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Premier League Fours 15/8/10

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fisher reminds me of andre compton in his 'pomp',sheffield fans loved him and everybody else despised him.he was hard,tough,wild and sometimes reckless sometimes stretching the line between hard and dirty.seen him twice in four days (sheffield on thursday and yesterday) and some of his manouvres have been very close to the knuckle to say the least(must be summat in the scottish/borders air these days :wink: ).


Being a Monarch, he is immune to criticism. :D


BTW well done to your team yesterday. To just about put a side a together after the Berwick meeting was good but their performance to reach the finals was staggering. :approve:

Edited by Tsunami
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Was your source Tully directly, or from whom ?


Tully directly. I'm in the pits every week at Brough and Tully went up to both Kenni and Deek and apologised.


Nothing malicious in it at all (the incident). Pure racing incident.

Edited by The Abbott
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Enjoyed the meeting yesterday even if some of it was a tad processional at times and well proud of the Tigers for qualifying for the final with an understrength team. To beat a full strength Newcastle and Berwick was a tremendous achievement by the team. Who knows where we might have come if we had our No.1 Auty and Skiddy in the meeting but that's hindsight isn't it. Well done to Birmingham on their victory.

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So everyone was ripped off by the sounds of things . It's about time these things were just staged on PL tracks - so it's fair for everybody . I suggest Workington for the fours in future .




Seriously though, the fours was back to something like it should have been yesterday. Peterborough is its spiritual home, and there were fans from all 8 teams yesterday. In fact, there were probably more Edinburgh and Berwick fans making the long journey than there would have been at Worky.


All the best


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Education eh. :approve: But how come spelling affects eyesight. :o Only when you say so eh. :D


As wild and wide have different meanings, I was being generous and assuming that you were running true to form, and twisting the original quote :wink:


Apologies, I did not credit you with being illiterate as well as having poor eyesight :P

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Being a Monarch, he is immune to criticism. :D


BTW well done to your team yesterday. To just about put a side a together after the Berwick meeting was good but their performance to reach the finals was staggering. :approve:

well pleased with our lads yesterday and proud of the club as a whole- riders,promotion and fans for a great 'team' effort especially when the riders walked round the perimeter to come and thank the fans for our support - top effort by everybody!!!


ps/ must admit i 'cheered' when bach broke down..simply because it ensured our qualification you understand :wink:

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well pleased with our lads yesterday and proud of the club as a whole- riders,promotion and fans for a great 'team' effort especially when the riders walked round the perimeter to come and thank the fans for our support - top effort by everybody!!!


ps/ must admit i 'cheered' when bach broke down..simply because it ensured our qualification you understand :wink:


As I would had it been me. :D I saw your riders come round to where we were standing and also though it was a nice gesture.

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Something Tsunami has become over the last few years. Maybe it's just getting older but I somehow doubt it.


He says it isn't relevant that Fisher never touched Howe and on that I agree. But what he fails to say is that it is relevant that Fisher picked up drive or grip as others and himself have stated. I am sure he will next tell us all in his great opinion of course how a rider who picks up unexpected drive or grip is always able to control the bike.


Just another case of having a go and running with the pack on a rider he intensely dislikes! Especially the petty comment about how it was great to see one rider put him in his place yet not a word about the great race those same two riders had earlier on when Fisher won.


Pathetic :blink:


Fisher did pick up drive , he did cause Howe to fall, I don't think he did it with intent, but still caused the fall, therefore I think the ref got it right.

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Fisher did pick up drive , he did cause Howe to fall, I don't think he did it with intent, but still caused the fall, therefore I think the ref got it right.


At last a rational post without all the personal back handed comments aimed at individuals who dare to say anything anti-Monarchy! Common sense has officially broken out! Thank goodness!

Edited by george.m
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Fisher did pick up drive , he did cause Howe to fall, I don't think he did it with intent, but still caused the fall, therefore I think the ref got it right.


Aye, but where the wild Fish is concerned its nae guarantee. It wouldn't surprise me if he threw the old "Danish lift" in to make sure anyone coming around the outside wasn't going to be given the room and if they did they would be taking their life in their own hands. Good to see a strong referee spot this sort of dangerous riding and chuck the mad man out.


Its what you expect off of characters like him. What about that lovely picture of him last season screaming obsceneities at Havelock while he was laying on the floor with a broken back.


And the sweaties wonder why most fans and probably riders can't stand the guy.

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Fisher did pick up drive , he did cause Howe to fall, I don't think he did it with intent, but still caused the fall, therefore I think the ref got it right.


Thank you. I agree.


I was objecting to Tsunami's version of events where he accused Fisher of trying to knock of another rider.


At last a rational post without all the personal back handed comments aimed at individuals who dare to say anything anti-Monarchy! Common sense has officially broken out! Thank goodness!


Maybe you should actually READ what has been posted rather than just come out with the usual anti Monarch stuff.


Its what you expect off of characters like me.


Edited to be more accurate.

Edited by Midnight_Lady
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Does the 'home club' actually run the show


Think the answer to that is, in the main, yes. They are certainly resopnsible for meeting presentaion, including the rostrum ceremonies etc, but I would imagine that there is a small amount of overseeing by those responsible for organising the Super 7even series



And I'm sure Peterborough didn't supply the trophies so you can't pin that on 'Peterborough'.


Not sure that you are correct there BR. It's my understanding that in Super 7evens events, the orgaising promotion (Peterborough in this case) is given a staging allowance, and the purchase of trophies comes from that source, so in effect, yes, Peterborough were responsible for the supply of the trophies, or lack of them in this case.

Edited by womble53
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In truth, it was a great bit of riding from Jason, who was the only rider on show yesterday, with the guile and speed to pull that move on the Fish.


Great move. Even with the meeting won the old man wasn't about to be overshadowed.


How many battles have this pair had over the 3yrs Fish has been with Edinburgh??? Always fierce, always hard but always fair...


I don't know, but I watched Jason's reaction to Fisher after they had raced together and, not for the first time, he warmly shook Ryan's hand and the two of them spent a good amount of time congratulating each other. Jason doesn't do anything for show so you know the respect from both men is genuine.


Anyone who heard Jason after the Brummies recent win over Workington will know that hard first bends and fiercely contested races are what still keep him going after two decades.

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Great move. Even with the meeting won the old man wasn't about to be overshadowed.




I don't know, but I watched Jason's reaction to Fisher after they had raced together and, not for the first time, he warmly shook Ryan's hand and the two of them spent a good amount of time congratulating each other. Jason doesn't do anything for show so you know the respect from both men is genuine.


Anyone who heard Jason after the Brummies recent win over Workington will know that hard first bends and fiercely contested races are what still keep him going after two decades.


Finally a post that appreciates what is seen as showmanship and natural respect between 2 superb racers... These guys aren't riders, they're racers, and the ferocity and closeness between them shows how much they trust each other... Lyons isn't stupid. Do you think he'd race so close and go for gaps round the outside of Fish if he thought he was going to be fenced??? Talk on here is absolutely stupid... Fish is hard, and sometimes makes mistakes but hey, lets just shoot the guy down instead of trying to see what actually happened...


I thought about getting more involved with the petty Newcastle v Edinburgh-I hate the Fish saga - but that I feel would take away the limelight on what was a superb performance from the Brummies who deservedly won the meeting.

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Congratulations to a pumped up Birmingham. They were the best team on the day in the final, after Johnston and Sweetman got themselves sorted for the final. To be led by someone like Jason Lyons is comforting, knowing that he can still pull rides out the bag like he did. Together with Fish, they were by far the two best riders on display.


Linus Sundstrom No.1 in the averages???




Even I was proud that the Sheffield boys as a team came round to applaud the fans for the support they were given today. That's what sport is all about.








Now you see, this is why I don't really post on here anymore. The absolute b*ll@x that's written, beggers belief at times!!! How some of you sleep at night, is beyond me! You must all have nightmares the week before Edinburgh visit your track!!!


Ok, the facts about Fish... Yes he lifted after a cutback on turn 1&2 after missing the gate... He was mid track exiting turn 2 - putting his wheels in line... He stayed on the inside of the track down the back straight...

So from this, how can he have fenced Howe? He'd have needed to go to the outside of the track to do it.


Next, i've got a photograph from the middle of the back straight (so probably about 20metres from the crash) showing Howe going down before Fish even gets to him. It also shows Fish locking up coming out of turn 2 avoiding Howe...


Why let facts get in the way of things though? I can understand why he was excluded, as it would have looked like he'd taken Howe out from where the ref was sitting... But the fact is, he never touched him. Howe was already going down... But of course, you lot won't agree with any of that because you hate him for the points he can score against you. Total rubbish.




Normally agree Rico, but on this occasion I don't... Will show you the pic if you're at Somerset next Wednesday.

Have the same photo Nutz (in fact a whole sequence). Wrong decision IMO Edited by Sparky from Sheffield
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Not sure that you are correct there BR. It's my understanding that in Super 7evens events, the orgaising promotion (Peterborough in this case) is given a staging allowance, and the purchase of trophies comes from that source, so in effect, yes, Peterborough were responsible for the supply of the trophies, or lack of them in this case.


You may be right, but I notice the programme is 'a BSPA Production' so I thought that the rest of the paraphenalia, ie medals, trophies would have been to.

Surely though, wouldn't it be cheaper if all the year's Super7 trophies were sourced and purchased in bulk by somebody within the organising body. I know I got considerable reductions on purchase price and engraving getting all the trophies I needed to purchase for a year's supply of league, cup and individual needs in one job lot.

Also, wouldn't the body buying trophies - either individually by event or in bulk, be advised of how far down the line trophies will be awarded?

As I said, just surmising as I'm not sure either.

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Not what the dvd shows, but why let the truth contradict your version of events :shock:


Furthermore, here is the extract of the match report by Laurence Heppell on the Official Newcastle website:-


"Larsen made a wild entry into bend one in the sixth, straightening up and took his partner Sneddon off into the fence with him for which he was disqualified by the referee, but before the three-man re-run Sneddon had to spend a significant time with the doctor in the medical room for pain relief."


So which of these well known sayings applies to you:-


"Should have gone to Specsavers"




"Liar, liar, pants on fire"




Well in the journal newspaper it has a different account from the same journalist it read "a nudge from tully"

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