature. well never again.

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yes been in touch with bspa.the person who is dealing with it said its a nightmare. btw .tigers forever whoever you are thanks for p.m. yes youre right must be an idiot to have got involved with the outgoing promoter in the first place.idiot by name and idiot by nature. well never again.



I fully understand your position and you are only protecting your son, but as you say why was he not paid from the previous gate fees? maybe someone could explain to a supporter how it works ive heard from other promotors that in the past home and away riders are paid by the home club the agreed set minimum for the level (premier league/national league) and that the away promotion then top up their riders agreed wages and so on. Is this correct? or do home pay home and visiting teams pay their own riders its all very confusing.

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I fully understand your position and you are only protecting your son, but as you say why was he not paid from the previous gate fees? maybe someone could explain to a supporter how it works ive heard from other promotors that in the past home and away riders are paid by the home club the agreed set minimum for the level (premier league/national league) and that the away promotion then top up their riders agreed wages and so on. Is this correct? or do home pay home and visiting teams pay their own riders its all very confusing.



In the NL all riders are paid by their own club for both home and away matches. In the EL and PL the home promotion pay both sets of riders at an agreed rate with the riders own club paying any top ups or extras as necessary.

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