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Premier League Fours 15/8/10

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Not up to the usual standard of racing,but enjoyable all the same.


Congratulations to Birmingham on a fine win.


Lots of ifs,buts and maybes.Sheffield with a full team,Bach having ef while leading,some dodgy starts.


I share others concerns about the unpublicised 'extras',car park,seats in the main stand,poor overpriced programme.


On the whole,the best team won.

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Well done to Brum - by far the best team on the day. To win their group with Johnston looking like he'd never ridden a speedway bike before was a good achievement and then when Johnno got going there was only going to be one winner.


Quite enjoyed the day out all in all - the Showground looks so diferent now to the last time I went, which must have been the Kujawa U21 win.


Rico rolleyes.gif

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First the moans:


£2 to park... Rip off


£4 for a programme that wasn't any better or had more pages than most of the PL programmes I've seen this year... Rip off.


Being asked for £2 per person to sit in the main stand. I don't remember reading anything about that on the Peterborough website or the Speedway Star... I remonstrated with the guy manning the gate and he pointed me in the direction of the booth behind the stand... I then remonstrated with the woman in the booth and got a couple of free bands ;)


The food was way to pricey... £2 for a small tray of chips... Rip off


Didn't think the racing lived up to all the hype... There were a few decent races towards the end though.


Rye House and Kessler in particular... Rubbish... What the hell was Kessler doing in his first heat? He couldn't even slide the bike into the corners!!... Sundstrom looked pretty ordinary, despite winning a heat which was gifted by dirty Fishers exclusion and Gathercole's tapes offence.



Moved onto the second bend with the Berwick fans for the final and was duly showered in shale, dust and various other bits of track... No complaints about that though.


The £15 admission was pitched about right... Good value for 28 heats.


Only bright spot in the afternoon was getting away from the stadium so quickly by jumping the queue out of the car park :approve:


All in all I very much doubt I'll be returning next year.


You're a glutton for punishment Shadders! Was thinking about going, but when it was time to decide knocked it on the head.


Sundstrom just looks knackered now. Has lost his edge and its not surprising with his schedule of riding in every major country. You can't be having the sort of schedule he has and it not take its toll. Kessler still at the club is just some sort of sick joke and him being there was a big reason in not bothering to travel. Why he hasn't been shipped out already just sums up Silver/Sampford.


Len should have pulled the side out when Frampton got injured and he couldn't be arsed to sign a replacement the tight old codger. At least another side would have given it ago unlike our shower.

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congratulations to birmingham on your victory and massive praise to a battered,bruised and depleted tigers quartet for giving their all and making it to the final.also,great touch by them walking round from the pits to thank the sheffield fans....proud of my club today :D

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The semis were utterly boring. One of the only thing to happen in them 16 heats was David Howe bottling it when Fisher shot past him. There was no contact at all, I had a perfect view looking straight down the straight. The other thing of note was Rene Bachs 4th to 1st only to have an EF.


A few good races in the final and the Brummies proving to be worthy winners but credit ust also go to the 4 guy representing Shefield who despite the loss of their number 1 yesterday managed to make the final and then put themselves out a bit.

Are you winding me up!! It was no more than ten yards from us and Fisher took him out big style!! Not only did we all see it on the second bend, we heard it aswell. Never heard so much utter rubbish in my life. Hope Paul clews is ok after a awful fall.

Finally crap racing, mostly gate and go and the best team by a mile won. Well done Brum.

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One of the only things to happen in these 16 heats was David Howe bottling it when Fisher shot past him. There was no contact at all, I had a perfect view looking straight down the straight.


Thanks for that SCB. I wondered what had happened. Of course Shadders couldn't wait to get in with his anti-Fisher post but since there was no detail, just abuse, I assumed it was the usual bilious gripe to discredit him. Seems I was right!


That's the problem these days. The anti-Edinburgh brigade mainly some (but not all) disgruntled Glasgow and Berwick fans plus of course Shadders and the other obsessed Fisher haters immediately jump to the attack any time a rider falls and Fisher is within ten metres of him. The facts as far as they are aware are usually what they want to believe happened.


Bet you don't see any of them posting anti-Gollob comments after his attack on Emil Sayfudinov in last night's GP. That's what happens amongst the big boys. Usually they just get on with it. Any such incident in the Premier League is a hanging offence.

Edited by Merlin
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The semis were utterly boring. One of the only thing to happen in them 16 heats was David Howe bottling it when Fisher shot past him. There was no contact at all, I had a perfect view looking straight down the straight. The other thing of note was Rene Bachs 4th to 1st only to have an EF.

Come on SCB. Fisher picked up coming out the second bend and shot across. No malice in it but it was definitely Fish's fault the incident.


Rico rolleyes.gif

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Thanks for that SCB. I wondered what had happened. Of course Shadders couldn't wait to get in with his anti-Fisher post but since there was no detail, just abuse, I assumed it was the usual bilious gripe to discredit him. Seems I was right!


That's the problem these days. The anti-Edinburgh brigade mainly some (but not all) disgruntled Glasgow and Berwick fans plus of course Shadders and the other obsessed Fisher haters immediately jump to the attack any time a rider falls and Fisher is within ten metres of him. The facts as far as they are aware are usually what they want to believe happened.

No merlin?? The fact was fisher took him out simple, less than ten yards from us

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No merlin?? The fact was fisher took him out simple, less than ten yards from us


Well if you say so it must be so. There is one thing for sure there will be plenty who will prefer to believe your version of the event.

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Firstly - Congratulations to the winners Birmingham.


To add to 'all' the moans about the Prog (haven't read it yet but the mistakes for the line-ups for some of the 'Second Semi-Final' heats are inexcusable) which was advertised at £4, the Car Park (which was advertised at £2) and the Stand (which as far as I am aware wasn't advertised at £2 extra), I also thought the presentation for a major event was lacklustre. Why no 'Centre Green' Presenter. After all we had David Rowe doing the occasional interview (great timing by the way in interviewing Ivan Mauger as the riders came out for the 'First Semi' heat 8, when it surely would have been better to wait until the interval, two races later? :unsure:) . The P.A. on the back straight wasn't perfect either.


Other than that, generally the racing was poor. Follow my leader stuff mainly. Best move of the day was Rene Bach, going from last to first, only for him to be cruely stopped by a faulty air filter.

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Firstly - Congratulations to the winners Birmingham.


To add to 'all' the moans about the Prog (haven't read it yet but the mistakes for the line-ups for some of the 'Second Semi-Final' heats are inexcusable) which was advertised at £4, the Car Park (which was advertised at £2) and the Stand (which as far as I am aware wasn't advertised at £2 extra), I also thought the presentation for a major event was lacklustre. Why no 'Centre Green' Presenter. After all we had David Rowe doing the occasional interview (great timing by the way in interviewing Ivan Mauger as the riders came out for the 'First Semi' heat 8, when it surely would have been better to wait until the interval, two races later? :unsure:) . The P.A. on the back straight wasn't perfect either.


Other than that, generally the racing was poor. Follow my leader stuff mainly. Best move of the day was Rene Bach, going from last to first, only for him to be cruely stopped by a faulty air filter.


It's a poor show to rip the paying public off like that. Incredible that there wasn't a centre green presenter - these guys are essential at meetings like that I would have thought (with one or two exceptions!).


I can understand the racing might have been processional. It's a rare event to see a meeting on a warm Sunday afternoon which is not like that. To run a meeting over 28 heats is going to leave the track more than a little stressed. The dirt dries and heaps up at the outside. I take it the track was watered and graded again before the final?

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Yes very disappointing that we didn't even make the final. Our luck seems to have run out big style since heat 6 last week with an ef for Rene costing us a final place today. A similar story to the pairs when an ef for Kenni cost us. At least we have a trophy in the cupboard.


Agreed. If Bach's engine hadn't have blown on the fourth bend whilst he was leading, then we would have been in the final for sure. Rene will probably be disappointed with today, but these things happen.


Quite like the setup at Peterborough, although it must cost the promotion a bomb every week! Good crowd, and smooth-ish track although fairly dry. Some good passing, but a lot of ftg races.


Programme errors were a joke! I didn't realise that in the final we use green helmets rather than white, and that Rymel was taking part in both semi's! For £4 each, would 5 minutes proof reading have been too much to ask?


Well done Birmingham, the best team on the day won! :approve:

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Well if you say so it must be so. There is one thing for sure there will be plenty who will prefer to believe your version of the event.

It has no defence though?? If he wasn't to blame and didn't fence Howe then I would say so......but he did. He looked across and saw Howe had the drive round outside and fenced him. The video will prove it..

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Good meeting today - with Birmingham worthy winners, they had the best balanced team.


Reckon it was a good collection for the Ben Fund as well, so thanks to everyone who gave today.


All the best



Did you have your pudsey bear fleece on Rob...ha ha :P


Such a shame about the feedback from the meeting. The showground is normally A1 track wise, it's top of my list for brilliant racing and getting showered in shale :approve:


Well done to the Brums... B)

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Well if you say so it must be so. There is one thing for sure there will be plenty who will prefer to believe your version of the event.

Totally irrational guff by the usual suspects but unfortunately true in their own blinkered eyes Merlin :rolleyes: the usual anti-fish pish...gospel according to unbiased parties? end of indeed ;)

Hope Birmingham peeps are enjoying themselves tonight by the way!Well done again.Party on the Brum B)

Edited by Young51
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I can understand the racing might have been processional. It's a rare event to see a meeting on a warm Sunday afternoon which is not like that. To run a meeting over 28 heats is going to leave the track more than a little stressed. The dirt dries and heaps up at the outside. I take it the track was watered and graded again before the final?


Merlin, the racing in the final 12 races was very good. There seemed to be a battle between a Birmingham and a Edinburgh rider going on in every race.


All the best


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Merlin, the racing in the final 12 races was very good. There seemed to be a battle between a Birmingham and a Edinburgh rider going on in every race.


All the best



Thanks for that - that's the first time that's been mentioned.

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Did you have your pudsey bear fleece on Rob...ha ha :P


Shhhh, it's supposed to be a secret. :wink::P:P


And the racing was a lot better than one or two on here have indicated. It was fine, and actually got better as the meeting progressed.


There was enough dirt on the track to allow racing right up until the re-run of the 28th race, when Lyons changed lines to pass Fisher on the third bend.


All the best


Edited by lucifer sam
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